Reminder Gaz is a chuuni. And that is a good thing.
Reminder Gaz is a chuuni. And that is a good thing
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True and good.
A what?
It’s Japanese for edgy power fantasy
Arent they both then
Eh I don't get it.
anyone got a webm of this guitar playing? Could be a good reaction image
Pretending to be dark and cool and edgy but are soft at heart.
You know that one kid that ran around like he was in Naruto? That one that seemed disconnected from reality? The one that seemed to be in their own little fantasy land 9/10 of the time that you interacted with them? That's a chuuni.
>old Gaz: the idealized figure chuuni kids wanted to be
>new Gaz: a chuuni kid
I'm so happy they did this. It finally gives her some much-needed humanization, so she's an actual character instead of just a walking goth gimmick.
How in the fuck is Gaz that? She's not a fucking loser autist
Considering all she did at skool was read edgy books on the stoop, play videogames alone and hiss at people, she kind of is.
That must be a pretty common phenomenon in moonland if they have a term for it specifically
A lot of languages have terms for phenomenons common or not. Like the phenomenon of a human being chopping of their genitalia because he thinks that the world would be better if he was a woman. In English we call that mental retardation.
Stop bringing it up in threads that have nothing to do with it.
I agree - it's fucking disgusting and they should be put on medication for their psychosis, not gender hormones - but there's no point in letting it be the only thing you think about 24/7.
give me a gif of this
They also call it middle school syndrome. It's just kids trying to make something cool and edgy of themselves until they get bullied and either adjust to being a normal person, become the next columbine candidate, or an hero.
Imagine molesting Gaz
How would tv Gaz feel about movie Gaz?
That's autism. Gaz, get off the internet,I'm cutting it down.
Imagine molesting Zim tho
she never really tried to be dark even in the show
it was more that she matched the darker style of the show so people just assumed she was a goth despite just being moody
she's an angry video game nerd, always was, but now its more apparent since they ditched her old design
i love this
such a simple joke but it makes me smile every time
She can't be a chuuni when she's still a little kid.
I would protect her with my life
This special was different from the show and I am so thankful for that.
I'm happy that they humanized Gaz but I feel the speech she gives Dib "I'm just hard on you because I know you can take it" was a little on the nose.
The movie was characterizing her great without needing to have her literally say it out loud.
Nips and Krauts have a wird for EVERYTHING.
Must have something to do with being an axis power.
I wonder if the Italians have a bunch of words for very specific concepts.
I'm not used to seeing things from Invader Zim and thinking, "cute!"
In the Season 1 finale she didn't give a shit about space exploration.
>it was more that she matched the darker style of the show so people just assumed she was a goth despite just being moody
I think the skull on her shirt might have contributed to that.
>They also call it middle school syndrome.
That is literally what it means. The chuu part comes from chuugakkou, "middle school," ni is two as in "second year," and byou is "sickness" or "syndrome."
Original Gaz was still better.
>she's an angry video game nerd
Well now I have that stuck in my head.
Being a loner autist =/= being a chuuni
It feels like there’s always that one guy who calls every character a chuuni.
It's chicken and rice really that nice?
I didn’t like this as much as the original run.
Clembrain was obnoxious and clearly was the work of Justin Roiland
Too much of fat, takes 30mins of a 75min movie for the plot to start
Gaz’s eyes are open too much
Jokes don’t land as well
We have very specific insults for gods and dead people. My favorite is "kitammuort" (curse your dead relatives).
fuck you EOPs
i thought it was god at first.
t. obsessed
i dunno, a character who's so goth they never open their eyes was kinda funny. but it makes sense to expand her character for the sake of a movie if she's going to have a significant part in it
Everyone loves chicken (and rice)
>who's so goth they never open their eyes
Do goths normally walk around with their eyes closed?
I always assumed she was squinting because everyone in her family wears glasses/goggles except her.
It's not as nice as peace
>Gaz’s eyes are open too much
I don't really get this complaint. She still has her eyes closed a bunch and having her eyes open during certain scenes does a better job at conveying range of emotion.
I wonder if girl got peas and peace mixed up?
>a character who's so goth they never open their eyes
The Peace say stuff made me wonder, for as much as humans in Invader Zim are ignorant, complacent, and unsanitary, do they actually live in a post-scarcity world where there aren't any more wars among different counties? And that's the reason the majority of humans became so complacent and lazy?
I think the word you're looking for is 中二病, retard.
Obviously ironic weebs just call it chuuni, but you should know the full thing.
I'm glad she isn't always angry emo retard anymore. Blue Gaz is a perfect balance
Most whined about her "being nice"