>*Update, per @DEADLINE: Jon Watts is NOT signed on for a third #SpiderMan movie, so his involvement moving forward is unclear. As for Tom Holland, the actor confirmed in 2016 that he is signed for 3 solo movies, but reports indicate Sony plans 2 more films w/ him, which makes 4
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everything is fine
Spiderman 3 and Spidey/Venom I'd assume.
Watts is the real problem with MCU Spidey, he really needs to go
still have Captain Marvel and Thor
Does it matter? He will be replaced by another shitty, bland, no name director.
Do directors normally sign on for multiple movies in advance?
How fucking dumb are you that you think marvel studios is nothing without Spider-Man
>we're nothing without spiderman
t. Sony's movie departament
that's why they are taking him back
Sony is really shooting themselves, huh?
Losing Watts wouldn't be a big deal desu. The direction could use a change up moving forward
All this drama with spider-man just reminded me again that mcu fanboys are the lowest form of life on this planet.
Maybe Disney shouldn't own 87% of media then.
Finally can drop the shitty john hughes shit and get an adult Spidey
>Sony: We're being greedy and selfish, we're taking the suit back
>Based Disney: Come on you're nothing without us
>Jon Watts is NOT signed on for a third #SpiderMan movie
So what was the cliffhanger for?
Only when it's guaranteed billions like Based Marvel
this wouldn't be happening if Sony wasn't a greedy piece of shit and Yea Forums wasn't fucking retarded
David Fincher wanted to do spiderman. Sony can get him.
Do you honestly think any decision in these cape movies are made because of a director's vision? All of these things are designed by committee by the producers, the director is there just to herd the cattle.
>No more Iron Man
>No more Cap
>About to replace Thor with Whor
Spider-Man is all they have left as far as Earth-based heroes.
Sony should just bring Drew Goddard back. He'd singlehandedly turn the third Holland movie into something I'd actually be hyped for.
>Doctor Strange
>Black Panther
>Fantastic fucking Four and X-Men
A fat retard and a flat dyke that needed samefag ticket sale spamming to make 1b.kek
>Greedy piece of shit
>Just Sony
>Sony alone
>Disney was being virtuous here guys!
almost like they're starting a new saga in which they will introduce NEW FUCKING HEROES YOU RETARDED FUCKING DIPSHIT
Cope. Mcufaggot.
Oh yes, please, let's have a fourth reboot.
This is the end for marvel and spider-man. 10 years from now they will be forgotten.
Sonyfags are so delusional
>Sony fanboy
You really have to ask?
So after this New Generation of Jannetties flops, who will be the Attitude Era who will resurrect the MCU?
They are an evolved form of life compared to Sony's cultists.
You newfags should look up the emails from the Sony leak about their plans post-ASM2
>Disney makes the movies
>Disney oversees everything
>Disney sets it in their universe
>Disney takes Spiderman from the DC level dumpsterfire he was after the amazing spiderman movies and turns him into a billion dollar megastar
>kindly asks if they could maybe have some of the box office after giving Sony their most successful movies ever
yes Sony is being greedy you fucking Yea Forumstard dipshit
F4 and X-men are at least 5 years off before receiving even a cameo in a film. The most you can hope for them right now is a name drop.
Doc. Strange and Ant-man both had lukewarm responses to their solo films.
Unknown how Disney will treat Blade.
That leaves Black Panther to carry the next Phase. Spider-man was supposed to shore up this weakness but offering a character who was around for infinity saga that audiences enjoy.
Honestly I think Disney is playing hardball because they know they have Sony over a barrel. They’ve tied Holland so heavily into the MCU that it’s basically worthless to keep him in the role without being able to reference anything from the MCU.
The twitter comments are hilarious.
Name one (1) movie which has ever made a billion dollars without repeat viewers
>it didn’t make a billion the right way
That’s the dumbest ducking thing I’ve ever heard
The Disney+ series is gonna be announced on Saturday.
Disney leaked all the shit so people would get mad at Sony and then on Saturday it'll be the big celebration as it turns Spidey never actually left the MCU. It'll also be there way of lowering the stakes of Spider-Man after everyone got mad at Spidey not feeling like Spidey. Sony also wins because they get Holland in Venom
So are the negotiations officially over?
Disney is making more money off of the merchandise than sony is the box office. If disney wants 50% of the tickets let sony have 50% of the shirts.
Sony didn't win shit
Holland agreed to be in the MCU he's not going to do shit like Venom or Morbius he's probably on the phone to his agent right now
Disney were the ones that demanded 50% of profits despite owning merchandise rights and Sony paying to make the movies.
Disney are the greedy ones trying to scam Sony.
Sony doesn’t need Disney.
Venom made 800M and Spiderverse is lived by everyone.
You really expect Sony cultists to think papa Sony is wrong about anything?
Yes. Disney officially pulled out.
that was Disney's proposal you stupid fuck it was 50/50 on everything
Of all people, you don't think marvel are the cultists? Star wars fans have more sense.
>Disney: heh, we made spider man stark jr and are now gambling our entire MCU on his character, what do you think of THAT sony? Heh. GIVE US 50%.
>Sony: "no."
No it wasn't. Check the reports again. Disney wanted the exact same arrangement just more money for them.
To be fair, Disney was offering to pay for 50% of the production costs to get 50% of the profits.
To also be fair, that's basically just demanding 50% of the net profits for nothing, because both companies can completely afford the production costs and the movies are guaranteed to turn massive profits.
There hasn't been a good live action Spider-Man movie in fifteen years. Why should I give a shit about ASM2-tier dumpster fires from Sony when Iron Boy was as awful, just in different ways? Cutting Holland's Spidey from the MCU is like taking an alcoholic to the rehab - it doesn't fix anything fundamentally wrong with the character, but at least it puts the toxic influence out of reach. The next Spider-Man movie will have to be a Spider-Man movie. Not an epilogue to an Avengers event film. Not an eulogy for Tony Stark. Not an installment in the "street level MCU sub-series". If Watts, who was nothing but a pedestrian yes man without any directorial flourish and authorial vision whatsoever, goes too, even better. It can't get any worse anyway. And anything that does even slightest harm to Disney's juggernaut is welcome by itself. Both from the commercial viewpoint and the creative one.
So they are going to kill off Peter and replace him with the star of ItSV so we can finally get everyone’s favorite? The one true Spider-Man, Miles? And then I’m Miles’ second movie we can get a dream sequence where Peter tells Miles he’s a better Spider-Man and has a cooler costume and he can fuck his aunt May too. Oh man I just can’t wait, based Nips
>*Believing leaks?
Kek. Next youll say New Star Wars was Lucas fault.
The lawyers at Sony weren't stupid, giving up more of the gross to cover productions costs was fucking stupid because the gross would have been far more than what production would have been anyway
What is spitefully funny about this, exactly?
Those were hacks my friend, those were the actual emails.
Spider-Man Homeless is best if planned if it can be a multiverse hoping movie
lets the character do his own thing, while his "canon" status in MCU can still be negotiated
It's ridiculous that Marvelfags think that arrangement would be something desirable to Sony. Nearly all Marvel's films make a bil on the regular, while Spidey is Sony's sole golden goose. If they split the costs and profits in this way, they'd make less money overall than they did from the ASM movies, while having the SUMC awkwardly dangling on the side track. This way, they get all of the money off reasonable budgets (a major change from ASM's Achilles' heel) and can synergize Spider-Man with Venom, Black Cat and all the other movies they got in the pipeline, making them more appealing to casual public. Sony made the only reasonable decision at this moment.
I hope this is the start of the end for the mcu.
Isn't it the other way around? Sony fucked up and Marvel bailed them out.
And the lawyers at Disney would be stupid to allow Spider-Man to be locked into the core of the MCU moving forward with this loose end that could result in getting fleeced by Sony at any point in the future.
It isn't personal. It is business and negotiations, and Feige can very easily write Spidey off as hiding to keep his aunt safe, or maybe even taken into protective custody by Fury. Either way, the MCU has its out, and Sony paid to give it to them. We might not like it. It might sour the MCU moving forward, but it existed and thrived before Spider-Man was a part of it, and can, and most likely will continue to thrive without him. If Sony doesn't play ball, they will make their movies, and those movies will make money. Not as much as they would if they were part of the MCU, but they'll make money.
I'm not going to begrudge Disney for leaving the liability behind to preserve the herd.
Alternatively however, Venom is the only movie that Sony has been able to make on their own, despite plans for a Kraven, Sinester Six, Black Cat, Silver Sable, or Morbius movie, that supposedly Disney was willing to allow to come play as well. So sure, the savings offered by only paying half the production cost pale compared to how much they would be giving up to give away half the BO, but how much are they giving up in revenue not earned with those characters that they could be depositing into the account if they just played ball with Disney? Probably a lot more than what they aren't making for them just sitting it rejected scripts that even Sony won't greenlight, which *REALLY* says something.
Absolutely, man. No one is gonna go see a Thor movie. Guaranteed flop.
No one is gonna go see a Captain America movie. Guaranteed flop.
No one is gonna go see an Avengers movie. Guaranteed flop.
No one is gonna go see a Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Guaranteed flop.
No one is gonna go see an Ant-Man movie. Guaranteed flop.
No one is gonna go see a Black Panther movie. Guaranteed flop.
No one is gonna go see a movie where the Avengers fight a grapefruit. Guaranteed flop.
No one is gonna go see a Captain Marvel movie. Guaranteed flop.
add in to this, FFH made $1 billion, there isn't a spiderman film made by sony that hasn't made more than $500 mill that they didn't also have merch deals for. In other words it is a crap deal for sony.
also, while the mouse is playing hardball here, realise that they were propping up a shaky lineup that they're over committing to, with a strong solo character that is spider-man.
it is but you aren't allowed to like Disney on this site because it's popular and successful
it's the exact opposite
Finally common sense here.
>new deal will absolutely fuck Sony compared to the one they had
are we being raided by Yea Forumsesetera?
Honestly if it was any other company than Sony, who could produce fucking good Spider-Man films consistently instead of them being flukes, then I would love this situation, giving Disney the finger after how horrid they become is great but Sony Pictures is so fucking incompetent it hurts
>there isn't a spiderman film made by sony that hasn't made more than $500 mill that they didn't also have merch deals for.
Ah, so the merch deal that people mention as Disney screwing over Sony has been a constant this entire time, which means it really shouldn't account in terms of who to blame or accuse of being greedy in this hiccup at all?
Dunno about that, but Yea Forums has a thread sperging about PS5, and Sony as though Sony Pictures in in charge of the entire Sony corporation and isn't just a division of it, so it's definitely possible.
>who will be the Attitude Era who will resurrect the MCU
Bendis New Avengers line up
>synergize Spider-Man with Venom, Black Cat and all the other movies they got in the pipeline
Hey that sounds pretty fucking neat actually
It didn't make a billion.
I'll rather have the chance of a fluke compared to the aggressive homogeneous mediocrity of the MCU. No MCU Spider-Man movie could be significantly better or worse than Homecoming or Far From Home. With Sony, we're running the gamut between Into the Spider-Verse and Venom. I can survive a bad movie and I'll cherish a good one years to come, so what's the worst that can happen? Marvel certainly hasn't made anything comparable to ItSV, 22(?) movies in, so who cares. And hey, anything that breaks the stranglehold Marvel has on the genre now is good in my book by default too.
OHNONONO [wheeze]
Sony fucked up where? Every Spidey film the did made money
No matter what Yea Forums thinks about Sony and Disney, there seems to be a general backlash against Sony for this whole thing. There’s likely going to be some sort of deal reached.
>Disney have been shitters for decades
>Sony have always been shit
>Both showing how utterly repugnant they can be over a fictional character
Good, fuck them both.
>Cop Car
>MCU Spider-Men
Absolute shit
The problem wasn't Watts, it was the SJW writers who have never written anything
>And hey, anything that breaks the stranglehold Marvel has on the genre now is good in my book by default too.
Is it really breaking the stranglehold to return to the pre-CW status quo? How successful was Sony breaking the stranglehold with the Amazing Spider-Man movies? Because there is nothing being broken as much as returning back to.
The deal was shit for Sony to begin with and Disney wanted them to eat an even bigger shit sandwich. Sony played ball to get backing for the Spiderman game. The game has been made and now Sony really doesn't have a reason to let Disney fuck them for peanuts when they can go back to making solo Spiderman movies and keep all of the profits instead of just a fraction. Who needs the rest of the MCU if you were only seeing part of the action in the first place. Not to mention that Sony Pictures doesn't even rank to Sony in terms of revenue, that's SIE and Sony Music. All we have now are sad Marvel fags and a Sony who gives no fucks because the reasoning behind the deal in the first place is already done
Sssssh, don't interrupt Yea Forums's good time with facts and logic!
>As for Tom Holland, the actor confirmed in 2016 that he is signed for 3 solo movies, but reports indicate Sony plans 2 more films w/ him, which makes 4
Well, Marveless sequels with Holland could be a potential possibility. However, Marvel still wants Spidey in the MCU and they probably won't go down without a fight (if they have to), a fight that could make sequels much less possible.
Who knows, the Labor Day cut could end up with this as the ending:
lmao Just no. No.
>No matter what Yea Forums thinks
That really should be the perspective everyone looks at everything with.
You say that, but even without the movies, Disney would be making bank on Spider-Man merchandise.
I imagine that Homecoming/Far from Home merch sales pales in comparison to generic Spider-Man branded merchandise.
The big difference is that Fox is no more and DC scaled way back in the years since then. For all intents and purposes, Marvel is the sole big capeshit franchise right now. Spider-Man included invigorates Sony's "independent" slate a great deal.
Sony seems to be spinning it as Feige not wanting to produce Spider-movies anymore. There’s no indication either way about Spidey being in future MCU movies or not.
Watts doesn’t understand Spider-Man.
You don't give a fuck about Spider-Man if you think Disney's films have been good. So their "incompetence" doesn't matter.
>Sony seems to be spinning it as Feige not wanting to produce Spider-movies anymore.
The thing is, the man has been a known Spider-man fanboys since the beginning so its hard to believe he just wanted to end things. The other rumor was that Disney wanted him to take his focus away from helping produce spider-man to the new acquisitional IPs, IE X-men, Fantastic 4 etc. from Fox, something which wasn't easy nor clean with Comcast dropping the ball hard, hence why Disney had to fork over even more money to acquire their shares.
>For all intents and purposes, Marvel is the sole big capeshit franchise right now.
And I ask you again, even with DC and Fox, are you really saying they weren't then? The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers came out the same year. That was the movie that made the billion that made every studio want a shared universe. At that point was when every studio, superhero or not wanted a shared universe or their own. 7 years have passed since then. How many attempts have been successful? They had the stranglehold. We didn't realize it then, but they already had it, Disney having less or diminished rivalry now than it did then doesn't strengthen an argument that Sony NOW is going to break it...with all respect to you.
I mean the MCU Spider-Man films are worse than Rami's and Spider-Verse but better than Amazing Spider-Man and Venom
Hey, fun fact:
Guess who still follows Sony Pictures on Twitter.
>HA! My movies that are guaranteed to do well did well! Take that detractors!
It's dumb to expect them to fail, but it's not dumb to hope they fail. Stop shilling for heartless corporations because you want to BTFO the "contrarians" or whatever.
>Horrible Bosses 2
>The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
>Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
>the problem wasn't Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley
Nigger what?
>A CEO follows the competition
Wow, what a fucking revelation...
I mean they claim that Feige just has too much on his plate to focus on Spider-Man. Whether it’s true or not, my point was that everyone is acting like it’s gospel that Spider-Man will no longer appear in the MCU, but there is literally no confirmation on that.
Can't imagine Disney just giving up. This is the last piece of the puzzle. They own the rights to every other Marvel cape. X-Men, FF, Deadpool, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Punisher, Marvel managed to get them all back. Spider-Man is the last one standing and they're going to weaponise the fanbase to try and get him back.
Isn't anyone excited for any newcomers? The Eternals? The possibility of the X-Men showing up?
>The deal was shit for Sony to begin with
So Sony pays to make the movie, gets the Feige golden goose to shit out a golden egg bigger than anyone Sony would be able to make on their own, and all Disney gets is...
>Disney wasn’t at all interested in continuing the current terms where Marvel receives in the range of 5% of first dollar gross, sources said.
Holy shit, man. You are so right. That's "terrible."
>Disney wanted them to eat an even bigger shit sandwich.
>Disney asked that future Spider-Man films be a 50/50 co-financing arrangement between the studios, AND THERE WERE DISCUSSIONS THAT THIS MIGHT EXTEND TO OTHER FILMS IN THE SPIDER-MAN UNIVERSE.
Hot damn dude, you're so right! They want a bigger piece of the eggs, but are willing to give Sony more of them? How "monstrous."
>they can go back to making solo Spiderman movies and keep all of the profits instead of just a fraction.
It's okay. You can say 95% of a bigger egg that probably accounts for more of all of the smaller egg they'll make on their own. That makes total sense.
>Who needs the rest of the MCU if you were only seeing part of the action
Again, 95%
>Not to mention that Sony Pictures doesn't even rank to Sony in terms of revenue, that's SIE and Sony Music.
And yet you saw fit to include the financing of a videogame as though it factored into the negotiations going on between studios related to movies, that as even you admit:
>doesn't even rank to Sony
>the reasoning behind the deal in the first place is already done
You mind elaborating on this a bit further?
>Right now, Marvel can make a solo Hulk movie whenever they want, with or without Universal's consent. The issue isn't really with the film's rights - Marvel already owns the rights to make movies with the Hulk in them - it's that Universal owns the film's distribution rights.
Plus there are a few others they don't own full ownership either like Namor and some B-list super heroes/villains because its a little more complicated.
Wonder if they can just take Namor back now that he's a mutie. Technically wouldn't be in the X-men rights?
There has never been a good Spider-Man film.
Now Warner Bros. has a chance of buying him, and putting him in the NuDCU.
Sony's Spiderman movies always made bank, they didn't need Disney or the MCU to profit off Spiderman. Venom made $800m for fucks sake. Disney also got %5 off a movie they spend ZERO DOLLt to make, which effectively made it free fucking money along with ALL merchandise profits which are actually the most IMPORTANT aspect of a movie as they're where the bulk of your revenue comes from. On top of all that, the Disney Jews even wanted money from all other Spiderman related media while Sony still footed the entire bill. It was a shit deal from the get go and Sony was smart to tell Feige to eat a dick
I believe that changing a character's backstory is not enough to change the legality behind ownership. They should technically own him as that five year no movie deal ended ages ago but it still seems to be in limbo.
If Sony wanted, could they make comics about their movie versions of Spider-Man.
>You mind elaborating on this a bit further?
Sony only made the deal with Disney to get the greenlight for their Spiderman PS4 game, that's it. Game is made, what reason does Sony need to keep playing ball?
That would be an amazing clusterfuck, and I hope it happens.
No, Marvel Comics still owns the rights to the comic book stuff. Sony just has the movie rights to the character.
Namor, though.
Yeah, the AMS 2 easily made money hence the sequel oh....
both company's are greedy just sony has the rights to spiderman and not disney and disney being the muti billiong mega movie making box office hits they are aren't willing to shell out extra few bucks to sony.
the biggest thing is disney has more to lose then sony in this case cause the whole mcu cause of how intergated spiderman they put him into it. unless they just bullshit their way thru it or just pay sony the money
Literally who?
>Sony's Spiderman movies always made bank, they didn't need Disney or the MCU to profit off Spiderman.
You should speak with >Disney also got %5 off a movie they spend ZERO DOLLt to make
Again, you fail to realize that by the time Spidey came to play in the MCU, it already had the reputation that benefited Spider-Man. There was value brought that a solo Spider-Man movie wouldn't have had. On top of that, you understand that Feige making sure that Homecoming was more MCU and ASM/2 meant it'd be received better and generate more profit, right? So I know you think Sony is great and Disney is evil, but where you see Disney cashing a check for money they didn't earn, I see Disney buffing it's Goodwill Account to make a charitable donation to a studio run by incompetents who never would have got Homecoming or FFH box office takes without Disney's charity.
>along with ALL merchandise profits
I'm telling you. You really need to talk to >On top of all that, the Disney Jews even wanted money from all other Spiderman related media while Sony still footed the entire bill. It was a shit deal from the get go and Sony was smart to tell Feige to eat a dick
Oh no! A company that owns the rights to a character in every medium but movies, wants to collect a profit on every use of the character in every medium beside movies? HOW UNTHINKABLE!
>Captain Marvel
Maybe mods should make a sticky?
>Sony only made the deal with Disney to get the greenlight for their Spiderman PS4 game
You say that like they didn't go on a cancellation spree when ASM2 hit. They had movies planned out to ASM4 going into ASM2.
Mousetard tears are so yummy
Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are truly the most charismatic leads that the MCU has now.
Ants has the potential to be bigger than it is, the real problem was the bland sequel that gave him a weak rep. It looks like Strange is going to tap into his big potential with a crazy sequel. I can't wait for the F4.
So is this the universe where we pretend the Emoji movie doesn't exist?
oh man I hope this means we’ll get a F4 with effort
>wanting to make money is greedy
Fuck off commie
Not as long as who ever owns it shits it out for toy sales.
Losing higher profitability isn't much of a loss if you're still maintaining profitability overall so losing the "precious" MCU backing isn't as big a blow as you think it is to Sony. How you see it is your personal delusion, reality is that Sony was putting all the work while Disney skated off with a free check while having a stranglehold on all the merchandise and Spidey merch has profits in the billions.
And IP rights have a variety of layers and Sony owns all film rights to spiderman characters, not Disney, and Disney effectively wanted a piece of something it had no right to and I'm sure that was probably what really pushed Sony to tell them to fuck off
Who needs a sequel? Sony has other PlayStation IPs to market and a lack of Spiderman won't break them. You're not thinking like a businessman here, just a fanboy
>Who needs a sequel?
Um. I'd certainly like one or two or however many they decide to make. I really liked the story and world set in Spider-Man and would like to dig into it more. The prospect of a playable Miles, possible online co-op, exploring that world's Harry and symbiote and Green Goblin, possible a Gwen all sound wonderful to me, and as a consumer I am eager to pay the MSRP to Insomniac for the opportunity to do so.
That sure sounds like an opportunity to generate a profit to me. Please tell me more about how I'm not thinking like a businessman Mr. Willingly Leaving a Profit Opportunity on the Table?
By the way, I don't you're aware, but in the videogame industry a lot of developer have existing IP's they could make games about. That still doesn't keep them from saturating the market with whatever is popular at any given point, because they chase the dollar until the dollar stops coming.
Also that was a wonderful source you provided.
Get Toby. He hasn't been doing anything these past 10 years.
>Losing higher profitability isn't much of a loss if you're still maintaining profitability overall
You know it's funny you say that because we were just talking about 5% off the top being a dealbreaker, but all of a sudden higher profitability doesn't matter as much. It almost seems...contradictory. I mean if that's the case if Sony took 50% box office from a movie they and Disney split the production cost of, and made a profit off of it, by your logic, that's all that matters, right?
>Sony was putting all the work while Disney skated off with a free check
You know someone said something to me recently that really fits here:
How you see it is your personal delusion
>while having a stranglehold on all the merchandise and Spidey merch has profits in the billions.
Again, it's almost like they own the character in every medium but film. How unfair of them to want to monetize an IP they are the owners of. What's next? Asking consumers to exchange wealth for goods or services they manufacture or provide? That's crazy!
ASM2 made a lot of money, just not as much as they expected. If it was a cheaper production, like Venom, it could have continued. Their fault with ASM was trusting Webb with money after the first film.
You don't know what suffering is. Not yet.
I can't believe some people are even trying to protect Disney's greed in this situation.
>Disney pays for nothing and gets free money
>Asks for more money still
"B-but that 50% production cost"
I can’t wait for avi arad’s Spider-Man vs Venom movie
Maybe they can get McG to direct and Eminem and Limp Bizkit to do the soundtrack
Sony knows what the people want
>Disney pays for nothing
>Feige quality control has no value
>connecting to the MCU adds no value
and gets free money
>complain that Disney doesn't "pay anything"
>dismiss their offer to pay
I’d be fine if Spider-Man was no longer in the MCU if they’d just allow them to make one more movie to send him off
>but it's not dumb to hope they fail. Stop shilling for heartless corporations because you want to BTFO the "contrarians" or whatever
why not? It's fun seeing Yea Forums try to rationalize Z-listers become international icons
There is only one man Tom Rothman would hire for this job.
>As for Tom Holland, the actor confirmed in 2016 that he is signed for 3 solo movies, but reports indicate Sony plans 2 more films w/ him, which makes 4
Let's not forget that Aaron Taylor-Johnson signed up for multiple movies,
Signing up doesn't mean actually being used.
Venom was a good song though and Eminem is also the most streamed Hip Hop artist of all time so it's not like it was a dumb move
True, but with Holland as well received by not Yea Forums as he has been, as well as their successful Venom movie, there is zero chance they wont try to squeeze a crossover out of this before cutting him loose.
I doubt Sony wants to fall victim to play or pay. They'll use those contracts
>Marvel makes Sony's movies for them
>Pulls in a literal billion dollars for Sony
>Sony doesn't want to agree to a 50/50 co-financing deal for the movies Marvel is making for them
Why are we pretending either of these retard conglomerates is the good guy?
>Doc. Strange and Ant-man both had lukewarm responses to their solo films.
but Doctor Strange got a much better reception for his appearance in IW
Exactly, neither are victims. Its literally a game of chicken over dime and dollars, fuck them.
Sony made the movies, paid production costs, got zero dollars from merchandise and the mouse is now demanding a 50/50 split with the hollow offer of only paying half of production for Spiderman movies while also demanding part of the gross from spider verse movies Sony has fund all by themselves and retards here actually think Disney is justified
Well, Tony is dead. Cap and Hulk might as well be. They sabotaged Thor and the GotG. Who is left that anyone gives a fuck about?
>while also demanding part of the gross from spider verse movies
Source for this bullshit.
So is this the universe where we pretend the Captain Marvel and Last Jedi movies doesn't exist?
I thought it was clear Endgame was The End. Everything beyond will be waste.
>it's the exact opposite
Why would we pretend two movies that generated massive profits that everyone but incels enjoyed don't exist?
I like my twitter literal whos with check marks, please.
That guy might as well be any of you posting that shit here.
>Sony makes the only interesting superhero movie of the entire decade and wins an Oscar
>All of a sudden The Mouse (TM) wants more money
Petty doesn't even begin to describe it.
I'm guffawed at how hard Disney is making sure the plot to Shrek stays absurdly relevant.
This, the sequel looks like is going to be a big hit. Also, something similar happened to Ant-Man with his appearance in Endgame.
>How dare Sony tell monopolies to fuck off!
People are getting accused of being 'Sony Cultists' and shit, but the fact of the matter is there are a *lot* of Mouse cockgobbler on Yea Forums and Yea Forums when it comes to capeshit.
now sony can fuck spiderwoman and blackcat ladies
I haven't read anything official saying Sony is pulling Holland's Spidey out of the MCU, only that Kevin's not going to be working on it because he's being stretched too thin for what he's being paid.
This is a load of nothing holy shit.
>Implying Quickshit won't be in either WandaVision nor MoM.
Marvel already did that
I would honestly be okay with Sony if they finally just ditch Mary Jane for one iteration and allow him to fuck Black Cat.
Not him, but I'm a PS4 owner, which to some, makes mea Sony cultist. I adore the MCU, after begrudgingly watching the movies for years, because I enjoyed them but wish I enjoyed DC movies as much as I did MCU movies, which probably makes me a Mouse cockgobbler as well.
As someone who looks back on Spider-Man 1 and 2 fondly, Sony Pictures is not the same company it was when those movies came out. The movie superhero movie scene is not what it was then. If Sony Pictures wasn't run by the guy who spitefully produced X3 for reasons more about his own ego than whether or not it was good or the audience would like it? I might be okay with Sony making solo Spidey movies all on their own. If Sony were just giving us Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy out of costume slice of life flicks? I might be okay with Sony making solo Spidey movies on their own.
As we aren't getting that though, I don't have faith in their capacity to give me something without Feige providing any quality control. As a Spider-Man fan, do I realize Disney isn't anywhere near altruistic or without blame in this? Absolutely, but lack ambition aside, I've enjoyed Holland's Spider-Man, and I've enjoyed his being a part of the shared universe. The only way I get more of that is if Disney gets what it wants, so because I want what Disney wants, and not what Sony wants, I've absolutely chosen a side. I'm not talking good guys or bad guys here, because at the end of the day, as corporations, they're all bad, but one gives me what I want and the other doesn't.
Based common sense and nuance user.
Yeah I don’t get it, it’s all speculation based on a preliminary negotiation. It’s not likely that Sony and Disney would just let this go that easily. It’s in both their interests to keep Spidey in the MCU
>Sony issued a statement late in the evening, not denying anything Deadline revealed yesterday, but reiterating its stance that Feige was too busy, which seems like spin.
Black Panther, Guardians and Carol will carry the next wave. You can be butthurt about it but they will sell.
That's quite awhile out. Gunn's back on it but won't be working on it until after Sqwad 2, which isn't even out for another two years. I doubt we'll see GotG3 before the next "phase."
Future negotiations aren’t impossible though.
Not saying they are, but if user is saying they aren't pulling Holland Spidey out of the MCU, Deadline was the original to report that they were, and when Sony gave a comment they didn't deny anything that Deadline reported, that is an admission of the reports accuracy. If anything their comment wasn't to challenge any part of the report, but just to provide their reason for the report.
>that is an admission of the reports accuracy
No it’s not. All it means is that Sony ignored that part of the report. Neither Sony nor Disney has made it clear what Spider-Man’s role in the MCU will be going forward. It’s something we simply don’t know at this point, and there will obviously be continued negotiations between the two companies before anything concrete.
Warner Bros, now is your chance! Blow the world's minds with a great DC Spider-Man Movie!
Okay so there will ongoing negotiations, just like people said there would be between Henry Cavill and WB but who cares about that, CAN'T WAIT FOR MoS2...some day in the possibly near future, but if there aren't and Sony and Disney can't agree on new terms moving forward, is the MCU going to be in Spidey movies, and Spidey in MCU movie?
Well, did they?
Bro do you even business? Look at James Gunn
>but if there aren't and Sony and Disney can't agree on new terms moving forward, is the MCU going to be in Spidey movies, and Spidey in MCU movie?
No? That’s what the negotiations are about. But we’ll just have to see what happens until then.
>That’s what the negotiations are about. But we’ll just have to see what happens until then.
Awesome, so it is just like people said there would be between Henry Cavill and WB but who cares about that, CAN'T WAIT FOR MoS2...some day in the possibly near future, then the next Holland MCU movie too!
>trying to make Sony cultists a thing
That just makes you look like the cultists :^)
How could Sony have fucked up THIS bad? This is like a WB level fuck up
>people said there would be between Henry Cavill and WB
that’s nice, but we’re talking about a totally different set of circumstances, so I’m not sure what your point is besides “negotiations have gone wrong in the past!”
>asking an MCU fan to read
You know that’s not gonna happen right?
>Disney shills are mentally retarded and got mind controlled by the rat
They are the alt right equivalent in entertainment
We get to watch MCUcks and Sonyggers hurt attack each other, what’s not to love.
>but we’re talking about a totally different set of circumstances
Really? Bad news not being because "ongoing negotiations" will fix them? Sounds pretty similar. I guess Cavill's case is different because his agent explicitly refuted the report that he was done as Superman which is more than Sony was willing to.
Negotiations are always going on. They don't count for shit unless there is something that they produce. So I legitimately envy you for remaining skeptical of this report. I don't think these trades are looking to piss off their sources in the studios by reporting fabricated bullshit, but by all means, remain skeptical. I legitimately hope you are right in the end.
Actually it's the other way around. Spider man is nothing without Marvel Studios. It's the 1st time ever since a Spidey movie mada a billion.
>needed samefag ticket sale spamming to make 1b
imagine having to make things like this up to accept maybe people liked a movie
i've never seen anyone claim disney bought tickets for any other movie, hmm
>facts and logic
There is literally no similarities between the Cavill/WB thing and the current Sony/Disney thing beyond “negotiations about a future superhero movie.” Dont turn this into your hill to die on.
Or they could just stop pretending Tom Holland is a teenager.
Like I said:
>I legitimately hope you are right in the end.
Sony has proven time and time again they don't really care how the public perceives them no matter how they fuck up.
unironically this
True, plus Sony has all the cards in this deal. Disney is fucked on this deal if Sony just flat out refuses to let them partake in the Spider-money
>Lady Thor
>Sony has all the cards in this deal.
It astonishes me how thoroughly Yea Forums likes to dismiss the cache of notoriety and public loyalty the MCU has. I know, I know, we all like to say it is garbage and that Disney is bad, blah blah blah, but these days a movie comes out and they crush the BO, which says one of two things to me. Either Yea Forums and Yea Forums has it's thumb on the pulse of society, and we're all just bullshitting each other all day, or we're all really out of touch, and don't speak for the masses like we delude ourselves into thinking we do.
Spider-Man just got tossed out of the VIP area of the hottest nightclub in Hollywood, because his buddy Tom was being a cheap piece of shit. A lot of other studios have tried opening similar clubs but they've all shut down. Hell, Spidey's friend Amy tried opening one and couldn't even do that. People were at this club before Spidey showed up, were happy to see him there when he showed up, and are sad to see him leave, but they aren't leaving with him and the line to get in still goes around the corner block.
So yeah, Sony holds the card of owning the live action rights to the character(s), but that is hardly "all the cards." Maybe it was 17 years ago, but that card hasn't counted for much by itself for the last 7 years or so.
Sony has proved that it can make popular Spider-Man movies with Venom and Spiderverse. And the MCU was doing just fine without Spider-Man for a long while. There will definitely be backlash if Sony leaves the MCU entirely, but they absolutely do not need Disney and can weather bad PR. Disney needs Sony way more than Sony needs Disney, since Sony is the one who ultimately gets to decide what to do with the Spider-Man film rights.
Yup. Dumbest things I've seen in quite a while. They built the mcu without spidey.
I'm actually pretty curious about the Eternals. I recently went back and reread the run from the 70's and...it doesn't age particularly well.
Of course, Antman was fairly lame in floppies as well, so I'm very curious to see what they end up doing with the Eternals. It's such a bizarre property
You're forgetting that Sony is retarded. This is the company that was planning on making an Aunt May solo film for christ's sake.
>Sony has proved that it can make popular Spider-Man movies with Venom and Spiderverse.
What always bugs me on people saying this is that they ignore this came AFTER the MCU rehabilitated Spider-Man's image in the public eye, as well as Sony blowing their load with Spidey's most popular villain off the bat and it being tripe to watch, while Spiderverse made the least in gross and profit of any Spidey film.
Not only can you not promise Spiderverse's 2 quality will be as good as the first, or that people will even be intrigued in future villain films, but it also ignores a lot of people will be pissed Sony took Spidey away from the MCU. Word's already spreading. Sony has far more, if not nearly everything, to lose in this scenario.
It's obvious that Marvel has been setting up Holland's Spidey to be the new face of the MCU. A big reason why is his rogues' gallery; Spider-Man has Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Vulture, Electro, Rhino, Kraven, etc.
Fanboys say they can fall back on Black Panther and Captain Marvel but they aren't anywhere near as iconic.
Black Panther has only 3 major villains and 2 of them were killed in his debut film. Carol has only one (Moonstone).
Are MCU movies good?
>Are MCU movies good?
Iron Man 1 and that's it
It's literally the other way around. Now that Marvel Studios rehabilitated his image and made him a box office draw again, Sony wants him back. We'll finally be getting that Venom crossover after all.
Wow, I never thought I’d see blatant corporate bootlicking go mainstream.
Is it really corporate bootlicking if one studio clearly makes better movies than the other? It's basically rooting for the winner.
Disney was asking for 50% of the profits, and Sony refused to negotiate. Sony didn't make a counter offer or anything. They could have worked out a deal that would have kept both sides happy, but we'll never know because Sony failed contract negotiation 101. As it stands, they will have to either reboot the franchise or awkwardly move forward with Holland but cut out any references to the MCU, which mean they won't be able to revisit or reference any previous movies. Audiences clearly loved the MCU Spider-Man, which is why FFH outperformed any of Sony's prior attempts. They've fucked themselves from a production standpoint.
I can't even tell if this is ironic.
>michelle jones is MCU
FUCK fuck , i liked that MJ
>Love both MCU movies
>Completely on Sony's side
What fucking leverage does Marvel have anymore? It already lost its Golden Geese with Tony and Cap leaving. Now Phase 4 is literal scraps. Who the fuck will people go to Avengers 5 to see? Disney is in no position to demand anything.
This, Yea Forums doesn't realize it but normal average movie goers don't want Morbius or Venom or an Aunt May film. They want to the MCU. A solo Spidey film atm with no direct connection gathers little to no interest since it's not part of the Grand story. No one wants Sony to do a spider centric movie universe because no one cares about that. Hell talk to normal people, they couldn't care less about Sony, they care about the MCU and the MCU only, and that kind of clout can break franchises just like it did with ASM, DC and X-Men
That loyalty will be burned up once the obviously garbage phase 4 hits
Nigga talking to people at work half of them didn't even know that Venom wasn't part of the MCU
It’s corporate bootlicking, this is beyond movies. Disney is butthurt Sony are being smart businessmen and now they’re using the court of public opinion to pressure a new deal
It's really more like Disney wanted 50/50, Sony said no, Disney refused to go lower than 50%.
>captain cunt
The problem with this is that moviegoers will not watch a film that cynically keeps Holland Spidey but removes everything Marvel's writers created. They love the MCU and they love basically the entire supporting cast, dropping this stuff and trying to pass off the movie as the same story because Holland will just lead to a boycott.
But then again, rebooting will lead to a boycott too, so Sony is pretty much fucked either way.
I barely call it smart, it's common sense.
>But then again, rebooting will lead to a boycott too, so Sony is pretty much fucked either way.
Meanwhile I and several others won't be seeing anymore MCU movies post-Spiderman
Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt? Although I do not consider them huge draws to anyone but 20yo somethings with poor tastes. Which is the main demographic for capeshit nowadays.
No. Because Sony traded money on merch for money at the box office. This is clearly not a fair deal for Sony to get 50% less AND nothing on merch.
>Chris Hemsworth
Being written out for Fem Thor
>Chris Pratt
GoG3 will take forever to come out because of the James Gunn fiasco. All of the public's good will will be burned out by the awful movies leading up to it
You and several others are not general audiences, user. You're the ass end of the contrarian Yea Forums machine. General audiences, amazingly enough, remain hyped for Marvelshit. And are clued in enough to realize that anything Sony makes themselves won't be a true continuation of the story they're invested in.
Sony has dealt a blow to Marvel but they've cut off their own foot here. Whatever Sony-Man they cook up next will be unprofitable for the next ten years at least.
>Being written out for Fem Thor
No he's not. Hemsworth himself has said Thor is sticking around. We're probably getting Fem Thor for one movie.
So the MCU is pretty much "dead" or relegated to zombie-mode now like The Simpsons. They'll make money, but because of fanbois.
>We're probably getting Fem Thor for one movie.
Oh how delusional you are... If he does stick around, it'll only be to emasculate him. Marvel's going all out with the "Get woke, go broke" shit
>Not only can you not promise Spiderverse's 2 quality will be as good as the first, or that people will even be intrigued in future villain films
Lol now this is getting into pointless speculation. We can’t be certain either way
>but it also ignores a lot of people will be pissed Sony took Spidey away from the MCU. Word's already spreading.
Yes but again Sony can weather that storm.
>Sony has far more, if not nearly everything, to lose in this scenario.
I disagree. Both Sony and Disney will come out of this just fine.
I'm just pointing out that Sony negotiated and Disney didn't want to go lower
But not the same money as before. Same with Sony. People went to see fucking Venom. I'm sure they'll be fine
Ultimately neither side actually benefits from this so I expect a deal to get done
>for one movie
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Do you actually read the comics? It's even worse if Thor is around when Whor comes in.
Yep, because Marvel sure goes broke when they get woke. When will you idiots give up on this naive fantasy? At this point there needs to be some awful, morally complex scandal to kill the MCU.
Its fucking amazing how disney controls the media
>The Last Jedi
>Doesn't mention how Solo did afterwards
There's plenty of stuff with lasting effects in the comics that hasn't applied to the MCU. These movies are adaptations, not straight up copies.
Yet here comes Whor with all her glory.
I actually think Sony could be legitimately hurt by this. Audiences might actually choose to scorn their movies in an attempt to punish them for this whole affair. It's not logical, but so far, the MCU is one of the few things on the planet that generates reliable activism.
Which is... a pretty sobering thought, to be sure.
>that glorious btfo of those racist haters
I've never enjoyed anything like BP's box office run on this site. These fuckers were so smug while saying it'd flop, then were scrambling for excuses as it made more and more money.
The Last Jedi is one of the highest grossing films of all time, despite its overall mediocrity.
Nobody - NOBODY - wanted a Solo movie at any point. There was negative hype for that film.
If Sony can endure the pain they'll win. People will quickly catch onto the fact that the real story ended at Endgame with FFH as a nice epilogue.
And which of the currently announced Phase 4 movies does anybody actually want?
>average movie goers don't want Morbius or Venom
Venon did as much as Spider Man Homecoming, people saw that because it was Tom Hardy and they'll see Morvius because Jared Leto.
...Yes? We had Civil War too, and it was nothing like it was in the comics. Fucking pay attention.
You can say the same with Venom
Who knows how is the future of SPidey
>pretending its going to be better after Captain Marvel
oh nonono
Shit is legit fucked dude outside of BP and dr aylmao
>And which of the currently announced Phase 4 movies does anybody actually want?
So far, people seem to be very much into Love and Thunder and Multiverse of Madness. Blade sparked people's nostalgia feelies too.
I'm aware that Yea Forums is triggered as fuck by Love and Thunder but general audiences are hungry for it. They fucking adore Thor now, and the way they've marketed it with the logo and such is hitting people's spot for that weird retro feel they eat up like hot dim sum right now.
>It's really more like Disney wanted 50/50, Sony said no, Disney refused to go lower than 50%.
That's not how negotiations works. If you are interviewing for a job and they offer you less than you know you are worth, if you just say "no" without offering a counter, they will say "thank you for your time, good luck on the job hunt." You can't and shouldn't negotiate with a flat rejection.
As movie it was a piece of shit, Ultron lvs tbqh
But it still followed the same beats. The same lessons learned. Sure, the story might not be a 1 to 1 carbon copy bit I'm sure as hell it will have female epowerment and also Thor being a fucking loser.
>So far, people seem to be very much into Love and Thunder
Once the public is more aware that it's forced feminism lesbo crap, they'll turn. DOn't underestimate the soccer moms and the Christian lobby
>Multiverse of Madness
Dr. Strange is one of the lower grossing MCU flicks
>Blade sparked people's nostalgia feelies too.
Again, nothing that connects to the public at large
>Extend to other films in the Spider-Man universe
Disney wanted 50% of that Venom 2 money.
The general thrust with Thor right now is that he's going out and being the person he wants to be - which appears to be a badass space adventurer with a giant lightning axe. So it's doubtful that they'll loser him up.
There'll of course be empowerment with Jane, and I personally am not stoked about Portman (I just hate her for some reason) but I see no reason to believe her being Thor will be long-running thing. The MCU doesn't really do huge status quo shifts like that, it does lessons characters learn film by film, with things like powers and the like staying basically the same.
spider man is outta the mcu let it go youtube.com
It's insane, and people defend it. They were even planning Norman to be the new final boss. They had so much at stake with spidey and they still acted like madmen.
>Once the public is more aware that it's forced feminism lesbo crap, they'll turn.
Do I have to break out that second image of /pol/ being fucking annihilated AGAIN by Captain Marvel?
>Dr. Strange is one of the lower grossing MCU flicks
But he had an extremely positive reception in Infinity War/Endgame, and we saw what that can do with a film franchise with FFH. People are also interested in how Scarlet Witch ties in.
>Again, nothing that connects to the public at large
Oh, sweet summer child...
Fuck off, mouse.
>>Extend to other films in the Spider-Man universe
How is anyone on Disney's side here? That's Sony losing hundreds of millions of dollars
>Once the public is more aware that it's forced feminism lesbo crap, they'll turn
Don't you ever get tired of making predictions that turn out false?
>DOn't underestimate the soccer moms and the Christian lobby
The Christian lobby is fine with a movie glorifying a pagan god but they'll turn on it because of stronk wimminz?
>I slapped my name on it. I deserve more money
>a guy is saying all goes well give me more money!!
>ill pay half, BUT i will still get all profit from millions of merch. Give me more money!!!!!!!!!!
Kindly go fuck yourself retard
>DOn't underestimate the soccer moms and the Christian lobby
This, even liberal soccer moms only support their daughters being lesbians IN THEORY but balk the second their little girl is gay
>Do I have to break out that second image of /pol/ being fucking annihilated AGAIN by Captain Marvel?
I saw Captain MArvel and learned my lesson. I suspect a lot of others did too. It's the lesbian thing that's going to cost Thor. Do not underestimate boomers on facebook telling their families not to see it
>But he had an extremely positive reception in Infinity War/Endgame, and we saw what that can do with a film franchise with FFH. People are also interested in how Scarlet Witch ties in.
Spider-Man was already a household name. It just got a little pump from people wanting to see the Post-Endgame world
>The Christian lobby is fine with a movie glorifying a pagan god but they'll turn on it because of stronk wimminz?
It's the lesbianism, that'll kill it
What if Disney just buckles and claims they did it for the fans?
They would be retarded. It doesn't really gain them anymore good will with the fans than they already had and it makes them look weak to Sony.
Every source, including that one, state clearly that Sony flatly rejected the deal with no counter. That screencap is the only source I've seen that makes any reference to Sony offering vague "other configurations," which directly contradicts the sentence right before it if true.
>I suspect a lot of others did too.
Most of the world isn't triggered by feminism.
>Spider-Man was already a household name. It just got a little pump
It pulled like double what Homecoming did. That's not a little pump.
>It's the lesbianism, that'll kill it
The Christian lobby can whine all the want, movies full of gays and lesbos get by them all the time. And the make baaaaaank, bitch.
>Most of the world isn't triggered by feminism.
THey're triggered by meh as fuck movies, which is all we'll get after endgame
>It pulled like double what Homecoming did. That's not a little pump.
Homecoming got 880 million, FFH got 1.1 billion
>The Christian lobby can whine all the want, movies full of gays and lesbos get by them all the time. And the make baaaaaank, bitch.
Not as the main characters of mainstream popcorn flicks. 70% of the US is still Christian and I'm pretty sure China is anti-gay as fuck. Combined with the fans they've already alienated it will perform below expectations
>It's the lesbianism, that'll kill it
Idoltry is a bigger sin than lesbianism.
>THey're triggered by meh as fuck movies
Agreed. But lots of people actually liked Captain Marvel. I didn't see it, but I know there are millions of people waiting on a sequel.
>which is all we'll get after endgame
Are you from 2022?
>Not as the main characters of mainstream popcorn flicks.
Sure we do. And which main characters of L&T are going to be gay? Valkyrie and some other chick? Bitches are secondary characters.
>70% of the US is still Christian
So Christian that most of them have never read the Bible and only a determined minority of tryhards actually still give a shit about gays.
>implying they care
They'll just see it as a liberal media brainwashing campaign
>came back with other configurations
It's from Deadline the ones who broke the Story
Fuck me, you're a whining little bitch.
>Every source, including that one, state clearly that Sony flatly rejected the deal with no counter
Lies and lies again, mouse.
Maybe they can get Michael Bay? ROTFLMAO
>But lots of people actually liked Captain Marvel.
I haven't met them
>Are you from 2022?
pic related
>Sure we do. And which main characters of L&T are going to be gay? Valkyrie and some other chick? Bitches are secondary characters.
I wouldn't rule out them making Jane Foster Bi like Nick did with Korra, either way it'll get a lot of publicity
>So Christian that most of them have never read the Bible and only a determined minority of tryhards actually still give a shit about gays.
Their religion may be fake but their money is real and Marvel won't be getting much more of it
I'm not whihing about anything. I'm fine treating FFH as the end of the MCU and think it's high note to go out on
>"Hey Quesada, activate the "Kill Spider Man" program, now"
That's backwards.
>I haven't met them
You seem like you don't go outside much, so I'm not surprised.
>lel meme picture
So, you have no real counter. Okay.
>Their religion may be fake but their money is real
And most of them pay up for shit their religion tells them to never touch all the time. Christianity is dead and the only reason anti-gay shit still gets through is because there are powerful rich groups that manipulate politics. These groups, however, have not been successful at manipulating what kind of movies people watch.
>I wouldn't rule out them making Jane Foster Bi like Nick did with Korra, either way it'll get a lot of publicity
Can you fucking IMAGINE if the movie ended with a Jane/Thor/Valkyrie threesome? Now that would annihilate the headlines and absolutely skullfuck the box office.
>Christianity is dead
It's alive enough to give you your current president
>These groups, however, have not been successful at manipulating what kind of movies people watch.
Did you miss all the shit about the NFL ratings dropping when Trump started bitching about it. These are the same people.
Trump isn't going to bitch about some Marvel movie and useful idiots don't listen to no-name lobbies.
It's called Facebook. Everyone has one
You people realize that the real issue is Marvel/Disney refusing to prioritize Feige's work on Spider-Man, right? Feige is creative producer in like 20 movies, Disney wants him to put those before Spider-Man, which forces Sony to play by Marvel's schedule. Marvel offered to have Feige prioritize Spider-Man IF they had 50/50 stake (both expenses and earnings) in the movie. Sony said no. That's the issue.
>the murder of Trump is trending
What the fuck
>both companies being fucking stupid
>You people realize that the real issue is Marvel/Disney refusing to prioritize Feige's work on Spider-Man, right? Feige is creative producer in like 20 movies, Disney wants him to put those before Spider-Man, which forces Sony to play by Marvel's schedule
if you genuinely believe that you're stupid
He's probably one of those chaps who think it would have done better in the holiday season.
I'm not worried to be honest. If the same studio behind the god damn Emoji Movie also had the same execs who greenlighted that and Pic Related. Say what you will about Venom but I thought it was a fun action flick that can serve as a fun Little time killer.
Plus the sequel is gonna have the Gollum as director, and there's a good chance he could do a good job. Plus the Morbius movie looks promising. It really does seem as if Don't learned from their previous mistakes.
I'm sure Spiderman will be fine.
Plus the MCU has objectively better IPs they can cash off of such as the Fantastic Four and X-Men. I'm sure the MCU will also be fine.
>FF and X-Men
>better than Spider-Man
if you can't spell it right, why would anyone care what you think about Spider-Man?
most of the MCU was built before Spider-Man joined it, and Sony only worked with Marvel/Disney because the MCU was so popular
it's gotta be a troll, right?
HAHAHA, give me abreak, read your text. You sound like a cultist deadbrain marvel zombie.
>Sony is shit at Spider-Man movies
>let's Disney make Spider-Man movies
>suddenly Spider-Man movies are good again
sony essentially waited for someone else to do all the hard work and then they take it away and all they got was the outrage of the entire planet, how is Sony thinking it's doing anything smart?
Remember: these are the people that thought the key to a successful Spider-Man movie was having it being about him instagramming his day.
>Fantastic fucking Four
MCU is absolutely going to fuck it up
Oh damn.
The fantastic 4 have never had a good movie
And depending on who you ask the X-men only have from 1 to 3 movies worth watching.
Why would we pretend two movies that are hated and generated massive brand damage that everyone but company shills continue to prove were shit?
>Who is left that anyone gives a fuck about?
Black panther, Captain Marvel
Yet cried to their fuckboy shills when they don't have him anymore.
Why can’t Sony just let people enjoy things?
My War Gone By HBO adaptation
That guy is just being sarcastic and listing the times Yea Forums have said those movies wouldn't work and yet here we are.
That's what Sony said happened officially.
>Gives a fuck about
>Tom Holland stays in MCU and becomes Fully OC Iron Boy
Sony is retarded enough to cave in and make a live action Spiderverse.
>if you can't spell it right, why would anyone care what you think about Spider-Man?
Know how I can tell you're a friendless virgin?
god forbid Marvel gets to own its own IPs
Far From Home is the epilogue to the MCU
Keep crying disney rat
>work in corporate america as a wage slave
>do a lot of business with Sony for their games/3D media workshops
>on the phone today with a VP from the Cali Sony office discussing bullshit
>as we end the call, I casually ask him how shit's going with the Spiderman shitflinging online going on
>he laughs and says no one in his office cares at all and that all the guys he's ever spoken to from Disney were usually cunts anyway
I wouldn't care even if it was 100% Sony being greedy, fuck the mouse and fuck RDJ iron man
You know what is scary? They technically can chip at Sony's stocks little by little and eventually buy up Sony Pictures if they really tried, had patience, some luck and a shitload of money to burn. They would do it too, that's how fucked up they are, they will buy something just to eat away and kill it and keep only what they originally want anyways.
yeah my dad works at nintendo too
do you think Sony is some magical land that doesn't interact with corporate america, they use a fucking VMS
Yes peoples care about these characters
>i liked that MJ
>to collect a profit
as if this is a good thing.
Fuck. At this point i might just buy the rights to spider-man, and make them a reward for a martial arts tournament or a battle royale or something.
>disney has more to lose then sony in this case cause the whole mcu cause of how intergated spiderman they put him into it.
He only shows up in CW and 2 Avengers movies.
They're done with IM and Cap and they aint making a Avengers for a good bit.
Hell, there's nothing in the pipeline he could even make sense to be apart of.
>Tom Holland, who has played Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2016's Captain America: Civil War, has reportedly unfollowed Sony on Instagram following the news that Spider-Man may be leaving the MCU.