What would the X-men’s stance on mutant porn?

What would the X-men’s stance on mutant porn?

Would they see it as something positive? A sign that mutants were being accepted by humans? Or would they see it as degrading to mutantkind and fly around in the Blackbird to slut shame mutant cam boys and cam girls?

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Psylocke has a Pikachu on her Pussy. Say that 10 times fast.

it reaches almost all the way to her tits, pussies aren't that big user
except your mum's

Surprised someone hasn't done this edit

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I mean it's kinda easy because the P in Psylocke is silent so there's only 2 hard P sounds

Mutant fetishism (in a non-sexual way mostly) was explored in Morrison's run.
Reactions varied because that's how groups of people work.

Liefeld is based sometimes, his Psylocke is the OG Psylocke

For an incestual group of sluts, the X-men sure did have a problem with Stacy-X. I'm sure moralfags like Storm would be sure to harangue them sufficiently into shame


Storm likes to hang around naked, user. But then
>consistent characterization

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>Introduced to the X-Men trying to /ss/ Cypher
>Trys the NTR Jean

Why was Betsy such a degenerate?

Wasn't betsy mentally manipulating him?

The X-Men are a pretty diverse bunch in terms of values, so I imagine opinions would vary

Biggest fans:
Nightcrawler (He's German AND Catholic I'm surprised he's not in porn himself)
Jubilee (90s kid, very hard to offend)

Most opposed:
Warren (Rich people are hypocrites)
Magneto (A combination of fucked up morals and delusions of mutant moral superiority)
Wolfsbane (The healthiest relationship she's ever had was in wolf form, with some fantasy wolf dude, she's fucked up)

Try to act like they don't care but actually has a super low opinion of it:
Emma Frost
Professor X
Cyclops ("Why can't anyone just masturbate using the full sensory psychic scenarios that were implanted in their brain by their exes, like a normal person?")

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>90s kid, very hard to offend)
Don't "90s kids" make up most of the culture war fags on both sides? >we get offended by white dicks AND black dicks.

I think they’d just be indifferent about it. Mutant prostitutes and strippers are already a common thing in the Marvel universe. People like to get their freak on with freaks.

No, most of the culture war fags are people born in the late 90's early 00's.

That's jim lee

That's not Liefeld, it's Adam Kubert.
The body swap turned out to also be a selective mindswap, the Asian assassin part of her mind made her do it.

Not really. Most of the anti-SJW people are guys in their late 20s and early 30s, sometimes even older. Zoomers can’t be bothered with that shit.

For me there's three. If you know what I mean.

Post moar you faggots

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Didn't they have a run in the 90s with a mutant hooker who had some kind of skin power?

That's not been my experience.

Go ahead, pull more broad generalizations out of your ass

All of the alt-right and SJW leaders are 30+ boomers with very few exceptions. Sargon, Destiny, Ben Shapiro, Contrapoints, Richard Spencer, etc. This is pretty easy to see if you’ve been in those spheres.