What do you think the anti-life equation is? My theory is that it's undeniable proof that eventually, at some millennia...

What do you think the anti-life equation is? My theory is that it's undeniable proof that eventually, at some millennia, Darkseid will win when there are no heros left.
General DC head canon thread.

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I'll always be a fan of the idea that anti-life is the undeniable proof that the DCU is fictional and thus nothing that happens there actually matters, so you might as well die for Darkseid.

Ins't just some kind of reality warping formula that erase free will from existence?

Haven’t there already been canon explanations of the equation? It’s a logical proof that life is meaningless and that you should submit to Darkseid.

New Gods pleb here!

Can Darkseid truly be killed?

No, as he is the essence of tyranny. It would be like killing the colour Blue.

This. That's my take, a formula that allows Darkside to control all.
>Jack Kirby's original comics established the Anti-Life Equation as giving the being who learns it power to dominate the will of all sentient and sapient races. It is called the Anti-Life Equation because "if someone possesses absolute control over you - you're not really alive."[1] Most stories featuring the Equation use this concept. The Forever People's Mother Box found the Anti-Life Equation in Sonny Sumo, but Darkseid, unaware of this, stranded him in ancient Japan.

No, only his physical body can, he’ll just reincarnate

Yes, with music

It seems to be a method to implement mass mind control moreso than being just one simple thing.


Its just a magic formula that grants you telepathy. Any telepathic can do what the Anti-Life Equation does.

> What do you think the anti-life equation is?

Personally, I've always thought it was kind of stupid.

What is the life equation?

you unlock super free will


It's a mathematical proof of fascism you dolts.

Do you eat crayons?

>It’s a logical proof that life is meaningless
But you could figure that out a prior. Why is Darkseid so fucking bad at it?

Morrison has used the anti-life equation as a way to strip a person of their emotions and free will so that they become a slave so Darkseid uses it as a method to control everyone with ease. It can be spoken, seen, transmitted, etc. It's basically a mind control virus.

There was a Mark Evanier quote some user copy pasta and I regret not screen capping it but I'll try my best to remember it and paraphrase it well enough. Mark talks about how Kirby never really knew what the Anti-Life Equation was because they way he work is he would have different version of what to do with it and could decide on one until the day he actually sat down and drew the thing. The quote gives some ideas Kirby was playing around with. If anyone could find it I would thank you so much. In the mean time I got this one. It ended up on Reddit so please forgive me.

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It's a poorly written plot device that falls apart the moment someone who isn't intent on kissing Kirby's ass puts even a modicum of thought into it.

The answer is nothing matters.

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>dude nothing matters lmao
>so I’m going to hatch this plot that’s really important to me
why are “””nihilist””” characters such shit

Darkseid of the Moon

The Anti-Life equation is a mathematic formula made of emotions that when correctly lined, gives the being a power to dominate any living creature and takes their freewill, from any reality, dimension, timeline and so on.

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Because no one who write about nihilistic characters actually understand the tenets of nihilism, just surface level talking points.
>Nihilists! ..Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

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>villain is named "dark side"

Darkseid inspired Star Wars "dark side" term, just like the "Force" is a "Source" rip off, and Orion relationship with Vader etc

Star Wars is basically a New Gods rip off with some Samurai Movie vibes.

Damn, even that “real nihilist” in that pic isn’t a real one, since he ascribes a value to making money

I always assumed this being the basic understanding of nihlism.

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Uhh any source on Lucas drawing inspiration from the comics? All I'm getting is the heavy inspiration from The Hidden Fortress and Flash Gordon.

No one could ever truly be a nihilist. That would mean to exist without the pursuit of any meaning or value. The internet’s idea of nihilism is really just existentialism/absurdism

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It allows him to sit in the comfiest chair.

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