Holy shit this book.
It's like someone said "let's make Marvel Zombies but without any of the silliness." Its really depressing and unpleasant to read.
Holy shit this book
I seriously did not expect them to kill off Batman and 90% of the Batfamily so soon.
Kinda glad desu. It would dissolve into Batwank if they didn't
>Its really depressing and unpleasant to read.
So... a horror book has a horror feeling? Really made me think.
I think it’s taykor trying to make up for the bat wankery in injustice, hopefully we see Superman get some much needed love
>It would dissolve into Batwank if they didn't
Now we get Superwank.
Hardly "Superwank" given he's fighting against the machinations of cosmic evil. As he usually does.
Feels less like Superwank and more like watching a countdown timer to Superman becoming infected and killing everyone that's left.
Yeah, but you better believe they'll keep putting him on the covers.
depressing and unpleasant as in "what a shitty comic" or as in "oh fuck this story is sad as fuck"?
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It’s been a while since we got that with Batwank kinda taking over.
I didn't think Batman was really dead, but I think the story will be better for it
Literally everything was going wrong for him in that series.
Every time someone complains about Batwank you can count that it is a Superfag pissed off about Superman not being the center of everything like they feel he should. They'll literally praise shit comics as the second coming of Christ if the comic show Superman being awesome in some way.
Still expecting Batman to come back somehow as a Frankenstein’d version of himself because he was able to overcome the virus
I'm kind of expecting Hal to do that with a black ring
Which is a weird ass position considering it's thus far been "What if Marvel Zombies was not edgy garbage".
marvel zombies biggest fucking problem was having "thinking" zombies and focusing on the gore just so it could jerk off to guro porn about how fucked up it was.
So far DCeased has kept away from both issues entirely, it's rather nice, while also largely having people be competent when dealing with the zombie hordes.
That said calling it now Cyborg's already infected or some shit.
Cyborg was kidnapped by Darkseid and made patient zero so he could infect the Internet too.
The thinking zombies is what made MZ fun and engaging.
I would argue it’s too badly written to actually be sad.
>the whole plot hinges on the idea you can stick a tube in the Black Racer and pump black goop from him into Cyborg in order to alter the Anti-Life Equation by putting more death in it
I think it's funny that, like MZ, it started with melodramatic narration about starting with thunder in the sky, etc.
that sounds like troll science
>really depressing and unpleasant to read.
So was Marvel Zombies.
If the Black Racer died, shouldn't no one die after that?