Kevin Smith’s He-Man sequel

This will either be amazing or terrible. But it won’t be something in between.

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It'll probably be on par with the Transformers cartoons Machinama made, for the facebook "THIS is the cartoon I remember, MAN things were SO MUCH BETTER back then" audience.

haven't seen Kevin Smith's latest films.

but i know he was always amazing at dialogue. maybe he should just do it as a radio play

Why does he look like a raisin? Does he have cancer?

He's going to cry while watching it like the little faggot he is.

It's going to be overly edgy with maybe a couple of gay jokes thrown in because Kevin Smith.

It'll probably be good.
I mean Kevin always seemed like a nostalgia fandom kinda person, so he will have the show mimic the stories he liked.
If we're lucky it'll be like the DC runs.

Imagine a Jay&SilentBob-esque characters to cameo one episode.

>This will either be amazing or terrible. But it won’t be something in between.

So tell me, OP, when was the last time Kevin Smith made anything amazing?

Let's be real...there isnt a "bad" He-Man run. So if he just copies others, it'll still be good even if unoriginal

Never watched any Kevin Smith movies or read his comics.

Someone explain to me why him doing He-man would be potentially bad.

Smith's entire career has been centered around DUDE WEED LMAO and lots of vacuous cursing. He won't be able to do either of those things in a He-Man cartoon.

This production utilizes none of his strengths (such as they are) and is banking entirely on the celebrity power of his name being attached.

Being that it won't center around He-Man... i mean who makes a show that isn't focused on the fucking main character? What's with Hollywood and butchering everything I like?

What about Space He-Man?

given his comics and whatever the fuck tusk was, its going to be awful and among the worst shows ever made

It's not bad, just bland and forgettable.
And if "bland" is the worst your series gets, that's still a pretty decent track record

They didn't say that. Only that Teela will have a more prominent role, probably through her journey to become the new Sorceress.

>Being that it won't center around He-Man... i mean who makes a show that isn't focused on the fucking main character?

The only thing we can hope is that positioning Teela in the synopsis is purely a marketting thing, and that in practice, it will be more of a group effort between Teela and Adam to find the sword.
Given that Mattel has ALWAYS pandered to nostalgia when it comes to He-Man, I find it kind of hard to swallow that Teela will be the sole focus.

Of course, I'm prepared to be wrong, I'm just still holding out hope

The guy from Mattel that did the DC runs is working with Kevin in the new series.


In my opinion the series will explore the mystery of Graskulls's Powers for this reason the "revelation" reference on the title. Probably involving Eternia's past (the Preternia as it's called), and the origins of MOTU's mythos. I' m curious to see if they have King Grayskull or He-Ro as He-Man's ancestors.

I'd like to point out that the title doesn't say He-Man at all. And as a direct continuation of the Filmation cartoon, it COULD be going concurrent with New Adventures, following everyone back on Eternia while He-Man and Skeletor are on Primus.

I heard. Which is why I'm honestly pretty hopeful.

>And as a direct continuation of the Filmation cartoon, it COULD be going concurrent with New Adventures, following everyone back on Eternia while He-Man and Skeletor are on Primus.

So, would we assume the primary antagonist in this scenario would be King Hsss, since Skeletor is gone and Hordak is presumably still on Etheria?

Its Kevin Smith, of course its gonna be loyal to the source.

Daaaaaayum, kevin smith looks like THAT?

This is also a good guess. I have the feeling that this series will involve the Powers of Grayskull storyline. The Powers of Grayskull was the series that was going to be produced by Filmation after the end of the original series, which was going to explore the origins of the Eternian story. Some characters from this series like He-Ro, Eldor, the Giants Tytus and Megator, the Snake Men, the bionic dionsaurs etc, had also made it in the original MOTU toy line.

>He-Man is missing

Now is Faker's time to shine! If Teela is the main hero, but it's because the problem she's facing is trying to prove that "He-Man" is not really He-Man and she needs to find the real one, I could live with that.

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I really hope this show includes the stuff from dying waves of the toyline.

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Marc Bernardin writes for it and he's an ultra sjw so there will be a lot of that shit in it.

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So Clamp Champ gets a push.

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There was an episode of their podcast where Marc said Tarzan should be black cuz he is king of the jungle and Smith went on for quite a while about how genius that is and how studios dhould give him franchises.

Not OP, but Red State.

>Tarzan should be black cuz he is king of the jungle

lmao, that sound slike something that if a white person said it, SJW would froth at the mouth about racism and stereotyping

You fucking retard

Also, I think Sir Laserlot was black too? In the DC comic?

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Also discounts the fact there are already black ppl in the jungle so Tarzan wouldn't be seen as a freak by the animals

>and Smith went on for quite a while about how genius that is and how studios dhould give him franchises.

To be fair, he always do that. And not just with Marc, even with rando members of the audiance.
"You just blow my mind!", "Why do you have to make a better movie than the one i saw!?"
Lost count to how many times he said that. Still appreciate him though.

That's what i' m thinking.

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Lost a lot of weight, hasn't he?

Yes he is black.

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Well, there you go.
Two guys to fill the black man quota.

crying too much

I'm thinking it'll lean towards terrible. Especially if it's live action..

And with Zodak three. And Jitsu for the "asian" guy.

It' s an animated series.

It's animated by the Castlevania guys
Why would you even think "live action?"

I feel like Jitsu and Ninjor will be left out, or turned heroic. The only two Asian guys both being evil and also being oriental stereotypes? Wouldn't fly.

What's with Netflix calling their cartoons anime?

Anime is viewed as "mature" cartoon.
Like, Americans can only into adult cartoons if it's obnoxious, edgy comedy.

But anime is acceptable for being a serious action or dramatic show but also being animated.

I can see that. Jitsu as the honorable Samurai guy, and Ninjor as Skeletor's assasin.

Just because it seems like that's what they tend to do when they bring back an old cartoon series to the big screen. Not always but most of the time. And unfortunately, most of these live action re-boots suck the fat one imho..

probably the fact that they use koreans animators make them think it is "close enough" for them to call it anime

With the announcement of the continuation of the 80's series, I think Netflix should do a continuation of the 2002 series. While the original were episodic episodes without a central plot, the 2002 series increased the central myth and ended whitout an ending with a cliffhanger.

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There's also Slamurai who can be a good Asian looking guy.


That's an awful name, even for MOTU

It wouldn't even need to be a long series. You could wrap everything up in like 10-13 episodes. The only real dangling thread was the threat of Hordak's return.

I would prefer Jitsu personally as becoming a good guy. A barbarian samurai, with a mechanical golden arm. Even if in that case, it wouldn't be possible to have the feud beteen him and Fisto.

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But the feud with Fisto is all he's got. Why not just make a new character at that point?

That's a good idea too.

I don't really care about He-Man but I think Skeletor is cool. Are there any stories just focusing on him?

Friendly rivals?

Many stories. The comics ecpecially.

Yes but which ones? There's a lot.

That could work too. In the new MOTU canons, Jitsu is a powerful warlord, that is quite independent. He ruled Snake Mountain once.

This is a good starting point.

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I will begin hither then.

>netflix original anime series
Why is it called an anime?

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Because anime is popular.

the only way to stop jay from taking more heroin was to take all hinself

I've seen an image of Jesus doing that

Because the animation ghetto is real. We almost got out of it but then Adventure Time [good show, goofy as fuck though even when it got dark later] and the Bauhaus Bois hit and made assloads of money followed by shit like TTG, undoing decades of work, almost fully killing serious animation in the west, and giving full power to the "lolrandom spastic characters" style of cartoon.

Yea Forums in the meantime proceeded to outproduce the west so vastly that even being 90% garbage as I, an affirmed weeb, can tell you, there was still more good serious shit during that time period that "Anime" just mutated into "Semi-realistic/consistent animation that isn't some knockoff loonytoons shit".

For what it's worth, I am legitimately sorry.

Trust me, us weebs aren't happy either...well, the weebs that abandoned Yea Forums back in the pre-'10s/early-'10s period anyway, mainline Yea Forums didn't notice because they're too busy screaming about how much they hate anime and eachother.

Yea Forums here, Dororo was the highlight of animated shows this year.

Either way, I'm just happy to get another cartoon that doesn't revolve around child or teen characters again. And is has a budget!

It's almost like it's the 90s all over again.

If it's being done by the studio that did Castlevania, it basically will be anime for all intents. Not that that label has any real meaning anymore since most anime comes from S. Korea now and not from Japan.

Take me to the distant past

Something about the same animators as the Castlevania cartoon, which was called an anime because of the artstyle I think.

Isn't Prince Adam a teen???

A fair argument. Currently enjoying Copcraft just because even a basic fucking anime copshow with fantasy shit is so refreshing at this point it feels amazing. I'll figure out if that's just trauma from the Isekai congaline or it actually being good once the year wraps up probably.

Have the newfags pretending to be oldfags stopped screaming about rec threads yet? That shit was old when it started up in 2007, let alone now.

I'd ask there but...well screaming ensues.

Yeah, but he turns into an adult, so I guess that's good enough?

He had a heart attack and basically had to. He's vegan now just like his daughter and he's always complaining about how much it sucks. He looks great though.

He was originally 18 at the beginning of the first series, so technically he was an adult teen, yes. Apparently he ages as the show goes on, though.

>Have the newfags pretending to be oldfags stopped screaming about rec threads yet?

yes he does, there are two episodes where He-Man celebrates his birthday, making him 20 by the end of the show.

Well, guess the exile continues. God bless you for having the patience.

I couldn't leave the One Piece threads. They've been by home for so many years.

That is unironically racist.
Tarzan is a British dude raised by gorillas after an accident not the actual king of the jungle. The dude is basically saying that a black guy would be a much better fit for a man acting like an animal.

>by gorillas
Read the actual books instead of watching the Disney cartoon, he wasn't raised by gorillas. His tribe ate gorillas.

>black man living in the jungle like a savage

Well, people do like realism in their media


same with buying the license for shows that were already fully produced without them, and then slapping "NETFLIX ORIGINAL" on it

Huh didn't know that. Learn something new everyday.

Because of the cartoon stigma. Thanks to faggots like these talking about anime is about to get much more confusing for the uninitiated.
I am happy Dororo finally has some more mainstream appeal. I would love to see other Tezuka stuff get new anime.
By that logic a lot of the 80's toy nostalgia shows are anime.

> I would love to see other Tezuka stuff get new anime.
Message to Adolf, Ode to Kirihito, MW and Alabaster would be nice.

Because all the comics written by a japan guy in the west should be called manga!
Really, Netflix is just retarded.

You know? Fair.

Not that user, but what? Wasn't he partly raised by gorillas after he was found as an infant? I know it wasn't actual tribesmen, he was feared by the tribesmen since he was a dude who ran around the jungle killing panthers with full nelsons and shit just to survive. It's been a long time since I read any of the books DESU, I always ended up reading the John Carter series more out of ERB's stuff.