Best Potential Mothers Thread

Post your waifu and ask if she would be a good mother. How would you judge what traits would make them a good mother?

Please don't forget to say their name and what series they're from.

Pic related: how would Korra and Asami handle being mothers? Personally, I think that they would handle it pretty well.

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Anne from Amphibia

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could be worse. if nothing else they've got enough friends and family around that at least someone can manage to keep the kid alive

my waifu cannot be posted here

they'd make a decent good cop bad cop routine.

Scottish princess would be a very fun mother.

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>my waifu cannot be posted here
Same. Who is she though?

Why her?

Ms. Martian? She did more or less raise Beast Boy after his mother died.

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Purble hoers
she'd be a frantic but doting and enthusiastic milfhorse

Someone just post the baby blowjob screencap

Oh, it's that kind of waifu. I thought you mean them being a bad mother. Mine's Azula.

Korra would definitely be an abusive parent. Like a deadbeat dad.


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Why? What about Asami?

Imagine what?

Laura already has mom experience raising her little sister, but can she have kids or did the lab who made her take that ability away from her?

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Laura who?

Dykes have never been good mothers.

Laura Kinney - X-23

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Oh, forgot that she had a civilian name.


Makes sense.

Look how they massacred my girl. And Daken, my bisexual evil little schemer of a boy.

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Who is yours?

She would raise strong girls who eventaully turn into concubines against her wishes.

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is this a normal waifu thread, or something else? i want to post my waifu, but im not sure if she makes a good other.

Just post here and we'll tell you what we think.

nah i don't feel comfortable doing that. Yea Forums judges her enough as is


for Sorry bugs.

What about the dad aka Mako? Korra looks like the kind of dyke that would get mad with Mako trying to be part of his kids's life but Asami will be OK with that because kids need a male figure

Nah, that'd be too awkward for them. They'd sooner ask Opal if they could use Bolin as a stud.

>Implying Korra won't fuck Mako after a fight with Asami as a one-night-stand and get pregnant
That's in-character for Korra

Nah, she'd fuck someone that'd actually make Asami jealous.

I dont have a waifu atm, but if someone got Mother potential, is

Scorpia from She Ra

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I love my gay knife mommy

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Vandal Savage's daughter, right? Why her?