The Skrulls.

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looks better than the not!green goblins
I know they came first

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Mega crap

Cool but why are they here

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What do you mean? It's Yea Forums-related.

The faces on these look pretty good.
Everything else is awful.

Skrull ships.

Attached: 6.jpg (1080x1080, 126K)

Skrull world.

Attached: 7.jpg (1080x606, 98K)

Also, some firebird stages.

Attached: 8.jpg (1080x1080, 165K)

My life for Aiur

They actually released some stills with this design, it was all changed in the reshoots.

Attached: 9.jpg (1080x595, 99K)

Word on the street is that Kevin Feige actually asked them to downplay the firebird so they could properly use it in their reboot.

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Why did they want to use Skrulls?
I don't understand what's wrong with the Shi'ar

Skrulls are more known/popular in the mainstream


They were going to use the Shi'Ar, but then the Disney merger talks started and their budget got slashed in half, so they decided to to use shapeshifters.

yeah but not as X-Men villains.

They were originally going to use the Shi'ar, but after Fox slashed their budget, they needed shapeshifters to justify the aliens looking like humans in plainclothes for 99% of the movie, and the Skrulls were the best option.

Attached: Assuming_control.jpg (600x600, 52K)

How did slashing their budget making Shi'ar hard to film? They look like Asian people with feathers for hair.

Woul work better as DCU Martians

They could afford neither the Asians nor the feathers.

>Phoenix for the THIRD time in 15 years.

I doubt it.