Why do people want this show back? It went for five seasons and a movie. It ran its course. As a superhero cartoon, it's not even that great. It's in the same tier as X-Men Evolution. The anime stuff didn't age well. Is it just nostalgia?
Why do people want this show back? It went for five seasons and a movie. It ran its course. As a superhero cartoon...
I give you a hundred dollar to fuck off, Teen Titans was and still is nice.
Things change and the Teen Titans fanboys can't except that.
They want more goth waifu
I never see threads about "bring TT back" but I swear I see this same thread about you bitching about this show every single week at least once you sperg.
zoomers are having their quarter-life crisis
It's amazing how fans are incapable of accepting that particular message, no matter how many times the show beats them over the head with it. A version of that is happening with Wallyfags and Young Justice, despite the show saying over and over again that he's dead and they need to move on.
TTGo made people nostalgic and then the show made people angry and wanted the old show back. It wouldn't be as relevant outside of the fanart/porn if it wasn't for Go.
>it's not even that great. It's in the same tier as X-Men Evolution.
TT is great and Evolution is fantastic you pleb.
is this another salty anti anime thread?
Though its formula as a whole doesn't wholly stand the test of time, the character writing was always and still is really endearing. How Long Is Forever, The Sum of His Parts, Fear Itself, Spellbound, and many more eps have surprisingly well written character development and voice actor delivery that (mostly) meshed well with the animation, which was also pretty damn good. The hammier stuff like the anime motif jokes and such do make it a bit harder to stomach in retrospect, but it's overshadowed by the care that seemingly went into the production.
why does the Yea Forums hivemind pretend to hate this show now?
>talking shit about X-Men evolution
Bitch wtf is wrong with you. Is the best Marvel cartoon and possibly the best western superhero cartoon ever.
> Is the best Marvel cartoon and possibly the best western superhero cartoon ever.
I don't know man, the amazing Spiderman and Batman TAS was pretty good too.
>Is it just nostalgia?
Yes but most because of bitching about Teen Titans Go. People have the mentality of “TTG isn’t what I remember from my childhood, being back old TT!”
X-Men Evolution did need another season, though.
Young justice is the spiritual successor to titans. They just changed the name and put more characters they didn't have the rights for at the time
Young Justice is nothing like Titans, the tone is far darker/serious and is honestly far closer to EMH style.
young justice is way better than teen titans
Yea Forums doesn't want a good story, it wants authenticity
Yeah, nah.
I wish
At least static finally met the Titans. It seems like the dcau wanted to set up a hook for a crossover but it never happened. The titans universe was very restricted
>Things change and the Teen Titans fanboys can't except that.
Young Justice is the spiritual sucessor of Gargoyles. They just set it on the DC Universe because reasons.
X-men Evolution is fucking amazing you uncultured little shit and so is TT
>People have the mentality of “TTG isn’t what I remember from my childhood, being back old TT!.
Teen Tards Go is an unfunny, edgy, try-hard piece of shit regardless
My childhood>your childhood
Except what?
Can't say I ever heard someone call TTG edgy before.
it was a poor anime but yeah its nostalgia
Unironically if Titans delivers is going to surpass this show easily
Only a regard thinks that X-men: Evolution was bad.
I wouldn't call it God tier (that title belongs to BtAS, JLU, and Spectacular Spider-man), but it was definitely up there on the great tier with Static Shock, X-men Evolution, and Batman Beyond.
Seriously how do adults watch Teen Titans? Young Justice has autistic dialogue but at least it actually feels like it respects the viewers intelligence
Lmfaoo. Not even the best X-Men cartoon.
TTG zoomers and 80s Wolfman Perez purists teaming up.
THIS, but with complete fucking sincerity!
Is the only good X-men cartoon
starfire's arc also has concluded and bringing blackfire back just to be the season villain is just pointless.
>The anime stuff didn't age well.
What the fuck does this even mean? Seriously what the fuck do faggots like OP mean when they say "age well"? Its a fucking cartoon.