So what do you expect is next for the Diamond Authority...

So what do you expect is next for the Diamond Authority? Do you think that the 3 space Hitlers will be held accountable for their crimes?

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Nah, it’s best to let go of it at this point. When did Yea Forums start whining about morals in cartoons?

I expected better artwork

Whoever drew this doesn't know how to draw noses and it's making me reee.

What crimes are we talking about, user?

Also that art is pretty awful.

A political marriage with the Serpents Supreme, in order to end the Gem/Sneeple war once and for all.

"Held accountable" in the sense of being punished? You don't understand this show. It's functioning on a model of distributive justice rather than retributive justice. Their penance is having to heal the corrupted gems, dismantling their imperial hierarchy, and generally doing everything in their power to make up for the harm they caused.

If this was a better show it would be addressed, along with the fate of the Gem race since they won't be colonizing worlds to propagate their race as an empire anymore it condemns the gem species to stagnation and eventual extinction even with their eternal long life.

I don't know about that. Peridot already mentioned alternate methods of exploiting Earth and her research into growing things, bringing forth new life, suggest she might discover another way of creating new Gems.

Accountable to who? They are the only authority in their society and we've seen no other societies aside from earth, who don't know or care they exist.

a shitty attempt was made

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I like it

It's already an improvement.

Better than those potato noses.

Significantly better already.

Diamond Authority is just another puppet, remember what White Diamond said about "supposed to be perfect". We've yet to see the real mastemind behind gem race and their true reason of existence.

>those noses
Fucking tumblr making shit ugly as fuck, everytime

>their true reason of existence.

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Dove commercial.

Whats wrong with yellow and blue diamond lips?

>We've yet to see the real mastemind behind gem race and their true reason of existence.
considering the damage the three diamonds did to earth with a single "song" i would argue that their original creators, if they had one, are long dead and done.
> three bad crystaline bitches roaming your empire blasting your planets population centers to dust

as well, WD just seems like she was cracked under the weight of her own leadership and personal expectations to be perfect and flawless. Yellow pearl does say that in a court ball, everyone would be under the "impeccable judgement of white diamond" and everyone would include WD herself; blue diamond repeats that a ball is to present everyone with your best possible self, so since everyone else is looking to WD's judgement she is expected to be the best, to be perfect.

the real question is how did WD know what a child was if gems don't have children

All three become Gregnant

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>Do you think that the 3 space Hitlers will be held accountable for their crimes?

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God I want to have sex with them, in a beautiful orgy, breeding all of them, my cute 3 wifes

You know what? At least that's a healthy drive and they're adults. A step up for Yea Forums.

>those noses
>those lips

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>Space Hitlers
They're more like Space Stalins. Or Space Pol Pots.

They're actively working to undo all the damage they caused. If that's not "being held accountable", then it's better than accountability.

>We've yet to see the real mastemind behind gem race and their true reason of existence
I feel like this will turn out like those Eva theories about seed of adam and dead sea scrolls were sent by an another cosmic entity to trap humankind into oblivion.


No you can get away with enslaving your entire race under your facist rule for thousands of years, torturing countless members of your own kind in human centipede inspired experiments, murdering anybody who disobeys you or isn't perfect, and trying to destroy earth and everything on it without having to face any consequences as long as you cry and are related to the protagonist of the show you're in

Based retard poster.

Based garbage writing white knight

>wahhhhhhhhhhh why aren't you accepting my strawman as fact
Based retard poster

>wahhhhh valid criticism of my perfect favorite show
>wahhhhh anybody who disagrees with me or sees forgiving hitler as the nonsense it is is a strawman
Based deluded garbage writing white knight

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Are we talking about Steven Universe or Israel?

iirc, israel only enslaved one tribe (they tried to weasel their way out of the cleansing campaign joshua was doing on canaan but they got wind of the con and came back to enslave them), they wiped out the rest.

Since multiple millenia of mass murder and torture and slavery can't be made up for the only true redemption for characters like megatron and the diamonds is ending your oppressive rule and then killing yourself ala Darth Vader, unless you have access to a time machine that undos all the death and suffering you caused

Is it still mass murder, torture and slavery if that is not how they perceived it?

When we let tumblr trannies like Lily Peet post here

Wow this is really ugly fanart

I still can't believe people unironically praised Lily Peet for making a 2 hour long sperg fest over a goddamn cartoon

tumblr trannies are the only people who watch steven universe

much better

What is it with artists making characters look like absolute goblins

Why do you write such dumb things, user? Do they make you feel like a big boy?

They're AIs doing what they were made for. 6ou can't hold them accountable. No more than you can blame a toaster for burning bread.

Spending a lot of private time with Greg.


Pink Diamond won't ever be held accountable, so why bother with the other 3?

Genociding planets and running an extreme dictatorship for thousands of years