The entire internet is BTFO over the Spidey news yet Yea Forums is celebrating. Why...

The entire internet is BTFO over the Spidey news yet Yea Forums is celebrating. Why? What makes Yea Forums fans react differently than the common folk.

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If everyone hates it, we must like it

Yea Forums is contrarian . How new are you?

We represent counter-culture newfag.

Hopefully someone will make a Spider-Man film that isn't MCU styled.

I dunno if we still do that

I feel like counter culture used to be different when I started using Yea Forums and counter culture just became culture that now is being pushed by a new counter culture

Because we've read actual fucking Spider-Man stories and from day fucking one we hated seeing the posterboy underdog "did it all himself" superhero turned into a trust fund baby that calls his sugardaddy every time he stubs his toe.

Like fuck man, there were good things Marvel did with Spider-Man, but good stuff could easily have been done without bastardizing Spider-Man by turning him into Stark's pet project.

I’ve read tons of Spider-Man and loved the MCU take. It’s good to have different things

fuck everyone who says "we". you only represent yourselves, not Yea Forums or Yea Forums
fuck disney and capeshit by the way

Did anyone else ever notice how Garfield seemed to age, like, ten years between AMS and AMS2?

People forgot just how retarded Sony Pictures can get.

Attached: millenial spider-man.png (978x445, 145K)

It's less celebrating and more seeing that it's a bad deal on Sony's end.

We are beyond jaded.
Most of us as a hair's breadth away from "just wanting to watch the world burn".

>The Mouse getting BTFO.
>More interesting Spider-Man stories.
>Possible Venom crossover, Maximum Carnage film.

I'm fine with this.

Well... "Far from Home" could serve as an end to that, as EDITH is completely useless as a street-level response. Peter has to do things himself since Tony is dead and his legacy will grow more outdated and more prone to hijacking every dat.

Seriously, EDITH is a terrible idea.

I'm fine with another studio not acting like Disney's bitch for a change

I have never seen Spiderman as part of Marvel Universe

I just don't get Disney. I don't.

They MUST have a deeper agenda, but what is it? What?

....That is.... pretty crazy.

Iron Lad push for Phase 5.

Speaking personally i really really hate disney and seeing anything to hurt them pleases me

>unironically going for the "we are legion"

kek you are a fucking retard, start thinking with your head, although i recognize this might be too hard for you, given how empty it is.

The things you could do with an Iron Lad / Rama-Tut / Kang / Immortus snarl... you could make it an entire phase and reveal only in the next-to-last one they're the same person.
Phase ender is 'Avengers forever': Hello three billion spacebucks.

/co is full of autistic raimifags who have no idea that was 20 years ago and how incompetent sony is.

> Inb4 only a disneyshill can see how dumb this move is

...Phase starts with 'Young Avengers': teenagers who pick up the slack now that the original Avengers are disbanded.

Couple of individual movies, like Patriot confronting Captain Samerica, calling him an establishment-serving Uncle Tom; an Iron Lad movie which only gradually reveals he's from the future and possibly actually a descendant of Iron Man (Has anyone ever suggested Kang is descended from Tony?); Hulkling and Asgardian (Who is Asgardian? A human/Asgardian hybrid who lost his mother in Ragnarok?) which offers an opportunity to make a movie about two gay teen superheroes that doesn't make you want to kill yourself and which features Captain America who wants Hulkling to step up and try to foster peace between the Kree and Skrulls; Hawkeye with Clint's daughter taking on a teenage version of AIM with a teenage MODOK; there;s plenty of opportunity here.

Expecto patronum.

It doesn't matter what we think. Sony is a company and has to do what's best for them. Sony was already making their own universe without Spider-man, the only reason they didn't take him back already was the incredibly lucrative deal they had. This just gave them the incentive to add Spider-Man into their universe after the success of Venom. This was poorly thought out and poorly timed from Disney

A mixture of Disney hatred and complete delusion. The first two Spider-Man movies were good, then three happened and for some fucking reason people want to forget about the huge ass drought of quality that happened.

That and black MJ triggers the faggots here.

>black MJ triggers the faggots here.

It was a stupid move. Why call her that? She has absolutely nothing in common with her and she's fine as herself.

>entire internet
The entire internet that is interested in superficial shit (e.g. not 2020 politics, not Brexit, etc.) is more interested in Keanu being in a new Matrix than in Disney shit.

It doesn't matter now. She's never coming back and based Sony had a redhead MJ in Spider-Verse

I think the point of Edith was to convey how hip the writers of Far From Home in terms of every young person being aware that fighting for moral right subordinates to being smart enough to circumvent accountability. It's the whole thing about the masks and an intrinsic value of super heroing. Captain America fought against SHIELD's surveillance cannons because it was the right thing to do and fought against Tony's Ultron Initiative but ultimately Tony went ahead and made it anyway because @A-HEROES don't let peer review get in their way and B-Smarts trumps morality of loyalty to sociail systems, and every winner knows that, in the minds of Sony.

For real, if the MCU deal really falls through, I wouldn't mind if they took inspiration from Spiderverse and PS4 Spider-Man, and brought back Andrew Garfield as a weathered, older Peter Parker who's seen some serious shit from a decade of superheroing.

Introduce a whole new cast of supporting characters, Mary Jane, etc etc. Keep Garfield and Aunt May as the only returning actors. New writers, new directors, a soft-reboot that gives Garfield another chance to do the character justice, because he really is the best actor for the job among all the ones we've seen.

>Peter isn't the same
>Neither is Flash, or Gwen, or any fucking other person
It's a new take on the character. How hard is that to accept? Next time she'll be a white red head though so you can stop crying about it.

Counterculture becomes mainstream culture which creates a new counterculture which then becomes mainstream culture.

>in this thread
>"Bros isn't it great that shitty Disney is finally losing the rights to make movies about Spider-Man! Now we can go back to the awesome Raimi movies!"

How does no one fucking understand that Raimi isn't coming back to this series? Tobey's done, Garfield is done because he pissed away his chances with Sony.
Fucking hell you realize they're going to have to reboot this again because of all the MCU references this character is based around?
Is that what you want? Another fucking reboot?

They're literally just so huge now that they think Sony will cave.

Niggers defending nigger MJ deserve to be gassed (in Minecraft), and all the others defending it should be raped to death (irl). Not because it’s a niggerwashing of a white character, but because they’re the most unfunny obnoxious subhumans on this board and every single one of them uses tumblr slang.

>It's a new take on the character
If everything about them is completely different then it's just not the same character

>gassed (in Minecraft)

Attached: peter.png (393x446, 162K)

>Is that what you want? Another fucking reboot?
Yes please

If the only thing bothering you is that they have the same name then, then maybe you just need to fucking admit you have other problems with this franchise.

I have lots of problems with the MCU Spider-Man but the point still stands

I don't use that word, user. It demeans the people who do.

And it's not a new take on the character in any way, it's a completely new character that has the name haphazardly slapped onto it for no good reason. It does neither any good.

>Hire a fashion model
>Let her play someone who is absolutely not a fashion model

Probably, but that is not what I meant.
I mean: WHY is Disney pushing an SJW agenda when it does the opposite of what they want? And why do they care at all? They are about money as they keep showing.

...You know? As much as I dislike SJW pandering, it would be worth it just to spite maggots like you.

Tobey, Garfield, PS4, Spectacular all prove that the franchise is taken care of perfectly fine. So whatever they come up with next it wont be low stakes iron boy

What "point"? All you seem to be complaining about is that it's not the same fucking rehash that we've seen before. Who the fuck wants to see the same movie with a different coat of paint on it each time?
So you guys just want the same shit over and over again. Got it.
Hope you're ready for another half hour dedicated to uncle Ben dying.

>i have lots of problems

Freudian slip yet no less true

Holland is a shit Spider-man.

>reddit spacing
You’re among those that WILL be killed

>All of these things that aren't connected except for the character their based on PROVES that the franchise is fine.
Leavin' out Holland there but sure, keep being delusional.

>Is that what you want? Another fucking reboot?
If it means no more Spider-twink then yes.

That’s not a Freudian slip

Look nobody wants the same story over and over but they do want the same characters. It's not difficult to understand

You're a retard

Not like any of this matters. You're all just going to complain about the next reboot being nothing like Tobey and how "acksthually, Hhhecholland hhhechad a lot of good qualaties!" threads are going to start popping up.
You don't even fucking like the movies you just want other people to suffer.

On the one hand, Spider-Man should be in the Marvel universe. On the other hand, him and all his characters should stay true to basic details about them.

Unfortunately, we never got both.

Stop being afraid of new things old man.

Point is the character will most likely turn out cool without disney being sone sort of savior. All everyone ever wanted was to see him banter with some avengers. We got it and now we can kick disney back to the dump

With this mentality you shouldn't want to watch Spider-Man at all since he's from the early 60's

All the Avengers I wanted to see Spider-Man quip with are dead or retired. I don't even care anymore

A lot of it is probably contrarianism but I'm just glad the character has been saved from the cruel fate of being Iron Robin on the silver screen for another decade

What a fag

>Lol all people wanted was to see him shoot the shit with Iron Man
I wanted him to fucking interact with other people.
>This character is from date
It's depressing how much you're reaching right now but okay. Spider-Man has had many iterations over the years, just like Superman and Batman and all the other heroes or Sentai or other shit you like. For some the 60's campy nature was their favorite, for others they preferred the stupid Clone Wars saga and all the crazy shit that got introduced there. What I'm trying to say here is that you can't just fucking coming up here and acting like it's been one, long ass continuous character the entire time. He's had his personality and motives changed all the goddamn time.
But MJ is black so that's bad grrrr.

It's a comic book character being adapted to a movie. Them being different is pretty much given

She is not a nigger though.

Oh, c'mon, politics doesn't actually do anything noticeable, it's always the same hyped up shit.

Yeah, Tobey had the best films and Holland is fine for what he's playing but Garfield had the most wasted potential

>But MJ is black so that's bad grrrr.
No she's bad because she isn't MJ in any respect. How much change is allowed before a character is no longer the same?

I don't. But she isn't MJ, so don't call her that, because that is dumb, and if you think it's a good idea you are probably mentally defective as a consequence of paternal incest.

These are the same people who can't understand why broadway adaptions change or why every time a new cartoon comes out about the same character it's not voiced by the last guy.
They live in a bubble where nothing should ever change.

>Seething Mouse Cuxs Seething

>They live in a bubble where nothing should ever change.
Change just for the sake of change isn't always good

What about it being an adaptation requires MJ become a negro?

I'm not saying politics is noticeable, I'm saying the top trending shit in North America (which is mostly where the SM outrage, to the extent it exists, is) is about other things that the superficial.

And amongst the superficial crap, Sony and Mouse House aren't even at the top

>"She's NOT MJ!"
She's not YOUR MJ. Also for real? How fucking close were the Raimi movies MJ other than her being white and a red head.
Stagnation is fucking terrible.

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Writhe more, maggot. You are a hundred times worse than the worst pink-and-blue-haired side-cut "I identify as transgender even though I am cis just on the principle of the thing" black wannabe vagina power the force/future is female parahuman. They're just delusional, you are venomous.

I can't speak for everyone but I just want good movies. 'Far from home' wasn't bad but it wasn't good, either.

You're being overly dramatic and dodging the question. How much change is allowed before they're a new character entirely?

I get that most of Yea Forums has hateboners for Disney, but when the alternative is Sony going back to fucking around with no rhyme or reason, you really need to hate Spider-Man in general to be fine with that.

I hope the (social) media outcry is so big that Sony is forced to talk with Disney again. Best case scenario they get an even worse deal now, because Sony needs as much humbling as posssible.

Because they wanted her to be a negro.

Sorry, you need to take a good look around you and see that the rest of the world fucking hates niggers.

Any fucking change they want because it's not the same character you fucking baby.
Comic MJ is Comic MJ
Raimi MJ is Raimi MJ(although let's be honest she's just a mixture of Gwen and MJ, which even Raimi admitted to)
It's not so fucking hard to understand that they're all different characters but they have a common starting point(that being the comic MJ). Do you fucking think the MJ in the comics these days is the same one from the 60's?
Change happens, sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's very fucking noticeable. Raimi MJ wasn't as outgoing as the comics version was. MCU MJ is way more cynical. Shit happens, new takes on characters happen. Accept it.

>She's not YOUR MJ.

I don't have my own MJ.

>How fucking close were the Raimi movies MJ other than her being white and a red head.

Physical and behaviour resemblance, aspiring actress and model. Hmmmm.

Whereas the MCU one is only called MJ as a joke. She doesn't look, talk or act like her at all.
Even her name is 'Michelle Jones".

It is literally a joke. They might as well have made her Gwen Stacy or Cat Grant, or, hell, introduce her as "Hi, Peter, this is Lizzy" and at the end it's revealed it's short for 'Felicia' because she hates that name.

>Best case scenario they get an even worse deal now, because Sony needs as much humbling as posssible.
You're an idiot

>you are venomous
>why yes I love trannies
>n-no I’m not a tumblrina I am an enlightened 4channer
Dumb roach

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...In "The Turner diaries".

I don't think anyone else has read those besides you, user.


IE not MJ.

>because it's not the same character
OK so you agree with us. We're done here

>Physical and behaviour resemblance
Holy shit you're actually serious. Go look up anything that compares the comics to the Raimi movies and you'll see all the fucking differences. As I said before, Raimi MJ is a mixture of Gwen and MJ. She has MJ's looks but Gwen's personality. If all it takes is her being a model for you to ignore everything else about the character then that's on you.

You don't enjoy shitstorms? I personally do and the bigger the shitstorm the better.

Only went to Tumblr for the porn, user. I STILL don't understand its SJW reputation given it was home to some of vilest, most racist and misogynist porn I have ever seen.

"Enlightened 4channer"... hilarious.

Yes, you are venomous. As a maggot, you have no place in a living world so you try to kill it.

>reddit spacing
>thinks niggers aren’t hated everywhere
This is pretty delusional. Hispanics treat blacks like garbage, and Asians despise them. Chinks ripped a nigger tourists dick off and made international news for it, as Japs constantly complain about black Americans raping people in Okinawa.

Yea Forums is basically those goths kids from south park.

>Only went to Tumblr for
Called it. Go back.
>Yes, you are venomous. As a maggot, you have no place in a living world so you try to kill it.
*tips fedora*
Nice reddit spacing btw faggot.

Keep on keeping on.

You won't find anyone to agree with your idiotic notion. The fact remains Michelle Jones has nothing in common with comics' MJ, Raimi's Mary-Jane Watson does.

And that is fine. I think it's a good idea to have a different female lead. BUT WHY CALL HER MJ?

I am more open to new things than you are because i at least watch other movies than just capeshit.

>Yes, you are venomous. As a maggot, you have no place in a living world so you try to kill it.
You have your Guy Fawkes mask on when you typed that cringe?

Wow I won't find anyone on Yea Forums to agree with me I guess t hat means the majority doesn't agree either.
Because the first letter of her first name is M, and the first letter of her last name is J. How. Is. That. Hard. TO. UNDER. STAND!?
>"Ha! This man is silly because he types on the 4channel and must mean he only watches the super movies! Even though I post on here too but I am different because I am witty!"

If no deal, that means Holland is out? And we never get a sequel to away from home?
If no deal I hope they reboot desu.

I don't care about 'yous', user. You can still have yours, though.

No, I will not go back to Tumblr because they shut down the porn. So what good is it now?

Comment on my spacing all day (although I still to this day have never been to reddit and am still not certain exactly what it is or why it is bad to be associated with it). Call me a faggot as much as you like. At the end of the day, you are still you (a maggot) and I am still me (not a maggot) and boy oh boy, did I get the sweet end of THAT deal.

All the best Spider-Man films were made by Sony.

All the bad ones were too.

Jesus Christ you cringy neckbeard you made /r9k/ seem like chads.

But they didn't make FFH

You win some and you lose some.

Never saw THAT movie, either.
Look, I dropped the Reddit spacing!
Isn't that nice of me?

>Wow I won't find anyone on Yea Forums to agree with me I guess t hat means the majority doesn't agree either.

Well, DOES it? I bet the majority - who have no fucking clue, because normal, sane people are not interested in comics minutiae - doesn't give a shit.
Sometimes I wonder what that must be like: to view entertainment for what it is and nothing more. Oh well.

Also... I mean they did not have to give her a name with the initials MJ. She's a new character, they could have called her anything. Jennifer Michaels, so people could say "Oh, ha-ha, I get it, because she's the opposite of MJ!"

Yeah, I don't know what that means.
The /r9k/ part, I mean.

Sorry for not rooting for the company that gave us classic movies like all-female Ghosbusters, Hotel Transylvania, Angry Birds movie, Emoji movie and cancelled the fuck out of Popeye.
Sony is prone to making the stupidest decisions when they are overly confident.

>Hotel Transylvania
This movie is good though

I've seen people not care that she's MJ, people who get mad that she's MJ, and people who don't even fucking know who MJ is.
I'm tired, all these arguements stem from you not wanting a black MJ, and they're stupid. Enjoy just not enjoying something for the stupidest reason possible.

Venom did almost the same as Far From Home on box office. Sony can build their own Spider-Man universe with Venom, Morbius and now Spider-Man.

Let's agree to disagree, but feel free to substitute it with The Smurfs.

What if MCU introduced a character called Timmy Stark and he was Iron Man?

I don't care that she is black.
It irritates me that they took a new character with new qualities, but named her after an established Spider-Man character.

They didn't even play with it. Like introducing a redheaded bombshell called Mary-Jane who pops up throughout the movie and yet never becomes a part of the action.

Is he trans?

He's trans, black and in a wheel chair. He will be joined by Fantastic Four, Red Richardo, Sho Strong, Jimmy Strong and Man of Rocks.

I like this new Iron Man. We should reboot the entire MCU for him. Cap needs to be a Latino FTM though.

Because we saw Disney's scandals of accounting fraud and online manipulation and know with the 50/50 news that got out that Disney is fucking up and is scummy beyond belief
We don't just look at a situation and think "No Spidey Sony bad" without any second thought. That's the mental comprehension of the rest of the internet in situations like this

Yeah it's more like "Mouse bad, Marvel quipverse bad". I am so grateful for Yea Forums being rational freethinkers.

I never liked Tom Holland's Spider-Man and I disliked the fact that he was going to be the new face of the MCU. I also like seeing casuals having a meltdown.

You can't spell "contrarian" without Yea Forums.

Yea Forums is 90% nostalgiafags in their 20s. Nostalgiafags in their 20s really like those shitty Raimi Spider-Man films and dislike the new ones. Because nostalgia.


Yea Forums is full of retards who consider this to be part of a politics war, and for some reason think they'll get Raimi-Man back.

The truth is, Sony has torpedoed themselves. They've hugely misunderstood the ridiculous brand loyalty the MCU commands, and it's unlikely that any Spider-Man reboot they push now will make any money at all.

>Yea Forums


You're implying this will continue to have brand loyalty a decade from now
This is immediately after Endgame, the peak of all this, this shit will slowly decrease in importance. It's not enough to make Sony cave because "muh fans might hate it"

The Raimi films are all garbage and the only reason why we liked the first two was because that's all we had. Cope with that, zoom boy.

These aren't fans. They are /pol/.

nice spacing

Spider-Man is the only thing keeping Sony's movie division in business. They NEED to make a new Spider-Man movie, and they need to do it relatively soon.

>m-muh /pol/

Go back, up fucking traitor. You're just a shill.

Eat dicks, ya gay

Why is everyone acting like this is over?

Look, Sony cannot fully back out of the deal, and neither can Disney. They will renegotiate something in the near future because both of them need this, and Sony will most likely relent a little because they need it more.

Disney's primary care here is preserving the story integrity of the MCU and keeping their new theme park attraction relevant. They don't really NEED to have a third movie made in the MCU, though - integrity isn't something they really care about all that much if it gets in the way of making money, they can go ahead with all those Spidey themed attractions without another movie being co-produced by them. Sony, on the other hand, is in a far less enviable position. They genuinely need this partnership with Marvel. Spider-Man is currently the only thing really keeping their film section afloat; the rest of their brands are uncertain and much of what they make has proven to be unprofitable. They were unable to make Spider-Man movies work even without the huge black spot of ANOTHER reboot that will undoubtedly turn half of all moviegoers against them, and they can't afford to go back to an even worse version of that situation. They were on the cusp of annihilation before and this could very well put their entire studio into the shitter.

That said, what's question is whether Sony realizes this. Their leadership is notoriously retarded. So they might kill themselves via pure stupidity. If they do understand their own position, though, we'll likely see a new deal with slightly more of the box office going to Disney. Not 50%, as that's ludicrous, but maybe 10%.

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Because "not muh Spidey." I'm not one of them but fuck Disney for having a monoply over entertainment but still demanding more from Sony. Also fuck the people siding with Disney and crying over a fictional character no longer being part of a shared fictional universe while the Amazon Rainforest that produces 20% of the worlds oxygen has been burning for 3 weeks now but gets no attention.

Thanks for the laugh user

Fuck Disney. But especially Fuck Sony.


Spider-man is garbage you dumb nigger

You're garbage, zoom a zoom zoom zoom boy

Why don't you go be underage somewhere else, this is a board for grown ups

>You're implying this will continue to have brand loyalty a decade from now
I'm pretty sure it will barring any ridiculous fuck ups.


>50%, as that's ludicrous

Considering how much damage this separation would do to Sony, I can't help but wonder if this entire deal wasn't a Disney long con to torpedo them.

Unless they receive and unbelievably lucky break, Sony cannot afford to make another unsuccessful Spider-Man film, and they definitely can't afford to have the entire MCU audience (basically just the majority of all audiences at this point) skip their movies on principle. They don't have the financial ability to survive something like that, it will completely destroy them. If they get on their knees and lick Mouse boot, they get to live in shame, but if they recoil entirely they are pretty likely to die, and then what happens to all the properties they own?

We may be seeing the penultimate move of a sweeping coup de grace here.

You sound mad, this makes me happy:^)

>and neither can Disney
As you've sort of already described, Disney can more easily just turn their backs on this deal than Sony. Disney's got everything else from Marvel now aside from I guess Namor. If they can get an X-Men reboot off the ground in the MCU that doesn't fucking suck, they'll be good for about another decade. Meanwhile Sony looks like it might be about to do the things that fucked them up last time. It might even be in Disney's best interest to let Sony fuck around a bit in the hopes that they'll be able to renegotiate a better deal, or even the one they wanted in the first place, if Sony face plants again.

Disney certainly doesn't "need" Spider-Man, except perhaps as a backup in case their Phase 4 can't sustain their previous successes without the largely new characters.

>fucking traitor
Has Disney company cult worship gotten this bad?

Beautiful, it’s like Yea Forums is coming back home.

Yoh don't get it do you? What if Sony was the one to come in and ask them a 50/50 split for Spider-man merchandise? They're going to split the cost of course. Do you think Disney would accep that? Would people blame Disney if Disney don't want to make movies with a company that tried to con them? They won't. Because Disney good. Fuck off.

Go back to Faggot you dirty reddit!

When did kids start calling techno music EDM?

At least Holland can rest knowing he was in the era where Marvel made a landmark and that his movies were generally good. Toby is of course still the one pop culture is most familiar with, so he has that going for him.

At least neither of them are Andrew Garfield, the middle child who made little to negative impression on people.

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>Sony will most likely relent a little because they need it more
no way. Sony cave now they're getting pursued for the rest of their lives for Spiderman. They've prepared for this move from Disney since day 1 MCU i guarantee it.

I knew shit like this were going down behind the scenes but it all becomes so stark when you actually face it directly.

Yea Forums is not composed exclusively of dumb secondaries, even though it might not look like it.

why should i even care about Spidey being in the MCU at this point
the only reason i wanted Spidey in the MCU was so he could become the face of the MCU street level heroes and could interact with the likes of Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones etc.
but ever since they introduced him in CW it seemed apparent that they are moving him away from street level more and more into a Avengers level world saviour
i dont care about Sony getting it back, but im not phased about Marvel losing because they never did anything interesting or original with it

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You sure it's a hair's breath away? Seems quite a few people around here are on that level where they don't care what happens, they'll celebrate the world burning

Yeah dude, everyone's a psycho for celebrating the death of a cancer.

I hope you got paid more than two cents for that post.

I don't see Yea Forums celebrating this news, I see the contrarian dipshits at Yea Forums celebrating "the mouse" being "BTFO" and bringing their retarded fucking threads here but Yea Forums is just as devastated as everyone else

Yeah dude,

probably the fact that this is a comics board not /mcu/ board, fuck off with your garbage

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kys yourself right now

They don't have a choice. It's make a small concession or die at this point. There's no way they can survive without more successful Spidey films or with the ire of the audiences all over the world causing them to be eschewed at the big screen.

>Yea Forums is just as devastated as
Speak for yourself, secondary.

Just asking, are you a tranny? You sound like a tranny. I don’t mind either way but if you are then you shouldn’t expect the market to cater to you forever. Maybe you should go to reset era where everyone agrees with you and you can just ban those you dislike.

People are mad about this but, I mean, you know-
They're just adults. Trying their best. To make money.

Shills forgot MCU enacted the faggot blogger part.

As terrible as your posts are I hope you enjoy you stay, the red pill claims all who come here thinking that they are above us maggots ;^)

is this the hot new buzzword

It's quite old terminology, but by all means keep exposing yourself.

People used to rag on Rami MJ all the time before all the Ramifags flooded in, especially when the actress started talking shit about how it would be better to have a movie about MJ raising Pete's kid after he died. And Gwen in three was more MJ than her.

>no modern day Bryce Dallas Howard playing mommy Gwen

Attached: [crushing sound].jpg (853x552, 73K)

Jesus, you are taking this thing too seriously.

what news?

is it on a resurgance? will/does it have a pictorial depiction?

That still doesn't mean people here hated raimi's spiderman movies?

It never stopped being relevant.

the world love bullshit like Hobbs and Shaw, Spider-Zoomer, etc, that's the difference, we don't like trash

Is good to see disney being called out for being greedy kikes. They had a good deal and fucked it up by wanting even more money

muh relevance

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No, i was talking about how Rami's MJ was one of the shittest parts of the series , not that the Ramiverse was completely awful.

>venom crossover
>fine with it
venom was a dumpster fire of a fucking film why would you want this?

And you'll be the first thread calling the sony movie trash when it comes out. You have to understand that some people are against Sony not because they worship Disney but dont trust Sony to do a good movie on their own. Especially knowing how retarded their execs are and seeing shit like Ghostbusters 2016.

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I don't really care anymore. I got to see Spiderman in the Avengers grand finale, so I'm pretty much burned out on superhero movies for a while.

>You have to understand that some people are against Sony not because they worship Disney but dont trust Sony to do a good movie on their own. Especially knowing how retarded their execs are and seeing shit like Ghostbusters 2016.
Also this.

The problem is implying Disney was any better when they aren't.

Hey user, you're pretty based

I'm looking at Sony's output. For every Spiderverse and Days of future past, you get a Fant4stic, Dark Phoenix, Last Stand, etc. Disney has it's flaws but at most I get a bland Marvel movie when they fuck up versus a travesty like Sony shits out.

Yea Forums hates Disney

Now that's impressive

I almost believed someone could actually be this fucking retarded for a second. Good job.

>TASM2 is a boring movie
>MCU full of bad movies
disneycucks deserve to be gassed

Yea Forums is actually retarded. Like, dead serious, brain damaged retarded. There is no possible outcome where this turns in favor to Sony. Like it or not, Disney has the public opinion on their side, no one wants another Sony-made Spider-man movie, Sony execs must be aggressively dense to not understand this, and Yea Forums even more. Disney/Marvel/Feige haven't dealt their last hand yet.
Best case scenario, Disney eats the horse and buy the rights back, so by the end of next year we will have Spider-man with no Sony input whatsoever.
Worst case scenario, we will have to suffer through one or two abhorrent, unholy, god awfull Sony-man movies and they come crawling back in six years or so.
Remember, Yea Forums hivemind is always wrong.

It was a power move by Disney. There's no way Sony can come on top of this.

Brazilian here and you're dumb.

Because it hurts Disney.

This is more Yea Forums shitflinging than Yea Forums.

No we aren't!

Obviously you dont look in a mirror often.
This is your brain on Yea Forums.

I, for one, am joyful to se another reboot from this franchise, and from the creators of black female james bond and female ghostbusters. With luck we can have our own black female spider-man.

Quick rundown?

I think it's funny. For all their power, for all their influence. The mouse can't save themselves from simple corporate division.

>implying i even watch those movies anyway
Best scenario for me is that both sony and disney get hit and capeshit movies stop being popular with normalfags.

We care far too much over fictional characters than the average person. This nonsense has just shown me how little people actually know or care about who's making their entertainment, as long as it's under a brand name and it's "good and fun"

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Maggots aren't venomous though?

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Disney is finishing off Sony.

If Sony bow down they must commit sudoku out of shame. If Sony don't bow down, they are committing sudoku out of incompetence. We're watching the first days of the end of a war.

What if Sony has decided to make a Spider Man with Japanese origins. I mean a completely new one. Here's my idea.
Spidey's uncle gets killed by Yakuza. Norman Osborn is the head of a conglomerate. Doc Ock is a professor at Spidey's university. Lizard is a human kaiju .Venom is an ancient Japanese treasure that was locked away for years and was used to give the ancient Emperors super strength due to which the Japan was able to defend itself against the Mongol Invasions.

You sucks

Totally based. We need the real Spider-Man back!

* Seppuku
Sudoku is the number game.

Is this your first day on the internet?

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People get them confused on purpose?

Fucking newfags

It's a meme from 2006.

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I hate Marvel. I hate Sony too, but I hate Marvel more.

It's coming from the same people who say Venom was good.

I mean, it's as cheesy and edgy as the comics. It's far from great, but it's good.

Oh. Saw that a while ago.

The rest of the world IS niggers you 'tard

>For every Spiderverse and Days of future past, you get a Fant4stic, Dark Phoenix, Last Stand, etc.
Sony didn't do the X-Men movies

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Rest of the world is mostly Asian.>

Fox doesn't exist and WB only makes those shitty DC movies so of course Sony made the x man movies because they're the only people who make marvel movies dumbass

Yea Forumsntrarian faggots, that's why.
Same with Yea Forums.

Back to tumblr with you, also Dilate

It breaks my fucking heart to see him walk away like this

>WB buys Sony
>Green Lantern Spider-Man team up
Please, it's all I want


So what does this even mean for Spidey’s MCU storyline? Is Disney just gonna have to take him out like he never existed or are they gonna kill him off?

Sony isn't comics either.

Real Spider-Man must back.
Thank you Sony

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They have one final movie in the contract. If Sony walks, they'll probably write Spider-Man out then.

>I hope the (social) media outcry is so big that Sony is forced to talk with Disney again.
t. Faggot
>Tfw pic related is more true than ever

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Say goodbye to Iron-Kid, is time to say welcome back to the real Spider-man

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Yea Forums can hate anything normies like better. Yea Forums can hate anything liked by you.

>calls his sugardaddy every time he stubs his toe.
Post one scene where he's ever done that, faggot.

Seethe and Dilate

Literally the opening half of Homecomming. Calling Tony, through Happy, every few hours for his next mission.

Fuck the normalfags and fuck Disney.

>Literal NPC
>we should care about what he says

Isn't this how Insomniac games and Homecoming have gone with Spiderman posting on Twitter and snapping things while Peter is also doing that video blog?

I think both ideas could work with a Tom Holland aged Peter.

We like comics and moreover, we fucking HATE current Disney.

We're getting screwed over anyway, it's better if Disney is, too.

ahm yes, quite secondary

>they shat on every other character
>clearly no problem in shitting on another one!

third time's the charm

I like Michelle, but I want Mary Jane.

Sex have.

Let's make black panther white next and how about using the original WHITE Nick Fury too?

Eh. Even maggots eventually get wings.

Why do you do this to me, man?


There is one but it's a caterpillar.

Also: I take issue with the suggestion your image makes. Real men have always loved pussy.

Imagine the uproar when Sam L. Jackson comes out and explains his dad was white - "My sister can pass, I just take after my momma more".

FLASH FACT: Bob Marley's father was white.

>people fall for this

muh actions

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>when garfield sees the lasagna

And how is that similar to your greentext? Spidey wanted to hang out with the big heroes and Tony was his only access to go beyond street-level. And after that Peter learned to be a hero by himself and rejected his offer to join the Avengers. Also:

>defeated Vulture by himself.
>saved Tony's ass from Black Dwarf in NY.
>accidentally stowed away in Maw's ship to help Iron Man save Strange.
>became an avenger because Tony realized he needed any possible help against Thanos at that moment.
>Died and became Tony's main motive to create time-travel.
>Came back to live and save Tony's ass from Black Dwarf AGAIN.

If anything I saw Tony was more dependant to Peter than the other way around.

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Holland was Sony's choice. Disney wanted Asa Butterfield to be Peter.

my what

>Sony BAD
>Disney GOOD

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This is the face of a man who has been beat down and defeated. He has been transformed into a disgusting unbathed pimple ridden blob. His fat grotesque form is a product of the raping of our pleasure receptors that are being assaulted by fast food and the near instant gratification brought to us by smartphones. He likely sulks in an office chair at a job he hates, comes home, and begins consuming. Consuming wild fascinating adventures that have been meticulously crafted and transformed into a product designed to sell to you with entertainment being an after thought. This man is what will inevitably happen to all of us if we persist in this doomed world we have created, the time to reload a save was long ago.

>Tony was his only access to go beyond street-level
Why? Spider-Man has never had this issue before.
>became an avenger
Which he usually doesn't do, because he isn't dependent on them.
>Died and became Tony's main motive to create time-travel.
He is someone else's motivation to actually do important things. Wow, how solo and independent!


I would read a comic about this.

Around 2012/2013. Though technically, what they call EDM is really just dubstep (Skrillex and Deadmau5)

Mcu cuck cursing, Papa Disney wouldn't be happy about that

No we don’t

Because I’m sick of Spidertwink being Tony Stark’s pet faggot rather than being his own character.

Spider-Man is literally a side-character. Disney bought him to kill him off and make shitty movies that had more to do with Tony Stark than they ever had to do with him. Both villains in the stand-alone Spiderman movies were “Dudes angry at Tony Stark”

Spiderverse was 100% a Spiderman movie with and Venom was unironically kino—even if you hate it it made Sony $800 million so there’s literally no reason for there not to be sequel of Tom Hardy and his alien boyfriend.

Besides the less shit Disney owns the better

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I thought EDM were stuff like Calvin Harris and Swedish House Mafia, not techno?

>Producing Dubstep other than 'Raise Your Weapon'

There are multiple genres of Electronic Music.
TEchno is an antiquated music term that only applies to certain genres today.
Calvin Harris and SHM are known as Progessive House Music Artists.

>interesting Spiderman stories

Spiderverse was a fluke not the norm

Yea Forums doesn't realize that Sony wrote the plot and scripts for the last two movies and that Marvel's control was solely over the use of the MCU characters, Peter himself, and the villains in the movie, not about the specific plot progression or usages of those characters. All of the things that weren't great (Iron-lite dynamic, school friends, casting, pacing) have Pascal written all over them.

The solo films weren't great at portraying Pete, but his appearance in Civil War and even in Infinity War were pretty great, especially compared to Webb's. Read the e-mail leaks from 2014 and you'll see all the bullshit Sony likes to play.

>Over what is functionally one company IP
Disney owns Marvel. I understand that Sony owns the licensing and 1996 and blah blah blah, but if they were to acquire Spider-Man (which is unlikely), it doesn't make them a monopoly, it just means Marvel has reacquired the rights it sold 20-odd years ago.
A monopoly is complete vertical integration and edging out of competition. MGM, Universal, Sony, and Paramount still exist, they just don't put out good work.

Yea Forums = Contrarian Social Media

Based Hater of the Iron-Kid.
I 100% agree. I wait great moments for Spider-Man out of the MCU

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well /co isn't a hivemind, tardo, and neither is the 4chins, so there's a lot of reasons, I imagine.

>i... it wasn't papa Sony's fault guys

Sony fags really are a cult

Because 4chans boards aren't celebrating the topic, these are boards to hate the topic. Most people on Yea Forums hate comics and capeshit.

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dude, it's photoshopped

Because memes.

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MCU styled movies are catered trash. Thats why.