Yea Forums in 1989

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Crisis on Infinite Earths ruined the DCU

Anyone heard of that new Disney movie coming out?
Can't believe they try to make a fairy tale based movie again.


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Anyone remember that yellow cartoon family on FOX? Looks like they're getting finally a full-time series.

The simpsons just premiered and if i hat to rate it out of 10 it would be 7 to 8 max.

"Who else here is looking forward to being born in a decade or so?"

wtf? why is the FEEEEmale the competent one while the males are bumbling dummies? I’m sensing some communist POLITICS in here....

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Something something Tiananmen.

The beginning of the animation renaissance? People would either be much more positive due to all the new, exciting animation coming out, or they'd act like autistic nostalgiafags pining for the good old days of Jabberjaw and Fat Albert.

Who else here seen that show kids are crazy over these days? you know the one with the mutated ninjas? my kid brothers are crazy over it.

This internet crap is stupid. I'm heading to the arcade and putting ASS as the high score on Centipede.

But that never happened.

I heard these guys are making several animated series of their own. Wonder what they're gonna be.

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Бля,кaкиe жe хopoшиe мyльты y нac дeлaют! Я тaк paд, чтo y нac aнимaция HИКOГДA нe бyдeт нaвeчнo пoхopoнeнa и зaбытa!

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I does not exist.
>t. 1998 zoomber

Fuck off commie!
Independent studios are slowly popping up in your Empire of Evil, that will no doubt one day thrive on it's ashes.

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>The Studio's basically dead after the death of Tatarsky in 2007
Now they just do Crimea propoganda bro

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You think the Rumor about Joker dying on the movie is real?

finally the Wall is gone I cant wait to see West germany!

1989 was peak Japan-bashing time in America wasn't it?

so what do we say instead of "mai waifu"?

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Who is this? And where the fuck is Janine?!

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So when do you think they'll be bringing back Jason Todd? It's been a year, I can't wait to see how they'll do it.

The fuck you mean "bring back"?
Dead is dead. You think they'd bring back Barry Allen too? Hell why not bring back Batman's Dad too while we're hoping on the retard train.

dunno who this neil gaymen is but the sandman seems really interesting so far

Boy golly gosh I sure love this NEW crazy thing called Ninja Turtles, I'm a person from this time period hurr durr

y’all been keeping up with that wrestler, Vinnie Vegas? I got a bad feeling something terrible is going to happen to him about 3 years from now on a blistery summer evening

No one in 89 would have said that.

Watch out for this Hitler guy, he's going to be bad news.

My wife.

That's the joke

I don't know what cartoons are because I don't own a TV.

A century off, bro.
Rev up your DeLorean again.

I wonder what amazing cartoons will come out of the Soviet Union now that ol'Gorby has opened it up.

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I WANT TO FUCK is that?

Looks like my oneitis.

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The year I was born.

Gee, I sure do like that new Batman movie!

That *is* the joke.

Same, wanna fuck?

Let's do it!

Hey, user, I found your parents!

Opinion on this show? I think it's dope.

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Guys, will you please stop posting so many images? It took me 8 hours to load this newsgroup discussion.

Now Russian animation is dead

*isn't born yet*

Everything is good

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lol baby

I don't know user, this character looks like she wouldn't be very popular is places like Russia...

Anyone watched the new Batman movie? I don't know about you guys, but i liked it! Joker was great

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What show?

what version of nightcall is that

Finally a character for us gamers.

All The Little Mermaid songs are stuck in my head!

Kids Vs Wizards

I'm really looking forward to that live action Ninja Turtles movie! I hear Jim Henson is involved!

He's shit.
Cesar will always be the Joker.


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you telling me they put nightcall in their blue-stinger-ass cartoon

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So they're making a full show based off those weird Tracy Ullman Simpsons shorts. Here's a screengrab with the new designs.

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I wish Lobo was drawn by someone cool, like Simon Bisley!

Original was better!