He's comin
He's comin
I feel like this is supposed to be a credits scene or something.
Wow this is deep
This after or before they kick the shit out of him?
Nah according to the script it's around the end of the second act. He's on his way to de niros talk show. Phoenix said in an interview this is where he really "becomes" joker
Is before AND after, they kick the shit out of him, he dance and then they kick the shit out of him again.
this doesnt even feel like a joker movie in all honesty
seems more like "oh no my life went bad time to go mental" (don't tell me thats exactly what the joker is)
remove the facepaint and youve jsut got falling down but some actual psychosis headcase
Nah him getting beat up on the train is before he goes full joker, it kickstarts everything after though.
That is exactly what the Joker is. I'm not even just saying it because you told me not to but because it's right. Pick up a book my negro.
It's not falling down as much as it is a taxi driver remake with a literal sperg
That's quinda funny
ive read lots of batman comics and dunno why you said book but i own a novel of mad love,
all i see is someone read killing joke and thought lets make the first half into a solo movie
Staircase dance will be the best scene of the year, even Joaquin noted it as a triumphant moment
Script is literally nothing like killing joke mediafire.com
You see, this is how crazy society made us Gamers. You want us to marry and reproduce and stop gaming? Society must take off its mask of hypocrisy and socially accept us gamers. Oh, and every day they wont, i will live stream the N word...starting tonight.
I'm a gamer of my word!
Shouldn't you go to therapy after the whole Sony deal?
i said thats ALL I SEE
didnt even know it was leaked im gonna check it out x
Yeah I guess comics aren't books in any way at all. Yes, the first thing everyone thinks of when they hear comic in the modern day is the Sunday funnies. Those aren't in a book, so obviously when someone says book while talking about comics why would someone with a brain assume they were abbreviating comic books. Of course they must have meant novels. The term book is only exclusive to novels in my peanut brain. Okay, fucking retard I see why you don't understand and appreciate what this Joker film has to offer now. You're just a little too dumb to comprehend it.
i think you need to calm down mate
We can't even discuss anything related to the character without this single Yea Forumsard spamming a meme literally created on reddit.
Boy, that's a lotta shit getting kicked.
I hope the leak about Joker being an incel terrorist is true, I don’t care how bad it makes the shit posting it’ll be worth it.
Yeah that's how it works
Just like every simpsons or non-joker Batman thread
See, this is the problem with you fucking high society mouth breathers. Every time someone takes the time out of their day to have a dialouge with you, you're quick to tell them to shut up or calm down. Oh your poor wittle babby brain hurts from all the knowledge I'm pouring into it. TOO FUCKING BAD. Don't you dare come into a Joker thread if you can't handle high levels of intellectual discussion. We will not be stepped on here like in the real world. We are the majority you are a worthless specimen. I'd die before bowing to someone like you.
This must be at the end of the movie.
i seriously think you need to take a breather and chill mate
It is
i think you need too become less dumb
End of the movie is this
Wow, this is identical to the Rick and Morty copypasta is right you memer faggots are literally from reddit.
SHUT THE FUCK UP. You will not tell me what to do. Are you reading my post correctly? You are WORTHLESS. Go fuck off and DIE. I will not tolerate such unintelligent.
yes i need "too" become less dumb
i am sorry you feel that way, try drinking some malted milk and a take a nyquil
Why are you prentending that he's not roleplaying with you? Are you samefagging or something?
In what way is that identical to that copypasta? Really tell me exactly what you think is the same between them. I can already tell you it's nothing and you're a falseflagging Redditor. You will never fit in especially if you're going to whine about everything you don't like around here. You have the Reddit mind, you've been conditioned to not believe in individual thought. Everything must be derivative and made for the sole purpose of replies and upvotes in your eyes. That's the way you behave so everyone else must, right? Wrong. You're a fucking idiot please leave.
Doesn't he have a girlfriend?
You shouldn't mess with us gamers you know? You might get hurt.....
Reddit tourist can't comprehend or participate in the bantz. This style of posting offends and upsets them because they think it's genuine. They think everyone here is legitimately insane or copied insanity from elsewhere verbatim. They don't understand that 4channel has many shades of grey and that we are not as obsessed with attention as they are.
No. It's a girl he stalks who's nice to him out of pity.
You are being overdramatic and acting like a character of those memes out of nowhere, acting in the most pretentious way possible because you clearly want to copypasta your own falseflagging comment and spam it everywhere like the autist you are.
i am pretending you thalidomide child
no one is that fucking retarded on Yea Forums
then again
i used the correct form of too there you dumbass you know "to" and "too" are different words right, you esl
if you say so, whatever helps you sleep at night pal
please be bait
I'm really not doing that. You think I'm doing that because that's what everyone on Reddit does. I am simply just posting what I feel when I feel it. If you think I'm being over dramatic, that's your opinion. However, I am not playing any character and my emotion does not stem from nowhere. I don't want anyone to copy my comment but at the same time I don't care if they do. It really won't even be easy since it can only make sense in this specific context.
Most Yea Forums browsers have a stick up there ass 24/7. They only want shitty Waifu show shilling threads
>You want us to marry and reproduce and stop gaming?
That is actually the exact opposite of what we want you to do. Stay in your Hobbit holes and play games until you literally can't walk on your own.
sorry you are both idiots
whatever you say mate, whatever you say.
>haha no one has genuine feelings
>everything is bantz and bait haahha
>am I right Yea Forums???
>am I fittin in yet?
Go back to your soulless polished shitty social media websites, mkay?
How though?
I mean, gamers, that's not 'hackers'. Hackers could fuck us up, but what would you do?
sorry i am smarter than you
This is not the place, or at least the thread, for genuine feelings, and that is good. A Joker thread should not be comfortable.
dont be sorry for being wrong man, be happy you tried!
>this fucking thread
Yea Forums invasion is real
Reminds me of the guy near the end youtu.be
XD you even write dumb
>The feet pics, darling. You don't want to make me angry, do you?
So Yea Forums is the new boogeyman on this board?
Meant 1:52
Fucking creep.
Only thing is you don't actually have an argument you just think you are funny but you are in fact silly.
>They kick the shit out of him at the top of the stairs, he goes down while dancing and there's a group of people waiting at the bottom to kick the shit out of him too
Yeah, even though Yea Forums are the ones that pushed Yea Forums to the tipping point and most "Yea Forumsshitposting" done here is falseflagging. Yea Forums is afraid to accept responsibility for polluting Yea Forums with capeshit and Simpsons threads.
They're already sneedposting us
My god Yea Forums why.
Real Simpsons threads haven't been on Yea Forums for ages. Its all sneedposters making crypto Sneed threads just to shitpost on after driving away real Simpsons threads.
Seems about right.
Now what?
But, it never would've happened in the first place if Yea Forumssluts didn't post their crap there. Yea Forums drove Yea Forums insane and continues to pick on them by falseflagging as them constantly and perpetuating some non-existent war.
I cant wait for this movie to come out to theaters and redpill the shit out of people.
Fuck you society
Fuck you women
Fuck you all you normie anons
Fuck you all happy couple
Fuck you mom and dad
Fuck you reddit
Fuck you capitalism
Fuck you gamer haters
Fuck you liars
Fuck you people who make fun of gamers
Fuck you my old therapist
Fuck you veronica
Why would there be real Simpsons threads? It's been dead longer than its been good at this point
>mouseketeers lashing out on the Joker movie because they're still sour grapes about the Sony deal.
If it makes you feel better.
>Fuck you veronica
Thousand times this!
A lot of capeshit on Yea Forums is made to trigger responses and aren't even by Yea Forums. Yea Forums is a shithole with no moderation, Yea Forums isn't much better but at least it's stable.
I wonder if this is actually going to be a flop.
If it is, I think we can put a fork in the DCEU.
Always has been. They can't comprehend that many Yea Forumsfags also enjoy shitposting
It's not in the DCEU, but it's projecting to make more than Aquaman.
Go back to your discord Yea Forumsfag
Nah, Yea Forums has just become the new Yea Forums all on its own. The boards change was facilitated by memes related to comic book and cartoon properties, but that doesn’t mean that Yea Forums is responsible at all.
Both memes are shit. At least mask doesn't have a discord, and no it's not a "falseflag" the discord dates back farther than this year and there's a namefag from /trek/ on there who ruins the threads all the time.
heh, “my bad”
and Chads
It's tracking to open at 81 million dollars, on a budget of 55. Also, the record for October is 80 million
how is tmz still a thing now that phones come with uninstallable social media?
It's not in the DCEU and it's tracking very well
>Thread about a DC live action movie
>Ctrl+f Dcuck
>0 results
What the hell? He usually is here by now? Is he gone?
90% of all post that have "Screenshot_2019" and it's DC related, it's him, so he's posted in the thread, just less autistic than usual.
Also, lets say that this movie does as well as the TIFF and Venice directors say it is. What should DC do after that? Personally I just hope they ice the joker for like a decade and the Pattinson Batman movies make no mention of him
Remember when Godzilla 2 and Detective Pikachu were tracking well? Remember how well that turned out?
Phillips has said he wants to do a sequel
Aquaman was tracking really well but still overcame its expectations. You’re quoting singular examples as if that’s proof Joker will do the same.
We gamers will rise up and will fuck anyone who has wronged us
Laugh and burn the society. Pour gasoline on it and light up a match and enjoy the warm fire.
He said only if Joaquin would be up, which he most likely won't
marvel fans are too busy readying their shooting sprees on Sony HQs around the world
He said he'd be up to it if Joaquin wants to do it, not that he's going to do it. And Joaquin isn't doing a sequel.
>but it's projecting to make more than Aquaman.
Aquaman made ONE BILLION user.
Goddamnit why??? Not every damn movie needs a sequel. When will they get that?
Take a look at literally everything that has come out this year and then say Joker will exceed expectations
>One thing I will tell you: I would do anything with Joaquin Phoenix, any day of the week. There’s nobody like him. If he was willing to do it, and if people show up to this movie, and Warners came to us and said, ‘You know what? If you guys could think of something…’ Well, I have a feeling that he and I could think of something pretty cool.”
This was more about working with Joaquin than making a joker sequel
You never know. If he enjoyed himself enough and he gets enough praise and accolades for it he might just say yes. Of course this being a WB film in 2019 the odds of either of those happening are less than slim.
Ladderbro, your post are starting to get incredibly transparent.
To be fair this movie needs to make less than 165 million to straight up flop with their tiny ass budget.
I don't think is possible to make less than that if even shazam easily surpassed 300 million mark.
Exceed expectations financially user. There are so many movies this year that overcame their projected opening revenues by a very large margin.Projected for more than Aquaman was projected for is what I think he means
>Projected for more than Aquaman was projected for is what I think he means
Hold on, the projection is that it will make more than Aquaman at opening weekend, not that it will make more than Aquaman in total. It is tracking for the October opening weekend record though
He's talking opening weekend dumbass
Oh okay
you don't have to be a passive aggressive asshole about it
It's not canon you retarded mouse fuck. Just like how Spider Man will be disregarded in canon not too long from now.
But that's the humorist.
This out of context stuff is some of the funniest shit I've seen on this board in a while.
This is actually the story behind the movie and it's the reason why this movie will suck.
The original script was basically an attempt at making a 21st century version of Taxi Driver, but the studio refused to fund it unless it was rewritten to feature a comic book character that they owned.
So #1, this is going to be terrible because of how ridiculously it had be retooled. And #2, the actual WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY going on here is how pretty much no actual original art can be made above a certain level of distribution because all the funds necessary are tied up by risk-averse morons who will only allow things that tie into established formulas (super heroes equal money) to get made.
>WHORE, that's what you are veronica
Punisher/Batman: Deadly Knights
cumbrains rise up
That's wrong. Todd said he pitched it to executives at the war dogs premiere and that he wanted to write a character study but he didn't know how he would get people to see it so he looked at comic movies which were huge and decided to combine them, joaquin wanted a small scale comic movie too and Todd wrote it specifically for him
Harley isn't in the movie tho
I want to see a cut of this movie's trailer using 'Gangsta's Paradise'.
You think being a gamer is funny? Why dont you walk in my shoes for one day and see how funny it is.
By the end of the day you will be crying on your knees begging me to end your misery
Best get your gamer gloves on boys, this normie wants to pick a fight and let’s just say things are about to get messy... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If it's Batman or related to Batman, it can't fail. Why do you think pretty much all the best selling comics DC has right now are all Batman?
Dude, you should pay a visit to /trash/ and see if you stumble upon one of the rants of redblood, the board's resident autist, they're a fun read.
I want /o/ to invade us.
So... You normies want to pick a fight with us gamers, huh? Haven't had enough of the poke in the chest, the kick in the back, pulling our hair..? No.. Now you had to just fucking PUSH us over the edge. For fucking YEARs wer have had to deal with your bull fucking shit, all of you fucking chads and stacies and your fucking sjw CRAP.. You know, it boggles my mind it does. How is it that people who just want to play get singled out as we gamers do? Where do you fucking normals get off??
Well.. I'm here to tell you now it's fucking over. It's fucking done. You've pushed the last fucking gamer in the mud. I tell you now.. You've unsleashed the beast in me- no- in all of us gamers. We will not be denied, we will not be placated, we will not stop, and we will not have mercy.. FUCK YOU NORMIES. You created the fucking society that crushed and oppresed us, we tried so fucking hard to fit in, to live in peace.. nut no, you fucking normie FUCKS wouldn't be happy until the nails that stuck out were hammered down..
Pretty funny, isn't it? Almost a bit of a fucking joke. Now comes the punchline.. HAHAHAHA
And what is funnier than one billion? youtu.be
We've already seen footage of this in the trailer. They probably filmed a few minutes of random dancing so they can cut it up in the editing room.
We need to put nigger there
How certain is this going to be certified Kino?
Can someone link the trailer? Please
How would that happen?
>The last thing some people heard before dying was "gamers rise up"
He was right, life IS a comedy
>Be asked to write my episode
>Tell them I did
>I actually didn't
same energy
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting