Now that the dust is settled, and even the most hardcore johnsfag agree it was a huge failure...

Now that the dust is settled, and even the most hardcore johnsfag agree it was a huge failure, let's talk about how big of a failure this shit was and how Yea Forums theories didn't pan out:

>one of the joker's come from watchmen universe
>the comedian isn't alive, it's just delusions

Attached: doomsday clock is running late.jpg (250x383, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

This is already better than the original waychmen and It aint evn done yet... Keep seething haters

poor bait

Gary Frank is a fricking hero

I'm still somewhat interested and waiting for the last 2 issues, here's hoping they at least come out in my lifetime.

Attached: 1562863831866.jpg (854x424, 147K)

>Now that the dust is settled
can the dust settle on something that isn't even finished?

>and even the most hardcore johnsfag agree it was a huge failure,


Doomsday clock is old and dusty now.

This isn't even bait, this is dumping a worm farm into the ocean

did anyone really expect dc's dumbest writer doing a sequel to one of their smartest comics would ever be good

>dumbest writer
Which one?

I didn't know Scott Snyder did a sequel to Watchmen


Tha one that doesn't know how clocks work but writes a comic series called doomsday clock

Attached: Clocks.png (477x350, 168K)

The guy needs to stop spending all his time crying into Capullos pecs and get American Vampire wrapped up already


I mean I think Johns is a great writer, although wasn’t much a fan of his JL Run, but I love Doomsday Clock so far and can’t wait for the next issue

Shame Alan Moore hates DC because there's enough left open in Watchmen for a sequel but nobody else is good enough to write it

Johns is Snyder, but unironically.

Donny Cates will write a sequel when he signs for DC.

Attached: Donny Cates with a fan.jpg (510x680, 65K)

do you seriously think Snyder is being ironic with all his dumb shit?

Isn't this now considered non-canon? Or is that just a meme spouted by /pol/

Hes just trying too hard to be Morrison. I think he's aware of how dumb and over the top his concepts are, while Johns genuinely doesn't know the difference between EU and NATO.

I can't believe he'd do something as stupid as UV Lanterns if he was aware of how dumb it was

it's taken so goddamn long to come out that other writers are just moving forward as if it doesn't exist, because hamstringing your story for three years just because Johns is dragging his feet would be stupid

who and why is he together with alan moore?

Honestly, I think the problem was that the book wasn't laid out properly and the delays killed interest quickly.

It REALLY feels like the first 10 issues should have happened in 4 max. It's going to be a miracle if the ending can be salvaged at this point.

It's really disappoint. DC should have had most of the script ready to go but it's obvious Johns did it issue by issue.

there were likely also rewrites, and Frank is slow.

Gary Frank is in my top 3 favorite artists, but bless him, he takes FOREVER

Attached: DOOMSDAY-CLOCK-10-01.jpg (811x1200, 246K)

I had literally forgotten this was still happening.

Have anyone ever stopped to consider what a stupid concept a Doomsday Clock is? At midnight the world is destroyed, wouldn't a countdown to zero need less explanation? Or a thermometer at boiling point, since that can be lowered? What's up with intellectuals and labored metaphors? It's like no one ever told them you don't explain a joke.

Wasn't Legion of Superheroes suppose to spawn from this but due to all the delays they just said fuck it and gave it to bendis

I don't recall ANYONE saying ANYTHING like :"Oh my god, you guys, this is going to be AWESOME".
There was a chorus of people gnashing their teeth in anticipation, though.

That is writer Donny Cates (who has written some passable comics, but unfortunately can't get enough of the taste of Jason Aaron's cock) and the circumstances elude me.

I suspect that is either at Madame Tussauds or afterwards, Alan asked "Who was that nice young lad?".

The art is the saving grace of this trainwreck.

I think it is adorable that you think you are in a position to judge a concept created by literally the greatest minds of their generation.

Counting to midnight is counting to zero.

Me as well. When is the next one coming out?

I think it is adorable that you think you are in a position to judge a concept created by literally the greatest minds of their generation.

Considering that most of them were liberals. Yes I do think that

Attached: lex.png (878x1393, 997K)

Then why not just count down to zero?

>Considering that most of them were liberals. Yes I do think that–Kruger_effect

Because symbolic and its a phrase on reaching a time set. Its like cowboy shootout at noon.
I wonder that noone stumbled over the randomness the clock is. Some scientist defines when the clock moves.
Its just a big pr thing. There are no parameter but emotions and perception of some scientists.

Scientists are fags.

Ok, thanks.

MODOK was right...

>Implying a liberal """"science"""" like psychology has argumental validity

Fucking lol.

Most scientists are professional idiots.
They know their science but nothing else.
Thats why most scientists dont see big pictures or have certain ethnics above their projects. The reason why we got a-bombs.

Its good and you’re jaded.

Actual brainlet.

Why people still defend Cereal lord? The fucker didn't even finished his Shazam run

Why was Blake resurrected?
What were the Mimes so prominent in the early issues?
What's the role of OC Rorschach?
What's the relation between the Joker and the Mimes?
Why did Dr. Manhattan decided to reboot the DCU?

This all to be wrapped in just 2 issues.

>Why was Blake resurrected?
>What were the Mimes so prominent in the early issues?
Push an SJW agenda
>What's the role of OC Rorschach?
To pass the mantle onto SJW Rorschach
>What's the relation between the Joker and the Mimes?
Equal Opportunity villiany ala SJWs
>Why did Dr. Manhattan decided to reboot the DCU?
It wasn't SJW enough

I expect half of all the answers to not even be addressed at all because Johns didn't know what the fuck he's doing and DC already moved on due to Frank taking forever
DC will just quietly drop them, even if they promise to answer it in later books, similar to what they did to some Forever Evil/JL plots Johns had

>This all to be wrapped in just 2 issues.
It won't.

The implication that we'll get anything approaching serviceable answers to these questions is laughable.

Don't forget Black Adam, Giganta and that freak guy attacking the ONU I think.

>what is pax americana
Both gaiman and morrison could had done it, but they have artistic integrity, even when they are media whores.

Why are you bitching about/pol/? And no, its not, diddio said years ago, only good stories are canon and this isnt a good story

so does that mean King Batman isn't canon

He only had the second issue scripted when 1 was published, even though he had an entire year since the end of darkseid war. He didnt do any prep work.

I mean
He seems fairly self aware about how dumb Jarro is

Darkseid War nothing, he literally didn't even have an idea on what the story would even be until a year in to Rebirth.

>Why was Blake resurrected?
Iconic character "You remembe the Comedian? Its Watchmen!" and to show how good the Joker. Marionette and Mime are.
>What were the Mimes so prominent in the early issues?
Push Johns OC
>What's the role of OC Rorschach?
To make a diversity watchmen character and have someone to search for the clue. Which mostly got forgotten or neglected after the OC were introduced.
>What's the relation between the Joker and the Mimes?
To show them as cool as the Joker and somehow they are the parents for a big character shocker surprise. Guess it should be the joker or the comedian.
>Why did Dr. Manhattan decided to reboot the DCU?
To see how different each universe is, probabilty theory and what if superheroes like superman exist. For DC, a reason to justify a reboot and to hype it up. "You remember Watchmen? Now they will come to the DCU. And they are key characters for our reboot!"

Who did UV lanterns? Because those guys would be unstoppable as they'd fucking blind you permanently with every construct they do.

Here’s my big question: If DoomClock is ruled non-canon, then how the FUCK are they going to explain the end of Nu52 as a concept? As I recall it hinged pretty damn hard on the idea of Manhattan being the prime mover force behind the universe’s reset.

Snyder, and apparently no they’re just purple and make you feel buried emotions really really strong and are super corruptive just like how DC antimatter isn’t nearly as violently reactive with normal matter as you’d think

>As I recall it hinged pretty damn hard on the idea of Manhattan being the prime mover force behind the universe’s reset.
It was Pandora originally.

>then how the FUCK are they going to explain the end of Nu52 as a concept?
See, the big problem with that is that only Geoff Johns wanted to end the New 52 as a concept. Everyone else at DC, specially Dan Didio and Jim Lee, wanted the New 52 to keep going. So the reason Doomsday Clock has been postponed and everyone else has been told to ignore it is because they're trying to keep the New 52 setting as intact as they possibly can.

No you dumb johnsfag. NO.

That’s the thing-even SHE got fucked up by Manhattan in one of the mainline comics. THAT is canon and all that jazz, but suddenly the big resolution to Manhattan’s story isn’t? The hell?

Its non-canon, because its another universe. But since its all connected, its manhatten 4th dimension status that he is affecting the nu52.

Is that actually how that works, so the Perpetua shit is affecting the DCAU and Batman Arkham games even though both have run their course?

It's actually pretty decent, you retard. The only thing about it that "failed" was the original plans for it to be canon.

Geoff Johns smashing action figures together and pretending it's high art is not pretty decent

Thats what i read into Doomsday clock. Or its my only explanation why its less affecting the DCU and why there are the parts about the jsa and legion.
What i see as an ending is that doomsday clock story will be changed by manhatten or collapse into the starts of the real dcu. And it will explain and reintroduce jsa and legion.

The only decent parts are the ones that actually focus on the New 52 reboot and Superman. Everything else is just baffling shit happening for retarded reasons that i doubt even Johns know why.

Back when this started coming out I figured that regardless of how much Geoff rewrote it from the election, or how bad it ended up being, DC would still have an evergreen story they could sell for years on end, like the original Watchmen or Injustice.

Now, I'm not so sure. It's like everything that could've gone wrong, went wrong.

Since this is a "bitch about Johns thread" why the fuck is going on with Shazam? Issue 7 was delayed again.

The movie is already out, why would johns care? He has years until the next movie enters in production.

I have no idea but it makes me feel sad, it started out with such promise and now feels like an excuse to stop Billy from solving all the problems by sending him to another dimension.

man, Santa Claus has seen better days.

He looks like the kind of guy who would write edgy shit.

Yep. It's even less canon after today

Bruh that is a reddit tier argument at best
