Still 100% on RT

>Still 100% on RT
How did they do it, lads???

Attached: gravity-falls[1].jpg (1000x563, 99K)

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If tv got as much reviews as movies on RT it wouldn't be

they made a good show that had a semi-bad ending

RT scores are even more useless for TV shows than they are for movies.

It’s overrated as fuck

How do you figure? I'm critical of most endings... Star, adventure time, regular show... All could have been done better; But I feel like gravity falls had the most satisfying ending; what do you think should have been done differently?

stan should've died

But then the whole premise of twins staying together would be incomplete. Cartoons don't exist to make you sad, you know?

Your life would be better if you never checked RT

lol who the fuck would say this garbage show is great?

>10 critic ratings for season 1
>7 critic ratings for season 2

If Dipper and Mabel each had their own spin-off show, what would their respective shows be like? Which would you watch?

Mabel’s. Dipper is boring.

Both Stanley and Stanford should have died then.

you're kidding

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I think Dipper should have died and I'm being serious, that would have been impactful

The amount of people that give a shit about western cartoons in minuscule compared to literally any other kind of media currently in existence.
Even fucking videogames and anime are taken more seriously than your shitty toons. How does that make you feel?

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Disney alone is bigger then the entire anime market

You mean their movies, not some shitty tv cartoon.

I’m being serious about wanting him dead because i fucking hate that bitch.

If you were to rate Dipper's nerdiness from 1 (not a nerd) to 10 (biggest nerd ever), what would it be and why?

10, because he’s trash.

makes me realize i could be a big fish in a small pond

9, he's really close but not quite the top nerd. Mainly because he can actually still talk to people

Huey from DuckTales can also talk to people, but I think he's a 10. However, I agree, Dipper's a 9

Was the TV itself a supernatural object?

Didn't Weirdmageddon 2 show that Dipper had a will of titanium? This seems odd.

My only gripes with GF's ending were that it happened too soon, that the zodiac wheel that would've made more side-characters relevant was pointless, and that Stan got over the memory wipe far too fast.

Otherwise I thought it was solid.

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Mabel's would be a rip-off of Clarence.

Dipper's would be Craig of the Creek, but with supernatural mysteries every week. Season One ends with him creating a mystery hunter society made up of all the kids in the neighborhood.

Does Dipper look cooler with or without the vest?

Huey would be the type to take that 10, and proudly wear it in his sleeve.


If Dipper and Mabel each had Twitter accounts, what would they typically post?

Dipper just has links to random creepypastas and running commentary on tabloids

Mabel has selfies, pictures of cats, and selfies with cats

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I would've thought it would be around 90% it something

*or something

If Dipper was to ever have a crush on a boy, who do you think the most likely boy would be the target? And how would Mabel react?

If Mabel couldn't find a boy, I doubt Dipper could either. If one of them did, they would be obligated to share: twin rule.

But, they're fraternal twins

Which means they both look equally cute in a skirt.

No way Dipper would wear a skirt

Disney bribes

Willingly, at least

He would come around to liking it.


You already know how.


But wouldn't that be creepy to the boy?

Nah, the guy would be open-minded. He'd even brag about getting with a pair of twins.

The bar was already so low.

I like where this is going

And the retcons in A Tale of Two Stans didnt' bother you?


How so?

But, wouldn't the same thing that happened with Mabel in "Boyz Crazy" happen here?

They didn't confirm my fucking otp

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Whatever happened to this user? Any status updates?

What if the hypno situation was reversed? What would they do?

No, it looks like the whole thing has only 17 reviews total. A lot of bad movies are ranked highly when they only have that many instead of hundreds of reviews. I'm also willing to bet this small number is self-selecting.
It's also not a bad show, it's a very good show. But really not being put through the ringer or held to the same standard films are, either. This isn't a Pixar type feat, it's 17 people who liked the show decided to write about it tier. I think if it were exposed to the film gauntlet it'd still be in the 90s or at worst 80s but not 100.

What retcons?


>Mabel-free show
That would already be a better Gravity Falls. I can't think of a more annoying character than Mabel.

There wouldn't be as much comedy in the Dipper spin-off though

Better no comedy than Mabel-based comedy.

It's still a kids show, though

I never said otherwise. You can have a kids show that isn't obnoxious crap.

What methods would she use?

>How does that make you feel?
Considering how awful Yea Forums and Yea Forums are, kind of good.

Cock and ball torture and heavy makeup application

>implying Yea Forums is any better

I don't think she wants her brother to suffer pain, so I'm talking about methods of hypnosis

"Boyz Crazy" had Candy and Grenda try and stop Mabel from keeping boys as pets. Dipper and Mabel would share a boy like they have shared everything else in life. It worked with Mermando.

How "twinsy" do you think they'd be?


Depends what Mabel you get
I could see her bringing pain but also doing it the way you suggested

The perky, good mood Mabel

Good, join the "Dipper hypno'd to be like Mabel" meme train

Mable get's away with a lot of bullshit.

None of this had a snowballs' chance in hell of happening. Have some perspective, retards.

Why are you here?

the gf won’t stop watching it

How intelligent and mature do you think Dipper is?
I want Zone to use the audio from this

Then tricking into hypnotism it is


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Who isn't crushing on ford desu

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Insanely smart for his age, almost unnaturally
He wants to put on this facade he is mature but he isn't

The show started a decline with that episode.

maybe the westaboos are still writing it positive reviews

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How would she hypnotize him?

More discomfort than pain. Implanting suggestions that make shorts feel too tight and constrictive. He'd only be able to wear skirts.