Characters whose sexuality was changed to pander to fans

Let’s be honest when Korra was first created she probably was not conceived as being bisexual.

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I was more angry about her getting with Asami than Korra being lesbian. Asami was a shit character and she looked like a man in drag.

holy shit just shut the fuck up already
how many of these threads do we need in one fucking day

she was asexual for the entire series

How many threads are you gonna make?

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nigga wat

>you are a fan
>something happens that you don't like
>"it was changed to pander to fans"
Real galaxy brain here.

Yep! Changed from chewing carpet to downing hot dogs for the fans.

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Bisexual is code for lesbian in this case.
Let her rot and move on.

Jesus Christ. I didn’t even say anything negative. Why are all you guys getting your panties in a twist.

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Every day until you like it, I guess.

>Look mom, I'm making the same thread again!

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Blake and Yang apparently

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Rwby panders to fans in the shipping

Literally every character in Homestuck except John, Dirk, And Kanaya

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Korra's kinda butch so I can buy she's experimented before now Asami is as straight as an arrow. That I don't buy.

Change probably to definitely. Bryan Konietzko went on the record that he decided to make the change after seeing a particularly cute piece of shipping fanart, which is depressing.

this was particularly awful

Let’s be honest when OP was first created she probably was not conceived as a failure

Aww that's cute.

That doesn't make any sense. She's Steven's Mom, user.

piss off

>to pander to fans

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I'm okay with Yang being a Lesbian

I'm not okay with her getting with the absolutely WORST girl in the entire show

>for the fans
What the fuck are you talking about. She was fucking Greg before the show started. Her, a gem fucking Greg, a human is the premise of the show- not some character development shoehorned in to pander.

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getting close to a boy she liked was her primary motivation for becoming a pro bender

Gave me a good chuckle.