every 10 seconds a straight female cartoon character becomes a lesbian
who keeps pushing this and why?
Every 10 seconds a straight female cartoon character becomes a lesbian
Just because the capefags are out of control doesn’t mean you get a free pass, spamfaggot
I'm starting to think it's just to make you mad.
Bait doesn't work very effectively when you use it again when the last is JUST barely off the catalog you moron
How many times are you going to make the exact same thread, you sperg?
Everybody is mad at this, FYI
how is it bait ? OP is right
there's an overwhelming lesbian propaganda being forced into children's shows
>exact same thread
>posts three compeltely different threads
what did he mean by this
wouldnt that mean theyre bi not just straight up dykes?
and would you prefer all the male characters going gay like finn choosing someguy over marcy or PB ?
Corrective rap can fix it though
To laugh at your butthurt. You, specifically. No one else, just your rage.
>who keeps pushing this and why?
oh look it's the non watcher bitching thread again, what rocko threads aren't potent enough anymore?
Kill yourself faggot I hope your threads get banned.
Commit not alive
Oh no, how will my penis ever recover?
bi and gay is the same thing with extra steps
>and would you prefer all the male characters going gay
I want twitter trannies to just leave Yea Forums it is literally the most faggiest board after freakin /lgbt/ for pudding's sake
not worth the (you) or attention, culture warrior.
>reggie and shane
Uhm excuse me reggie is basically an incel.
Lesbian relationships have always been better, we've known this since the 90s. Go cry about it on your blog.
>Everyone I disagree with a is "twitter tranny"
Hang yourself you overgrown manchild.
Padding out your list with characters that were either not shown to be straight or were always bi just makes you look like an idiot even if you aren't really wrong.
Corporation because LGBT are retard political sheeps. As long as as you put a rainbow coating they'll swallow everything.
The communists were right, remove homos and you can remove fascism
>Lesbian relationships have always been better, we've known this since the 90s. Go cry about it on your blog.
Fake news
Imagine being a tumblr cancer and thinking it’s “mature” and “grown up” to shill for queers on Yea Forums
Reggie's a child. What evidence have you that she was "always bi"? Some hairbrained tweets?
Imagine being you. Fucking pathetic.
I know you are but what am I ?
>>exact same thread
>>posts three compeltely different threads
>every 10 seconds a straight female cartoon character becomes a lesbian
>who keeps pushing this and why?
>Every 10 seconds a straight female cartoon character becomes a lesbian
>Who keeps pushing this and why ?
>Every 10 seconds a straight female cartoon character becomes a lesbian
>Who keeps pushing this and why ?
Yup. Suuuuper completely different.
stop replying to him
Stop spamming this
>What evidence have you that she was "always bi"?
>either not shown to be straight OR were always bi
>Yea Forums now hates 2D lesbians
Legit worse than resetera
girls are very gay in general
Even straight ones
A child
/pol/fags are the only ones freaking dick in these threads, a good chunk of the list a bi even, but they don't watch cartoons.
I never support violence on women, be it 2D or 3D
Mods. Please do something about this idiot.
Carmen Sandiego is the last stronghold of cartoons DONE RIGHT
There's no pandering, no lgbt bullcrap, no feminist drivel
Instead we have gorgeous animation, interesting storylines, engaging characters with personnalities, adventure, suspens, mystery, great music, and even educational segments
And that's why n*tflix keeps holding it back while at the same time renewing gay mouth and dyke-ra for new seasons
Carmen Sandiego is a STRAIGHT and STRONG WOMAN, this doesn't fly by these days
Reminder that OP is a literal cuckold who hates yuri and lesbians because his girlfriend left him for one, and that posting any kind of yuri makes him rage.
No one is trying to argue with you. We just want you gone.
This is actual science.
Women are predisposed biologically to just find sexual situations sexy with less provocation. It isn't a matter of gay or straight, just 'is this situation lewd, yes/no?'
Women are mentally picky, biologically open.
you are worse than sad
>There's no pandering
They made her browner, with a slight latino accent, and made her a hero instead of a villain. That's textbook pandering.
why did you posted it twice autismo?
Someone with good taste, that's who.
Nice copypasta you inbred autist.
Stop spamming the catalog with you autistic culture war bullshit. No one cares.
Pol needs to stop trying to push their views on everyone.
Existing isn't pandering
/pol/ loves yuri. OP is just a resentful idiot.
Is this your fetish? Jewish complaining for fun and getting off to people who don't like your threads? Is it the sadism?
Stop pushing your shit views on us, /pol/.
Not even out of curiosity.
Never /pol/, not even once. My mother raised me better than to become a nazi.
it doesn't exactly help anything that half the people bitching about it in these threads reveal really quickly that they haven't watched the material. not too mention trying to meme the "forced" and "last minute" tag onto something that was hinted at for fucking ever ago.
>They made her browner, with a slight latino accent, and made her a hero instead of a villain
and that's a good thing!
anymore shameless lies you want to share ?
OP is heterosexual
You become an Anglo Liberal
This is worst than nazism, imagine approving mass genocides and bombing so some goat herder in Africa can get female rights and anal sex.
>first two had a male character that was /ss/ bait
>underaged main cast
>male main character, /ss/ bait
>underaged main cast + removed character where nothing of value was lost
>underaged main cast for starters
>underaged main cast
>male main character, /ss/
Just admit you hate these romances because projection won't get you anywhere lol.
Go away, nazi.
It's only been a few hours.
If straight women will never ever fuck you ever, you cannot see the difference. Might as well pander and get some twitter points at least.
it's hurtful towards straight females
cry harder loser
Another incel thread.
How? They don't want the girls to begin with.
Get off the internet and work on yourself.
Well for one I'm not anglo, thank goodness. For two, I was always liberal. For three, everyone has a right to anal sex.
>implying most straight girls dont enjoy thinking about other girls going down on them
Here here
and i'm guessing your father didn't raise you at all
Even the ones with no anus?
real life isn't like your porn movies you neckbeard basement dweller incel
And the fat weird permavirgins that make these shows have the capacity to understand this how?
Besides, straight women know they better fall in line and say that's it wonderful how series can be so progressive or else...
how would you feel if all of a sudden all of your cartoon heroes like batman, jimmy neutron and ash ketchum become gay for no reason ?
Your parents would be so embarrassed if they knew you made this thread everyday.
they'll congratulate me for fighting the satanic deviancy that is corrupting the entertainment industry
I don't care. Batman being gay sounds right. Jimmy and Ash are already little shit faggots so who cares.
Literally who cares about fictional characters.
People don't become gay, retard
Congratulations, you're literally the worst thing the internet can make - a communist homophobe.
This chart is the fakest shit ever.
you're a liar and a hypocrite
this just proves that most females who watch porn are dykes
All rightists just hate all women
Why. Because I told the truth and said that the sexuality of characters - or other people for that matter - should not matter for your daily life?
I don't care if Batman's gay, I don't care for Batman.
Leave your computer and your phone for a moment and come here. We need to talk about your internet addiction and your problem with women.
the only fake shit are yer mum's tits
>this just proves that most females who watch porn are dykes
Posting in a trash fire, how long will it last? Place your bets.
no, YOU cope
It wold explain almost everything
This. Please this.
To be a nazi? No he did not not. I'm sorry if yours did.
hours because the mods ignore there bosses primary form of income.
These threads seem to be mod made, cuz i don't see what point is to be made by leaving them up
Plus she was already showing obvious signs of attraction to Red Action within the first five episodes.
reminder that these anons are part of an organized raid launched by reddit and should will soon be IP banned as soon as the mods get up
>every 10 seconds a straight female cartoon character becomes a lesbian
-was never straight
-bi and the literal avatar and the reincarnation of male and female people, so of course she is -bi
-bi and established as such since the beginning.
Take this shit to Yea Forums, lol
Makes sense desu.
Batman gave off such heavy pederast vibes back in the day that they gave him a female counterpart for a while for the express purpose of making look straight.
Didn't you know? The left and right can't bi
>cartoon woman: i love men
>cartoon woman: i also love a woman
Like. Clockwork.
No one cares about bi people
True, batman being gay wouldn't be much of a shock. The only time he has had a kid is when he got date raped.
we wouldn't have constant rage threads if that where remotely true.
Stop spamming these threads
>29 posters of lefties seething
/ss/ bait that was canon
>mod deletes multiple posts instead of deleting the thread that has been spammed for hours
Everyone hates you
It just makes me think op is a mod even more
How is that seething?
Election tourists are never wrong. Anyone who points out when they are being stupid are either furious liberals or trannies.
This thread needs to be moved to /pol/
Doesn't that make projecting deviant sexualities onto children worse?
What does Deviant have to do with this? It hasn't even released yet because White Wolf won't get off their ass.
It's ok to be gay.
But the show is teasing another idiotic failed attempt of mlm couple
Dude if you hate this so much, go expose every creator's hidden agenda & propaganda, so people will see how deceiving & fraud they are. But, you have to do that anonymously without exposing your name.
Let's all just agree lesbians that exist outside of porn are a mistake by default and move on.
How does that sound?
liking yuri is a cuck fetish though.
So while op is probably a cuck, so are all yurifags.
Lesbians are the best thing to ever happen to Yea Forums.
It has gotten to the point where I won't watch a show if it has multiple female characters now.
I won't watch a show if it doesn't have at least one gay/lesbian.
Incel threads should be nuked.
Because they knew in forcing the ship was the hidden main idea to impulse their amusement for they own and then to get more money for their nefarious gain. A frosty covered lie that it needs to be exposed sooner or later.
The smoothbrains over at /pol/ don't deserve the attention.
>Let's all just agree lesbians that exist outside of porn are a mistake
That's quite pathetic.
Personally I'd probably enjoy gay batman more.
Especially if superman is involved.
Hell, can we get cap fucking spidey instead?
Screw the dykes, I want some new hot gay bros.
radicles is my favorite waifu
You aren't the main character. Get off the internet.
-your opinion is objectively wrong and harmful to the greater audience as a whole, please reconsider your greedy stance on this.
The only thing that bothers me about it is that it seems like they're going overboard with this. These days, I actually think there is a so-called "homosexual agenda," only because it seems like the mainstream media is trying to push lesbianism on young girls. If it wasn't so common, then I wouldn't feel that way.
Hey, I'm down with the gay all day.
I just don't like lesbians.
More gay bros any time, they're always welcome, but the lesbians can jump off a cliff.
Not liking lesbians is gayer than regular gay.
What if they're fat ugly lesbians that look like men?
What if they're mean lesbians who hate having fun?
Why would anyone who isn't a woman or a huge cuckold like lesbians?
Cuck require that the woman is with you to begin with, before she start seeing someone else. So, no, it's not a cuckhold fetish.
I don't self-insert in porn. Neither as the male or the female. So it doesn't matter who they fuck. All that matter is that I get to look at two hot women instead of just one.
No. Make it gayer.
I have no problem with lesbians, I just hate shoehorn it in at the last second.
I also don’t like it when my waifu gets lesboed
Not as porn, I mean in general.
I get liking gays even if you're a straight dude, they're usually bros.
I don't get why you'd like lesbians, outside of porn, unless you're a woman or someone who obsesses over groups that largely want nothing to do with you and offer you nothing.
they had here wear a a bi flag sticker made by rebecca fucking sugar on like 3 separate occasions and show interest in girls multiple times, it's like not getting that boxman and venemous are obviously in a relationship unless they slip on a rainbow speedo and start making out in front of the plaza. this isn't last second, regardless of how hard fags inhale memes.
You were never the main character.
If i post poo, i win the argument.
This thread is shit.
Why are you bumping this shit thread?
lmao what an awful piece of bait
+1 to postcount
delete this spam
Because this is a very important issue, queen. Need to make sure this is on the front page. Mods should sticky this thread IMO
girls do not need to be bisexual for attention
Get mental help
Really hilarious and interesting that American cartoons unironically turned into total gay media even though they just ape and steal yaoi and yuri
we have enough shit on the board right now without Yea Forumsutists being a disease.
Pic Related - The Thread
Stop shitting up Yea Forums
I remember in animes when Americans were portrayed as as loud, confident Alphas who the (male) protagonist always worried would steal his girl. Man, how far they've Fallen. It's been a long time since Americans were considered Alpha in anything. Other than school shootings.
I think you learned the wrong lesson from those old anime.
Why would mods actually want this thread? Baffling.
SJWs. Also I think it's because whites are actually creatively bankrupt. They have no clue what to do.
because /pol/tards make them money and fuck any board that doesn't make money.
>Drive all your children away from the arts
>Defund creative efforts
>Trap everyone in customer service or tech jobs that leave no time for creative output
'Man, why are we creatively bankrupt?'
Cringe thread
Is there actually any creator who wants to make an action cartoon series?
Even if there is, it will end up being a very anime influenced series. They can't make anything more than anime anymore, and knowingly or unknowingly gave up on making it. Or unironically they are just totally satisfied with anime.
What proof do you have on Reggie being straight?
I grant you everyone else, but one faulty source makes your entire picture invalid.
What problem do you have with anime influence? Artists should take what works when developing their own thing.