Guardians of the Galaxy #8 Storytime

Good morning. Let's get this over with, shall we?
In which Cates tries to rationalize how it's a good idea to kill Rocket, and other "unexpected" twists.

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Get out of my head, Charles...

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For those unfamiliar with Rocket's origin in Halfworld, what comes next is an edgier retelling of it.

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>how it's a good idea to kill Rocket
He's not gonna kill him.

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I wonder hoe edgy James Gunn will make it GotG Vol. 3. He apparently wants the High Evolutionary to be Rocket's creator.

*co-written by Tom King

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First time in years we see 616-Bug at least referenced, I believe... Although I think he was also in some panel of Duggan's GOTG (during a multiverse spread).
We know it's a bait-n-switch...
I do wonder if that rumor is true and how the movie will change if Thor's involved at all, though.

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