Which of these corporation's boots taste better?
Which of these corporation's boots taste better?
Sony because making MCU fags seethe is the best. Especially since they think it's not the most basic series to get into ever
>Especially since they think it's not the most basic series to get into ever
What does that even mean
Neither because I'm laughing at how this whole shitshow is going.
Looking at twitter, Disney's
Ladderfag is probably feeling like watching his parents fighting, but he will in the end side with Disney because is their "mommy company"
Jesus christ does interacting with MCUfags all the time turn you into a hipster?
One is a wealthy, useless company that squats over the starven corpse of an IP they scalped from a company nearing bankruptcy, less than half of the films of which that they produced have even aged well, and who refused to even offer compromise regarding the utterly slanted income split over a deal that was making money and pleasing fans
The other is an infinitely more wealthy company that isn't as useless on the merit of buying and using the initial owners of the IP to produce good films, but which demands a putrid (and increasing) amount of revenue for its services to fuel its monopolistic absorption of the entertainment industry as a whole, even despite not needing any more profit than they were already getting alongside the merch sales they reaped, and ultmately sinking a deal that was making money and pleasing fans
Pick your poison
Maybe we should stop consuming the media from all these mega corps and relearn our cultural touchstones instead?
bots can't taste
I don't intend to financially support any Spiderman film that comes about as a result of this fallout, regardless of who publishes it
The cultural touchstone of pursuing infinite growth and the 'freedoms' that businesses use to excuse it is what got us here in the first place, maybe we ought to deviate from what we know and ask ourselves if how businesses work in our world is really healthy for people or not
For now I am on team Sony because they just gave Disney a bloody nose. Don't worry though, I will go back to complaining about then when Lesbian Fart Sniffer 2019 Edition is about to come out.
>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who side with the studio that made Ghostbusters 2016
Get that Mouse cum from your mouth
Sony. Being a Mousedrone is pathethic
casuals leave this bored
Sorry I only watch DC films.
Monopoly is an enemy of capitalism.
Yeah, Sony should have totally let Disney fuck them because it made fanboys happy
>if you question corporatism, you're a communist
Sit goyim, good boy.
Warner Bros will buy the rights and make him a Robin. Problem Solved.
Are you fucking stupid? I pointed out why Disney didn't even need the revenue, and why they're arguably even worse in this debacle. Sony's refusal to even discuss a compromise is where their fault comes in.
None of these fucking COMPANIES are your friends or allies, or have your best interests in mind. Stop worshipping brands you absolute sheep roflmao
I'm pretty sure this is going to all blow over, and the MCU will continue with spiderman in it. I'm not sure who's more at fault, but with disney trying to consolidate all the MCU characters under themselves i wonder if Disney were trying to buy the spiderman franchise from them, or are seeking to buy the whole studio.
I'm not worshipping anyone, all I said was that if I were in Sony's position, I'd do the same thing because it was the smart decision in the end regardless. Disney wanted to fuck them so Sony took their ball and went home. It's all power plays for leverage
What's the best cock you ever sucked?
I don't know if I can take another 10 years of capeshit. Someone has to end it.
the ass of Michelle Venomfu taste delicious
Simply based
Sony would have come out of this entire thing much better if they'd even tried to find a number to compromise on, even if they knew beforehand that no deal would be struck. Their blunt refusal to even entertain the idea of paying more to the people who took the IP they've been squatting on and made the best film with it since Raimi's second film comes off as shitty to their fans.
That said, they are marginally less awful than Disney
I don't care I'm getting paid to shill from both of them
What? Disney didn't have a hand in Spider-verse. Also the reports I've been seeing say Sony refused the initial offer but Tom was trying to comeback with a compromise which Disney dismissed and then walked out.
I don't give a fuck about spiderman so neither you weird fuck
Tell that to the 90% of the population to numbed out to have any form of standards
then why are you in this thread
I wonder if he has killed himself yet. The actual ladderfag. With how much hate he's made for himself, I can see it.
I stay alive only to live for the day Sony goes out of business.
Both of you shut the fuck up. This is like watching the rich bully who picks on ahrimpy companies and the asshole bully who virtue signal get in to a fist fight after school.