Sony bullshit happens yesterday

>Sony bullshit happens yesterday
>not realizing that Disney is rich as fuck and can just buy off Sony

Attached: Stupid.jpg (2001x2250, 3.35M)

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They can't, prettu sure there's a law that don't let you buy Japanese companies.

Fuck off, monoplyfag.
Japanese laws prevent them from doing so.

Sauce on comic?

>Mouse drones are this retarded

I hate to be that guy, but I think OP could mean "buy off" as in "buy off their cooperation in some way" than "buy and integrate Sony Pictures into Disney Studios", so to speak.

The only stupid ones here are those with no...Foresight.

Attached: 1559368109989.jpg (929x774, 127K)

I thought they already did that and that's how he was allowed in the MCU in the first place
they were giving sony a cut of the profits

If Disney wanted to piss away cash they wouldn't be strongarming Sony like they are right now.

The terms of the game are getting what they want for the lowest dollar amount while maintaining brand integrity. Disney didn't get this far in that game by being magnanimous.

Sometimes I think you idiots don't understand corporate sociopathy whatsoever.

Not Sony pictures. Or maybe in retaliation, they can buy off insomniac games

>Buy a Studio with a bunch of dead IPs just so you can use Spider-Man.
>They literally offered to sell him and Disney turned it down and now Sony has made more money than the original offer with the IP.

Sony Pictures is technically an American company and can certainly be sold to another US company. In fact, I fully expect it to happen within the next 5 years.

Japanese law says fuck you.

I don't think Sony buying companies that localize it like Funimation or Sentai Filmworks is the same as Kadokawa, Gainax, or Trigger buying.

Rather have WB buy Sony. I think they could make a pretty good Ghostbusters or MIB movie.

Just like they did with 20th Century Fox. Because Marvelfags are thirsty for more Spider-Man in the MCU and will rally, boycott and destroy lives to get him there, just look at what happened to Dark phoenix and Fant4stic

Not gonna happen, retard.

>im a shit eating retard

>Buying an entire film studio because of one property

Jesus christ what else would disney get if they bought out colombia?

Just a quick wikipedia search (sony pictures in total)

-Charlie's Angels
-Karate Kid
-Three Stooges
-Bad Boys
-I Know What You Did Last Summer
-Men in Black
-Breaking Bad
-3 Ninjas

He has a point
>11. Are there any restrictions on foreign ownership and investment in specific industry sectors? Do any formalities, permit or notification requirements apply?
>The Japanese government has placed relatively few restrictions on inbound foreign investment. There are no export-balancing or trade-related requirements on foreign firms or nationals who desire to invest in Japan and prior legal restrictions on specific economic sectors have been removed or significantly liberalised. With respect to the following sensitive sectors of the Japanese economy, six-month's prior notification is required and the Ministry of Finance can restrict FDI with respect to them in the event that it finds that investment would "undermine national security, disrupt public order, impinge on public safety or have serious effects on the smooth operation of the national economy":
>Broadcasting and telecommunications.
>Agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
>Petroleum, utilities and nuclear energy.
>Aviation, aerospace and maritime transport.
>Leather making.
>FDI in the banking, insurance, energy, electricity, security and pharmaceutical sectors is subject to licensing by the competent government agency
Can we put this stupid myth to rest now? Also it’s not like this supposed law would prevent Disney from buying Sony Pictures (subsidiary of Sony), or the specific Spider-Man film rights.