Are you guys unironically happy to see him go or are you just being your "ha ha I’m so edgy and unique” selfs?
Are you guys unironically happy to see him go or are you just being your "ha ha I’m so edgy and unique” selfs?
Other urls found in this thread:
I genuinely don't care either way, but the amount of genuine anger and salt from disney fanboys is fucking hilarious.
I'm not, amazing spiderman and venom were beyond shit also I like the mcu team ups
same these are the people who pointed and laughed when old fans didnt like the new star wars and told us to lighten up because it was just a movie and now theyre the ones who are seething its pretty cathartic
Yes, because I never liked Tom Holland and l'm glad that he is gone from the MCU.
Dunno. On the one hand, I'm happy to see him go due to how Marvel handle Spider-Man in MCU. But on the other hand, Sony is not that great either.
I'm happy because he was a really poor incarnation of the character that is targeted more to teenage girls then anything. The MCU is the same as live-action Disney, it's soulless corporate garbage Iger has managed to number crunch and sell to the mindless masses. They are very low quality for superhero movies and won't hold any substance like films from earlier decades
Look what Spider-verse did with fucking Miles. If they can do that, then they can easily do better then the MCU version.
He was endearing in the avengers flicks as Tony's young ward but I had zero interest in his solo flicks so I don't care. That said this is a publicity stunt and you're a good consumer for propagating it.
He deserves it. The Mouse deserves to lose all its properties. maybe people would grow up for a change
To be honest? Yes! I got so sick of Spidey-fags freaking out over the mere sight of Spider-Man and hooting like morons! I'm tired of "Dr. Strange should open up the multiverse for Spider-Man to meet the other two Spider-Man" or "Spider-Man should lead the Young Avengers" and all that bullshit. Hell, people on Yea Forums wanted Spidey to fight Thanos on his own and have Captain America call him "The greatest hero of them all!"
Contain that twink in his own universe, let the MCU actually tackle new stuff.
They'll fuck it up. It's Sony Pictures. I'm sad because the movies will be awful as always.
Anyone that comes to Yea Forums and calls other people edgy as an insult needs to go back
Also, this. I'm sick of Spider-Man at this point.
I don't have a strong opinion, I liked homecoming as a movie though disliked some of the directions it took as a spideymovie and didn't watch far from home, amazing spidey was garbage.
So overall that just means the next spidey movies will probably be shit but I really lost interest in spidermovies now. I'm not too strong on the "fuck Disney" train either.
If they make a raimi revival I'm going to genuinely dab on mcu fags though.
I just want to see how they write Peter off after that weird development with Tony.
>"I miss that spider boy....too bad he died in that car crash."
More hopeful that this deal will ultimately screw everyone and finally kill this Capeshit nonsense that's been infecting cinemas for over a decade.
>Are you guys unironically happy to see him go
Yes. Worst Spider-man ever.
damn thats woke
I will admit that i don't care about the MCU nor the Spider-Man movies, but the most i been saying is that Sony was right to deny the "offer" considering the version that i heard (That Disney would not budge even though Sony threw out less extreme counter-offers) and that the people acting like this is a fucking custody battle about a child and "MUH REAL DADDY" shit are definitely huffing propaganda one way or another.
And really, if it contributes to getting less Capeshit movies and therefore less Live Action shit being posted on the COMICS AND CARTOONS board it is good from a board perspective, but frankly, i doubt that is what gonna happen anyway.
With Iron Man dead, Cap old and Hulk's arc concluded I don't really care about the MCU novelty of it all anymore or where Spider-Man goes really. I do blame Disney for this though since the deal they offered was bad
These three sum it up fairly well. I'm a DCchad so I don't care about the MCU, but I will support Marvel ONLY IF Disney has NO influence and makes NO revenue off of it. These new Spider-Man films will have my full support now just like Venom did. Also, it's funny to watch hoes get mad over this.
Varying between indifferent and glad.
The new spiderman movies are really high on my list of "shit I pretend to like for the sake of maintaining public appearances". I could give you a list of reasons why, but there's nothing I could say that hasn't already been said.
Why can't you just say you don't like the film. Would people really be that mad ,?
What do MCU fans have to do with Nu-SWU fans?
>The new spiderman movies are really high on my list of "shit I pretend to like for the sake of maintaining public appearances".
Holy shit what a cuck.
Why wouldn't I be happy?
They ruined MJ, made peter a feminine little loser, basically snapped uncle Ben out of the timeline, and seemingly made tony the reason he fights crime.
Beyond that I hate MCU fans and people who think Disney shouldn't have to spend billions to make billions.
Brainless mouse shills who waste money on everything with their logo
Not him but I genuinely have a problem with zendaya as MJ and if you get into the whole "they basically ignored uncle Ben and made Spider-Man an iron man sidekick" normal people's eyes gloss over cause they don't care about comics.
They ruined MJ in the Raimi films too. And they ruined MJ in the PS4 game. They never STOPPED ruining MJ. The only thing that didn't ruin MJ was ASM, which she never appeared in.
im happy because FUCK THE MOUSE
also, i wish the GP should move on from spiderman
Some people get really disappointed when you don't like the same things they do and treat you like a burden if you never have anything positive to say. It's standard give-and-take that I expect anyone without autism to understand. I'm willing to tolerate capeshit if it means a relationship can be healthier in other aspects.
Why do people feel the need to pretend to like things? I remember the exact same thing happen with someone watching homecoming, and it just sounds so pathetic.
The real redpill is understanding that MJ is shit in general.
>Some people get really disappointed when you don't like the same things they do and treat you like a burden if you never have anything positive to say
And those are the kind of people that should never be in an argument. If you can’t respect someone’s opinion on something, than that’s your own problem.
Stop worshipping Disney kid.
There's a difference between not having anything positive to say and pretending to like things just so you don't rock the boat. Nobody is saying to screech about what you hate but this sounds like cowardly behavior to me
user, your parents took your faggot ass to go watch pokemon in theaters when you were a kid. Do you think they actually liked it? No, they put up with it because they cared about you. If my friend decides he wants to see Spiderman for his birthday, I'm not going to spend the afternoon complaining how much Peter Parker sucks Tony Stark's dick.
>disney fanboys
people are calling sony greed incarnate yet defend disney (even wanting disney to absorb sony)
The only movies my parents took me to were Anaconda, Mortal Kombat, and Matrix Reloaded.
I got the same when I said I didn't like Ragnarok. Everything being a big joke pissed me off. And fuck Jeff Goldblum and his "look it's me Jeff Goldblum in this movie being Jeff Goldblum. Isn't that weird?" Shit
Sony has literally never done MJ right. Ever.
> this sounds like cowardly behavior to me
There's been a lot of times in the past that I've ruined series for people by being overly critical. It's kinda disappointing when your friend stops talking about things excited about because he's worried you'll ruin it for him. Why draw the line in the sand for Spiderman?
I saw Lion King with my wife and didn't complain about it once that day. The day after was much fucking different. What a piece of shit that was
Your parents only took you to 3 movies as a kid? Jesus fuck.
>He doesn't shit on the new Spider-Man movies and claim that he sucks and other heroes are better in order to assert dominace.
Ah, yes, I'm glad that did the consensus of anonymous online posting and found at that it was the exact same people who did that
>I'm not going to spend the afternoon complaining how much Peter Parker sucks Tony Stark's dick.
No instead you're gonna suck his dick while praising about how Spider Twink is so manly because you're a faggot who thinks people actually care if he didn't like the latest Marvel Movie.
i fucking hated the MCU's Iron Man sidekick but at the same i havnt forgotten how Sony treated Spidey ever since 2004
at this point im just gonna pretend there wont be anymore Spider-man movies and am just gonna my comics
Why are you pretending that everyone who likes the MCU is a Nu-SW fan?
I'm happy. Disney pumps out those dime-a-dozen flicks literally several times a year with no end in sight, and it was clear Spidey was going to be a big focus in that plan. Now, because of Disney's own greed, they lose the webbed wonder boy and need to find a new way to salvage their repetitive, uninspired, and dull franchise. At least Sony produced Spiderverse, the only impressive Spidey movie since 2; Disney hasn't put out even one yet.
Smart man.
This. It's mean nothing, but the fanboys reaction is both hilarious and pathetic.
is there going to be a venom 2, now with spiderman in it?
Venom was a piece of shit movie. but if they learn their mistakes, a sequel could be really cool, especially now that brock can bounce off of parker while fighting carnage.
I'm not going to pretend that what Sony have planned is guaranteed to be better, but I didn't like MCU Spidey so I'm not sad to see him go.
You're getting awfully worked up over this, user.
Why are you so invested in my honest opinions on spiderman, of all things?
How badly will this mess up the MCU? I thought that Disney was putting all of their eggs on Tom being the next RDJ of the franchise.
I am neither. I just like shitstorms and this doesn't effect me in anyway.
Who knows . The line up of future MCU movies seems aimless though with titles that don't really mesh well
Now that spidey is gone, captain marvel is going to be the face of the mcu.
guess its now up to the X-men to save the MCU
expect Sniktbub to become the new face of the franchise
These, although the bleating from X-Fags to be front and center in the MCU is just as bad, if not worse.
You would be surpised how average normalfag reacts if you haven't seen the newest MCU movie, they look at you like you just killed someone.
mcu raped peter parker and served a fucking retarded bitchboi instead
too bad they're not dropping hollandand rebooting on the spot
He is not gonna be gone for long and im happy that people get to see that disney is greedy as fuck
Normalfags do care though. If they see you not liking what is popular with them they see you as outcast and weird kinda person.
Pfft, we're never edgy or tryhard. We're too cool for that sort of thing.
Tom Holland sucked as spider man anyway
Logan is seen as a violent murderer. Disney will have to change that and make him RDJ 2.0.
Pretty bad, i dont think black panther or captain marvel can carry this mess on their backs, even more knowing that there is no avengers movie in the distance, spiderman is more popular and hitted good with audiences. Their only hope will be to rush the x-man or f4 but i dont see that happening
Oh yeah those too are obnoxious. I guess is just that I don't want one franchise to get the premium treatment while others that are more obscure and need more help to become relevant end up getting screwed
I dread the oncoming X-Men shit. Like, I can already see the tumblr gifs everywhere...
If being edgy is finding an upset over a business deal gone wrong between two corporations. Then being upset and crying over the non issue, and pretending that fanboys are owed anything, makes someone a pathetic waste of oxygen.
I wish Marvel had all of their rights back, AND was not owned by Disney.
Unfortunately, them being owned by Disney was the only way they could've had enough money behind their backs so things like them and Fox being under one roof could happen.
Hey, if it hurts Disney, then good.
I'm glad White Miles Morales won't be confused for Peter Parker anymore.
Seriously. He doesn't act like Peter at all.
i honestly dont understand how grown man can genuinely care so much about this
Iron-Boy: movie trivia machine was shit. If this means I can hope for a new Spidey film that's actually good then yeah I'm pretty happy. Also anything that fucks over Disney is just good in general.
There’s nothing edgey about enjoying multi billion dollar companies seethe at each other
I wasn’t a fan of Spider-Man being avenger in the comics
Disney ruined the character with lots of Iron Man shit and a bad cast, other than Ned ofc
I'm kinda sad to see him go, but also happy because now I can't wait to see Sony fuckbois and Disneyhaters faces when Spider-Man movies flop and flounder again.
this. i'm just sitting back and laughing at these drones
Yea Forums shitposting is one hell of a drug for /r9k/ crybabies, which unfortunately also has to deal with Yea Forums and /pol/-tier shitposting, so some people get so deluded enough they will go retarted about anything.
But also some idiots really believe Sam Raimi will return, or worse, they think this is a slap on Disney's "reign of terror" all while ignoring AT&T and Comcast.
This. Even if Spiderman is gone they better keep Ned around.
Fuck off with that shit.
I think they were prepared for a plan b because they were dealing with Sony. Just gotta wait and see what that plan is.
I'm fine with Tom Holland staying because now he can be in a movie without being in Iron Man's shadow. I know it'd be weird if he was suddenly not part of the MCU but I don't think I'd mind if they just ignored that.
I'm also alright with another reboot if they could just start him off as an older Spidey or at least a Spidey at senior year of High School. Something like SM2 or Spider-Man ps4.
I really don't understand the people who try to paint Sony as a good and more competent studio than Marvel just because their animation department did something good for once.
The Ramifags are the most deluded if they think he wants to deal with the same shit he did on three but even worse.
They should definitely have Pete as an older dude like in college or something. Miles can have all the teen school stuff.
>Are you guys unironically happy to see him go or are you just being your "ha ha I’m so edgy and unique” selfs?
Wait, how the fuck is that even edgy?
They're just going to reboot him to origins again, guys, college age at most.
I never liked this toothless bitch of a Spider-Man so I'm not sad. I am however sad that we won't see Scorpion done properly.
I want him to stay. I like Holland as Spider-Man and I think he has a good place in the universe.
>don’t like mj
>oh god you’re not alt right are you
>don’t like iron man taking uncle Bens place
>it’s just a movie
Seriously these things happen in this thread
What was wrong with dunst? Vapid wanna be actress. Seems perfect.
And that doesn't change the fact that zendaya is the worst MJ ever.
I am. I would like to see Spider Man untethered from the MCU and with him out, the MCU is back to needing some fresh young face so the odds of my boy Nova coming in are increased!
Legit unironically happy.
No more Iron-Kid. Come back to the real character.
Thanks based Sony!
Because anyone without autism understands that other people like it when they feel you have common interests with them, and that l most people get mildly offended when you criticise things they like. Spending any amount of time on Yea Forums should have taught you that. The biggest difference though is that I don't like anyone here enough to pretend to care about their tastes in media.
>forgetting Into the Spider-Verse
>forgetting Spectacular Spider-Man
At least give Holland Spider-Man one more movie to resolve the end of Far From Home.
Yeah. I really don't like this version of Spider-Man for some reason, it just doesn't feel right to me. And it's about time someone kicked the Mouse in the balls.
It's impossible to even imagine Holland ever calling daddy Iron Man "shell-head". He's way too fucking timid.
Between Raimifags, DCtards, MCU haters, Disney haters, Webb-Heads, capeshit whiners, racists and people who were real pissed Spidey looked up to tony,
Yeah there's gonna be a lot of people happy to see him go, most of which have exactly fuck all to do with him or his movies.
That's not MJ at all you dumbfuck. Only Sony and people who hate her write her that way.
>no one that disagrees with me counts
Personally he didn't feel like Spider-man and he was stuck in the annoying origin state.
That user wouldn't know how a normalfag(fag is the keyword) behaves because he hasn't understood basic human interaction since forever, nor has he seen the outside in a decade
Literally every live action incarnation of Spider-Man has been targeted towards teenage girls.
Pretty much this. I haven't watched a Marvel movie since Infinity War and really have no plans to.
Holland is a shit Peter and all and his supporting cast is awful and but It is mostly just kind of nice to see the universe finally starting to crack a bit.
It has me worried for the next spider-man films because Snoy has shown how incompetent they are with live action comics films. They can do animated and video games just fine, but their films are usually an embarrassment. Here’s hoping they can manage to turn it around
I see it as who's the lesser of two evils. I'm also am intrigued how the fuck Disney deals with it/ Sony does with spiderman. This shit is entertainment as it is
Unironically happy Disney can put more focus on xmen and FF4
ITT: My greedy, soulless corporation is better than yours.
>In some extremely likely to be shitty movies that will be hated and forgotten
>In a lukewarm inoffensive yet massive film series that's beloved by many people the world over but extremely misrepresented and bastardized
I'll take option 1
>reading capeshit
I mean, I would say I pity you, but you'd probably get upset about that.
Seems like it's a moot point now. They already got him in their final Avengers films that made more money than God, and got him to have one on one time with RDJ which seems to be all they really wanted out of the character.
I mean they don't have an Avengers movie planned any time soon so they idea that he was gonna be the star of it with Carol Panther and SamCap seems like it was a pipe dream that was never gonna happen. Marvel seems more interested in trying to make more minor characters like the Eternals and such big like they did the Guardians and doing their tv stuff than doing anything else with the character anyway.
Marvel can go on without him, and Sony can just cut Happy and stop mentioning Tony and still make more movies. Team him up with Venom and nobody will care.
Iron Man literally committed genocide as his last action while alive, just saying.
I think the MCU peaked with Civil War so I'm pretty much done since ages ago. Basically, I only watch them once to be in tune with the rest of the world, though.
It's starting to sound like the people cheering Sony on care more about what camp they're in and less about fixing problems with spiderman films
To be honest, i don't want more spiderman movies though and i hope this kills capeshit movies.
I am, yes
Fuck Disney
Come on now. Is it so hard to laugh at things beyond your control with no harm towards you?
>fuck Disney
cringe sentiment since these corporations are all the same but you're triggered at this 1 due to memes and probably extreme butthurt about star wars
Doesn’t really matter, spider verse was better than any other spider man film series
who over the age of 18 unironically thinks star wars is good it is like a c tier space opera
Infinity War was a better Star Wars movie and I think it was just okay.
I frankly don't give a shit.
i wanted Tom hardy/holland movie so yeah for me its ok , its just result of the rat being greedy.
>2099 movie
>Gwen movie
>Superior in the future
Imagine the possibilities
I doubt Sony will do anything good with him but the fact that so many people are wailing about the loss of Tony's legacy compounds to me how badly the MCU handled him so it's no loss for me.
Animated movies like Spider-verse are the only good way ahead.
Maybe they learned with Marvel?
Yes I'm happy that he's back home
Stipulated by Marvel.
>Here’s the full set of guidelines that Marvel set in the 2011 contract:
>Mandatory Spider-Man Character Traits: Spider-Man (whether Peter Parker or an alternative Spider-Man character) must always strictly conform to the following “Mandatory Character Traits”:
>Does not torture*
>Does not kill unless in defense of self or others*
>Does not use foul language beyond PG-13
>Does not smoke tobacco*
>Does not sell/distribute illegal drugs*
>Does not abuse alcohol*
> Does not have sex before the age of 16, does not have sex with anyone under the age of 16
>Not a homosexual (unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ago as a homosexual)
This! Fuck Disneyshills
incredibly based and extremely redpilled
There's more.
>Peter Parker Character Traits. Depictions of Peter Parker or his Spider-Man alter ego must conform to the following character traits:
>His full name is Peter Benjamin Parker.
>He is caucasian and a heterosexual.
>His parents become absent from his life during childhood.
>From the time his parents become absent he is raised by Aunt May and Uncle Ben in New York City.
>He gains his powers while attending either middle school or college.
>He gains his powers from being bitten by a spider.
>He designs his first red and blue costume.
>The black costume is a symbiote and not designed by him.
>He is raised in a midde class household in Queens, New York.
>He attends or attended high school in Queens, New York, and he attends or attended college in New York City, New York.
I'm torn. I'm happy he will no longer be Iron Man Jr. and serve as Tony's successor. I'm sad because Sony is a bunch of incompetent hacks that will make a worse movie in every other aspect beyond the Iron Man Jr. complaint.
Most of Yea Forums is the latter.
The best part of this is the sheer irony of its existence. These terms were made by Marvel to be complied by Sony, but should the rights revert back to Marvel, Marvel has no need to obey this terms so in a way, Sony having Spider-Man guarantees a version more similar to the Marvel comic book.
You sound like the guy who mains hero only for the memes
>Not a homosexual (unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ago as a homosexual)
>unless Marvel has portrayed that alter ago as a homosexual
So what the fuck are SJW tards complaining about?
I am. While I looked forward to him being in the MCU, the direction they took him by making him a timid Iron Man fanboy/sidekick was shit. Will Sony make a shitty movie? Probably. But with the Sony there's still a small chance for something great that respects the material like Spider Verse recently. Small chance, but with the MCU it'll never happen.
Read the rest of the terms here >[Peter Parker] is caucasian and a heterosexual.
It's like some people don't want Disney to own everything in the world
Marvel and Disney MADE these guidelines yet Yea Forums sucks sonys micro dick.
I bet you chucklefucks play ps4 despite all the censorship sony been doing
Same. I just want a shared universe with non of the company war bullshit. Where Fantastic 4 films are trippy family adventures that aren't spat out in a half-assed attempt. Where the Xmen cameo randomly and whose films aren't a convoluted mess of wasted ideas. Where the entire world wasn't centered around Iron Man and his dad. Where Spider Man fip-flops between teaming up in crisis events and webbing bank robbers. Where Hulk can blow through the 3 stories he has and either finally retire or get new stories to smash. And the thing that's gonna hurt the most is Uncle Ben is gonna die a 4th movie death. Possibly for a 3rd time on screen.
And what exactly is the problem with that? I literally cannot see Peter Parker being even bi. It doesn't mean some other alternate version of Peter Parker or other iteration can't be different/
I'm super happy. My former dream was playing the MCU Spider-Man and seeing that not happen crushed me, but watching Holland finally get crushed feels nice to me. I don't have to feel so jealous anymore...
Oh, I have no problem with it at all. I personally could see Peter Parker as bi, but I have no problems with him being straight. I honestly could not see him being gay though.
Reminder that if you were the one playing MCU Spidey, then you'd be the one getting crushed instead.
lol they wanted spider man to be as generic as possible why are you defending those guided lines
lmao this is sad dude
>Are you guys unironically happy to see him go or are you just being your "ha ha I’m so edgy and unique” selfs?
First of all i like the MCU but ive never been THAT invested in it. Spider-Man is in general my favorite superhero and Iron-Man my favorite MCU superhero so the father son relationship they had was one of the highlights for me. Now, i genuanely think Tom Holland is a good actor and could be a pretty good Spider-Man if it wasn't for the terrible script he has to work with. Spider-Man has been turned into a complete Fanboy and his "Awkward talking" got annoying really fast. So yeah, im happy to see Spider-Man leave the MCU. I don't know if Sony will get Spider-Man right but at least now i'll see him without MCU shit all over his films
Because you're defending sony.
The only good thing they can make with spider man is animated, hope you enjoy your skateboarding shitty spider man reboot with the obligatory random venom "crossover"
Don't care. I'm just enjoying the wave of content with this pairing.
lol look at this 16 yearold who has not watched the first 2 raimi movies
One of many reasons it would have been better it anyone but Disney bought all those Fox properties. The MCU becoming nothing but Spider-Man and X-Men movies would be boring. The X-fags wanting to make the Doctor Strange sequel or WandaVision all about introducing mutants instead of about the title characters are particularly selfish and obnoxious.
>I’m afraid to tell my friend my opinions
X-fags being selfish and obnoxious is par for the course.
I'm excited to see the haphazard way the MCU is gonna have to deal with this.
Also Spidey not being in the MCU ultimately doesn't matter because Marvel movies aren't unique. They are so formulaic that you can easily replace the titular hero in most of the movies with another and it'd be the same damn thing.
>Dr Strange
What X-Men do they want to introduce there? It would be a terrible place to set up mutants for the first time in the MCU. Sure, there are some magical mutants, but you can’t just jump right into that concept with some C-list mutants in a Strange movie.
>muh marvel formula
How is this meme still alive? They’re no more formulaic than literally every other super hero movie, and the idea that you can switch them all without noticing is retarded.
What gets to me is Disney bought spider-man. They didn't make the character. Just the same way Sony bought spider-man for movies. Neither of these "parents" actually birthed the damn child.
>I have zero filter
Double yikes
Who the fuck does this
Post examples
The MCU has no Dark Knights, no Blades, no Deadpools, etc. Most of it is the same shit.
We got 2 Spider-Man movie in MCU but I felt like i was watching Iron Jr.
Ironically Sony was willing to sell Spider-Man and its characters for 2 billion. Spider-Verse, Venom and the 2 MCU movies has already made more than that. Not even including the crossover Avengers movies he's in.
>not wanting disney to control everything makes someone edgy
They either want to use the multiverse to bring X-Men into the MCU from another dimension, possibly being delusional enough to think Disney would keep the Fox X-Men cast and continuity, or they want the "Madness" in the title to be Wanda, and have her do a reverse House of M that creates mutants. They don't want a Strange movie, they want it to just be a vehicle for introducing the X-Men. Imagine getting so many movies, cartoons, games and toys aimed at you already, and still being so selfish you want to take everything away from everyone else.
People forget it because he's a babyface, but Tom's already 23 years old, he'd be in graduate school IRL by now.
>>He designs his first red and blue costume.
so was it Sony or Disney who came up with the bullshit about Tony offhandedly designing the actual iconic look for the suit? Yeah there's the homemade suit and all, but Tony still added the webs, the red running down the arms, the v shape of the red over the blue on the torso, etc. Its so weird that they basically made it a Stark suit when it barely looks like anything Tony ever made with the exception of the spider logo being a bit more tech looking and the eyes.
Happy. Fuck Iron Boy and the mouse or nothing cult mentality
i didn't particularly like the two MCU spiderman movies
Not that I'd be hyped up for a sony movie either...I'd check out Venom/Spiderman though
Explain to me how zendaya is anything like MJ.
I'm fine, Spider-man doesn't really need the Marvel Universe. I love seeing him interact every now and then, but Spidey's an island and he should never be gushing over any hero as Spider-man. Maybe as Peter, but as Spider-man even those he does truly respect he can still at least act like his usual irreverent self around.
I mean, we've yet to see the Lizard on screen, or truly revisited Norman as the Green Goblin in nearly 20 years. we've never seen the college aged cast from the coffee bean era, where you see the cast as young adults. I want that before we worry about Spider-man crossing over with the leftover avengers. Missing out on the Fantastic Four interaction is the only thing I'll truly feel sorry for.
>I mean, we've yet to see the Lizard on screen
I can understand why you've forgotten, but Amazing Spider-Man, 2012.
Holy shit you're right. I didn't even think ASM was terrible but its a Batman and Robin case where the following movie is so awful it completely overshadows and drags down its mediocre but serviceable predecessor.
I'm more pissed off about two things:
>They're gonna reboot Spiderman in the middle of a cliffhanger, AGAIN
>They're gonna keep rebooting Spiderman whenever the lawyers or the executives make a move from here to 2099
At this point, they might as well pull a James Bond and make it a serial with rotating leads.