I guess MCUcks hate this movie now

I guess MCUcks hate this movie now

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This was made by their animation department, retard.

Do Disney or marvel studios have any involvement? Of course, not.

It was made by Sony animation.

I'm an MCU guy who thinks the split is dumb but I still love this movie.

yeah they do

Do SUMCucks love TAS1 and 2 now?

There are people calling for PS5 boycotts, MCUcks don't care.

Why would I like a movie with a negro in it?

I mean consoles are kind of loss leaders anyway so I don't think it would matter much.

What if i always hated it?

Didn't they always hate it? Or just ignore it? I tried to tell my buddy to go watch it but he just insisted how he's not interested in anything outside MCU.

>people calling for PS5 boycotts
Considering their anti sexy policy, there were other reasons to boycott the PS5

It was great. But as soon as the execs at the top of Sony realized they could milk it, they fired all the people that made it good. The only way for good things to happen at Sony is for Sony to forget they're making a movie.

why does Peter B look lean here?

Why? That's not Venom.
Spider-Verse was great, and bombed financially. That is win win for anyone who loves Spidey and wants him to stay in the MCU.

Did you call him a retard?

Get ready for Miles to be the star of Sony’s next live action Spider-Man movie since there is zero chance that Marvel is going to let them use Peter Parker
>but much Spiderverse
That movie was a success, but not because of Miles in any stretch of the imagination, Sony has proved time and again they can’t into live action super heroes, so get ready for a SM3 ASM2 styles blunder, because it’s coming

I never cared much for it because I don't like spiderman

>since there is zero chance that Marvel is going to let them use Peter Parker
Based on what contractual right?

More than likely one that’s being written up as we post, it seems the most obvious move here, unless Sony is going for a full on hard reboot (which will turn fans off so quickly you’d think the speed force came to the real world) there is really no way that they can continue with the story the MCU has developed for Spidey. They’ll have to get a new actor to play Spidey, new characters and everything, and since Sony has this odd agenda of adding Miles into all Spider related products (Spiderverse, PS4 Spidey, etc) it seems very likely that they’ll just on the opportunity to shove him into live action. The argument will probably be “People love ItSV, and that is a Miles movie, people love Miles, but more they love Spider-Man, no one really cares who is under the suit.” With Marvel we were getting Miles’ stories with Peter Parker, with Sony we’ll get Peter stories with Miles, and I’m not so sure that I like the prospect.
I’d be happy to be wrong, but it feels like this is the way the wind is starting to blow

>More than likely one that’s being written up as we post
Ah yes, because post-contract terms that both sides don't agree on somehow supersede existing terms locked in by an existing contract?
Sony owns the movie rights. Until Disney acquires them, they can write until the apocalypse. It wont take away the rights given to Sony by the rights sale contract that has Sony and Marvel signatures at the bottom.
>unless Sony is going for a full on hard reboot
Why would they do that? They can still make two more movies with Holland under the mask. They just won't be able to mention or reference anything contractually owned by Disney like they've been able to do in Homecoming and FFH.
>there is really no way that they can continue with the story the MCU has developed for Spidey.
How exactly? Don't forget that Sony produced those movies. Disney just allowed them to reference things in MCU movies. Does Disney own the rights to a secret identity being made public? Are you forgetting all of the Spidey rogues that Sony owns that they can now throw at Peter Parker?
> it seems very likely that they’ll just on the opportunity to shove him into live action.
Dude, no need to use the future tense. Uncle Aaron was already introduced in Homecoming. Live Action Miles has been set up for years at this point.
>but it feels like this is the way the wind is starting to blow
And see this is how I see it going. Rothman is a petty son of a bitch. Venom made a shitload of money. Homecoming and FFH have made a shitload of money. Maybe Miles get introduced, but he's not going to look a profitable horse in the mouth, and he will equate the box office of those movies with Sony creativity, which to me screams Spidey/Venom crossover movie fast-tracked. Then, because Sony loves origins, he's going to jump on giving Holland an Osborn, because even without referencing Tony, another tech billionaire father figure will be what Sony thinks is creative even though it wont be.

The fuck do you mean, man?
I love the MCU AND this movie.

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Diehard MCUfags probably always had a hate-boner for this because it shows you don't need the big boys with the big toys to put on a quality superhero movie.

Writing it off as "an animated film" ignores the fact they still had to write out a movie and make it something people would want to watch. Miles' evolution from scrappy kid to hero is has more human attachment than the origin stories some of the MCU characters (Carol).

Yes they did. They were collaborating in it

cool im happy with that, Sandman was the best thing from the Raimi tril

Your mom had a negro in her and you still like her

I wonder how people like MovieBob are going to react? On one hand he went out of his way to hate on Amazing and the X-Men movies in hopes that it would help people rally to make sure the license went to Disney, on the other hand Spider-Verse is too "woke" for him not to support.

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>he went out of his way to hate on Amazing and the X-Men movies in hopes that it would help people rally to make sure the license went to Disney
Maybe he just didn't like them because they were bad, and thought Disney would do a better job?
Maybe he just likes good movies and would prefer studios make them that might be better at doing so, but doesn't have an agenda against calling a good movie good?
Oh look at that.

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Spider-Verse was great because it was the directors doing whatever they wanted. Now that Sony's realized they could make something out of this, they're going to stick their dicks into it and ruin it.

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FUCK Miles
FUCK Spider-People
FUCK Iron Boy
FUCK Bendis
FUCK Feige
FUCK Pascal
FUCK Disney
FUCK disrespecting Peter

Show my boy some respect, he didn't catch a single break for more than a decade now.

I love the MCU and the Spiderverse movie though

>Now that Sony's realized they could make something out of this, they're going to stick their dicks into it and ruin it.
Who runs Sony Pictures right now? T-Tom Rothman? Has he stuck his dick into any existing, well-received superhero franchises just to try to make a petty vindictive statement against a studio he saw as a rival that totally blew up in his face and ruined the franchise for many years after?
I don't know, man. That seems a little unbelievable.

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I don't hate the movie but I do think it's a bit overrated. The good animation covers up the flaws like that trash final fight

Isn't he also the man who green lit Fant4stic, and sewed Deadpool's mouth shut in Origins: Wolverine?

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Don't know about Fant4stic but definitely Origins.

Context. Peter B always looked lean when he wasn't wearing sweatpants and was doing hero stuff.