Is he in the right?

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no, Stan Lee is fucking dead and he was still doing buisness at Marvel when they sold the fucking IP

>We want to be told what to think and to mindlessly worship a billion-dollar company without questioning motives or actions because the corporate mascot we're told to like is featured in films carefully crafted by Bob Iger to manipulate the public

The Raimi trilogy and Spider-Verse are better than literally the entire MCU put together so I'm good.

Yea Forums - Twitter and Instagram Screencaps

You're such a rebel.

I fucking hate raimifag revisionists. only 2 is that great, 1 is meh and 3 is crap except for a couple campy scenes

sony: make us discount bourne!

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he thirsty for dat spiderboipucci

>not liking 1
dogshit taste
hell 3 isn’t as bad as you think it is

Yeah because let's trust the guy who literally played Hawkeye in the Disney corporate films. Corporate didn't tell him to post that ya

Yeah and TASM and Venom destroyed any good will Sony had for LA stuff

Nobody asked what YOU thought retard. And nobody cares.

OP's question was "Is Renner right for asking Sony to let the MCU continue to use Spider Man?".

Seriously, why is basic reading comprehension so fucking hard for you fucking losers who have no lives and "read" comic books all day?! You're literal fucking job is to sit in your parent's basement and READ. And yet you can't even understand a basic question? Holy fuck! Yea Forumstards are the dumbest pieces of shits on 4chins!!!!

If you hate corporations so much why do you spend your life giving money to them?


Fuck Sony for this stupid ass decision. Stan Lee didn't make this AMAZING universe just for some company to buy HIS characters and change HIS CHARACTERS for some money! Tony Stark and the Avengers are a VITAL part of Spiderman and Sony is going to realize this when their shit movies bomb harder than Dark Phoenix.

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I didn't say I don't like 1, it's "just okay".
and yes, 3 IS that bad.
the only good moments of 3:
>Dark Peter montage obviously
>some sandman moments
>restaurant with Harry
>maybe also first fight with Harry

"Hating corporations" and "hating blind corporate cult worship" are two different things you know

1 does not hold up at all it's not a good movie and anyone who says otherwise is a retard or deluding themselves.

>Stan Lee didn't make this AMAZING universe just for some company to buy HIS characters and change HIS CHARACTERS for some money!
This is some carefully crafted intentional irony and you did a good job

Fucking cult shit.

Disneyfags are a new religion unto itself. We must purge this planet.

Good luck

They outnumber you dipshits 1000 to 1

Stan Lee is fucking dead. This is just disgraceful.

Nobody cares about what the shittiest avenger has to say
Maybe if an actual celebrity says something it might matter


What about Dikto you failure of an actor?

>Using actors as a company wars propaganda piece
Holy shit, the brainwashing is way too real. Get fucked Shitsney


Renner is not a fag you retard

Yea... no. It really isn’t. Only reason it gets the praise it does is because it came first as far as Spider-Man movies went. Spider-Man barely quipped, Peter was a whiny bitch and felt nothing like Peter Parker, MJ existed as nothing more than a damsel in distress every movie and to be someone’s trophy, the list goes on. The only thing they got down perfectly and can’t be topped on was Jameson

I agree, though I'd say 2 was a decent movie. Not super amazing and shit, but decent.


what does he mean back

Pretty much this

That he is a paid drone, you dummy