Sony doesn't need anything mcu, they can just suck Tom Holland through a portal into the Venomverse.
That's the first movie name.
Spiderman into the Venomverse.
Sony doesn't need anything mcu, they can just suck Tom Holland through a portal into the Venomverse.
That's the first movie name.
Spiderman into the Venomverse.
Venom killed the MCU
I thought Captain Marvel did that
at least the sequel will be directed by Andy Serkins
Andy Serkins? From Lad of the Wrongs and Playmate O' the Asp?
I'm a huge Venom fan and hated the Venom movie. I'm just not happy about all of this.
why did you hate it?
Mostly because it was a Sony movie and was not connected to MCU or Spider-man. A Venom without a Spider-man origin is ridiculous to me.
>was not connected to MCU or Spider-man
How is that a bad thing? MCU is practically dishwater at this point.
Why doesn't the Mouse just buy Sony Pictures?
Because Venom without a Spider-man is like making a Joker movie without Batm- ....... oh.
You're joking right?
Am I?
lol venoms gonna lead the sinister six
Can’t say that I am, the Venom film was alright, but goddamn it was like the writers had no idea what they were doing with that movie. Why was Eddie this goofy little bumbling beta who was impersonating (badly) Will Ferrel throughout the film? At least the action was good, you could cut out everything else from the film that doesn’t involve the Symbi-oats and nothing would really change, everything that wasn’t punched up by CGI just looked like a turd in the wind
They're not as powerful as you think
I wish movies news weren't a thing, this place really show its worst when full of Yea Forums toursits.
>Venom fans
Surely you mean tasteless retards?
No one mentioned Batfags tho.
I'm just here for a potential Silver Sable to make a comeback in popularity like Black Cat has
>that little fucking faggot being bonded with the symbiote
He'd be a worse host than Angelo Fortunato.
Lifelong venom fan, lemme just say
Tom Hardy and Tom Holland are both trash
Since when do emojis work here?
>goddamn it was like the writers had no idea what they were doing
They usually don't.
>Eddie this goofy little bumbling beta who was impersonating (badly) Will Ferrel throughout the film?
Because that's Eddy.
Sounds like a spot on film so far?
But Eddie has never been a goofy bumbling Beta who would jump into a fish tank and eat raw lobster. Could you provide me with some issue numbers wherein I can read about Eddie being, well, a moron and doing moronic stuff? Usually Eddie is a very imposing and intimidating dude who should have got into pro wrestling or strong man competitions rather than being a Journalist (not a news reporter). This movie version feels more like they were writing Eddie as if he were Peter Parker on a really bad day
>This movie version feels more like they were writing Eddie as if he were Peter Parker on a really bad day
They probably were doing exactly that.
you hit typed this out and hit post
Which is garbage man, Eddie and Peter, while they do share some similarities, are two very different characters, that would be like making another Batman movie, but writing Bruce to be more like Terry from Beyond.
> all these sonyshills
The Venom Symbiote is the only black girl that im ok with being Peter’s love interest