Why are we blaming Sony for the Spider-Man split?
Why are we blaming Sony for the Spider-Man split?
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Because Disney has brainwashed the masses.
> raimifag literal who twitter acocunt
The same reason people blamed Sony for buying Spider-man rights in the first place. MCU fans are somewhat retarded
another troll post? wooh someone's working hard tonight huh vladamir?
Because nobody gives a fuck about how much do any of these ((companies)) make or the business deals.
We want quality movies. Disney makes (mostly) quality movies while Sony produces shit. Therefore nobody gives a fuck about Sony.
They'll co-produce and contribute 50% of the budget to get 50% of the box office. That's fair. Right now they're only getting 5% of the first day's box office. And fucking Sony released FFH on a Tuesday to fuck with Marvel. Probably the whole reason for this shit.
>Right now they're only getting 5% of the first day's box office. And fucking Sony released FFH on a Tuesday to fuck with Marvel.
That's fucked.
Movie fan boys still love the MCU more than Sony, there is no shape of this deal where Marvel doesn't win the goodwill instead of Sony
oh shit, they released it on a Tuesday? That's really fucked.
Disney gets 100% of merchandising rights.
What does that have to do with Sony? They're not involved with that at all.
Disney pays their shills unlike Russia
Why are idiots ignoring the bit about Disney wanting to co-finance the movie 50/50? It’s not like they’re demanding to get the 50% cut with Sony remaining as the sole financier.
Because this board is run by mousetards
It's okay, Congress will declare Spiderman belongs to them soon. Then all cable. Then all media.
Sony should piss Marvel off by making a deal with WB and get Spidey in the DCEU.
What’s going on? I just got online
Disney and Sony are divorcing and they are arguing about the guard of of the kid, Spiderman.
>doesn't put the hyphen in spider-man
their opinion doesn't matter
Cause Sony has always been retards. As much as i hate Disney they really very rarely fuck up.
And Marvel makes their games Xbox exclusives. Something they actually have the rights to do. And after Spider-man 2 releases after production hell, it'll leave Sony as well.
No one intelligent is doing it. But weaponized fan reaction is a thing now and Disney owns it.
Most people misunderstand who owns what. Sony owns the film rights to Spiderman, and half of merchandising. Sony loaned the character to Disney for MCU plus merchandising and got to use Tony Stark in return.
Tony is gone now, and Sony probably does not see any other MCU character as strong a draw as RDJ. Venom's relative success gave Sony confidence they could manage this thing alone. The only justification for what Disney is doing is that they're making a ridiculous hardball offer first so that their next offer looks reasonable.
Disney has no say. Sony's taking the kid and they own the rights to the movie and games. Disney keeps the merch, tv and comics.
No they don't. Sony has the game rights and the movie rights.
fanboys never accept any fault in whatever they are fanboys of.
This was a REALLY aggressive push to change the deal parameters by disney.
They should have offered a split on merchandise if they wanted a split on the box office. The merchandise is HUGE, so going from
You get all of A and we get all of B to you get half of A and we get all of B is kind of a bullshit negotiation move.
Just more points on why Sony is retarded
>Sony has the game rights
Fucking do some googling before commenting like a retard. It's not hard, this has been discussed for ages.
Is Yea Forums read for the Bombastic Bag-man to join the MCU?
>The only justification for what Disney is doing is that they're making a ridiculous hardball offer first so that their next offer looks reasonable.
I'm wondering the same.
If disney doesn't come back with a less FUCK YOU offer then I'll be really confused, because that was a super super hardball demand.
When does Sony’s movie rights to Spider Man end?
When they stop making anything Spiderman related. So never unless they go absolutely bankrupt like they did in 2009 when they sold the TV rights and half the merch rights back to marvel.
When disney finally decides to just write them a 2 billion dollar check and stop this.
I certainly don't think Sony's movies are a sure thing, but Disney's offer is incredibly bad. That co-financing split is the standard kind of deal a studio would make to license the character. Sony owns it. Why would they do this? There would be no logical way for Sony to accept unless they got a cut of every MCU film Spiderman appears in, which Disney did not offer.
Can Disney just buyout the Spider-Man movie rights from Sony?
Sony and Gisnep broke their deal because Disney is playing hard to get.
You forgot the leaks back in 2014?
Also, thanks for showing us your ebin troll account
No. There's no way unless Sony agrees. This is basic stuff are you retarded?
I thought Rodny Jr being replaced by Brie Larson was the reason Sony was leaving. Now Sony can go back to fucking up their franchise on their own.
Agressive buyouts exist
You think Sony upstaging Disney Animations with Into The Spiderverse caused this?
What is this?
No, because Sony would never sell their most valuable asset and japanese laws impede anyone from buying Sony.
I remember sending lots of shitty ideas to those emails.
Like when
Why don't people realize this is a good thing? One less white male using toxic masculinity to ruin the MCU when it can be a diverse POC series
What do you mean japanese laws?
Spider-Man is not a company with shares. Unless you expect Disney to buy all of Sony. Best they can do is fuck with the games and considering how important that segment is to Sony's turnaround, the Japanese bosses might tell the film guys to fuck off.
Buying all of sony would cost WAAAAAAAAY more than just making a good offer for the movie rights.
The only reason the deal happened in the first place is due to Sony's management being astoundingly incompetent with the Spider-Man license to the point of needing to outsource in order to make a likable movie.
They don't deserve any more revenue than they're already getting.
Disney was offering them essentially half of what they were offered the first go around.
Nobody would agree to that.
when Marvel was in finacial trouble the first thing Sony did was buy Spiderman. Next to Superman, and Batman, Spiderman is Marvel's most recognized and beloved superhero (before Iron Man was popular). Sony only allied itself with Disney to ride the Infinity War cash wagon, but now that that ride is done, Sony is done.
A buyout can happen, but only if their franchise seriously tanks to the point there is no rescuing it. See Star Wars as an example. As long as Spiderman sits in america's conciousness as a beloved superhero, its possible to print infinite cash from him. And you don't sell a money printing machine.
>Sony claiming Holland Spider-Man will remain in MCU but Feige won't produce
I'm confused. How do they get to make that call? Feige is the MCU overlord. He decides what happens in it. Also Sony effectively gave Disney the finger, so who are they to say "we still in MCU"?
Then Sony better not stumble. X-men was on a roll with DOFP and even released stuff like Logan and Deadpool but with MCUfans shitting even the most minor up, it can completely tank the Spider-man movies or at least the public's perception of them.
It would also be impossible as it's a japanese run company and japan has very very strict laws about who can buy it.
What are their laws?
Yes. But this would be a lot like buying a business. The general rule of thumb for valuation is 5 times the net profit of a single year. Let's say Sony is confident they can gross $2~2.5B off 3 Spiderman-related films each year (that is roughly the total of Far from Home, Venom, and Spiderverse, which were released within a one-year time frame from each other). That can translate into anywhere from $500M to $800M net from theaters alone, and we haven't even included home video, games, and merchandising.
A realistic offer to buy Spiderman back would cost Disney billions. They can afford it, but Disney might not want Spiderman enough.
In the long run it would be worth it.
The rest of the MCU as a whole proves it.
Basically only native japanese people can run and manage japanese companies. They don't allow for foreign companies to buy japanese companies.
Why don't other nations have these kind of laws?
Who knew xenophobia could be a good thing
The rights to Spider-Man are owned by Sony Pictures, which is an American company. Retard
>In the long run it would be worth it.
Then Disney would have made an offer to buy when ASM2 came out. That was when Sony was at its lowest, financially and morally.
china has something like that too
Unironically this. At least with Sony splitting off we might finally get Spider-Man instead of Iron Boy.
Can't buy a company that would affect the Japanese economy in any form. Sony does a shit ton of stuff in Japan so buying them is a huge no no.
Don't forget that disney can at times be incredibly cheap and petty.
You can't even do business in China without a joint venture
It's still part of a Japanese conglomerate you fucking idiot.
Sony has Amy Pascal. Disney has Kevin Feige. Now pick one
>mfw when New Mutants will never release
Fuck Disney
So? Disney can still buy Sony Pictures and acquire all the IPs and licensing rights they own. They don't need to buy the whole fucking corporation
I'm just happy to see someone stand up to the mouse
Eh, doesn't Fox have Batman TV rights?
MCU is sure in trouble, huh? Spider-Man is Marvel's most popular character. Holland was going to be the face of their franchise after RDJ left. They literally made him latex Iron Man, had him appear in five movies, etc. And now he's gone. Literally how is Disney going to explain his absence?
I forgot how astoundingly dumb these ideas were.
Most sites are reporting that the 50/50 thing revolved around Disney wanting Sony to pay for half the production costs, not them claiming half the profits.
They can't. They still aren't allowed to because Sony pictures still reports it's revenue back to japan and is still part of Sony as a whole.
They did. They offered 4 billion for it. Pascal wasn't willing to let it go for less than 20.
Because Disney shills.
And Sony Japan is gonna sell? Why? Just fuck with the Spider-man games. Sony's film division is useless. Their 2nd best selling movie ever is a Bond film which they don't even have the rights to anymore.
Doesn't matter. Sony Pictures operates out of America and is run by an American. Japanese laws don't apply
You can't buy a company by parts retard. That can only happen if Sony themselves put it up for sale and right now they have absolutely no reason to do so. Any money they lost this year they recovered it with FFH.
Feige literally wanted his name in the credits of Spiderverse for a movie he had no part in developing in. This is literally over an ego.
How much money do these fucking companies have
I'm saying they will. I'm just saying it's possible. These laws being cited are irrelevant
Pascal gave us Venom and Spider-Verse
Feige gave us Black Panther and Captain Marvel
Amy sure has a better track record than Kevin lately.
*not saying
Weaponized fanboyism
Sony is unironically in the right here/
I mean yeah it's probably obvious that Disney didn't want an actual 50/50 split and was hoping they'd get somewhere around the a 30/70 or even 20/80 over their original 5/95 deal. But people seem to forget that Sony singularly footed the bill for the movie and Disney gets all the dime from merchandising.
I think this is a pretty shrewd move honestly, now Disney is either gonna have to consider moving forward with the MCU with no Spider-Man or have to beg back for their old deal / something smaller along with some additional cash money to grease the wheels.
Ah, I had forgotten. That was their best chance, but $4 billion is a low offer even at that time. Likewise, a $20 billion asking price is ridiculous.
Why aren't you celebrating it?
MCU Spider-Man is by far the worst on screen Spider-Man hands down, he is nothing like Peter Parker, he is nothing like Spider-Man. They just slapped the name onto some bullshit and sprinkled in some character references.
Sony bought Insomniac recently, the guys that made Spider-Man PS4, if they're smart they'll put them in charge of the movie that game had the best Spider-Man story in years comics or otherwise.
All Sony has to do to explain away the MCU is start up the clone saga, MCU Spider-Man was a clone got snapped and the real Peter Parker was on earth the entire time done and done hell he even dusted like a clone.
>Avi Arad essential to the IP
Holy shit Amy how sweet does his cock taste
>Can't buy a company that would affect the Japanese economy in any form
Everybody keeps saying it but this supposed law is nowhere to be found on google. Non-Japanese companies seem to be able to buy and hold majority shares of Japanese companies just fine. Besides, no one is saying for Disney to buy the entire Sony company, just the Marvel character film rights that Sony owns
>Who knew xenophobia could be a good thing
It's not.
I hope Amy wises the fuck up if this doesn't go through and uses an decent fucking director this time.
Source? Of course, your ass
Another article mentioned he helped during Venom production so it would be funny if he gave some advices for Spiderverse too
Japan is what’s known as a Nation-State and they actually give a shit about putting all things Japanese first. This included allowing gaijin to buy multi billion dollar Japanese corporations. They don’t look at Japan and wonder how they can fuck everyone over to raise the gdp by half a point the way US politicians do because they don’t view their country as an economic zone.
wait, marvel has tv rights to spiderman just not single movie rights? cant they continue to make 'crossover' movies and just go with a spiderman netflix show?
And why would Sony sell that?
Watts is on contract along with Holland.
>MCU Spider-Man is by far the worst on screen Spider-Man hands down,
But that's false. Just by Andrew Garfield existing, it can not be the worst.
Yeah it is
How heavy are those goal posts?
They wanted 4 around te ASM era when the movies were total shit, nowadays they will ask 8 billion or more
But think of everything Sony has to lose if they walk away from this.
They can keep making Holland Spider-man movies but he'd be Spider-man instead of Iron Boy and every villain wouldn't be "Tony Stark did me dirty"
>Shitty flick that was saved by chinks and a good movie that got decent grossing because it was beaten by Aquachad
Sure Sonyshill
No, it's not.
*not allowing
No. They can't rights are rights. You have tv rights and Movie rights. You could have him in a TV series but you couldn't have him move over to movies.
No his shit was awful but it was still Spider-Man
I have a feeling you are being facetious
But Disney wants to 50/50 the production budget as well? They're not just asking for 50% for free.
I really don't understand how Disney thought an initial offer that demanded a 50/50 split of the film but offered zero of the merchandising wouldn't be seen as ridiculous.
It's not even a good initial offer, it's just insulting.
and this is why we have two star treks
Garfield is the best of the three Spider-Men
Amy gave us the emoji movie
4 would have been a good deal.
because sony wont let go of the rights and they arent making all the movies that are good.
>ruining spider-man
Bahahaha fuck
Get rekt moviefags
>first day's box office.
>FFH on a Tuesday to fuck
>oh shit, they released it on a Tuesday
First day's box office has absolutely nothing to do with the day of the week a movie is released. It has to do with how much a movie earn's on it's first full day of release (which is why you often see preview grosses blended in with the following day's actual ticket sales).
The general stupidity on this board for basic language comprehension skills and basic math skills is appalling.
Mouse Shills saying that Disney is in the right because they're also offering to pay 50% of the movies' production costs are fucking retards as well. The actual gross fucking dwarfs the production costs. -> Disney already gets merch money, Sony doesn't.
Honestly the whole Tonywankering was either a decision made by Sony in order to get easy bucks or from Marvel studios in case Sony backstabbed them later
MCU fans are fucking retarded.
Cool, maybe we'll get a redo of black suit spider-man.
This Disney has still an image of "good guy" because of all of their classic movie despite being the closest thing we have of a shadowrun megacorp in real life.
FFH made what, 1.1 billion?
Disney are saying hey, we'll put up 75m to make the movie and take 550m back in exchange for it, thanks
>BR2049, Jumanji, Baby Driver, Once Upon a Time in Holywood, Spider-Verse
Because Sony is in deep shit. They were nearly dead before the PS4. Now they're basically being carried by the PS4 division with everything else barely breaking even. Columbia Pictures is also so shit. Outside of Spider-man and random successes like Jumanji they have nothing. The Spider-man game will definitely be a card that Disney plays especially with the PS5 coming soon.
Sorta. That's mostly because movie actors don't want to be in TV. They mostly consider it beneath them and lower pay for more work. The reason STD happened was because the movies flopped but CBS owns both their rights.
Just sweep ot under a rug like they always do
Sony is way more fucked now that they can't play with Stark tech, Shield or Avengers members
That's still less than what a normal Friday opening would bring.
If Sony was any smart, they’d buy the rest of the Spider-Man franchise of Marvel/Disney
no they didn't Paramount had movie and CBS has TV that's why there was a split, and the two companies hate each other.
What would be the point of Sony owning Spiderman just to end up with what is essentially a licensing deal?
I reiterate, Sony owns film Spiderman. What Disney proposed is like organized crime moving in on someone's legit business.
You brought it up first, now answer the damn question.
Venom is just as shit as Capain Marvel
Oh whoops. I was sure they had both. But yeah that would make more sense. It's ashame CBS is running that series into the ground.
He said making, not distributing
Also I'll never forgive them for cutting out the desert car section with Joi in 2049, and the faggy director going hurr no extended version
Does Sony really think they can make bank off a Spider-Man movie without Marvels help? Lol
Of all the possible evil companies, Disney is most benign. They own what? Your childhood cartoons? Amusement parks? They're almost entirely an entertainment company. Hardly threatening. Other studios owned by telecoms like Comcast and AT&T are much more dangerous. They just don't make the big public moves.
someone said they're back together now cuz they're scared shitless of Disney but who knows
I was just pointing out that this stupid law that was brought up doesn't apply. I don't actually think Disney has a chance of buying the Spider-Man rights
Doesn't Sony also do all the production, marketing, and advertising for the movies?
Disney gets 100% of the merchandising.
And Sony is the bad guy here?
Them merging back together makes them the #4 entertainment megacorp, albeit it's a big fucking gap between them and the top three
Of course, one is an entertaining and well executed movie and the other is Venom.
Why is it not okay for Sony to buy Spider-man's movies but it was okay for Disney to buy the whole MCU?
>Outside of their actual successes they have nothing.
>Congress will declare Spiderman belongs to them soon
>congress dismantling ip laws
>when its the mouse that causes copyright to outlive its creator for corporate reasons
not gonna happen
I see this get flung around all the time, but this isn't technically correct. Techincally, foreign companies can buy-out Japanese ones provided that the following:
A) That the acquisition of the Japanese company by a foreign entity doesn't create, or risking creating, a gap in Japan's national security.
B) That the acquisition of said Japanese company doesn't deprive the Japanese government of a significant source of revenue in the form of the tax the company pays. This applies predominantly to the large, international Japanese companies, of which Sony is indeed a part of.
Why is Venom here? The whole movie was fucking incompetent.
*to the large Japanese companies that operate both nationally and internationally
>no one is saying for Disney to buy the entire Sony company, just the Marvel character film rights that Sony owns
This is what you wrote.
>Sony bought Insomniac
>That means they are good.
does y'all have a touch o the dumb?
>This applies predominantly to the large, international Japanese companies, of which Sony is indeed a part of.
But not to Sony Pictures specifically
2 successes in the past 5 years. One of them is MCU Spider-man the other is Jumanji. They don't have Bond anymore. Yes they have nothing.
They are betting on Venomverse
But once normies learn about "no more mcu" I'm sure those movies will start getting a lot of shit , like Dark Phoenix did
because muh synergy and universe and every actor on the same screen with another wahh
Because Disney can do no wrong.
In about a year, normies won't care. Those fickle assholes change their mind after 2 months of "Boycotting" Dark phoenix did poorly because it was within the 2 month timeframe and it was going to disney for sure.
I thought disney was giving SONY a piece of the profits from the MCU movies with spider-man. incredibly generous of them
Yes it fucking is you tumblr faggot. Japan is for Japs cunt.
That would honestly be open to interpretation on the part of both the Japanese government and the government that is home of any party that wished to purchase Sony Pictures. Given that Sony Pictures is a subsidiary of Sony and is connected to it, indirectly or otherwise, and based on my own personal interactions with the Japanese and how viciously protective they are of their own, I'd argue the Japanese government would put their foot down and kill any deal involving the purchase of Sony Pictures.
No, Sony get nothing from say, Infinity War or Endgame.
>before it was 60/40 split across the web, against Sony
>After Sony tweeted out their statement almost everyone is against them
I can find no actual source stating that Sony was still going to be completely cut out of marketing, it seems like that’s something people are extrapolating based on the previous deal. Given how much Marvel have saved Sony’s bacon, 50% funding for 50% of the box office seems completely fair, and a reasonable starting offer. If Sony didn’t like that deal, they should have made a counter-proposal, instead they stormed off like babies.
Sony Pictures is foreign asset. Sony can sell this asset without any trouble, in the same way that a Japanese carmaker can buy or sell a factory it owns in America.
Okay Disneyshills, would it be fair if Sony accepted the 50/50 deal for the movie but Disney also need to split the merchandise revenue 50/50.
Because they went from 5% of day one to fucking 50% of total.
It's like asking for $20,000 for a hamburger. Are you really going to waste your time negotiating after a starting offer like that?
No way Disney will agree to that, the goal is to get more money. They'll be at a significant loss for that.
>50% funding for 50% of the box office seems completely fair, and a reasonable starting offer.
>Drop 80 Million Gs, get somehow 200 Mill at the worst
>And full merchandising profit
Yeah 'fair'.
50/50 is just way too much.
I think so. Honestly doing the split and giving Sony a cut of merchandising seems a fair way to keep everyone happy.
>I'm going to conveniently forget into the spider-verse cause it hurts my argument.
I'd be fine with it but then again, I've never really given a shit about Spider-Man. MCU Spidey's is lame and Sony's has mostly been absolutely shit except for 2 & 1 in that order.
Yes, offering some sort of merchandising split would be an amicable offer.
Saying "Fuck you, you get half of this and none of that" when they got all of this and none of that before is an absurd offer.
>Implying Disney would be fine with that
Merchandising money dwarfs movie money. Disney will never agree to that.
$400 mill is a success? The fuck are you on about. It got an oscar. That's fucking Shazam level.
>$400 mill is a success?
On a $90m budget, definitely.
It's telling that you think it isn't.
This is your brain on Yea Forums
I'm not that user but it was a fucking cartoon that they made almost $300 million on. It's not sustainable. Only kiddie cartoons continuously pull that kind of money in.
so basically they did the same thing they did with star wars, just throw a retarded fit because they didn't have 100% merch rights. Need to throw the entire board of directors into a blast furnace.
Into the Spiderverse is the only good Spider-man movie since the original trilogy. Fuck MCU.
Oops, I quoted the wrong post.
I don't care what Disney wants necessarily. I care what I want, which is for these dumb fucking movies to keep being made the way they have been. Do the split and give Sony like, a quarter or so of the merchandising. It's Disney, their coffers are full enough.
Sony never actually bought rights, they are just borrowing them indefinitely.
It's a massively well received film that won an oscar and has huge hype for the sequel.
Nobody reasonably doesn't see that movie as a success.
It's the most successful animated movie Sony have ever released.
Don't fall for the "it's a bomb unless it makes a billion" meme
Fine 3 successes. Truly astonishing success. A studio every money-grubbing corporation can be proud of.
>Fuck you just give Disney all the money! I need my shitty MCU movies lol!
Clearly not since they're trying to jew out money from Sony.
It had shit villains unlike MCU where we got based Vulture and Mysterio
Surely half a bilion at least. Self-contained success sure. Hardly a new franchise.
Since Apocalypse the Fox films were constantly shit on by fans despite Deadpool and Logan. I don’t think Sony is going to fare better than Fox given Amy Pascal and Avi Arad being complete morons.
>quality movies
Yeah i would not call those movies quality.
In this case? Yeah, Sony would have been much smarter to try to negotiate from there. They don't realize how good of a thing they joined into. The MCU has the largest box office film of all time, and FFH came right off of that, and that's why FFH broke $1 Bil. The first and only Spider-Man movie to do so, I might add. You walk away from that and you walk away from that Avengers boost. You instead come back with "No, 15% financing and box office" and you can haggle. Sony is trying to make their position look stronger than it is, or they genuinely believe their position is stronger than it is.
>And full merchandising profit
Show me the source and I'll believe it.
Spiderman as a character only works in a universe where other Marvel franchises don't interact with it.
Other Marvel franchises want Spiderman to prop them up, so they keep pushing the multiverse crap.
Its time to stop making retarded collab / fanservice movies.
I honestly side with Sony here. If the merch sales are that much greater than box office, then Disney should just give Sony some percentage of that if they really want their 50/50 split of box office. Sony gets more money, Disney keeps the character in house and their big dumb franchise stays on rails, and I get my big dumb movies.
>In this case? Yeah
Faggot cuck
Sony aren't the ones who ended negotiations
>I honestly side with Sony here
>50/50 split of box office
>Sony gets more money
>MCU Spider-Man is by far the worst on screen Spider-Man hands down
with mcguire existing? are you serious? mcguire is the worst spider man in fiction
This won't matter a bit in fifteen - twenty years when Disney will have enough money to buy entire states.
And I've been arguing that Sony should also get a cut of merchandising profits, which they apparently don't get and are also apparently often greater than box office receipts.
not even remotely
>LOL, you do all the work, I get 95% of the money
>People unironically think this is a fair deal that shouldn't be renegotiated.
What the fuck is wrong with you you miserable fagots? Are DCcucks so desperate to dump on the MCU?
Why? They sold it off of their own accord due to mismanagement?
>Sony aren't the ones who ended negotiations
All the sources seem to say they are.
There's a bigger problem than the revenue split here. What Disney proposes is an unprecedented financial and creative entanglement that could completely destroy the value of the Spiderman brand at Sony. The budget split will almost surely come with creative control, which means that Disney could maneuver the plot in the mainline Spider movies in such a way that they could kill him off in one of their own Avengers films, where Sony has no creative input. Sony would have to start all over.
Drama Queen much?
With Venom making 800mil it's going to take a lot more than 2bil to get it away. It's Sony's biggest franchise and they won't give it up cheap.
I'm blame Lucas's ridiculously small sale of Star Wars for this
Nope. Sony have openly said it's Disney that aren't playing ball.
user you're on the board that still thinks WB will sell DC despite having their most successful film ever less than a year ago
most definitely
That doesn't really matter. Everyone views this as a co-production deal, when in reality it's Disney licensing Spiderman from Sony. Sony is the homeowner renting a basement out to Disney. What gives Disney the right to now dictate the terms to Sony, or even to buy into their house?
None of this makes sense, and this confusion comes completely from how the media is framing the story.
>Sony have openly said
Sony openly tried to lay all the blame at Disney's feet, but even they didn't try to say that Disney ended negotiations.
>“Much of today’s news about Spider-Man has mischaracterized recent discussions about Kevin Feige’s involvement in the franchise,” says a Sony spokesperson. “We are disappointed, but respect Disney’s decision not to have him continue as a lead producer of our next live action Spider-Man film.”
>“We hope this might change in the future, but understand that the many new responsibilities that Disney has given him – including all their newly added Marvel properties – do not allow time for him to work on IP they do not own,” says the statement. “Kevin is terrific and we are grateful for his help and guidance and appreciate the path he has helped put us on, which we will continue.”
Their statement boils down to "We didn't like the deal Disney offered".
>and half of merchandising
no Disney owns all of it
I dunno man, for the sake of negotiation? There's a million ways for these two to split profits and revenues without breaking up the creative venture, which is my concern as a consumer whore who just wants to see costumed morons and eat popcorn.
>Disney ended negotiations
>No they literally didn't
>That doesn't matter.
You're a fucking idiot, Sony only owns Movie Rights for Spider-Man. Disney owns everything else
That would still see Sony making less money if you just look at the math for a minute. Go break down FFH's box office with the old arrangements and compare it to the proposal
>the unanimously beloved iteration of Spiderman
You can claim the movies were bad, but not the iteration of the character.
>>LOL, you do all the work, I get 95% of the money
Sony pays for the entire thing though, the 'work' that Disney does is getting Feige into the table and allowing Sony to use material from the MCU.
Sony owns the merchandising rights but pays half of the profits back to Marvel. Sony exchanged it with Disney to merge Spiderman with MCU, but this only covers those specific movies. Now that deal is over it's back to being Sony's for subsequent films.
>What gives Disney the right to now dictate the terms to Sony, or even to buy into their house?
1. The fact that this deal is still very lucrative for Sony, even at a 50% split. FFH is the first Spider-Man film to break a Billion, and that's undoubtedly attributable to it being a "sequel to Endgame", the biggest film of all time
2. Future Avengers movies aren't even assured. What does Disney profit from continuing an arrangement that was previously specifically constructed to allow Sony to keep almost all the money from solo films, so that they could profit from crossovers? Th future of the MCU is looking more like the individual films will have shared-universe elements instead of focusing on some big event, and the new deal reflects that.
3. The fact that the last time Sony was alone with Spider-Man, box office results and critical responses were flagging, and they had to come to Disney to save their asses.
They've done so multiple times
Sony does all the work though?
Spiderman doens't need to be part of a mega movie crossover universe.
He's fucking Spiderman.
Because the person who posted that is an idiot
I'm not the poster arguing with you earlier who ended negotiations. I'm saying it doesn't matter, because Spiderman is Sony's. It's theirs to license out. If Spiderman doesn't get to be in MCU films anymore, it's because Disney doesn't want to abide by the licensor's terms. It's Disney's problem.
an email from the Sony hacks
Jesus Lord, did this debacle just reveal how many people did not actually pay attention to the production of these film or the Sony/Disney deal itself.
Why do you think so many folks are so ignorant yet so sure they're right about who's making what, Yea Forums?
>You're a fucking idiot, Sony only owns Movie Rights for Spider-Man. Disney owns everything else
I didn't ask who owns what, I asked what your source was that this new deal would include Disney getting all merchandising money.
> those fickle assholes
You are socially retarded arent you?
Eat shit. Sony wasn't getting any money from the other MCU films featuring Spider-Man. The new deal is completely insulting
Disney isn't retarded to give up even a portion of lucrative Spidey merchandising profits
Then why did the ASM movies underperform
Because that wasn't brought up at all? Did you even read the article?
750M is still more than half of a billion.
Shazam and Spider-verse were both profitable. So yes, I'd call it a success
Seething. Raimi movies were great.
The article's irrelevant to the question at hand, it's just about who holds the rights. A statement was made that Disney would get half the box office
>And full merchandising profit
But none of the current articles about this new failed negotiations say that Disney was keeping all the merchandising profit.
>the unanimously beloved iteration of Spiderman
what? since when? people love the dumbass movies, but i dont hear them praising him. hes not spectacular pete, shit hes not even 90s pete or NPH pete
I'm not really arguing whether this is the correct course of action for Sony. I disagree with your assessment, but I don't have a problem with the logic of it.
I'm just pointing out that Spiderman is Sony's to sell, and I have a problem with characterizing this as Sony maliciously pulling Spiderman out of MCU. They have no obligation whatsoever to let Disney use him. Disney is the one pulling a Darth Vader move and changing the terms of the deal.
>Infinite Cash if a hero is in the publics mind
Like Batman and Superman right now?
That's funny, because outside of the movies, Spider-Man is likely the most cameo involved, crossover-ed, and teamed up character of all time.
Get out of your echo chamber.
No one really wins here, now Sony will take the loss if any of the upcoming films tank like TASM 2.
Would you rather get 50% of a billion dollar film or 100% of an 800mil film? Think carefully now user
>Spider-Man vs the Amazing Spider-Man
Sounds like kino is back on the menu.
>Raimi movies were great
the fact that you said raimi instead of the character says enough honestly
That's a dead-end you are looking at. This email from way back before MCU and Sony partnered up.
get out of yours
>instead of the character
They're all Spider-Man movies, dipshit. It's the same fucking character. Did you mean actor?
>The article's irrelevant to the question at hand, it's just about who holds the rights.
>I didn't ask who owns what,
Again, you're a fucking idiot. Spider-Man merchandising is in the billions, they're literally no way Disney is gonna give Sony a slice of that pie when they didn't offer it before.
Then you havent read spiderman over the past 30 years. He and wolverine are the most cross-over’d characters i swear
For the exact fucking reason I stated.
Are you forgetting that the Amazing Spiderman was basically a glorified ad show to debut new Marvel characters?
>Disney is the one pulling a Darth Vader move and changing the terms of the deal.
The deal is finished, you clown. The terms of the deal ended, they needed to re-negotiate a new one if they wanted to continue the story. Disney came in with terms that were favorable to them, but not unfair, given what Sony has gotten out of their arrangements. Half the risk, half the rewards. It makes absolutely no sense to demand the same 5% for Disney unless they also negotiate some crossovers.
Because they wanted to shit out a universe out of it.
>to prop them up
lmao they would still make bank without Spidey, you delusional retard
Seethe, you desensitized moron.
You don't even know what constitutes "normal" outside SJW-littered propaganda.
>they're literally no way Disney is gonna give Sony a slice of that pie when they didn't offer it before.
Okay Satan, show me your source.
>Disney came in with terms that were favorable to them, but not unfair,
>We get 50/50 of the BO Gross
>and we throw in 100 mill at the start
>No you don't get jack from Spider-Man's appearances in our movies
>No you don't get jack from merchandising
This is your mouse brain on mouse drugs.
You're not using that word correctly.
hes not the only person in the movies. osborn was definetely the strongest aspect of the first
youre so triggered by phantom sjws that your seeing them where there are none, and you tell me to seethe? is that because misery loves company?
>No you don't get jack from Spider-Man's appearances in our movies
Sony is benefiting from Spider-Man's continued existence in the MCU as a whole. They get to have Marvel characters in their movies, because they're set in the same universe.
The merchandising thing is STILL a thing you're basically mass speculating about, not something the news has confirmed
>Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige won’t produce any further Spider-Man films because of an inability by Disney and Sony Pictures to reach new terms that would have given the former a co-financing stake going forward. Disney asked that future Spider-Man films be a 50/50 co-financing arrangement between the studios, and there were discussions that this might extend to other films in the Spider-Man universe. Sony turned that offer down flat, and I don’t believe they even came back to the table to figure out a compromise.
Sony was unwilling to compromise. They saw Marvel's starting offer and said "Well there's no need to try to negotiate, we'll just go our own way".
Ok, i’m done with this. Sony made a stupid ass move but it is there’s to take. Can’t wait for the next two shit spidey movies from them, a reboot, and another series of shitty spidey movies. In about 10 years, sony will be close enough to bankruptcy where they’ll put spiderman back on the market and disney will pick it up on the cheap anyways.
Seething, mouseshill.
This is really my feelings. They're just devaluing their own product because of greed. If any company is stupid enough to have garfield as spiderman, then they are so out of touch they are hopeless. Disney is being greedy, but they have the talent to support it, they are in the right sadly.
>Sony wasn't getting any money from the other MCU films featuring Spider-Man.
Under the PREVIOUS DEAL. This was a new deal they were trying to work out. A deal Sony walked away from.
I'll just use the standard North American box office split and budget breakdown to compare the new and old deal.
Old Deal
50% of 1.109bil = 554 - 160(production) = 394mil profit
>New deal
50% of 1.109bil = 554 - 80 production = 474 / 2 = 237mil profit
That's a 157mil difference and loss for Sony and it gets even worse if you further break it down by regional cuts and include marketing. This was a horrible proposal from Disney
>gross revenue is now profit
retard, the only get 20-40% of the big numbers at best, it includes the money the cinema make for each ticket, before local taxes.
Yeah, honestly. Was Disney deliberately insulting Sony with that deal?
Except Disney was ready to participate to the cost of the movie.
here you go, fag
>554 - 80 production = 474 / 2 = 237mil profit
Bruh, you added in a /2 out of nowhere after you already halved it, and then said you didn't account for marketing. You're a dumb-ass.
Does Sony own Scarlet Spider movie rights?
You're still just posting irrelevant articles from 2 years ago that are somehow supposed to prove something about how the new deal will work. I don't care how much money Spider-Man toys were making under the old deal. You're completely speculating about the new one.
That second half is Disney's cut you retard
That was included in the second deal where the production cost was halved to 80
Because I haven’t forgotten who the fuck AMY PASCAL is
You already factored that in, you mouth-breather
>50% of 1.109bil = 554 - 80 production
you have no idea how any of the numbers you uses work. Pathetic
Disney already makes over a billion dollars off of merchandise alone. Why the fuck would they let Disney in on the box office too?
The first 50% is the theaters take
That's what Disney gets for ruining star wars. May their streaming service fall flat.
Sadly, it won't
>Then why did the ASM movies underperform
Combination of setting unrealistically high performance targets (they expected billion dollar box office returns when nothing but Avengers did those numbers) and spending too much making them
>Marvel already owns the merchandising on Spider-Man.
From the same site that reported the whole thing in the first place
>Does Sony own Scarlet Spider movie rights?
If it's a Spiderman property, it's theirs. So yes.
Bruh, MCU films are massively successful and front-loaded, because they're big cultural events. Movies like that can often negotiate 90% starting rates. Calling it a flat 50% is woefully inaccurate.
Not really
Yeah really. That's not how the actual math works out, especially for blockbusters.
>another third Spider Man movie gets fucked
>MCU Spider-Man is by far the worst on screen Spider-Man hands down, he is nothing like Peter Parker, he is nothing like Spider-Man.
This. He's Iron Lad.
>The first 50% is the theaters take
Not even accurate. Disney take base 65%, plus extra penalties if theaters don't give their movies the flagship screens
literally arbitrary. Like your whole post. Being a faithful lapdog doesn't allow you to make up bullshit on the go like that.
Yep. Disney has a lot of power in securing a good cut. Good luck to Sony trying to replicate their old success without any mouse clout.
not in every country. In many place they'll be happy to make 20% of the sales. (China and other socialist countries for instance)
>He's Iron Lad.
He isn't. Also, way better than Garfield Spidey.
Disney didn't do shit. The only reason the MCU is successful is because they kept their hands off it and let Feige do his thing, quietly building up a cinematic empire over a decade.
Disney was too busy ruining Star Wars and their horrible live-action adaptations. Like making a separate cake for them to fuck.
well, actually they did put Feige in charge and removed Peniltumeter from making any decision on the movies.
Say hello to your new Playstation mascot.
Yeah, he is. He's pining over fucking Tony Stark.
You mean X box
>I’m prod
And his villains are tied to Tony Stark. It's like they want to go after Batman but they're stuck fighting Robin
Disney also wanted to give 50% finance right?
Yeah but it's not as good as it sounds. The profits dwarf production so Sony wouldn't be making as much money in the new deal
Thats the only Good IP sony have right now. They wont give up.
>just a dude on twitter
>doesn't put the hyphen in Spider-Man
>all those replies
Cucks doesn't know where to hang.
and they removed Perlmutter because Feige threatened to leave the MCU if they didn't do something about him
Ripping off Nintendo as usual
>One More Day, presented by Sony Pictures
Well if OMD is just a reset we've had two One More Days already
You're saying peter parker made an off-screen deal with mephisto? Twice? And soon a third time?
>Why the fuck do you keep coming back here
>You weren't supposed to like me
just like how Disney doesn't have the right to keep Mickey out of public domain, they just keep him floating in their pool indefinitely
> who the fuck is typing out the russian national anthem
>Ruining Spider-Man
More like saving Spider-Man
>inb4 b-b-buh ur just a sony shill
Anything they make has a high chance of being shit but that's okay because the character is better off being in a piece of shit no one will remember instead of being highly, grossly misrepresented in an extremely huge franchise that everyone loves
Compared to Sony they are
CBR straight up reported that it was Sony's fault with their headline. Kind of a shitty thing to do but I'm sure it got them millions of clicks.
I can imagine Disney trusting in Sony's ability to produce a steaming shit of a product, and people's growing awareness of such, in making poor offers.
>MFW now with the success of the spider-verse movie and Spider-Man out of the MCU live action Spiderman universe movie is a possibility
pretty sure disney is through with this "dealing" shit actually, they don't want to be halvsies with a character anymore
when captain marvel and black panther can make a billion, who gives a fuck about spider-man?
More like Night Monkey
Both are shit. Comparisons be damned.
God you're so right Daddy user, you're so above-it-all and full of unpredictable answers
Raimi's 1&2 and Amazing 1 are the best films in the whole Spider-franchise
Well, unless you count Venom
As weird and messy as Amazing 2 is I'd rather watch it than Marvel's safe house style Iron Boy bullshit.
It looked an absolute ton better visually too
They still do lots of shitty things that they will never face the repercussions for like what they did to Felix Salten.
I blame Sony simply because they exist. I want them not to.
Both are shit.
That doesn't even sound like a bad deal.
50% of MCU billions vs 100% of a couple hundred million.
It has nothing to do with MCU movies
It's Disney demanding ten times their current cut from the Sony Spiderman movies
Succesfull made the masses believe they cant do wrong, even here on Yea Forums you have idiots crying about why didnt sony just accepted a shitty deal
Where the hell did you hear that?
Why do idiots think this is an excuse? Sony is still at a lose meanwhile disney gets half of the box office and all of the merch money, no one would have accepted that deal either way
>mysterio says he's good
>actually he's lying!
wow amazing quality consumercuck lol
Because even though i dont like Iron Lad, I trust Sony even less. They're morons that would look at what worked with Spiderverse and PS4 Spiderman and somehow completely miss the point and make a shitshow.
That still puts Sony at a loss, the production cost doesn’t matter if the film does over 1 billion. Disney should be offering 50/50 on merchandise to sweeten it
Yea Forums is retarded, this got revealed years ago.
What plural? They've only made one good one so far.
Disney has retarded fanboys willing to swallow Mouse Cock every day. Maybe they think they will get a prize for supporting one billion dollar mega corporationnover another?
>A Disney division gets accused of cooking the books
>Sony pulls out of the deal just as Disney shows even a hint of weakness
Baesd Panasonic trying to extort *even more* money from the House of Iger's Circlejerk.
Do we actually have a SOURCE for that info other than some Twitter rando
Lurk thread
Disney's and Sony's contract
Literal who?
Who are you quoting.
What if Sony has decided to make a Spider Man with Japanese origins. I mean a completely new one. Here's my idea.
Spidey's uncle gets killed by Yakuza. Norman Osborn is the head of a conglomerate. Doc Ock is a professor at Spidey's university. Lizard is a human kaiju .Venom is an ancient Japanese treasure that was locked away for years and was used to give the ancient Emperors super strength due to which the Japan was able to defend itself against the Mongol Invasions.
Black Panther is very overrated but why does Yea Forums act like it's just dogshit?
I think you know the reason...
Dark Phoenix literally bombed though retard.
Because Disney wanted 50% after covering 50% of production costs as well. Can you blame them for wanting a bigger piece of the pie their brains are baking after also offering to pay for half of the ingredients? Meanwhile, All Sony has to do is pay their half, and cash a check. Hell, Disney is even offering to give them more checks to cash if Sony lets them do with other Spidey characters what they've let them do with Spider-Man. Disney wrote in their out for Spidey to not be visible moving forward. They weren't going to lock Spidey into the main thread of their MCU quilt just so they could do that, and have Sony have them over a table when they tried this again in the future. It's good business. It's fair, and people siding with Sony, are siding with the studio responsible for ASM/2, now led by the egomaniac who was so redassed over Singer wanting to go make Superman Returns before coming back, that he forced through X3: X-Men United. Please, tell me what odds there are that such a combination could even accident into something decent.
And before you bring up Spider-Verse, remember that moving forward, this is going to be seen as studio vs studio, and remember how Rothman behaves in that context.
Based commie
You are forgetting google. Google could buy without any issue any of those companies, including disney.
>forgetting Disney paying for 50% of it
Sony shill plz
but disney also has 100% of the money the merch does. That's way more than the money the movie will make.
>taking either side in a dick measuring contest between execs running multi billion dollar companies that only goes on to hurt fans
Sony knows Marvel only sold the IP out of financial desperation, and still chooses to squat on it after only two out of their five films were any good (with most of the good films' success going to Raimi's efforts and not their own), they are happy to keep sitting on their stagnant contract purely in the pursuit of more money
Disney makes 100% of merchandising sales and in general is a more wealthy company, and they are happy to fuck up a licensing compromise that was going well purely in the pursuit of more money
Neither of these companies cares about the audience they have, they're both gluttonous cesspits
Thanks late stage capitalism
Disney's offer is "we'll give you $80m up front, and in exchange you'll give us half a billion dollars - deal?"
Half of production costs is a trivial pittance that has only even been mentioned because 'half' sounds fair if you don't actually do the maths
And Sony owns 100% of the rights.
Yea Forums hasn't attracted intelligent users since 2016
I get the feeling that Disney were bluffing to try and get Sony to offer the other Spidey characters back to balance the deal, or best case scenario gaslight Sony into thinking Spider-Man is worthless without the MCU and to just take a dumptruck full of cash to null the old contracts. And Disney, being arrogant fucks, didn't expect them to wisely call them on it.
You know that Disney probably think that Sony are poisoning the brand by releasing spinoff movies without MCU connection, but are also absolutely seething that Venom still managed to make bank. I honestly think this was 90% of the reason Disney purchased Fox, just to stop them from diluting the Marvel brand. Marvel is literally the single most important media brand in the entire world right now and no price is too much to maintain it.
Question, does anyone know how the contracts are laid out for the actors on these movies? Are they contracted solely to Marvel, solely to Sony, or to both somehow? It would be the most interesting thing possible if Sony could make a sequel to Far From Home just without MCU references, I would love to see what mental gymnastics people would have to do to justify their hatred of them despite being made by 99% the same people.
Nobody cares who is to blame. Sony is incapable of making good shit, or even passable shit.
Sony and Disney are both shit but the Mouse shills are beyond pathetic.
As shitty as the next Spider-Man movie may be, at least it will be a Spider-Man story and not an iron boy story
In to the Spider Verse?
Disney movies are just as bad if not worse than Sony ones. You guys are just brainwashed into liking them.
You realize this move could destroy Sony's movie division, right? They have no profitable material with legs other than Spider-Man, and general audiences will despise them forever if they take him out of the MCU. It's stupid as fuck but people will effectively drop the company over something like this.
We could easily see Sony have to stop making movies in the next five years.
>a series of movies most people like
>a series of movies almost nobody likes
>they’re equally bad because I don’t like either of them and the world revolves around me
This is what millennials actually believe.
Note that it only ended up good because execs were uninterested in it and left it alone, and now they've fired all the people that made it good for the sequel.
See Venom for the kind of filmmaking you can expect in future.
Are you fucking stupid? Disney owns a good majority of the major broadcasting networks on air right and along with the national television company ABC. You literally consume Disney media everyday in some way, shape or form
Disney couldn't buy Sony right now even if they wanted to. They don't have enough liquid capital after the Fox acquisition
Along with the fact that Japanese law prohibits foreigners from buying controlling interest in Japanese companies
Considering they got an Oscar. An Oscar for a movie based on an existing superhero ip. Yes, I can see that.
>Japanese law prohibits foreigners from buying controlling interest in Japanese companies
So is anybody ever going to cite a source for this supposed law that half of Yea Forums keeps spouting as fact or what
Who the fuck cares about the Oscars? They care that Venom made bank without Marvel.
To be fair, Sony would have to SERIOUSLY fuck up. Even ASM2 got the character right unlike BvS.
>That's funny, because outside of the movies, Spider-Man is likely the most cameo involved, crossover-ed, and teamed up character of all time.
Yes, because people want Spider-Man to show up in things, that makes them more attractive since Spider-Man is that well liked.
Google it you lazy piece of shit
Because I am sick to my ass of a shit company having the rights to Spiderman.
Few things are funnier to me than the fact there's an MCU movie where a super villain talks about how a conquerer can't rule people by force because they innately detest it and aggressively rebel against it, and that instead you had to make them love to be ruled by manipulating them into thinking it's their own choice
And that's fucking Disney
ASM1 and 2 are possibly the worst garbage produced under the Spider-Man name. Only retarded contrarians would ever say otherwise.
Doctor Strange did. And the pussy ass, uncreative bitch Mephisto took Clea's love of Strange.
It opened before the 4th of july, a major holiday
They're both good, actually.
Translation: you didn’t have a source either.
>11. Are there any restrictions on foreign ownership and investment in specific industry sectors? Do any formalities, permit or notification requirements apply?
>The Japanese government has placed relatively few restrictions on inbound foreign investment. There are no export-balancing or trade-related requirements on foreign firms or nationals who desire to invest in Japan and prior legal restrictions on specific economic sectors have been removed or significantly liberalised. With respect to the following sensitive sectors of the Japanese economy, six-month's prior notification is required and the Ministry of Finance can restrict FDI with respect to them in the event that it finds that investment would "undermine national security, disrupt public order, impinge on public safety or have serious effects on the smooth operation of the national economy":
>Broadcasting and telecommunications.
>Agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
>Petroleum, utilities and nuclear energy.
>Aviation, aerospace and maritime transport.
>Leather making.
>FDI in the banking, insurance, energy, electricity, security and pharmaceutical sectors is subject to licensing by the competent government agency
So which o
How hard were you dropped on your head as a child. They're a pair of poorly paced, inconsistent messes with cringeworthy acting and dull characters.
I wonder if the disneyfags on here would be able to handle Yea Forums's sonyfags.
They'd slit their wrists en masse at all the winning Sony does
NOBODY has any profitable material with legs. That's the conundrum of the MCU. I'd say having one franchise is better than every other studio having zero.
The idea that general audiences outside of people who spend 90% of their time online are really THAT invested or even aware of these business decisions is ludicrous, as well. There's brand loyalty, but as Venom showed clearly not to the point that most normal, sane people will fucking boycott a film over who owns it.
Kek. I'd legit want a separate Spider-Gwen series of movies where that happens.
True, weird and messy is better than safe and bland. Hell, they didn't even get the spider-sense right in the first one.
Sony Pictures has put out several successful movies beyond Spiderman, their movie division isn't going to die without Marvel seething mousefag
I mean... I would leave too.
Because it was? Black Panther the character is upstaged in his own solo film by the secondary characters and gets his ass kicked frequently, most actors are phoning it in save for a few, the CGI is terrible and good lord, I never could believe blacks could be capable of doing 'blackface' and yet here were are. And despite of that they manage to shoehorn African-American issues on a movie about an African nation that otherwise would have jackshit to do with the issues of African-Americans. Save that thing about the issues for the sequel, not the first film. I give it a 6.
>When I have seen people in real life hating on Venom while praising Homecoming
Are most MCUfans that braindead?
Winters Soldier? Unironically one of the few actual kino in the MCU.
Sony's blockbuster releases this year are
>Men In Black
>Angry Birds 2
>Charlie's Angels
>Jumanji 2.
They're all shit, save for Jumanji which was stupid but fun. Spider-Man got floated because of the MCU, not because it was a good film. Disney produces more hits a year and more decent blockbusters than Sony has produced in the last decade.
>Jumanji sequel exists just to cuck Star Wars
That will never not be funny.
>They're all shit
Your opinion on their quality means nothing because they made bank regardless and that's all that matters
You literally can't do better than the anal vore meme in terms of shitposting.
Disney has a numale army they can sic on people to help them form a monopoly
Seriously who gives a shit about the production cost compared to everything else. It's literal peanuts for them
you serious? they own ABC, FOX, and ESPN. they control as much of the general media as Comcast. The only part that telecoms like Comcast/AT&T/Verizon are dangerous for is monopolistic pricing and the reddit net neutrality crap.