Ghost-Spider #1 (2019) Storytime

Another romanceless PeterXGwen issue

They are purposely feeding us this ship

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Why put miles in the cover?

Because they’re riding off Spider-Verse success. Her books keep failing

No idea. Maybe the Spider-Verse hype is still going. Who knows

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There's no way everything that happened in her solos happened over mere "months"

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Why Earth-65 MJ being like this?

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I'm just hoping we get some NYU weird adventures to seperate her out from all the other Spider-People. From it's mentions in various books it seems to be a mix of totally mundane programs and weird magic and superscience stuff. Like how Curt Connors class made a cloning machine.

I thought the same thing. Should have been over a year since then

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This is their most forced attempt to sell a Spider-Woman yet. Throwing this Gwen in 616 is a terrible idea. I miss Silk

Resuming the PeterXGwen from here

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Christ's sake can't they just keep her in her universe and pair her up with MJ? It's just asking for it


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I'm getting real america vibes here. Seriously whats the point of going to college in another dimension? Nothing you learn there will be applicable and your diploma won't count. and they know who she is?

her book don't sell well.

I mean she's a dimension hopper going to school in one of the most well known points in the multiverse. Her degree is pretty worthless in her home dimension but it's probably recognized anywhere that has a competent Fantastic Four and worst case she can just have her Degree acknowledged by her home dimensions NYU through someone opening up a portal for a meeting of faculty.

MJ is already with Glory. She's just annoyed with Gwen since this whole superhero thing began. And that she missed band practice alot, and that explosion from he previous volume. She still blames her for it

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She’s pushed because
>Familiar name thanks to ASM movie

Her identity was outted after Gwen revealed everythign to Jameson, and was in jail for a year. The only silverlining is that Murdock is nolonger in power. Which is the outcome Gwen was hoping for

They actually explain how it's possible to go to ESU like this, and when you hink about every previous Marvel comics involving time-travel, aliens, monsters, etc. Education facilities like ESU would have something prepared

Hell, teen Jean Grey briefly studied in college

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Her costume is some kind of fake symbiote right?

Meanwhile in Earth-65

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It's not a fake symbiote. Earth-65 symbiotes are different like how Ultimate symbiotes were different. She's Earth-65 Venom.

tbf she's some kind of fake character so it makes sense that she'd also have other knock off shit

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>They know she's from another dimension.
Well that's convenient but how will the Stacy's of this dimension react to this Gwen walking around?

So are you just not going to post the rest?

She's dead. Her dad's dead. She's got like a cousin, 2 daughters, and a son as far as close relatives go.

See this is why this whole thing is fucking stupid, even more so given how casual Peter is about all this. I know Parker has seen some shit, but you would think he would be a bit more awkward around a younger doppelgänger of a dead girlfriend he personally felt responsible for. And don’t give me that “he made peace with it” shit because Peter never gets over anything fully. His entire career is a guilt trip from Uncle Ben

>Hey honey, back for more?

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He's known her for over a year, they had the weirdness and are past that. The final issue of her last run was basically just the two of them hanging out and fighting Swarm.

So you just glossed over the “Peter doesn’t get over shit” point? Furthermore you don’t consider this the least bit fucked up? 616 Gwen might as well never happened I guess. Fuck me

Screw it OP sucks massive Dong I'm taking over.

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Peter isn't a psycho, he understand differences between his gwen and spider gwen.

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Yeah? That’s not the point. I’m sure a constant living reminder of one of your biggest fuckups ever sounds like someone you’d want to hang out with. Wait till Norman finds out about this, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled

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Well Good thing Peter isn't a manchild who can't even hold a conversation with his Aunt because it reminds him of Uncle Ben.

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OP Here and back

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>Well Good thing Peter isn't a manchild
I mean....he can be?

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Had Gwen not think about Earth-65 Peter then she might had a thing for 616 Peter

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I took over and I'm ahead of you so bugger off.

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The moment these two laugh is the moment why they are great together. And Peter did exactly what Miles never did here. Gwen laughed

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I would have posted it anyway had you be patient

That's everything, pretty good first issue set up her first villain arc with Miles Warren double trouble and I'm hoping her symbiote suit stuff comes up at some point maybe with the fat scientist guy from the previous venom run.

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Bad touch Jackal incoming.

This moment here is so perfect that it's impossible to not ship them in the future

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Ult. Carnage Gwen vs Spider-Gwen. Loser gets Gob'd. Fund it, marvel

Good to know Spider Gwen inherited Mexican Gwen’s glorious full moon

Fuck that shit. Team up.

>tak miyazawa
I love this guy so yeah im in

Supposedly the Maker issue of the Carnage event has the Ultimate Venom so Carnage Gwen just might be around in 616. it'd be great if she actually worked for Maker as a test subject/assistant

It also makes for a good reaction pic

Well Peter has a hard time letting anything go. It admittedly varies writer to writer. He seems to get along okay with Otto and Eddie now

100% flat.

>miles is her villain

Why does Miles listen to rap and hip hop instead of techno and electronic beats?

He's grown since then, and recognize that Spider-Gwen isn't the same Gwen. He's now okay with her and has developed a close relationship

Remember issue 4 of the previous volume

Is 616 Gwen so shit they needed to import another from the neighboring universe?

Gwen is and always was the sexiest spider-related girl.

Nah, they just can't use her because western comics are unwilling to embrace harem comedy as a genre.

I still say just revive her as a human/symbiote hybrid and stick her on MJ. The healing factor negates issues with the zombification process, it solves the love triangle (Felicity can get fucked), and MJ no longer has the "I can't deal with super bullshit" excuse to break up with Peter under shittier writers.

Excuse my autism. But what did she find funny here exactly?

>Is 616 Gwen so shit
She's fucking dead.

That's a terrible idea.


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No. Fuck you.

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You think she’ll be getting the pink slippers soon?

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And was has being dead ever stopped them before?

Why not Spider-ghost? Ghost spider is so awkward to say

That's not the point, 616 Gwen is dead and has been since the 70's.
Saying "is 616 gwen so shit" doesn't make any fucking sense.

why does it not tell you when the next issue is coming out

Guess I have to wait until next issue for my Gwiles kino.

Makes sense though if these comics are running concurrently with each other. Miles would still be recovering from his bout with Quantum and the Assessor

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>since the 70s
You mean since April 2017

Just fuck already! HE wants, SHE wants! Goddamit!

>No gap tooth

And into the trash it goes...

What the fuck are you going on about?

She got brought back as a clone zombie thing. Most of Peter's deceased side characters did.

Was that during the Clone Conspiracy?


This is their second solo team-up, and perhaps the first time they've both banter together, and that they both web a giant rat and realize how utterly stupid it is that they just couldn't help themselves laugh. This is them finally having some dumb fun

Holy fuck yes! Just get it over with already!

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Fuck me, that's what I get for not reading Slott's bullshit.

That’d be one hell of a scene for MJ to walk in on.
>”Her phone says “Daddy” for your number, Peter! Does your phone get cell service between dimensions? Because you can call up Reed Richards to find out, after I rip your radioactive balls off!”

I hope they get married :)

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>I hope they get married :)
I hope so too. So we can cuck the ever living shit out of MJ when it happens

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>my suit is made of spider
Cant help but think of the Marvel adventure Spider-man now.

This but they fight by scissoring

Was that supposed to be Vermin? Is no one going to ask why there was a random rat mutate?

Different earths. Different memes...

You are tearing me apart Gwen!



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Gwen literally Stacy

Now this has got to be a female power fantasy. It's even in her name.


Peter and Gwen making love after seeing this scene:

It's funny that the mere presence of Miles set off her Spider-Sense because he's a constant danger to all Gwen Stacy's even if he isn't doing anything.

God damn yes. Cuck that redheaded bitch good

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Oh, it's the artist that did the cute art for Ms. Marvel.


>Girls wearing symbiotes

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Get lewder

J Jonah Jameson. Jerk in one dimension, jerk in the WHOLE multiverse! I just wish one day Peter can hit him with all his spider-strength, without worrying about consecuences.

>A 35+ year old teacher having relations with a 19 year old student
Yikes! Sounds like the plot to fat bastard doujin.

this comic fucking sucks so hard that people are complaining about the only good thing to come out of it

Peter here is mid-20. So still okay

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Pete is mid-20s and Gwen is early 20s.

Everything about this is absurd, and I couldn't be paid to mind any of it.

>They don't care that she's from another dimension
Seriously I like the concept of Gwen living in her old dimension where her 616 self died. There's tones of potential for juicy drama and identity hijinks with a dash of meta lookimg at the impact of Gwen Stacey's legacy.

Kind of a bummer if this is just an excuse to get her interacting with Peter and Miles and officially part of the 616.

There's probably going to be some hijinks of dealing with people she thinks she knows. I'm hoping she gets to meet Matt Murdock at some point.

I'll admit, not the Miles I was expecting but maybe the one I should have seen coming.

That's what I'd love to see.
Stuff like that and Gwen meeting characters who are less used to Superhero shenganigans like Jill Stacey and Harry Osborm (Has MJ met her yet?)

Or internet true crime enthusiasts becoming facinated by this dead victim look alike appearing using the same name and wearing the same look so openly.

>Has MJ met her yet?
Nope. I don't think she knows yet

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Blessed pairing

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Peter is currently 28 years old, and Gwen is in her early 20s starting college, it’s not even that big of a difference.

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This does make any kind of relationship between Miles and Gwen totally dead in the water though which is a real big plus.

Plus, Miles is 16 right now? It made Gwen look like a pedo in the past, and it’s going to make her look like a pedo now.
Miles currently has his own girlfriend (Barbara Gonzales), but they’ve been teasing an attraction between Kamala, and also a little bit of a crush in Bombshell’s side, and all three of those girls are his age and help build his own relationships as his own character, without needing Peter’s cast.

Wait a minute. A decade age gap is ok but a 2 year age difference is problematic? How does that make sense? Also Barbara and Miles broke about 3 or 4 issues ago due to Miles not being able to share his secret identity.

I don't think he's aware Gwen is attending school in 616 yet.

3 year statuatory rape vs a kink for older guys.

>A decade age gap is ok but a 2 year age difference is problematic
Firstly, yes, it's literally the law. Secondly, none of the characters involved have the age differences you described, there's a ~six year difference between each of them, should've paid more attention in math user.

Isn't age of consent 16 in NY?

Even better: it is or it's lower in Earth-65

Didn't they say Gwen is two years older than miles.

Danielle's hot


but this book also claims that she's only had her powers for months, no editors have been to this place for a long time

>Would i let you down
uhh, he does remember the neck snap thing with the original Gwen, right?

I mean he didn't let her down, he caught her

But the age of consent in NYS is 16, and Miles is 17 years old? How is that a problem?

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Wrong, that would be Mayday and Anya