So was Moko Jono supposed to be a subtle reference to Yoko Ono?

So was Moko Jono supposed to be a subtle reference to Yoko Ono?

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It wasn’t subtle, but yes.

I don't see how that could possibly be the case. Yoko Ono isn't even that short.


Subtle as fuck

No, she was supposed to be a really blatant reference to Yoko Ono.

subtle like a hammer

Yes, along with the subtle beatles references on that episode.
Even the name of the episode is subtle OP.


how the fuck is there a slant-eyed chimp?


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Subtle as a brick to the face.

If you actually watched the show you'd know it was a disguise.


I always hated this episode as a kid. I knew it was supposed to be a Beatles tribute but I didn't give a fuck about them so it was just stupid and boring

I figured the episode was a Star Fox reference since it had Sergeant Pepper.

Hey Jude, We Come Together to tell you that the whole episode was a Day Tripper in a Yellow Submarine. We Can Work It Out that this wasn't subtle at all, Hello Goodbye.

No she was supposed to be Jane Fonda, clearly

This was one of those episodes that made me cringe because my mom would always make comments about me not understanding the references in an episode like this. Maybe it was arrogant of me, but it makes the episode no fun when a parent is nearby saying you don't underatand what you're watching. You know what I mean? Shows had these cringe episodes where I feel like your parents would judge you for watching Dexter's parody Godzilla episode or something full of references that they think 'belong to them'. Probably in my head.

Maybe it made me cringe the idea that I was expected to get a kick out of really horrible Beatles references

I have literally never had this happen to me.

your parents sound irritating

I don't see how you could have not gotten the reference unless you didn't know who yoko ono was.


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I just learned that the drum beat in the Powerpuff Girls theme is a sped up version of the drums from James Brown's "Funky Drummer."

My mom was. When my band tried to write a song all point out if she geard familiar riffs and told us to 'be original', also was against drawing from reference or personal interest. she's gotten better

Bout as subtle as your parents asking if you'd like a sibling then proceeding to fuck like animals right in front of you

What a weird fantasy for you to share with us.

Could be worse, i couldve posted mistakes into miracles

Boo-hoo for your shitty childhood and shittier taste in music, user.

the beatles are overrated, eat shit.

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Maybe now.

But when they broke records they broke fucking record. People would travel to record stores and sell out. Now artist are boasting about beating Beatles from one click iTunes album purchases.

Yeah the patrician fantasy is for his mother to ride his dick until he can't cum any more to make the sibling.

Yeah you need to stop watching anime my man.

Pop music was, is, and never will be good.
It is the safest garbage that panders to the lowest common denominator.

acquire taste.

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Just because Beatles is popular doesn't make it pop music.

>Just because Beatles is popular doesn't make it pop music.
But pop is short for popular

Your mom sounds fucked up. No wonder you ended up here.

Nah, I don't see it.

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Ur mum's a cunt

>It's all right because it's all white!
Holy shit, how did they get away with this line?

I didn't think this thread was a subtle attempt as misdirection, but Yea Forums says otherwise.

By having the villain be the one to say it.

Dammit Raimi

real question, i'm not really into music, but is there something that defines pop music that's about the music itself?
like, the kind of instruments used, the themes of the lyrics ecc ecc
because if the only defining trait for pop music is that it's popular, it shouldn't even be called a genre
by that metric woodstock would be one of the biggest pop music festival, despite being basically several subgenres of rock

On a technical spectrum, if its popular then its pop music. Pop is just a broad term

boy, you got there a bad case of what I like to call "the stupids"

that post is a real bad symptom of the stupids, right there.

now type "im sorry" and click submit

>not understanding beatle references
come on user

About as subtle as a meteor careening towards the Earth.

This episode was shit. It was just one long reference with out any actual jokes.

>now type "im sorry" and click submit
No valid captcha.

they have something in common,they are always upbeat and catchy,usually about partying or love,if its not one of those then its alternative



I hate Beatles, but had some good laughs. Granted I got a lot of the references and wasn't a kid, so that helps.

Since this is a Beatles thread, can anyone explain what the fuck was up with the song Maxwell's Silver Hammer? Why did they make a song about a dude going around murdering people?

12 yr old me didnt get this at all but
>moko jono singing terribly
my sides are rolling too late

Yoko Ono was the original troll.

"The Beatles are overrated" is such a smooth brain contrarian opinion. It's cool and fine if you personally don't like them, but they're one of the most (if not THE most) prolific bands in music for a reason. There is no other group in existence with as much mainstream staying power. They were lightning in a bottle talent that broke the music industry, able to generate mass appeal hits while also constantly innovating and experimenting with all different kinds of sounds.

They also made the first metal song:

shove that fucking banana up her ass already

>Beatles music
lel, you've barely listened to the beatles nigga. they became the biggest band on the planet, and then instead of just coasting and cashing in they started doing a bunch of weird shit that you'd never fucking see on a pop record and switching genres on a dime

user,you needs to tells your mother to gos fuck herself.

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Sometimes I forget how stupid Yea Forums is

No the user ragging on the Beatles, but who cares? I also dont like them and think their music is unappealing, will that opinion detail their huge success? No. Just take it as a sign of people having different tastes in music. Christ, I love Alice in Chains and I hear people rag on them every now and then but I don't go out of my way put them down.

It's kind of similar to the feeling I get when someone someone calls Superman generic.

Wait, so of course Mojo was John, but who were the other villains represented as?

HIM was clearly Paul McCartney due to being a massive ponce.

He said it's fine if you don't like them, you whiny pussy

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Naaaaaaaaaw!

she was really ahead of her time


Yes. It's not even subtle, retard

I hate when boomers force their references in stuff that doesn't belong to them. Apparently this is some famous guy we're supposed to recognize. No fucking clue why they wasted time on some pointless cameo of a literally who.

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yoko ono

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Not subtle at all.

pop = boys band shit or a singer that girls get wet at.

Pop actually isn't a genre and anyone who uses it as one is an idiot, you have genres like rock and then you have rock music that is pop because it is popular.

of course not
the whole episode was a loud beetles wank episode

fuzzy was probably Ringo

This whole episode must have been a nightmare to dub into other languages.

>pop = boys band shit or a singer that girls get wet at.
By that logic the Beatles were pop af

>I hate when boomers force their references in stuff that doesn't belong to them.
user, if boomers made it, it belongs to them, you autist.

>dubbed cartoons
Yuck, no thanks.

Then who was George?

No, it was a reference to Nico from the Velvet Underground


>Velvet Underground
Do you really wanna go down the prog rock road?

Never happen to me I grew up not getting these references until I was in high school

Mojo never got killed so this was a bad parody.

>that split second you see Chuck Berry's eyes widen

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It honestly was the single that split the band


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Who the fuck is gonna read Catcher in the Rye in a kid's show?

Is this a /comu/ thread?

you bet
with shit like this you have no choice but just murder any quote reference and just rely on the names and visual gags

when i watched this stuff i didn't even knew who the hell these guys were so the joke flew even more above my head

Who is Yoko Ono?

it's my favorite kind of music


Nothing about this episode was subtle.

David Bowie called what he did "pop" and he was fucking brilliant.

Who fucking cares about some dead guy?

That whole episode was a “subtle” attempt at Beatles humor

>shitting on Bowie
user we know you have shit taste but take it back to NeoGaf or ResetEra or Reddit.

You mean Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones? Johnny Depp based his Jack Sparrow performance off him.

David bowie was pretty popular. Funny that

>"The Beatles are overrated" is such a smooth brain contrarian opinion.
Damn skippy.
>No the user ragging on the Beatles
>with out any actual jokes
The "love you take" line was pure comedy.
>Maxwell's Silver Hammer
I always took as referencing, in a circuitous way, the scandals around events like the Burke and Hare murders, albeit in a sunny, poppy style. I love the thing.

Dunno, but the Walrus was Paul.

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What's that?


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Bowie as able to stay pretty popular through the genius of re-inventing himself.

Then who was phone?

no, seriously

>giving Hiroshimoot your shekels

they were


they're not "overrated" they just fucking suck shit

my girlfriends parents do this all the time
And shes a grown woman

I know that, I've had some friends who think if there's anything similar in something you make, it's bad, shit like that. I knew an older guy once who refused to believe I listened to music older than the year 2000 and would always make me list off every band member that played on a song. Eventually I just got tired of it and let him win because it was fucking annoying, and told him "I don't know" to shut him up. Thank the lord, he never asked me again.

Try google

One of their funniest jokes.

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My parents raised me on the right stuff, so I knew most of them, and I enjoyed my dad explaining the remaining ones

amazingly it has nothing to do with the silver hammer used to make sure the pope is dead.. or that's what they say.
My favorite one was the extremely strained Michelle gag
>Someday monkey won't play p'yano song. Play p'yano song..."

I like that she called random people on the phone to say i love you
that pretty much encapsulates the hippie dippie sorts. they think they're helping, they're actually making things worse, but we could all learn a thing or two about their cute attitude, and it's not hard at all to keep the good aspects.

>music can't be good if it appeals to a wide audience

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An important cautionary tale everyone should know about, user.

I remember them still being called "Beat-Alls" in the dubbed version in my country, but yeah, it probably took extra work for kids to understand the episode.

>Majority of people is stupid
>But somehow a majority of people liking something makes it good?
People like you are the reason America is a democratic republic.

Put me in the screencap.

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>everyone blames Yoko for killing the Beatles
>but in reality John was just a huge fucking cunt and ruined everything.

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>The Beatles
IIRC they made some experimental song just to troll media watchdogs during the backmasking panic.
Not to mention all the drug shit. They definitely were not "safe" during their time.

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You should tell your mother to go fuck herself.

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Eleanor Rigby hits too close to home, eh?

It's less "John was a cunt" and more "John and Paul couldn't agree what kind of songs the band should play."

Yeah, sure.

You should tell her to go fuck herself.

If John was gonna ditch the Beatles for some Asian pussy and also ditch his wife and son for Asian pussy then the Beatles were already doomed before Yoko came in

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It's not for everyone. The love you take is equal to the love you make.

You're a smart cookie OP

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How did they get a regular, non-genius monkey to go along with their plan to deceive mojo jojo? Also i actually felt bad for him. His girl monkey was just pretending to love him and hated him.

>It’s another “Yea Forums talks about Yea Forums“ episode
Stop it before it gets worse.

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The Beatles being overrated is objectively correct, but saying that they're shit is contrarian.

John and Yoko were both shitty people. Change my mind.

Ignore the other answers. Pop music is music with a heavy emphasis on simple and pleasant melodies, it used to be a shorthand for popular but theirs lots of indie pop made by bands that aren't consistently breaking the charts.

so Mojo jojo = Lennon

so who was MCCartney, Herrison and Ringo?

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.

Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles.

You're too patrician for this shit board

It's for little kids you dumbass

Are you new?

>Tim Buckley

>A screeching asian monkey
Nope, not at all

>The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way)
You just disproved your own argument.

OP. Any parody of Yoko Ono is not subtle at all. The moment anything, let alone a cartoon, parodies the Beatles with 4 characters, one of them will definitely go full John Lennon, so a Yoko character will definitely be phoned in. It's not subtle and it's a lazy,tired trope. You should feel ashamed for making this thread.

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Ringo is Fuzzy Lumpkins

I would love to hear what other examples of Beatles parodies in cartoons you can even name.

What makes people so confident about this?

The Simpsons, Pinky and the Brain, Metalocalypse, and King of the Hill all had Beatles episodes.

*bang! bang!*

Watching this episode with my mom was one of my best memories as a kid. I got some of the references and she explained the rest.

My mom might not have been the best all the time, but I'm glad she enjoyed things with me instead of acting like a condescending ass. Or maybe you just took it like that and your mom was trying to do the same thing.

Slightly related but here's Chuck and Julian Lenon

it's a "Ringo is dumb" joke

Princess is Paul and HIM is George

Is he?

Good to know how bad Jaws and The Godfather are, then.

You're on a website that is so contrarian that they will tell you that those movies are shit with a straight face, and they will genuinely mean it. I appreciate your attempt to appeal to sanity but that kind of thing doesn't work around here.


The stuff from the 70s and 80s were pretty good, but everything after that was pretty god awful.

Eh normally i'd agree but this time around it was equal parts toko and john, if john really cared he would've dumped the weakest chink right there

>but they're one of the most (if not THE most) prolific bands

among boomers

Amazingly, the older generation of their time thought they were stupid, immature noise.

Every generation gets to pick its own identity.

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This entire thread is wrong

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It's the usual MRA doublespeak, supposedly men have superior brains to women but these four men with their so-called superior brains were somehow manipulated into breaking the band apart by a single woman? Not a good look. If men are supposedly superior then the blame rests entirely on John.

>So was Moko Jono supposed to be a subtle reference to Yoko Ono?
user, I think you're overthinking this. it's just a children's show, for god's sake.

The Beatles were literally NSync of their day.

Beatles made WAY more music than NSync.

by Yoko Ono

A white telephone with a designated line, usually on a wall mount, that will accept incoming calls only. Yoko will periodically call to the number and speak to the visitors.

Sign says: 'Please answer the telephone when it rings'.

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Except neither of those facts contradict eachother.

Wow, terefonu is amazingu


A person famous for becoming a descriptive term used to describe a person who enters a group and ruins it from within.

So, /pol/tards are kind of like Yoko Ono?

What was up with this scene?

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HIM was McCartney
Princess was Harrison
Fuzzy was Ringo

She's also famous for fucking John Lennon and stealing him from another woman and their kid to create her own family

Absolutely not, but because he had by FAR the strongest/funniest accent of them, wrote the fewest songs, and played the fewest instruments, that's how he was often portrayed. Watch the old Beatles cartoon, it's full of jokes at his expense

It doesn't help that his own bandmates often disrespected him time and time again

Kinda like their old drummer before he left and Ringo replaced him

>among boomers
that's immaterial. They literally reshaped popular music culture - I doubt that there's been a single artist since the 70's who was not influenced by them to some degree

Nah it really wasn't that bad. There was that one joke John made about him not being the best drummer, but John apologized to him really shortly after. he was funnily enough probably the most well-liked by the other three. None of them have EVER gone on record saying a word against him, and all of them were on good terms with him even after the breakup - he's the only one to collaborate with all three in their solo careers.

Funnily enough, Ringo probably has had more influence on music than any of the others did alone. The man reinvented drumming from the ground up and a lot of principles he invented are in widely popular usage even today

Sometimes I like to Beat my Meatles