Which of them is smarter?
Which of them is smarter?
You bring up an interesting debate. "What does being "smart" mean"?
Zim is capable of creating tech that defies logic. Dib is capable of stringing together a coherent sentence, and remembering things for more than an hour.
In terms of basic functionality, Dib is much "smarter". In terms of tech, Zim is.
Some of Zim's technology like that simulation to fool Dib, could have helped him distract Dib as he goes to take over the Earth. But he used it just to get back at him for throwing that muffin.
His ideas and creations for his tech are extravagant, but reason to use it is often for something trivial and stupid.
Dib is more competent
Zim is smarter
In Mopinness of Doom Dib is cappable of solving problems and create theories along his dad, so he is indeed really smart, however zim has a huge knowledge of engineering but it's incopetent and always ruins everything. So i would say Dib.
Zim has more stuff in head but he's mentally insane. Guess Dib wins for having way less delusional world view.
Dib. If someone in a position of authority and respect handed Dib a broken robot and told him to go on a “secret mission” a schmillion lightyears away from home, Dib would probably figure out that they were just trying to get rid of him a lot faster than Zim did. If a human slapped on a pair of red glasses and an antenna headband, Zim would probably be fooled into believing they were a fellow Irken.
In terms of the show, it really doesn’t matter which is smarter, though. What matters is which of them is more competent at completing their goal. And the answer is neither, which is why they’re in a never ending stalemate.
how quickly would a competent zim conquer the world?
Like- would it take more than a few hours?
Skooge is weak shit and he took over the murderous rats like nothing
There’s a reason they only send one Irken to a planet.
Counterpoint- If zim actually took over the world, and didn't deal with Professor Membrane immediately, could professor Membrane fight back effectively?
Membrane wouldn’t be able to face what was happening was real, but he would still fight anyway.
He wouldn't think it's real though. I wish Dib would prepare himself and learn engineering like his father to try and stop Zim, that would be a cool charavter development.
Zim is max INT with no wisdom
Dib is some mix of both.
Zim has better tech and can make/implement crazy shit, but without anyone to direct him he doesnt go about it the best way.
Dib can manage to repair an irken ship after a ton of effort which would probably be trivial to them but he is also way more competent
Zim has more knowledge and focus but is terribly incompetent most of the time
Dib is fairly competent but lacks the knowledge of Zim.
But taken into account that Zim is over 100 years old and still gets bested by a 12 year old shows that Dib is relatively the smarter one overall.
I actually always thought that Membrane was thought to be special in Earth somehow, but never expected what was shown in the movie.
Zim has the advantage of already having advance Irken technology. Sure he makes plenty of new and unique stuff all the time.
Either or.
Zim has military/science training but Dib has le 90s haXx0r abilities and most importantly self-awareness.
But Zim probably has better grades at their school.
Yeah but in the trial they show he sucks at it, everything he does gets doomed by his fault even to ghe point of killong to ex tallest.
>implying he would have to
There is no way Membrane doesn't know about Zim by now, he's playing the long-con to motivate his kids into solving their own problems, and only steps in when they're in serious danger.
He doesn't suck at it, he just doesn't listen to his instructions and rather do stuff that's cool and flashy rather than practical.
If Zims alien race existed for more years than the humans, would it be fair to say Zim is more intelligent?
Wouldnt it be like comparing some average everyday person intelligence to an old genius Isaac Newton?
Zim is the classic case of a knowledgable idiot, a guy who appears smart but is just a booksmart moron
his head is filled with knowledge and information from years of training and the Irken pack on his back, but he's a moron when it comes to practice, this becomes clear when he wastes that knowledge for pointless shit like the waterbaloon episode and has little to no common sense, competence or logical thinking. He's not intelligent, just knowledgable.
I don't know why anyone would claim he's smart
The characters in the IZ universe are actually really stupid so i wouldn't be so sure of that
Zim is a textbook high int, low wis character
>Not delusional
Come on, user, he thinks that one kid is an alien!
Zim is 20 INT but 5 WIS
Dib is 15 INT but 10 WIS
Zim's only advantage is being part of a significantly more advanced species technologically speaking. The fact that a young member of a species laughably primitive compared to him thwarts Zim on a regular basis should be embarrassing to him. It's like a man getting outsmarted by a baby chimp
Zim is incredibly dependent on his technology to do basically anything, which doesn't really make him smarter. Saying Zim is smarter tech-wise is like saying a kid who grew-up with a smartphone is smarter than his boomer grandparents just because he can use a smartphone.
Yes. It's not like the irken empire would show up if he was somehow successful
Zim is defective aka retarded
Wasn't there a thing in the comics in some other dimension/world where something like this happened and Professor Membrane ended up becoming some sort of cosmic energy being and fucked off from Earth?
He literally went to school for half a decade learning military shit he's smarter than kids with smartphones.
Yeah he left, made sure Gaz was put somewhere safe, and then Dib left hisfamily and Zim killed him.
I wish that would happen sooner though.
over half a century*
Zim had to have had some major successes because he used to actually be an Invader.
I made a list of how many times he failed and succeeded in the comics and it was 11/44 times (25%) and he did destroy the world a few times but suicided himself in the process
There's a difference between being smart and being educated.
Me, I am smarter.
They're both complete idiots when you get right down to it, the only thing that makes them seem smart is they're both at least one brain cell above literally everyone else on the planet.
Zim is more technically intelligent, Dib has more common sense, both are too egotistical to ever succeed.
No, I am
Dib didn't get the ship running though. Gaz did.
This is of course relative to each other and their universe. Everyone in the Invader Zim show is some degree of insane and retarded. We'd need some sort of tally of how many times they've one upped each other.
I have a list (at least for comic issues 1-44):
Zim vs Irkens: IIII
Dib vs Gaz: GGxG
Zim vs Himself: Z
misc: GDxx
So he's had the upperhand 18 times in the comics while Dib only got 6 wins though this also includes times where he accidentally killed himself or considered himself a winner when he didn't gain anything since I had rated it by "Does the main character get what they set out for in the beginning or is satisfied with their ending"
I feel like at this point there'd have been some sort of wink at the audience if that were the case, but they've played Membrane's skepticism very straight.
Zim. By a small margin since there are more moments of Dib being oblivious to greater threats or his own stupidity (ex. Planet Jackers, Gaz: Taster of Pork, Game Slave 2, Enter the Florpus, etc.). Zim might be crazy, but Dib can be legitimately dumb sometimes.
Plus, there's the fact that Zim, stupid as he can be, is able to socialise better with humans better than Dib can in spite of having only been on Earth for a couple of years to Dib's decade+.
Keep in mind, this isn't a very fair comparison as Zim is hundreds of years old whereas Dib is still just an adolescent.
Would unironically sex alien hipster shota yes I stan Eridan
No, Dib did. Dib reverse engineered it into a supercomputer in backseat drivers, Dib fixed it & gave it his personality in Dibship rising & Dib was the one who repaired it back to speaking condition in Florpus. All Gaz ever did was push the reactor core in, before that she was just watching him do the repairs through the loose panel.
Membrane is capable of creating tech that can fight back against Irken machines like the Anti-Santa mech and the exoskeleton he put Dib in during the Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy alternate timeline.
Counterpoint: Even Zim's cruddy Voot Cruiser comes equipped with laser pods that can carve up the entirety of the equator in a matter of minutes (Planet Jackers), so there's no telling what kind of tech a "real" Invader would have access to.
Zim's problem isn't that he's stupid it's that he's literally insane.
He's like the mad scientist but not the stereotype.
Both Dib and Zim have equal amounts of plot armor
and they're both fucking retarded
Honestly I don't know if it speaks well of Dib that he can't keep up with Zim or speaks poorly of Zim that a kid is his arch nemesis.
Membrane has referred to Dib's real paranormal antics often in the OG show
>Son, there better not be any walking dead up there!
>There's nothing to worry about Dad, AND I SAID I WAS SORRY ABOUT THAT!
That seems like something the writers might've considered for the show, but it would have to be saved for some far-off finale special (if Florpus wasn't supposed to be the ending; I have no idea if Jhonen will want to do more), or just have Membrane become un-convinced of Zim being an alien by the end of the episode
>"Oh, Son, who ISN'T an alien in this great country these days? Ahahahahahaah!!!"
zim is resourceful as fuck, he got sent to a training planet and got stripped of his tech and managed to defeat his instructor and all his teammates