

Attached: ch14_84.jpg (600x900, 196K)

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A wild Shaensigin appeared!

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Croikey, what a beaut!

Huh. First instinct looking at it was that it seemed kind of sweet. Then you notice the weird bodies in its crystals.

I don't know what I expected, but this is way fucking better. Also what the fuck's with the bodies in the crystals on the back of her head?

I can't unsee the nostrils/snout holes as the holes on a salt shaker

How can lady illganyag compete?

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I wondered if Ashley was enough of a channer to make a riff on the TLJ "Salt!" meme. I am not disappointed.

That is several hundred times larger and less cuddly than I was anticipating.

Well, she IS a god.

Maybe she's friendly?

Only if you're a rebel, I think. If she's working with them she isn't going to have any nice feelings about the soldiers here to put them down.

I like the little grabby hands. Seems like it's becoming a pattern on senet beasts.

Guess that means that stuff probably isn't any kind of actual salt. It's probably corpse dust.

Maybe she salts her prey's bodies to preserve them. Snacks for later.

Reminds me of those square pretzels.

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Literally can't because she's stuck in the khert.

Ssael shouldn't have stopped at four.

Corpse dust would just taste like more jerkey but with more iron maybe, I think she's made of some kind of leached nitre. In which case Will still shouldn't be eating random fucking crystals he finds on cave floors. Christ this boy is as dumb as he is cute.


I want to stuff his little cheeks

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You nasty.

>lewding will
That's a core leeching.

I had no idea they served mayo in baggies.

Only in Canada

What's with all the white people?

What’s with all the Lizzers?

So apparently there's something "interesting to notice" about the salt lizard's appearance, and it's neither the people in the crystals or her tear streaks. Ashley doesn't think people will be able to figure it out until we've met the "story's fourth major senet beast" however. (I'm guessing the first three are Ilganyag, Ruck, and Minnow) Any ideas?

Yeah I was thinking "small salt-encrusted dragon" and instead we got a Dark Souls boss

The tiny arms? Waffle nose? The stomach holes?

Little secondary manipulator arms seems to be a recurring thing (assuming wings count as the Lady’s primary forelimbs), but that hardly seems speculah-worthy.

cute doggo


She previously mentioned that the lizard was blind, but I don't think that's a thing we would only notice in comparison to another senet beast.

What I find interesting is that the salt lizard statuette of Ruffle's nanna looks quite different. Notably it appears to have six similar-sized legs and a split lower jar.

I wonder if that one agib will ever become a prominent character.

Even so I’m curious who the fuck is in there

oh shit

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The interesting thing gotta be the three fingers. Minnow is the only Senet beast with proper hands

Even among other water bitches? I can't remember

>Little secondary manipulator arms seems to be a recurring thing (assuming wings count as the Lady’s primary forelimbs), but that hardly seems speculah-worthy.
Humans are called spider-paws by more than one non-human race. Perhaps there's going to be something significant about hands and fingers, cosmology-wise.

Part of me very much wants her to open her mouth so we can see what it's like inside
Part of me is super scared about what we'd see

If that's a she, why does she have a beard?

Oh Will, y u so adorable?

dead children incoming in 5..4..

Ssaelit Priests have those finger markings, too.

And khert ports in the palms.

>In which case Will still shouldn't be eating random fucking crystals he finds on cave floors
Word. There are lots of minerals with salty taste, but most of them are poison

You don't mean the Thorns do you? Those are a mark of high proficiency for battlewrights, not the priesthood specifically

If I had to guess I'd say that the salt lizard so far is the least humanoid of them all. Ilganyag, Ruck, and Minnow all have faces with human features, and have at the very least a humanoid head and torso.

Or maybe something about the lizard's eye holes having different colors. Could speculate all day.

Can someone please remind me who's Minnow?

I thought I was getting it wrong, but that's still a marker of hand significance.

fish tits.

The Salt Lizard is the least human Senet beast since the Walking Root in chapter one.

Fish woman that recently showed up in the crescian temple

fish tits

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Thanks, I had completely forgotten about her and her bush.

I laughed more than I should.
inb4 someone adds googly eyes to salt lizard sama.

tits this, tits that
am I the only one that appreciates her crackin' fine booty!?

>Perhaps there's going to be something significant about hands and fingers, cosmology-wise.
I bet its just something as simple as most senet beasts, lizards, and other "old ones" have a simpler 3-finger paws just because that was the common design the gods were using at the time, and they didnt see a reason to upgrade. When they made humans, they redesigned everything from the ground up, and they nearly doubled the number of fingers and toes that other creatures at the time had.

I.E. it's probably not significant, except for anthropologists

Didn't humans/two-toes come about through natural means?

The duality of man.

Maybe the two-toes are different:


Sometimes I forget what a sad monster Duane actually is

Depends on whether you take the dominant mythology as truth or not
A question like that questions everything about the world as it is understood. Were there ever gods for Ssael to kill? Does the Khert actually send back out the souls of the dead in a designed cycle?
If we take things at the current face value, everything was created by the Twins, though humans and Two toes (and everything but the first materials/senet beats) came after the Khert was implemented for the second world

not sure about 2 toes, I can't be fucked to read all the supplementary material But I know atleast one of the common beliefs is that the gods made humans. But im sure there are faiths and beliefs that believe the opposite too. not sure if we will ever get the real story tho.

>more hair between her legs than some characters have on their head
Not sure if that's hot or not

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Why not both? Fish butt doesn't have such a great ring to it though.

I am a man of Ssael, but I find it SEVERELY difficult not to ship these two

Imagine the smell

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Vague river water?

Minnow probably smells like wet dog and low tide

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She's got that cute face and hot ass but it's all ruined by the aggressively gross hair and neck. I respect Ashley's trolling.

I don't mind the hair. But that neck...

You weak niggas. She's the normiest of the senets and you still cannot handle it


We've seen Will grown up, and he's the only kid there.

>dark souls 3 intensifies

>when she leans in to kiss you goodnight, and spills seawater all over you

Then blushes and apologises, all flustered. Cutest waifu.

>Cutest waifu.
She has crabs, user.

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I'd still go for a dive in her deep end.

Still-squirming bodies writhing upon themselves unto infinity.

that's kind of hot
wonder how it feels on the dick

>Why do both the salt lizard and the efheby have little T rex arms by their heads? And is it coincidental that the salt lizard's head resembles vliegeng?
>Why not? Though Shaensigin has them because her forelimbs are in the loooong process of growing back from being cut off. Normally her six limbs are all the same size. Another user guessed this and props to that user.
Wonder what could have cut off the arms of a giant salt god.

My first guess would be the Crescian army, by a construct of some sort. wounded when the great fuckening of the Two-Toes by Cresce was going down

If not that, could have been another Senet. Or Alds even if they happened upon her and attacked to claim that delicious First Salt

Minnow rapes defenseless sea creatures

Look at Otto there. He wants it.

Yay, I was that user.

>Duane drops his spaghetti in this scene

Not so much that, but rather he felt more than ever his own disgusting body looking at her beauty

Not right there, but later on. It's actually pretty sad to see Duane so acutely aware of what he is.

That's what makes it so cute
Too bad his whole body is full of dry aspect and makes it a bitch to bang waterpussy

Also, like, his dick rotted and fell off.

Strangely this doesn't do anything to deter all the drawings of Duane fucking Sette that are out there.

Salt Forme Seath?

>implying this would be a problem for greatest wright in centuries

I just noticed that there are bodies inside some of those crystals.

Didn't Cope confirm at some point that Duane used Pymary in he and Leysa's sex life?

She did. She also said their god wrote a whole book of their bible about magical sex techniques, like some kind of fantasy Solomon.

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Hrrm, I wonder if the bodies in the crystals are just like dude's she's digesting or something fucked up. Or if it's a weird kind of stasis and she's actually carrying some of the rebels, maybe even Roger himself, inside of them. And this protects them from direct pymary, like the curse, because they're inside of her first materials personal khert.

Haven't really thought this through, though. Roger definitely wanted to be cursed, since that fits into what the one rebel said and his plan to fuck up Alderode's khert. But we've already talked about how the khert being fucked locally by too much pymary has resulted in the curse not actually hitting him yet and how that might have been planned. Guess we'll see.

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Nah, she said on Patreon that the bodies in her body are "snacks". She's got them salted to eat later, I guess. Kind of like how jaguars tuck bodies up in trees or crocs tuck bodies under rocks underwater.

For a lizard she sure has bird-like legs and behind

>Life bar appears
>Shaensign, the Salt Lizard

So Duane presumably studied these techniques in detail as a good man of the faith? Interesting

I'm sure his wife highlighted the most important passages for him.

Ah well. Need to remember to keep up on her blogposting posts. Though I'm not currently on the patreon so I guess it wouldn't have mattered.

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I wonder if Ssaelit have a higher percentage of wrights than other groups.

I kinda liked the super unsettlingly vague salt face as being the "real" one but oh well I'm extra curious what the proper look is now

Nothing I've seen in the comic or tumblr posts points to that, it all appears fairly evenly spread across all of humanity for potential
The appearance might manifest due to Alderode having a smaller overall population than the more fertile Cresce

>it all appears fairly evenly spread across all of humanity for potential
Potential, sure, but motivation is key. I'm sure there are a few carpenters in Kasslyne who, given slightly different circumstances growing up or a bit more money for schooling or even just a bit more motivation would be fine wrights. I'm wondering if maybe growing up in Ssaelism would cause people to edge more toward it or not.

Funny you mention carpenters. It's not like Christianity produces more of those than you see in other religions, right? You'd think it would since J-dawg was one.

Jesus didn't write any books involving carpentry. Probably.

Jesus could have been a stone mason and they low key run the world.

Honestly, the first thing that struck me was that it's not very lizard-like at all. It's posture seems more like a dog, and the crystals have an almost feather like look to them. The second thing that jumped out is how it's mouth seems to be crystallized over, Almost like it's been trying to scream for centuries, but the only thing that comes out is crystals growing at a monolithic rate

Do these things have anything approaching biological functions or are they completely running on magic?

Apparently some have to feed and they appear to have internal organs.

Otherwise how would you kill them?

We know that some senet beasts eat in different ways(Ruck consumes souls/memories, and the shambling mound from the opening chapter had a stomach/digestive system) Whether it is something they do to maintain metabolism, or it's something they do merely for fun/recreation, we don't know.

Every Senet beast is a prototype for modern creatures so they're all varying degrees of relying on magic versus making biological sense. Even the most magic have some kind of biological process.