Now that the dust has settled. What do you guys think of the ending?

Now that the dust has settled. What do you guys think of the ending?

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it was kind of like darling in the franxx, didnt leave a good feeling you know

I'll say this, Star left me feeling less upset than FRANXX did

Seriously who though commiting genocide was a good idea and why did disney approve it?

A complete and total departure from the tone it originally started with

It should have ended with the third season because the fourth was a shit shoe

Star is a cunt, but i'd still blow an incredible nut in that bitch.

They literally assasinated a favorite character of mine. Also I don't know if I was suppose to dislike Mina but after the penultimate episode, I felt bad for her.

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>A complete and total departure from the tone it originally started with
I agree, but I was intrigued with were it led to. Especially when it came to seeing how all the magic stuff made sense in regards to Glossaryck. I feel like he should've explained everything to everyone like it was all one big lesson.

This show turning me into an alcoholic was justified.

They definitely shouldn't have made Solaria blow her off like that

Ending it at the season 3 starter would have been perfect. Just snip off the eclipsa loose end by having a little bit showing her and globgor have gone off to some distant corner of the universe to live in quiet solitude after escaping
Bam, Star has proven herself worthy of being protector and queen when the time comes, Star and Marco have all the time in the world to work out their feelings without skullfucking the cosmos, and Buff Frog/Ludo's help has put a crack in the door for monsters to reconcile with Mewmans
It would have been the best ending possible. Every single thing that comes afterwards diminishes that Season 2 high point

Star "Genocider" Butterfly

dumbest solution to the conflict

Honestly there are soooo many questions left unanswered. Like what the fuck was Glossaryck

I thought it was a load of old piss frankly
>Kill off every magical being in the multiverse, of which you can reasonably assume there are an infinite number of
>Multiple episodes dedicated to the conscious spells in Stars wand, all for fucking nothing cos they're dead
>Mina gets no good comeuppance and is left as an analogy for the racism she was supposed to represent
>All the universes separated, consequences never to be explored over cheap closure
It was a finale that had a simple focus: Kill the magic and save the monsters. But the aftermath of Stars actions are so vast when you take some time to think about it (in fact the more you think the worse it gets) that you realise that the show downplays your intelligence and assumes you wouldn't think about it, that its bot supposed to be that serious. It ended by jumping off a cliff and breaking its neck on some rocks in such a gross manner, it would rather do something spectacular, thinking it'll be remembered, not caring if it's done so out of fondness or utter disappointment.

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there's the supplementary books
which is a dumb and bad way to supply information but still

basically if I remember correctly the universe itself spat him out to manage magic, which he mostly delegated by he himself creating the magical high commission

Not only is the overall concept bad, its not even done well.
Like, Star didn’t even hesitate. She just decided to end the magic and she does.
Also, Mina being the final boss is kinda lame. Luis was just completely shafted.
Seasons 3 and 4 honestly feel like a completely different show from 1 and 2.

But that doesn't answer why magic even existed in the first place if it was going to be destroyed

What I want to know was why was the dark magic everywhere? Why couldn't that be the final boss

Is bad in several ways
>abandon the premise of Star taking the responsability for her actions, isntead she blame magic on everything
>shat all over Moon development
>contradict Eclipsa beliefs for no reason
>Star not giving a fuck about the beings she just murdered including ones like Glossaryck who considered her a close friend.

Star murdered thousands for Marco's used goods lol

That's the other thing. I wanted to see a take on an animated Hitler but they brought in the backstory way too late into the series. I guess the books will have to do.

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Maybe the ending was an analogy to Mina being right and thus racism as well

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Btw Mina and Moon not being punished for causing the whole scenario and leading to deaths and damage through this War was massive bullshit.

In the end Star murdered innocents and spared the guilty.

>King Moon just wanted to go back to his roots and be left alone in the countryside away from everything but got dragged back in
She fucked him over so hard and he didn't deserve any of it
I hope they get divorced and Queen Moon dies in a car crash like Princess Diana

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If you think about it, NO ONE but the innocent suffered
>Humans are now terrorized by monsters
>Billions of magical beings, including Star's own "daughter", The Magical High Commission, and Glossaryck dead
>All of the Butterfly grandma spirits are all gone too.
Star, Moon, Mina, and Eclipsa all get off without a scratch.

Wish that they had been able to stop Mina without destroying the magic.

So the magical beings weren't outright killed in the wake of Cleaved, are pretty much left disabled or impaired, right?

Felt pretty rushed due to the really shit beforehand season 4. Season 3 also was really mediocre.

River got so much shit. First they turned him into an actual fucking retard when before he was a perfectly functional guy
Then it all go worse from there as his bitch wife went equally full, but far more malicious retard

Now that I think about it, the way Star defeats Mina is very similar to the way Timmy defeats Crocker in Abra-catastrophe.
There, it was done way better because there was actually tension and the character was actually making a sacrifice. It was actually a pretty epic climax.
In Star vs, it sort of just happens and no one really cares.


It was also a clever strategy and a surprising twist, Star vs was a deus ex machina.

meh. not really that good

Bad, but the writing was once the wall when the show "moved" to Mewni so it wasn'tun expected that it would fuck up, but boy did i underestimate just how badly it would.

I liked it more than most of S4, but that was because most of S4 (and S3) was shit. I think the genocide path was simply more interesting and gave more of a role to Star in her own story than "Eclipsa's bitch" for most of that season did.

I just feel like it was never going to have a "good," as in legitimately satisfying, ending, considering the two seasons that led up to it, so at least I appreciate it for going somewhere somewhat unexpected and leaving the characters' future in doubt. I think if the show was to have a better ending it would've also needed a different and better S4, at the very least.

Also: Cornonation hits many of the boxes for what people apparently see as a "good ending" (literal song and dance ending, everyone hugs, Eclipsa is queen and is rewarded for everything), and that was complete shit that destroyed all the tension previous episodes had set up and made Star completely irrelevant. It was completely unsatisfying taken with the show as a whole.

I find Star shaking things up herself and characters actually dying and ending on more of an uncertain note/blank slate for the former queens at least relevant to the story's main character and also more memorable than something generic/sappy like the above. I'm really not claiming it was a masterpiece, but that at least I think they succeeded in doing something memorable and interesting with a story that mostly wasn't toward the end, enough so that it feels like people have been talking about it every week or so for literally the last three months.

Just to make it clear though: yeah I think Battle for Mewni was a better ending, but if I absolutely have to take the seasons that followed then yes, I did enjoy the finale for what it was, comparatively.

>I did enjoy the finale for what it was

Or more like the idea of the finale and how it ended rather than the specific events. I could do without Eclipsa, Meteora, Solaria, Globgor, pretty much everyone related to them.

Okay. I'm done.

it's just ludicrous how they were so dead set on ultimately making eclipsa and globgor a pair of big boring dindus that they had to take the almost always steady and stable Moon and force her to turn full retard so there would actually BE a final conflict

what the hell is wrong with her face

and i think they were going for something along the lines of feeling bad for her and understanding where she comes from but knowing she's completely in the wrong and shouldn't be excused for it

>what the hell is wrong with her face
she's baffled like the rest of us about what a weird fucking name Toffee is

Yeah, I agree and it's why I feel the problems of the show don't begin with the finale. If they had made Eclipsa less trustworthy or more dangerous, then we also could've gotten a better finale then either of the available options at that point in the series (Star destroys magic, or she doesn't).

I did actually enjoy Moon challenging Eclipsa because she felt like practically the only character to successfully do that all season, but it definitely came out of nowhere even within the storyline of S4 itself for the sake of a twist.

the problem with Moon is that she had EVERY opportunity to challenge, or observe, or help Eclipsa from the moment she got back from the pienigger island
But having her just be sick of it all and go to live in the wilds to do ANYTHING else but be a queen for a whie (which I liked) only to apparently have been so butthurt over eclipsa the whole time that she'd do the whole behind the scenes scheming with a lunatic like Mina and the shady MHC, it's just...sloppy is the only word I can think up

That's true, especially since when she interacted with Mina the entire scene had pretty strong vibes of Moon just not wanting to get involved with her, period.

But just for me personally I never liked Moon just giving up on being queen either. The end of the season felt like the first time she actually felt like the same character from earlier seasons. So I guess, like the actual finale, it WAS stupid but it also felt better to me than a lot of the stuff before.

S4 just had a really sloppy plot overall.

Nothing is wrong with her face!

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