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I'm sorry, I don't watch your shitty ass show. Explain, please.

wait we're still bitching about Russia?

The people singing this sounded like they wanted to kill themselves.

>it's a "leftists assume trump will just lose so they have no motivation to reform their misstep with the american people" episode


The simpsons “joking” about politics it’s more embarrassing than shitting yourself in public

If anyhitng they think that is the people who owns them an apology.

What don't you understand about liberals wanting to destroy the world? All their other methods are too slow, so they've decided the best route is to keep pissing off the only country in the world who would theoretically have a nuclear war with the US.

There was a verse about putin i think

HEHEHEHE Remember that time when Matt Groening flew on Epstein's airplane to get "foot massages" from jailbait? And before that deleted the MJ episode over a bullshit documentary? Freakin Sweet.

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>still watching Zombie Simpsons

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Man I can't wait for 20 years from now when schools will teach how great Trump was as a president despite all of the adversities he's faced.

Why not?

Itd be fucking hilarious if he won again. That was a fun night

They look like Bob's Burgers characters.

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That was bad but I am glad it didn’t involve any of the characters so I can pretend it’s not The Simpsons

>Omar's and AOC's face are literally the same.

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Like his own incompetence?

Remember that episode where Bart runs as class president and he’s liked more than Prince because he’s a jerk? That was good and still relevant political satire and it was in 1990.


I'm suprised I know half of them.

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Yeah, schools in Israel are going to be praising him for generations for all the great work he's done for the country.

>Man I can't wait for 20 years from now when churches will teach how great Trump was as the second coming of God despite all of the adversities he's faced.

Good meme format

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I agree it was fun, but it'll be even more fun when Hillary wins in 2020.

did they just give up going for likeness with De Blasio?

Yeah but you made a bad example.They are all the same in this case.



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So the conservative solution is to submit to Russian rule?

Stop spreading fake news, Trump didn’t SAY he was the messiah, he was just approvingly quoting somebody who said he was the messiah.

Someone's salty about the Mueller report not panning out.

So how clean is Seth MacFarlane? He seems like he's far enough in to know who the pedos are, but has he joined in?

Considering he hasn't won an emmy? probably a saint.

>why are we still complaining about foreign interference from russia after it was confirmed to have happened and was allowed to happen by the current administration who actively blocks any attempt at strengthening election security
>man imagine if after it is confirmed 100% that russia pays people to spam their viewpoints online that people online would deny that it happens as if they are paid for it
>no that would never ever ever happen because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Only less attractive.

In what way is Russia ruling over anything? Lets just keep this shit in proxy wars so only unimportant countries get devastated, rather than causing a nuclear winter for the whole planet. I'm pretty sure liberals just hate Russia because they're a conservative Christian white country, anyway.

The only thing they got wrong was the outcome.

Russia seem pretty cool.

dup btfo

>foreign interference from russia

Did they actually hack the voting machines or did they just make ads telling you to vote for certain candidates?

>20 years from now
Haha, funny joke.

shitposting on facebook =/= hacking a voting machine.

He was allowed to miss 9/11. He's definitely in deep. He's never going to get an emmy until he pays off his debt, because that was a pretty fucking huge favor they did for him and it really could have caused some problems if it went wrong.

At least we got a nice juicy "suicide" that we can all agree was bullshit.



it was just some facebook posts

Is this supposed to be funny? Hurr hurr Donal fat orange cheeto man with baby hand. Yeah, real cutting edge political commentary right there.
And the musical number is god awful. It's clear they're attempting to emulate classic Simpsons, yet they don't really understand what made their musical numbers work, let alone what makes for a catchy song. Did they even try with these lyrics?
>They shouldn't be in America
>No one but me in in America
>No taxes for me in America
>This is my natural hair-ica
They rhymed America with America.
Fucking hell.

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So doing nothing about it.

>Israel affects our elections all the time
>"Eh, tha'ts democracy"
>Russia just gets some shitposting farm to spam bought facebook ad space

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>doing nothing about nothing


>I love my son!
>Even more than a head full of hair?

Fucking based.

It amazed me how subdued the masses are. I talked with several people at work and they believe it’s a made up conspiracy.

Classic Simpsons would have mocked these idiotic women for their politics too.

>it was confirmed
Yeah, please source my ass

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Remember to vote for me in 2020 folks and I'll give you a FREE TRAILER!

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If the russian help the democrats win with millions of fake accounts then it would be "nothing".

Trump wasnt president in 2016 he didn't have the power to allow anything.

Well, there are no strong democrat candidates and no other Republican heavy hitters, so sure.

I know none of them and am proud of it, man.

Weak bait, but you still got some bites. Good job.

Anyone in a dark suit looks like they have one leg.

He is already the best president since Lincoln, he alone saved the west world against feminist, liberals, and globalist

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>you literally have to ask israel for permission to be president of the usa

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literally the dead vote democrats so...

Trump will be reelected, I hope Ivanka Trump become the first female president

I am just so fucking tired of Trump jokes.

Not me.
I'm not in favor of gun bans.

Democrats will win the Senate, impeach Trump, disqualify Pence, and put up whoever is third in line for the presidency.
Hmm I wonder who that is...

Hillary Clinton is going to be the first female president.

Based Lou Anne, wise beyond her years.

So did this actually air on TV?

Oh shit, I didn't expect to see rare Uncle Jun

Under US law that would be the house speaker, but what grounds would they have to disqualify Pence?

>It'll be fucking hilarious when he wins again
Fixed that for you
He can't really lose against anyone the Dems have right now

They're going to compare him to Palpatine.

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a dead man can't hold office

Technically true, since Hillary hasn't announced her candidacy yet.

He made a joke about Kevin Spacey being a pedo like 10 years ago so hes probably deep enough to know who's who in terms of degenerates.

is that... andrew yang

How? Like a head in a jar?

I'm really curious about how the primary rounds will go with the Dems. Bernie took Hillary way farther than he had to before conceding and a lot of his supporters just didn't transfer to Hillary. I can see them doing far more damage to themselves before one of them even gets to face Trump.

No, like a head on a body.

Elenor Roosevelt should have been President over Franklin, and the last woman I saw that I agree with the most who should have been President was Margaret Chase Smith.

He also made multiple jokes about Bruce Jenner being a woman. You're definitely onto something.

Will the Simpsons ever address the fact that Jeffery Epstine had a 16 year old girl message Matt Groening’s fat feet?

What about a head like a hole?

>after it was confirmed to have happened
1. where was it confirmed?
2. what was the interference?

Shoulda coulda woulda.

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We are neither conservative
Nor christian or white

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There's no possible way they'd let her run a third time.

They don't have a choice in the matter.

I'm starting to realize this is just going to be the normal, forever.
God help me, I feel like I'm going to lose my mind.

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No, but Matt's just the creator anyway, he's been hands off with the series for decades and just collects money.

This is going age really badly once you find out each of the person's scandals and under the table deals.

Or trump wins again.

>implying they're gonna give her the money to run a third time

Im still voting for Trump lol

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friendly reminder that "conservatives" and "progressives" are just different feathers on the wing of the ZOG

It doesn't cost much to run for president. There's basically just some paperwork fees. These billion dollar campaigns are fucking retarded advertising schemes.

Simpsons is terrible, and has been terrible and in steady decline since 1999, but if I'm being honest, I'd still rather watch it than almost any other cartoon being made today.

>Watching TV
>Using Trump more as they used Obama during TV

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According to, the cost of a campaign is $2.4 billion.

to be honest Obama is fucking boring.

Like a cyberman?

Yeah, I'm sure all these people are billionaires.
Yeah, like a cyberman.

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>any attempt at strengthening election security
Like mandatory voter IDs?


I'd rather die

What do you want them to do with Obama? The guy's defining trait was being a pretty friendly black guy. There's not a whole lot of room for satire there without playing the race card.

>Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, m00t
>Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /lgbt/

Can I get a rundown on what happened this time? I don't really pat attention to the news.

Truth. See Fred Armisen's "impression", even a talented actor produced SNL's most boring presidential caricature ever.

why do they look like they have down syndrome?

Keeping it Yea Forums but that does not appeal to libertarians like me

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>Trump is a jewish puppet
>trump is an evil nazi

Can you please stick to a narrative and stop flip-flopping?

Don't even give those conspiracy theorists the time of day. It was a whole lot of nothing.

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>any other board
>Yea Forums /k/ /mlp/ /pol/

I'm so exhausted by politics but I hope Bernie wins cause he's the only canidate with a history of sticking to progressive ideals that would clearly benefit the working class

Ever notice how in all of these liberal "fuck drumpft" and "le democrats have strong women" things that we never see a reference to someone like Tulsi Gabbard, really makes you think doesn't it ?

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No, see, most people hate one or the other. By having both narratives going at once, you cast the widest net.

Even the people that call him a Nazi aren't saying he's an anti-semite. Everyone knows that Trump loves jews. They call him a Nazi in that they're saying that his actions towards brown people are the same as the Germans did to the jews.

Israel is secretly run by Nazis.

Wealthy financier and great elbow-rubber Jeffrey Epstein recently committed suicide by hanging in a prison while being held under charges of soliciting and trafficking minors for sex. The allegations made by the victims include the participation of several influential high profile individuals, including both the Clintons and Trump. The thinking is his suicide was staged, or facilitated so that he couldn't give details about the people involved in his sex ring. 2 days before killing himself he left all of his assets, $557 million to a trust with unnamed beneficiaries.

This kind of double think pisses me off to no end.

>dislike jews

>like jews

What the heck do you want from me? Am I supposed to be lukewarm to them and have no strong opinion whatsoever?

Bernie could very well die of old age. Being President is a very stressful job too.

get ready for another four years of them

You'll get two more years of them followed by two years of Dead Trump jokes after he succumbs to his McDonalds diet.

>not knowing that hitler was a jewish puppet
>thinking the jewish holocaust happened and wasn't a cover up for the jews eliminating their own enemies

Just don't think about jews at all and let them control your life from the shadows, like nature intended.

More like twelve more years.

Ive never heard anyone say that Boris Johnson has class
So there's that

Every couple months the official government story becomes worse. First it was a couple states, then Russia didn't change anything, then it was more states, then Russia penetrated even deeper than we thought, then it was all 50 states, etc. Seems like they're trying to hide something.

more like ten years, because they're gonna keep making those jokes for a long time whether or not he gets elected again

Why not pull the race card? Dude was the celebrity president before Trump. Plenty of subject matter there. They were all just afraid of getting totally excommunicated from the mainstream.

Ahaha. Bernie isn’t gonna do shit.

Sounds good to me tb h

A good Trump joke is still funny like a good Michael Jackson or OJ joke.

Christ, we still have Hitler jokes today, and that fucker's been dead for over 70 years. I don't think the Trump jokes will ever die, at least not within any of our lifetimes.

As someone who thinks this presidency is more of a meme at this point, these jokes are getting pretty old. I walked in to the living room the other day and my mom was watching Jimmy Kimmel and his jokes sound the same as everyone else who makes jokes about him (small hands, CHEEE EYE NA). Does this not feel old to everyone else? I didn't pay attention to this stuff during the Obama years but now it's just stale at this point.

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>A good Trump joke is still funny
I have only heard three good Trump jokes in my entire life.

Having a goofy and entertaining front that masks a razor-sharp political mind maybe but classy?
Are the Americans being deliberately dumb for political purposes again like when they made John "cheap David Baddiel knockoff" Oliver a celebrity?

As long as you don't have a political bias, any kind of joke can be funny.

>A good Trump joke is still funny
I honestly wouldn't mind Trump jokes if they were funny, but I haven't heard any good ones. I also don't think I've ever heard a good Bush joke.
Trying to make them funny is some Adam Sandler-tier shit. Just making a bunch of noises pretending to be retarded while impersonating them.
Clinton had good jokes because of Lewinski and Obama had "thanks Obama" and that was funny. It's almost as if Democrat presidents have jokes about themselves and Republican presidents just get called retarded over and over again (even though that's supposedly not PC these days).

This makes me chuckle a bit

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the muzzie chick is kinda fuckable
9/10 would request her getting fucked in the drawthread

All of the Late Night Comedy Jews use the same writers, user. They're owned by the same people.


I don't like jokes about them either. I can't stand jokes about specific people, if everyone and their grandma was making them for years on end. It's the same thing reddit does with popular new memes.

>tfw america is a dead nation

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Clinton jokes never got old. You don't even need to make Obama jokes, a good impersonation is enough to laugh at that guy.

Trump jokes are all the same and they boil down to a smugness that's just tired at this point.

Meh. Human race is ending in about 100 years anyway. Might as well burn it all down.

I'm just so fucking tired of hearing about Trump. And yet we've got at least 2 (possibly 6 or more) years of this shit. Fuck.

Why make him look like Trump instead of Yang?

Well if you're American, go vote. If you can get other people to vote, even better.

Well, for starters they could've satirised the fact that he got the peace prize for doing nothing, in fact he bombed kids with drones. Could've made a sketch about that.

Or the way he went after journalists and put pressure on them.

Or the failure that was Obamacare.

Just because it was swept under the rug doesn't mean you can't satirise it.

Don't forget giving guns to drugs gangs and then losing track of them.

The funny part is that we won't really ever die out conditions will just get worse til were either living in some cyberpunk techno-dystopia or some authoritarian hellscape like 1984

>Well, for starters they could've satirised the fact that he got the peace prize for doing nothing, i
While true, I dunno if that works as a joke because even he admitted he didn't deserve it.

>Or the failure that was Obamacare.
South Park did an episode on this.

Okay now it's four.

>Or the failure that was Obamacare.
What're you talking about, Obamacare was great, insurance companies made absolute bank off of it my dude.

I like this one

But the issue is that these are single point issues with no bombastic personality to back it.

Shows did touch upon those topics but even the Boondocks had him smoothly fucking people over.

Considering Mueller and ever agency in America said they plan to interfere in the 2020 elections.....yeah we should be.


Well that was awful.

can we get trump out of office so celebrities can stop making cringe like this?

Problem is mainly that, for the most parts, jokes about Trump are pretty much the same, repeated over and over again. I admit I like Trump as a president but I can appreciate satire and fun jabs. The only good jokes doesn't even come from "professional" comedians but instead it's stuff like this Plenty of other things to make satire about, from his mannerisms and attempts to appear hip for the younger crowds to various failed promises and so forth. There's plenty of material and comedy can be a lot of things. Let's face it, we didn't get more sketches because of a lack of potential material but because Obama was the "hip" black president.

I mean for fuck sake, people got fired for spitting on a Obama doll or whatever. Meanwhile you have people outright cutting, burning and tearing Trump pinatas, dolls and so forth without worrying about consequences. For the record I do think that there should be no legal consequences nor should people lose their job over shit they do in their free time, I'm just tired of the dumbass double standards and how Obama was treated with kid gloves.

Scientology Money

Michael Jackson didn't do anything tho.

This is so bad I truly believe it was made by a right winger to make the left look wacky.

Yes he did, he pissed off the jews. Worst mistake of his life.

When I think of a Trump Joke scenario, I can imagine his PR people constantly sweating, with no sleep, going crazy and changing his Twitter password and he just guesses it the entire time. When he finally cracks it in the middle of the night he tweets some bullshit and ends with the PR guys getting a call and crying/screaming.

However much you don't like Trump it's gotta be better than the democrats promising free health care but ONLY for every person in the world who isn't American

See, shit like this would be funny. Why can't mainstream comedians come up with anything like this?

Do they not realize that whites are still the majority and the more they make garbage like this the more they are going to vote for him and not give a shit about minorities or women?

>”Trump is racist”
>”Flosses” on camera
>audience laughs and applauses