>premieres in two weeks
>not even a trailer
How bad will it be?
Premieres in two weeks
Lorax tier.
>Another shitty furry show with anime elements only way more weeby
Mao Mao only started like a month ago. Jesus.
Wasn't this a video game?
Reminder that skunk Fu did it first
Is that Aggretsuko?
It's based on this.
Where is Garnet?
Isn't that the game that lets you wear a sonicfox fursuit head in the game?
I feel like this will be the show that gets shitcanned after one season instead of mao mao.
>Mao Mao rip off
no thank you
At least it gives me hope that this will be the show that doesn't get renewed instead of mao mao, especially considering what said. It's a licensed property and CN is notorious for airing those at saturday morning when nobody is watching. Guarantee it's gonna go the way of that mega man cartoon that aired last year and get cancelled after 1 season.
We didn't even get a game out of that Megaman cartoon
lol "champion"
guys its airing on cn brazil this isn't even main branch, think jorel brothers or villanos. mao mao has been a mere concept for a long fucking time.
still waiting on more transformers cyber verse, regardless of the fact that'll never happen.
>only modern cartoons coming out with male characters are ones that are animals
why the fuck dude
Is that Fox making an ahegao face?
>Champion's fursuit
Who knew that a champion encourages violence against women and uses his own awards show as a soapbox to tell people who to hate?
Violence against women?
Wasn't that supposed to come to America at some point? What happened with that?
Jesus Christ.
Well, the characters are pretty fuckable. What else would you need?
It got a pilot (did that get dubbed?)
Rabbits always make the most fuckable characters for some reason
pilot aired and got cleared for 6 new episodes which are currently in development at ai studios. the show runner designed the show to broadcast on both and want's that too happen, but he's simply not the only factor that decides these things.
pretty badly, many of the shorts have a dubbed copies available it's just nobody has uploaded them all anywhere.
Gay isn't a personality though.
What kind of retard would even claim it is?
Dumb furfag.
Mao is better, but not by much. These characters look lame, notice how they don't use actual weapons while Mao and Badgerclops use actual weapons. To me this is the pussy version of Mao, also a knock off.
He said something along the lines of "punch pro-life people, even if they're women".
>Mao Mao
>That Amonsun Rip Off
No thanks.
>everyone in this thread suggesting this is a Mao Mao ripoff
>Mao Mao came out like 2 months ago
>not realizing how long it takes to pitch, develop, animate, and produce n entire season of a cartoon
>there's literally no way they even knew Mao Mao existed before making this
It's ok to hate on something as long as you aren't a retard about it.
He isn't, bringing it up is indicative of some sort of hatred. It's like why would you ever tell someone "being straight isn't a personality" unless you looked at someone and assumed that's their whole personality. You know there's more going on than just that, but when you reduce it to a shallow assessment of character and all you're seeing is a sexuality, your accusation is more telling about how you see people and what you demand of them.
tried to point that out.
I'll take it if it means less focus on shitty "human girl protagonist travels to fantasy world"
Not worth even a second of my time
Its not a rip off, obviously. But I'm pretry sure that Mao Mao is way older than the videogame this shit is based on
for a split second I thought Diives drew that poster
No that was a different bad video game.
Shit taste user.