>How woke do you want your Joes senpai?

After their previous book was cancelled amid fan backlash, IDW doubles down debuting a new series in which Cobra now runs the government and the Joes are a resistance organization

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Who will go bankrupt first: IDW or DarkHorse?

Watch it fail again. This kind of shit is leading to the downfall of the industry. Cater to these fucks and you'll reap the benefits.

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Scarlett, who IDW has inexplicably decided needs to become more and more like a man, because it's sexist to have her wearing a leotard.

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IDW. They have almost no sales and cancelled their Joe book before because nobody was buying any of them.

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These fags always use the same lite colors for they're shitty art. The one good thing I can say about that is at least I know what to avoid like a fucking plague.


>IDW doubles down debuting a new series in which Cobra now runs the government and the Joes are a resistance organization
Which is both the plot of the last movie and cartoon

>Which is both the plot of the last movie and cartoon
Except the writer is explicitly stating it's political, appearing in podcast interviews where it's referenced that this is another woke book about the election

And how is this bad, other than you being a whiny little bitch getting triggered by a plot point that's been used multiple times in different scales in the franchise's history?

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Countdown to them saying something like Make Cobra Great Again or some silly shit.

jinx just looks like a bad redesign of faith from mirror's edge.

what did sxhe mean by this?

Stop same fagging The author has stated on the Full Force Podcast that it's about current year politics, and that Hasbro only asked him to make Cobra a world threat having conquered a country. Instead he decided to make the Joes Antifa resisting the government. At one point in the Full Force Podcast they directly joke about the elections.

>> whiny little bitch

Using gendered insults. What kind of horrible sexist are you?

How could it not be political when Cobra has taken over, you fucking retard? It was also political thirty years ago when Cobra went to a small rural town, and promised to overnight give everyone jobs and eradicate crime, and people fell for it and git brainwashed.

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It's like he almost gets what's wrong with the shirt, but then thinks putting somebody else in that shirt makes it a less shitty slogan for a hero to endorse.

>How could it not be political when Cobra has taken over,

Stop deliberately being retarded and trying to feign ignorance like a condescending homosexual. I went over to their twitter and got the art for the joe comic and immediately saw this on their feed. IDW can't help themselves and you're a fucktard if you defend their increasingly low selling books.

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IDW also got in trouble with fan backlash in the past for injecting their political views into the Joe books

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i remember there being a cartoon of gi joe in which commander cobra had an op shield and he stoppeda missile with it, anybody got the name?

>>Joes are a resistance organization
"Those Antifa kids buy comics, right?"

First of all, I'm sick of this "Hurr Durr Goverment bad!" bullshit being hammered home. Second, what the fuck kind of outfits are those? This is a military operation, not a damn Sears catalog

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So fucking bland
WTF did they do to Stalker? He was a cool motherfucker and now he just looks so fucking bad.

GI Joe is about a Paramilitary group of do-gooders, doing their level best to keep a Terrorist/New World Order from destroying freedom and democracy in America. If you, can think of a way to write about that without making it "political", be my fucking guest.

>GI Joes
>A unit that recruited anyone who washed out at 48 push-ups
One, that changes the jos from a top elite organization to a joke comparable to mall security. Two, that changes the girl (Scarlett, maybe?) from a badass to a weak pussy bitch, coasting on being a token. It's the exact opposite of empowering.

Sitterson's GI Joe was shit but regardless of that Hiss Tank is a bunch of autists who get angry at everything. They are worst than which somehow manages to stay civil with all of the Netflix She-Ra stuff.

>Team America: World Police

Have them be soldiers fighting a fictional terrorist organization.

Seems pretty easy to keep politics out of it.

Hasbro told IDW what to write and the retard writing the book stated that he decided to put a spin on it. Hasbro suggested that Cobra took over somewhere in the world and that the Joes would have a full on war with whatever country or countries they took over in order to showcase vehicles and toys. The writer then decided he was going to get cute with Hasbro's decree and make it to where Cobra took over the US and is now the government, with the Joes as a resistance organization.

So don't pretend they had to make this a political book.

>Terrorism isn't a political action anymore because I say so

I wonder if they even realize how weak someone has to be to be unable to do 48 pushups.

>all super villains and their criminal organizations are now political

Can you be any more of a fag?

>I got further triggered by their twitter feed!

What a great rebuttal.

I can't really see any resemblance between Nia Jax and femSalvo.

>Only recruit people who can't pass fucking basic
>This somehow creates an elite force
Does the creator legitimately have schizophrenia? I legitimately cannot comprehend this.

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So they learned nothing?

Never mind that there was ALREADY A FUCKING CARTOON about this that did it better than this comic ever could. And it wasn't even a good cartoon.

I mean I guess we could make it mirror real events but then numbnuts like you would scream racist.

Because it only the politics YOU agree with right?

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>washed out at 48 push-ups

That panel makes them all sound like pussies and fags

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You have to consider the customer base they were trying to market this to.

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Have sex

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Are Americans still acting lik Trump is ushering in the 4th Reich? Honest question why do you guys seem so over dramatic? This isn't a recent thing either

Super villains in general and crime organizations are motivated by money, and power. Both of which become more political oriented once their influence grows outside of a small community to cover the entire city/state/country and they begin to curry favors that allow them to expand and maintain their position through corruption.

If you did it like blatantly racist, jingoistic propaganda like Miller, then yeah. It would be criticism with merit to it.

The writer probably wasn't aware of Renegades user. These books are written by people who hate the military.

Some of the amusing comments back when IDW did their last Joe book

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Wait, what? How? What fucking HAPPENED?

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>>when it something I don't like, it's blatantly racist, jingoistic propaganda

and there we go.

>Both of which become more political oriented once
No. Fuck off and continue not having sex Mr Dobson

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Maybe pay attention to politics, and you might see why people have issues with an administration that each passing year acts more and more like an authoritarian oligarchy and openly fawns over lifetime dictatorships while denouncing democratic processes.

So since this is a GI Joe thread. Hama already spoke about the Asian Snake-Eyes thing
>“Some people are saying that casting Golding “fixes” the character of Snake-Eyes, but I disagree. I had wanted to keep him ambiguous until HASBRO introduced Storm-shadow as the only Asian character and made him a bad guy. I decided to “fix” that by delving into his background and gradually turning him into a good guy. This is why Snake-Eyes is a white guy.”
also wasn't Snake Eyes just some rando commando guy that Hama turned into a Ninja.

They could write a good book full of politics and have it be a great and engaging story, but they literally cannot stop themselves from injecting their AND ONLY their personal political slant. Shit gets stale after the thousandth iteration.

Does anyone have a GI Joe MEGA of the original series? I want to binge watch

Miller himself described the comic as wartime propaganda, dipshit.

the people you're arguing with are:
- not smart enough to see America as anything less than a flawless paragon of freedom and democracy despite all reports to the contrary
- are smart enough to see the point you are making and prefer to be willfully ignorant because they believe the current state of America suits their interests.
- are trolling you because you make this too easy.

>It's like he almost gets what's wrong with the shirt, but then thinks putting somebody else in that shirt makes it a less shitty slogan for a hero to endorse.
I would have preferred to see the bald white guy in the "Right of Might" shirt be the "problematic" boogieman they're afraid of and allow their team to have opposing viewpoints and perspectives and still overcome their differences as a team. But that requires the writer to be more open to challenging their own thinking including any inherent flaws and counter-points and I guess that's just asking too much of modern comic book writers.

>what the fuck kind of outfits are those? This is a military operation, not a damn Sears catalog
FORMER military operation.
They're in the resistance now. They obviously shop Banana Republic.

lol silly Amerifat.

What were the politics behind that time Cobra resurrected dinosaurs?

I mean you do know a generic terrorist is just a guy who spreads terror. There doesn't have to be any politics behind a fictional terrorist. It can just be a standard villain

>some rando commando guy that Hama turned into a Ninja.
Yep. And Firefly was originally intended to be more of his counterpart, not Stormshadow. But then Hama made him a ninja, and then later made Firefly a Ninja, and then made everyone a Ninja, and then Hasbro made Ninja Force, so it became ridiculous the amount of Joes who became Ninjas.

Snake Eyes though is white whenever his face is shown. But I don't really give a fuck about his race of the actor playing him if the actor never takes off the mask; that wont be the case though with the new movie.

he said it was racist?
Or you decided it was racist?
I mean if GI Joe fought Obama or went after Cortez and the Illegal Immigrants, I guess everyone would be fine with that

>What fucking HAPPENED?
Have you ever seen a boar user? Those things are pretty much 200Ibs of pure hatred and borderline bulletproof muscle.

>FORMER military operation.
That's not how GI Joe works. It's an organization comprised of many different ethnicities/whatever all coming together to protect a nation they care about, freedom, and stop a terrorist organization from taking over the planet. This isn't a hard fucking concept

>Cobra now runs the government and the Joes are a resistance organization

So the Joes are the terrorists this time around?

Last time I checked, they were still fighting Cobra and not actual real life elected representatives. Nobody was complaining abloo bloo bloo muh Obama when Joes fought Cobra in similar set up during Renegades and Retaliation.

Of course not

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>But I don't really give a fuck about his race of the actor playing him if the actor never takes off the mask; that wont be the case though with the new movie.
Pretty much, and it's why Ray Park was perfect as Snake Eyes. He's a stuntman and doesn't give a shit about having face time.

>Actually using soldiers supporting socialist insurgents in fucking South America as a good thing
This person realizes the Socialism in South America has pretty much led to countries becoming uninhabitable hellholes that thousands of people risk imprisonment or death to get away from, right?

Why is GI Joe so hard to comprehend? Modern tacticool combined with military romanticism of duty, honor & esprit de corps against weaponized extremism.

Thats all.

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GI Joe is one of those franchises that literally can't be made anymore. Same thing with the Punsiher. The only way they can exist is if they're twisted into something that goes completely against what they were supposed to be. Lefties will scream about anything that glorifies cops or the army.

Because there was no Obama in Renegades and Retaliation you dumb shit. It was fictional president He was a white guy for fucks sake. HOW DO YOU GET OBAMA OUT OF THAT?

As opposed to the Trump analogues everyone knows is going to be shoehorned into this.

Are you really this fucking stupid or just lying through your teeth because you know your full of it.

>That's not how GI Joe works.
How G.I. Joe works is by selling a line of toys.

>It's an organization comprised of many different ethnicities/whatever all coming together to protect a nation they care about, freedom, and stop a terrorist organization from taking over the planet.
And they will accomplish this with protests and online petitions and letter writing campaigns because guns kill people and should be banned.

>This isn't a hard fucking concept
It seems to be shockingly less obvious than you'd think.

>This person realizes the Socialism in South America has pretty much led to countries becoming uninhabitable hellholes that thousands of people risk imprisonment or death to get away from, right?

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I think part of the problem is that this industry is mostly made up of weird modern liberals and they can't stomach illustrating the military in a positive light

>As opposed to the Trump analogues everyone knows is going to be shoehorned into this.

And you know this by fact, right? It's not just butthurt projecting that any evil government officials are literally muh Drumphf.

>scream about anything that glorifies cops or the army.
Maybe the cops and the army needs to make some changes before anymore considers glorifying them...

>How G.I. Joe works is by selling a line of toys.
That hasn't been true in years, and you need to stop posting if all you're going to do is larp as a dumbass for the sake of shitposting. You're not funny, you're further dragging this board down to Yea Forums level.

You can't make T-Shirt sales without cracking a few eggs.

>And you know this by fact, right?
Not that user, but the Full Force Podcast interview had the writer joking with the interviewers about the 2020 election in reference to the book

Yet somehow people are just fine to this day watching action movies and TV shows with military personnel and cops...

Oh I didn't know they made a joke on a podcast...

>debuting a new series in which Cobra now runs the government and the Joes are a resistance organization
Look like a god concept. and the are actually using the cast of existing diverse characters instead of changing them.

>t. libtard

yeah, see, go back through this very thread, see the shit everyone is saying and posting. Pretend you're not a retard for five minutes.

Because you already know they going to do it, that's why you tried your bullshit "well there's no way it CAN'T be political" argument.

Because you're full of shit. go dilate

>Why is GI Joe so hard to comprehend? Modern tacticool combined with military romanticism of duty, honor & esprit de corps against weaponized extremism.
Video games do it better.

Normal people watch movies and TVs

Weirdos read comics, watch cartoons, and play video games. There's a big stink everytime an Overwatch character gets a police skin, and the upcoming Nintendo game Astral Chain got hitpiece'd by everyone because you play as a cop.

It seems limited to the nerd hemisphere. Only nerd tangent movies like Blade Runner get those kinds of people screaming about them as opposed to something like 24 or whatever serial drama is out there

Being political is a larger statement that can mean more than just "boo hoo they might make a Trump caricature and that's why this comic is bad because it triggers me!"

The last GI Joe movie they did was actually really cool. How can the comics fuck up everything so bad?

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They're trying to ape The Dirty Dozen while not including the context of The Dirty Dozen. Also nearly every goddamn Joe is a specialist of some sort and usually has other training on top of that.

>That hasn't been true in years
And G.I. Joe hasn't been relevant in years, either.
Coincidence, I'm sure.

So Gijoe Renegades?

It still don't add up, when there's explicitly an episode of the cartoon where it's shown that the Joes have to pass rigorous tests on a regular basis just to remain Joes, and Dial Tone gets kicked off the team.

No, and you're not the first person to state this and be wrong:

And since the 80s military standards for eligibility have fallen down considerably

I'm still shocked how much I actually enjoyed Retaliation after the shitstain that was Rise of Cobra. Absolute Joekino.

They want the "band of misfits turned into an elite force" from Dirty Dozen, but forget that the context of The Dirty Dozen is that they're all a bunch of criminals being sent on a virtual suicide mission in which their failure is of no detriment (and also one of their team members fucks up the entire plan getting almost everyone killed). Whereas the Joes are canonically recruited because they're damn good at their jobs already and most of them are canonically overtrained for what they do. Scarlett has something like 4 different MOS simultaneously.

What the shit! Now I want to vote for Trump!

I'm not gonna lie, revealing he's actually Cobra Commander would probably be a huge bump for Trump's popularity.

Cobra Commander would never grab someone by the pussy.

So when someone does it with a racist (Don't kid yourselves), globalist progpoganda it's fine?

Because if you've for a problem with Miller's political works, than you need to acknowledge when someone else's work is as politically tasteless.

>GI Joe is about a Paramilitary group of do-gooders, doing their level best to keep a Terrorist/New World Order from destroying freedom and democracy in America
So they should be conservatives fighting leftists then

Especially for females, they don't even have to do a single legit pull up to pass, pretty much just have to hang onto the bar with arms bent for like half a minute. I'm horrified to imagine how you could actual fail that.

Try looking at Congress next time

Oh wait as long as they say they're "fighting for you" you'll keep electing losers who stand for nothing and accomplish even less

Dude, the much-revered Classic Hama run of GI Joe basically stated that Cobra was the Tea Party with better training and access to arms.

Cobra Commander went around the country telling people "the country has been stolen from REAL AMERICANS and given to THE WRONG PEOPLE. We need to TAKE IT BACK!"

Joe comics have always skewed liberal. Congratulations for finally noticing.

Holy fuck, are you seriously using fucking Nia Jax as an influence?

No. This is simply wrong. Provide real proof of your bullshit claims you hysterical freakshow. Oh wait, you can't.

>Modern tacticool combined with military romanticism of duty, honor
Liberals don't believe in any of that

>amid fan backlash
You mean alt-right whiners? Is that what you meant? You're responsible for this, user. The cancelled books were perfectly serviceable.

>no sales
>cancelled books
>nobody's buying them
>they still pump out comics

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lol Comfy up there in your tower, comrade? I imagine you can barely see the streets, right?

> Gabby Rivera returns from her swamp to inflict a new comic book on us
> now this

Cringe Kino is back on the menu.

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Where is IDW even getting money

Wait, what new Gabby Rivera book?

See what happens when you don’t eat the pigs?

>they're all a bunch of criminals

They're all military convicts trained to be commandos. Not criminals they picked up from the streets.

Oh mi gente, prepare for a bunch of brown latinx fists In November

Bb Free from boom studios

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The irony of this post...

They're still specifically trained to be commandos, they're not already commandos. Which is the point I'm trying to make. The writer was trying to go for the Dirty Dozen type setup, but GI Joe doesn't work like that.

I meant IDW losing all their fucking money

>straight up bara porn cover

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The actors who played Firefly and Storm Shadow were pretty excited about their characters and it really showed how much fun they were having when playing them. Retaliation also did the best it could after following the shit that was ROC.

You know how Chelsea Cain's stuff comes across as thinly disguised hebephilia, menstruation fetish material? I'm getting that kind of vibe looking at the pic.

Renegades was more of an A-Team and they were fighting an evil Corporation while being framed for something they didn't do. Also the idea for Season 2 of Renegades was to have the characters back in the military and introduce more Joes but that never happened.

This is even funnier now because currently, Nia Jax is out with two torn ACLs because she's so fucking fat.

It's a pretty terrible cover even if you're into that sort of thing. Also apparently most of those characters aren't even that popular with the GI Joe gay fanscene.

How did she manage that? There have been some really fucking fat wrestlers over the years who had less issues.

Turns out trying to pander to SJW's who don't actually buy comics is a really bad move if you don't have a multi-million dollar movie industry to bail you out when sales start dropping.

Get woke, go broke

>>Only recruit people who can't pass fucking basic
Sounds like GI Joe to me!

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I'm fucking ready. America already reads like a god damned fever dream, but now Gabby doesn't even need to pretend to be held to the standards of a professional publisher or established character traits.

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But user, don't you know Hawaiian shirts add +10 to your operator stat?

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As a side note, I've always wondered how GI Joe just keeps going. I mean, we have Call of Duty, where there are actual guns and actual enemies being killed.

GI Joe feels dated at best and childish at worse now. It's hard to inject pathos into something like this when a Modern Warfare game has you kill terrorists by the dozen. Doesn't it seem faintly ridiculous? I can't imagine the Joes fighting, say, ISIS.

Hey, they could be Air Force.

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I look forward to enduring it with all of you during the storytime of pain.

Is Frontier holding a fucking flintlock pistol?

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As stated previously in the thread it's because no one with actual interest in the stuff is getting put on the books. There's probably tons of upcoming comic writers or artists with the chops and love of military/tacticool stuff that could blow it out the park. But they aren't getting picked for the job.

So why does Trump rub so many creators the wrong way?

I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that's a sawed off.

I like the 70s action hero feel they’ve got going on

Let's hope that it's a shotgun.

IDW's continuity was actually pretty violent until, like, 2013. Cobra scorched earthed an entire country during the Cobra Command event. I miss when the IDW Joe continuity was tacticool military espionage.

Basically when Trump was elected leftists absolutely freaked out that there was gonna be right wing death squads coming to their doors the very next day and panicked, some even bought """assault rifles""" to fight tyrant (despite making fun of "2A is to defend against tyranny" for decades, guess it's okay but only when they do it).
Of course it turned out literally fucking nothing happened, but no one can just admit "yeah, I over reacted" these days so they had to double down and latch onto every single time Trump so much as sneezed to avoid looking silly.

It’s kinda weird that despite virtually ever GI joe comic before this assholes run had then using fucking guns almost everything but the classic tv series has them actually shooting people including the movies, it’s like he’s so anti gun it makes him say retarded things that don’t actually add up

>There have been some really fucking fat wrestlers over the years who had less issues.
She's really bad, so that plays into it, and the fat wrestlers are men and men can hold up to punishment a lot more than men. He ballooned to a comical degree before he went out on injury and that stress on a woman body coupled with wrestling destroyed her knees

He tears off their masks.

Leftists are a fucking cancer that needs to be cut out of this world

It’s weird how they still manage to pump out a few golden titles these days like Frankenstein Alive! alive!, H.G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau, Sword of ages and even Usagi is published by them now

65% of americans are white, shouldn't 65% of these characters be white too ?

I want to kick the shit out of the person who hired him. Why must being a Joe fan be a life full of suffering

>even Usagi is published by them now
Is that still creator-owned or is it possible for IDW to take over and pump out their own stories using a bastardized version of the characters?

>t. right winger preparing his mass shooting manifesto right now

Cobra Commander never needed "Executive Time." Zero chance Trump was him.

If that is not divine retribution I don't know what is.

A pretty accurate description of British Labour Party and Jeremy "Fidel Castro was a champion of Social Justice" Corbyn.

Board games maybe?

So a light comfy coat, t-shirt and jeans is the dress code for covert military saving the world?
Will they be making a stop at Starbucks and updating their Instagram feed before going to fight evil today, or will we be sitting in a focus group talking about our feelings?

>debuting a new series in which Cobra now runs the government and the Joes are a resistance organization
Wasn't there an animated series like this?

Isn't GI Joe by its very nature political? It's about soldiers fighting terrorists.

That actually sounds like a cool series and direction for GI Joe so I don't see the issue

It actually sounds cool, can cartoon terrorist not control a fictional country without someone on Yea Forums having a victim complex?

You can't even have a wealthy supervillain without someone on Yea Forums having a victim complex. The amount of people here that immediately think Luthor = Trump is fucking ridiculous (even if it does have some merit).

>even if it does have some merit

Dont undercut your own example dipshit. If there's merit to it they aren't overreacting

In context (and when comparing) to Batista's dictatorial reign in Cuba where civil liberties were stomped on, majority of the sugar industry was given to foreign control, creating giant poverty and wealth gap, and the significant corruption that led to making deals with the American mafia, yes, champion of social justice does sound accurate description.

Chuckle's is a civilian added to the team, because he has a military background, law enforcement background, and at the time was working as an insurance investigator.

He brings much needed experience to the team, a new way of looking at things, and a whole bunch of contacts he built up over his career...

The only time it really arguably applied was in the Donner movies, which are what, 40 years old?
It's not just Luthor either. Kingpin too, is now somehow a Trump stand in.

Sounds pro 2nd ammendment ew

The fuck are you on. Hackman's Luthor was an actively wanted criminal who had no legitimate enterprise.

Now John Byrne's Luthor, that guy was a chubby industrialist with no super-intelligence created in the 80's, definitely an argument could be made there.

The hairpiece and the real estate scheme. I've seen the argument that means he's supposed to be Trump.
It's all reaching, but that's where the board is at now.

Why do I feel IDW is either failing to understand why their books aren't selling, or is in incredibly heavy denial?


Pushing an agenda is far more important to them

Nice art. Are these meant to be any characters in particular. I feel like I should recognize them...

>It's all reaching

Not really, it fits Trump pretty well from today's perspective, even if at the time it wasn't 100% accurate. Trump had been in real estate business for a decade by the time 1978 Superman came out. And as well know, people in New York hated him for decades.

I can't tell if this is bait or if you are just this deranged

The only one deranged here is the person who denies historical facts.

Gene Hackman's Luthor was conceived during the 1970's, there was no way they could've deliberately had Trump in mind considering that Trump became famous across the nation during the 1980's, not unless the people working on the film were taking influence from New York stuff.

Byrne/Wolfman Luthor is the only one who would've been analogous to Trump.

People just wanna be offended.

Trump was in real estate business for a decade in the 70's but you'd have to prove that Donner, Puzo, the Salkinds, and others were actively thinking of him. At that time he'd only be known mainly in New York at the most.

Oh shit, I might be more excited for this than any other upcoming comic.

This is gonna be a sight to behold.

You really have no clue how long Trump has been despised, have you? They even have Sesame Street segments dedicated to shitting on him, long before 2016.

People loved Trump until he decided to run for President. Then the same people who used to kiss his ass and hang out with him went full retard and back stabbed him because their masters told them to do so.

Bad fucking joke user, shame on you.

>They even have Sesame Street segments dedicated to shitting on him
Even if that were true, I'm not a child who forms my opinions based on cartoons and children's shows.

>People loved Trump until he decided to run for President.
I mean, the simpsons were making jokes about him way back in the 90s.

They made jokes about famous people??? I'm fucking shocked

No idea, just found the picture on /k/ on day

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They understand why they're failing, but doing anything about it would be essentially admitting defeat and they'd sooner see the company straight up die before then.

Oh yeah then explain Shipwreck

So, even if we put aside the whole "people who can't pass basic requirements somehow make elite soldiers" thing aside, why are they pretending that the US military doesn't already have a ton of black and hispanic soldiers?

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Liberalism is a mental illness

Woke Current Year GI Joe already proved to be a sales bomb, and something the audience for a GI Joe comic absolutely hates. What kind of idiots would double down and make the reboot/relaunch more of the same? It's like they're trying to destroy the brand.

Why the fuck do people take an old story and just warp it until it's completely different?
Why can't you just make your own fucking characters? It's not that fucking hard.

>It's like they're trying to destroy the brand
In a way, they sort of are, SJW types have a very strong "if I can't have it neither can you!" sort of mentality, basically if you have a problem with their woke bullshit than you're an evil bigot who deserves to see the series/character he used to like die.

>t. consevacuck on his way to buy a rental truck with no intention of returning it

Puzo lived in New York. He used to work with the president who also owned and ran Marvel.

Because he was just a walking meme in a reality TV show, fucktard. If the Jersey Shore crew ran the country you think nobody would have a problem with them?

your nonsensical "THIS IS YOUUUUU" definitely proves him right there.


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This shit occurs to me when I read hilariously right wing comics as well but how did a genuinely imperialistic loon like Tom Clancy decide to have a shitload of minority characters and make them be neither a joke or annoying.

>what's more powerful than badass female werestlers?!
im done.

Underage detected

>FAT black woman as the leader
>already out of breath on the cover of the comic
fucking kek

Why do you think everyone is racist like you?

you need to understand user, this is made for basedboys and women, and it's not even a meme anymore, they're physically weak and fail at everything, and thus a comic where they fail but get recognizion for doing nothing is exactly what they want.!

>Write interesting character whose only personality trait isn't "he's a minority"
It's really not that hard honestly, hell, you can even have his ethnicity play a role in some aspects of his character, just so long as it isn't his most important trait that takes priority above all others.

>like Tom Clancy decide to have a shitload of minority characters and make them be neither a joke or annoying.
Because while Tom Clancy genuinely wanted to shove his politics down your throat, he ultimately was not utterly absorbed in this type of politicking.

I'm trying to think of a good way to phrase this, but policy versus identity would be the way to put it. Ding Chavez came from a book that had a unmistakable politic message and bent, but the character himself was just a character in the book. He had some aspects of political thought and stereotyping, but rather than trying to make him evil or good, perfect or flawed he just made him have those negative stereotypes but also be a good man.

Politics are not the issue in comic book writing but the level of talent, skill, but most importantly scope and meaning. G.I Joe always had politics in it. It was unavoidable considering who penned it originally. But then you get shit like this page and it all goes to shit.
>just so long as it isn't his most important trait that takes priority above all others.
Dude you have to fucking read Clear and Present Danger. I love Ding Chavez and I find his character to be genuinely one of the best Hispanic characters in fiction but holy hell is he just a perpetually read to rock and roll pitbull of machismo. His ethnicity is how all of his traits are filtered and shown to the world.

He's the worst, he should be send to sensitivity training and his free speech right revoked until proven he's not a rape culture violent sexist.

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he's homosex now?

this is so bad

GIJOEs are the most elite the best Rambo tier soldiers in america

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These just look like random dudes. More like Average Joe.

This is the most self congratulating thing i have ever seen.

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>As America as apple pie
So not very America at all?

So that joke in Southpark Bigger Longer and Uncut about Saddam being killed by a pack of wild boars wasn't just a random joke? Huh...

IDW GI Joe as Modern Warfare The Comic Book up until a certain point when they crossed over with Transformers, and then gave the book to a guy who shits on 9/11.

>People loved Trump until he decided to run for President
Nobody cared about Trump till he ran for president. He was the weird reality show millionaire who was portrayed as a joke and and out of touch rich guy.

Yeah, that was why he did numerous commercials and guest spots on TV shows. Fucking retard

>he's on TV a lot that means people love him!!!
Are you really that much of a brainlet.

Yes, they totally put people who are despised in commercials and TV shows.

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Yes actually when it's fun to hate them they do. And Donald Trump was always fun to hate. Next you'll be saying that his negative depiction in every other show up to and including shit like Sesame Street (how bad do you have to fuck up to get shit on fucking Sesame Street) is actually flattering because they acknowledge his existence? Retard.

Seek help

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>No they didn't
At least I live in a country where you can afford help. You won't be able to pay for anything once that recession hits. Even Trump is saying there'll be a recession. But that's ok, because China.

That TDS is a hell of thing. Seek help before you hurt someone

Amazing bait

How did IDW go from based to cucked in little over 5 years?
I expect the company to be defunct within a decade.

Hasn't IDW continually published a regular Joe comic free from all of this for years now? Did that get cancelled? I swore i saw a storytime here last month

which no one saw

gee I wonder why...

>giving military grade weapons to people who can't aim nor sustain a hour walk without a scooter
I mean, I can see the idea of having a corps of "non standard military" people, but even then those guys can't not be fit, there's no such thing as an easy battle

Were people really asshurt over this?

Any group of people who cries like children when they lose deserve the ridicule for it. I never been more embarrassed being an American than after the 2016 election. Liberals are fucking spoiled snowflakes.

artists tends to believe what other artist draws is more real than the real people and events. They are more likely to hate thrump based on a Simpson quote than any of his electoral speech

>t. Air Force

Trump banned Epstein from the Trump Resort back in 2002 when he found out that Epstein was a sex offender.

Say what you like about Trump, his policies are another matter, but unlike nearly every single person working in the media (including comics) Trump was never into the pedo shit that's so common among journalists, entertainers, and politicians. THAT'S why they're so afraid of him. Because he's not one of them. And if he's not also involved in that shit then that means he's not down with it, and if he ever decides to stop turning a blind eye to it and actually start cracking down on it then you're going to see 50% or more of all of hollywood, the media, the government, and even the comic book industry thrown behind bars. Trump is likely the reason they finally got Epstein. And the sjws (who are 100% pedos and rapists) are afraid he's going to come for THEM next. Remember, sjws are literally just a front for child prostitution.

There's nothing political about that. Stop being a pedantic faggot.

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Hama created these characters. PERIOD. They are what they are because Hama chose to make them that way. Hama has explicitly said that Hasbro had almost no interference and pretty much let him do what he wanted.

It literally was meant to be a "war on terror" version of 40s comics where superheroes killed germans. That's all.

>tea party

>Trump was never into the pedo shit

That must be why he publicly bragged about walking into teen beauty pageant dress rooms and seeing semi-naked girls there, because he could do that as the guy running the show.

It's like the burger king kids club but mono race and sex.

>Trump was never into the pedo shit t
lmao you're such a liar
"but he banned someone to save face!!" yeah and then kept going to his island for years afterwards to rape 13 year olds

>nononno YOU LIE
prove your argument then.

>reading comprehension

>gee I wonder why...
Not enough teenage girls in skimpy outfits I would gather

That looks drab as fuck.

>not enough PRON I HATE
This arguments lost all relevance when you started to make shera generals about how you'd fuck the underaged retard of the show in "respectful rightthink" ways

Liberals don't believe in anything but getting free money for being wastes of space

I like how you made a lot of assumptions that I am one of "them" just because of a joke.

Pretty sure anyone wants free money.

>Why don't freedom fighters dress in military uniforms when they're trying to blend into the populace in urban environments until the mission starts?!


I don't, not when it's being stolen from other people

>There's nothing inherently right wing about the military
>Top-down structured organization, with emphasis on tradition and prestige

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Just like your responses

reality tends to repeat itself when you act the same. Repeat a lie, get the same answer. It's not a conspiracy, it's just the reality you refuse to admit

>washed out at 48 pushups


I'm not even super duper aesthetic fit (not going to pretend I'm not fit, but I'm not like top tier fit) and I can do 50 pushups. It's not really a huge or extremely difficult achievement.

That's some irony from someone who assumes anyone who disagrees with them or rather says something counter to their post is the enemy.

>>Using a terrorist is political but using actual people in politics is not.

Why are so people such simpletons?

I literally can't even do one tbqh.

Hasbro doesn't care what IDW does with GI Joe anymore because they have already lost the fanbase by not making new Joe product and by allowing these sort of comics to be made. Those fans still love Joe, but nothing since ARAH ended has mattered to anyone. If they still buy toys, it's 1/6 or 1/12 scale military figures and vehicles being made by other companies.

They can do whatever they want with the brand now. Like Star Wars and Star Trek the majority of the older fans have moved on to new stuff.


I am lucky they can’t fuck tmnt up because the autism’s at the techno drone forums would throw a autisitc fit

>they already did fuck it up they added a female turtle
95 issues in and they already confirmed she won’t be a main member of the team

>but nothing since ARAH ended has mattered to anyone

So nobody has cared about G.I. Joe since the mid-90s? GTFO.

>That's some irony from someone who assumes
so far you are the one telling people who they are an how they think to fit your weird contradictory agenda. It's not funny nor ironic, you are just closing yourself from the world with denial and self validated lies.

Aw man. Maaaan. I was probably not going to pitch it, but I had an idea for IDW where Cobra takes over the US government, but then the whole thing was going to be a comedic shitshow.

Like Cobra would think they're the baddest dudes in town, but then they go to the annual Prayer Breakfast and meet all these important congressmen and senators who think God chose them to be in charge.

Joe would be waiting there for the evil to happen, but the most Cobra could get away with is fucking up their budget and stationing them in the ass end of nowhere being shot at by teenagers and goat herders.

>Let's make an elite paramilitary force out of activists who can't do physical work.

Is this your brain on Socialism?

One of them is literally dressed as a paramilitary though.

No, I just think inserting stupid buzzwords is retarded.

GI Joe has always been a reasonable middle ground with no real skew towards either political jingoist side of the tribe wars.

It was pro military at its inception and fell out of favor during the cold war when a lot of people were protesting 'Nam. It was revived in the nineties, but fell out again after the US deployed to the middle east.

The success of the brand has political connections, for better or worse. Even when they're ninjas or gay Native Americans, the appeal is the jingoism, and the jingoism only has broad financial appeal when nobody's disillusioned with it.

Shipwreck is easy, One of the first Navy guys on the team. depending on the year either was in small boat unit or a SEAL. Either of those is a plus when you are deal with an issue that has coast, rivers, or any other type of brown water

There's art of duke but he still looks like shit.

That's racist.

I'm so mad I only just found out about the Kindle Worlds program, a year after it ended. I would have loved to try and profit off my GI Joe fanfiction.

The crippling bureaucracy of the US Government would paralyze Cobra and make them less of a threat.

Honestly, Cobra Commander's backstory is great.

From the comic, not the 80s cartoon.

Dude was a used car salesman trying to make a living, but dealing with all kinds of bullshit from the local government.

Then his brother gets drunk and kills the entire family of some vet returning from Vietnam.

And he just snaps.

Pretty much everyone's backstory was great. How can you not love Rambo who becomes a ninja?

how the mighty have fallen, it seems in the current year meat is not on the menu in the Joe barracks
the real American soisippers...

Yep, it's good to see the woke artists have an art style that warns you like the colorful poisonous , like the spider sense it helps you avoid it before opening the comic

Liberals are upset about anything that isn't socialist

Illegals don't have a right to due process

>muh resistance
SJWS have ruined this word

Why are they dressed like metrosexuals?

witch one? I only listen the toy related ones

people dont like moral indoctrination about identity politics and tribalism in their entretainment

The left seems to have a boner for pointless endless unwinnable wars where there is no chance of peace or success, just mutilation ptsd and black people


we need filecards with current year Joes like the one in your pic

They're doing star trek justice right now at least, or at least year five has been kino I bought all of the Q book but that hasn't been great

woked creators can't handle such concept it's against their ideals, they want to weaponize other pre existing franchises to push their ideological propaganda

I've been saying the best path forward for Joe is a video game universe. Tons of genres and games all telling one story.

Then they should go watch paint dry,

Cobra Commander as written by Hama is already a parody of everything Trump spouts off. Hama's just at least a little subtle with it.

>joe doing communist fist

But the Soviets were rivals and not friends and the Joes stood for good american values against fascists (cobra) and communists (commies)

Are you a fucking retard? He's been a tabloid joke in New York for decades.

I never got why Hama didn't make Snake-Eyes Asian too.

The joke isn't exactly that the bureaucracy would cripple them. It's that US politics is already this kind of methodical, simmering evil all the time. The Prayer Breakfast, for example, is this weird invitational meeting for powerful leaders to thank God for giving them their power, and there are people in authority who truly buy into the idea that their wealth and influence is divinely inspired, which is why they're cool with being such ineffective leaders. Like anything they do is good because God willed it.

Cobra could do anything and would find itself with unsettling core support from some people in that system, and it's a level of darkness they've never been about. Cobra, for the first time, would be looking at real evil. Men who dress the ultimate hubris as humility, using God's name to excuse the defecit and their irresponsible personal behaviors. And that's just be one fucking comic.

Politics is the devil's playground and Cobra would just not be prepared to find every wicked thing they want to do is already in place, albeit as a glacial, legal design most people don't even notice.

Wasn't that the plot of the recent GI JOE cartoon?
It certainly had a cool Cobra Commander.


I'm pushing 50, kid.

>Stalker after visiting his cousin in Germany

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but those recruits were only undisciplined

Trump posts mean tweets. He roasts celebrities and other politicians. That's literally it. Lefties think words are violence, so when they see Trumps words, they take the words as an attack.


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I don't into politics
Do liberals like government or hate it?

it goes full circle

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they like the government only when democrats win elections

FUCK YES storytime of pain is back on! Wonder if it will last more than 6 issues.

Hahaha, NOPE. Usagi is Stan's and Stan's alone. And it just gets better.

You're probably right, when they change the race, sex or sexuality of an established character it's always about taking something away from you as much as having something for themselves. The guy who started the Iron Fist controversy proves this by his complete lack of interest in the Shang Chi movie when in theory it's everything he was asking for.

But in the cartoon he's literally some sailor that Flint and Mutt met in a bar full of Cobra soldiers.

Is that Aja and Hollingsworth? That team is based.

People cherry-pick this panel a lot, but it was one storyline in a series that ran for 155 issues. It wasn't the entire premise of the series from the start.

1. Stop saying "liberals". The group you're referring to are socialists and communists. They're far Leftists. Liberals believe in liberty. That's where the "lib" part comes from.

2. Far Leftists believe in more government control. Gun control, speech control, policy control. They want governmental enforcement to feel "safer". They want to be watched and they want to feel like they have a choice when they really don't.

Kaneda, is it that you?

But seriously, he really does look like every male sci-fi anime character from the 1980s. Not a very original design at all.

In Retaliation, Zartan is a vaguely foreign terrorist who has been placed into the role of president as part of a secret conspiracy to destroy America from within, a plot that includes nuclear disarmament.
If they really embraced conspiracy theories about Obama they could have gone a lot further with it.

>conspiracy theories
I feel like you need to walk a fine line these days when using that. Too many people think you automatically condone anything you make a fictional character do. You know how you HAVE to believe in everything you write about. I personally would love to have a "deep state" like Cobra conspiracy but the fallout from doing that would be huge with a bunch of retards shrieking you're some kind of alt right nazi who thinks "tha joos" are secretly controlling the world.

2013 was a different world, but
>You know how you HAVE to believe in everything you write about.
This has been true for a long time, you can't write something without everyone thinking it's what you personally believe.

I know. It's why people catch flak for villains saying mean things or why that movie about elites hunting people git pulled. How dare the bad guy be bad, right?

That is so dumb.

Hasbro created the toys, Hama gave them names, roles and backstories. As the series goes on it becomes more obvious when he has to work new toys and characters into the book because Hasbro told him to. Snake Eyes' original toy wasn't a ninja, he was a commando, and early comics established he was white, his being a ninja was something Hama added later, which in turn influenced his second toy, which became his most iconic costume.

>Is inspired by a wrestler who draws no dimes
>Comic ends up drawing no dimes as a result

>Trump Defeated

What the hell? And speaking of gags that didn't age well...

Attached: simpsons-trump-mueller-clip.jpg (2700x1800, 920K)

Is that Aja and Hollingsworth? That is a great team.

Hot take: Snake Eyes v2(the ninja with the weird visor) is his worst design despite being most iconic.

She looks female to me. Maybe you haven't seen many women user or maybe your idea of female is wearing bikinis and massive boobs.

>I know. It's why people catch flak for villains saying mean things
Sometimes those 'mean things' can be ugly truths we all know but we're not supposed to think or say, and the writer probably intended to denounce the wrongthink by putting it in the mouth of a villain, but people think he really believes it and get outraged at him putting the words into print because deep down we all know it's the truth.

Haven't you been reading the IDW Transformers comics? Because what's better than getting a lecture on trans rights and LGBTQ representation in every issue of your fucking $4-for-20-pages Transformers comic?

Attached: IDW Transformers comics in a nutshell.png (600x385, 446K)

That continuity is dead now, though. We never have to look at those things again


The Aubrey Sitterson GI Joe continuity is dead, too. And yet the new IDW Joe books are same as the old ones.

So your happy working on a shit job for the rest of your life? It's official, folks under abuse victims syndrome

Well fuck you, too, Snake Eyes. Let's see you fake fun better, you mute weeb.

It's time:

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What issue is this from? We need an HQ version of it post-haste

check out new GIJOE mobile game

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who did they turn it the brown hipster girl?

Doc. They've been pushing female Doc since IDW took over.

>So why does Trump rub so many creators the wrong way?

Because they watch CNN and only CNN.

Who the hell ISN'T going to pick Cobra?

people that like Snake Eyes
Also why is Snake Eyes not in Cobra. He's got a snake name.

well, that's just sad, unless it a successor to the comic one who was gunned down. still, baroness cleavage is nice.

Needs Bludd, Firefly, Serpentor, the Crimson Twins and some Dreadnoks, but those are some good modern Cobra designs, nice to see Scrap Iron there.

In the goofy SJoeW book that got cancelled, she was his daughter, but he wasn't gunned down. In the Hama one, I dont think she exists.

Looks like fucking cancer. Why is Storm Shadow overdesigned? And Beachhead doesn't seem to know how to hold his knife correctly.

>Any group of people who cries like children when they lose deserve the ridicule for it. I've never been more embarrassed being an American than after the 2008 election. Conservatives are fucking spoiled snowflakes.

the Joes are meh they already did this with Renegades, but the idea of Cobra running the government is dimes and hopefully leads to some cool re imaginings for action figures


no, no it won't. look at those designs.

no, no it won't. those designs are painfully dull.

how do they expect people to not side with Cobra there?

Thankfully we still have Ennis to give us quality Punisher stories.

I mean, he also staffed all the regulatory positions with conflicting interests - many of them are trying to undermine their positions for financial gain. And his tax policy has been kind for his benefit personally, with a little bit for the middle class to make it at least a little palatable.

The things Trump really does wrong are very dull and political. Like he's fucked up a lot of things and has been as far from a "good negotiator" as a man can be, but none of that is a sexy news story nor joke-friendly.

GI Joe really should be like mid-2000s Captain America. Not a reflection of what America is, but what its ideals are.

Gee, I wonder what that art style is derivative of.

But I like Roadblock.

What does that have to do with anything?

I thought this thread would be about the rumored "woke casting" of Snake-Eyes as an asian, and the articles all over SJW "fan" media about how a ninja being white is racist, utterly ignoring that Larry Hama is Japanese-American.

Instead, OP posts about a comic that came out years ago, and that wasn't woke at all. And a total of three posts talking about Snake-Eyes in a thread with over 350 posts.

WTF Yea Forums? I don't mind discussing politics here, but at least discuss the actual issues happening now.

Well what are modern America's ideals? Like really. None of this ideology shit. How is the nation actually conducting itself and what does it believe in?

Right now, there's a lot of wild and dangerous groups growing size perhaps because there's nothing for ordinary people to stand for when it comes to the US identity.

The thread is about IDW's upcoming GI Joe reboot. And also a new game.

All the same stuff Superman stands for. Peace, freedom, equality, standing up against injustices, fighting for your fellow man, doing what's right, especially when it's hard.

America's ideals would see him written out. He's too black.

That's retarded. You're retarded.

There are anons in this very thread complaining that OP's pic is too heavy on the melanin.

I mean what is there to say about this that hasn't already been said.

Look it is somewhat understandable that people eventually got annoyed by the trope of the white guy from America who goes to another culture and becomes better than everyone native in that culture, but Snake Eyes was not an example of that. He was a mean motherfucker who was primarily a United States motherfucking Commando and the praise he received in the clan he went to, to get away from the fact that his extended family were all dead, was because he was not a fucking moron alongside his skill, and ultimately Storm Shadow always turns out to be better suited for it. He just wasn't at the time. Which was the point since Hama always wanted him to be good and find redemption and that is one hell of a way to have a redemption story.

It's weird to come from MMA and see what the comic book, and really pop culture deems as having to only belong to a certain race or culture. Arguably the greatest Japanese mixed martial artist of this generation, became that training underneath a white dude from Maine. A MAGA hat wearing troll picked up his skills from a Cuban defectors and a street fighter.

It's oddly more racist. Like what happened with Danny.

>we'd like to see some positive white dudes
Also, my whole point was that GI Joe SHOULDN'T be them.

>Same thing with the Punsiher. The only way they can exist is if they're twisted into something that goes completely against what they were supposed to be. Lefties will scream about anything that glorifies cops or the army.
The Punisher series on Netflix blew out anti-gunners, had a former white supremecist religious zealot survive and find redemption with raising his kid, convinced a generation of tumblr girls that a girl should own a gun because Karen does.

>Also, my whole point was that GI Joe SHOULDN'T be them.
'They're America's ideal though.

Then you dont know what ideal means and you are fucking obtuse.

I know what it means. I think you're in denial as to what the ideal actually is for a huge swath of the country.

>huge swath
Not even close. And again, not what I'm saying. You're trying to shine a mirror on the shit and say "this is all there is," when it's already been stated in this thread what the ideal America is, what it should be.

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Hell. If Snake Eyes was going to be played by Iko Uwais I wouldn't be that annoyed.

>GI Joe Renegades 2

So their reboot is going to be the exact same plot that another series covered already? Makes me less than excited, but I guess it's all about the execution.

How much has been said? I only come on Yea Forums on Wednesdays, but the new on this only broke yesterday.

Another point Hama made about Snake-Eyes is that Storm Shadow is a greater ninja than he is - but becoming consumed by revenge hobbled him, while Snake-Eyes survived many things that could have consumed him, and came through it stronger. (If you don't count the PTSD.)

A lot of Marvel tv and movies are unexpectedly red-pilled, but with the Punisher it fit like a glove.

>Female wrestlers
Nothing says empowering like clothes-ripping. T 'n' A and ballgown matches, or the nudity in the matches.

Clearly this nigga don't watch WWE.

Most GI Joe fans like characters like Roadblock, Stalker, Doc, Spirit, Quick Kick, Jinx, Storm Shadow, Tunnel Rat, etc, and would expect to see at least some of them in a reboot. GI Joe has a diverse enough cast that there's really no need to start replacing the white characters, like Salvo in the previous series, or like how "Frontier" in OP's pic looks like a brown, bearded repaint of Flint. Why can't we just have the actual Flint?

Yeah, exactly. And that Tiger guy looks like he should be Quick Kick.

Is it just these five plus Scarlet in the Resistance? Where are all the other, more popular Joes while Cobra took over the government?

>How much has been said?
>White Erasure
>That's actually more racist
And pretty much cycling over and over again.

Have you seen it in a while? They did away with most of that shit in 2013 when they started taking hoes seriously, I'm still sick, there was practically no incentive to watch those matches in the first place

>Clearly this nigga don't watch WWE.
You don't really either apparently. That stuff has gone away since they've been slowly trying to rip off Joshi wrestling.

Curious: how much is too much in terms of page count for a lecture like this? How often do they appear?

I mean they can't not have it somewhere in the books, as long as it's light enough for the target audience (11+ kids?) to process.

Alien robots that can transform into vehicles, and our vehicles specifically, is an interesting as hell concept. Exploring the gender identity makeup of something like that is a real opportunity to make up some interesting shit, like exploring anything about aliens in detail.

But who in authority or power stands for that? What institutions in America represent standing up to injustice or inequality? Today, if you want to write about those ideas, you're taking up a position against a lot of established powers.

I mean this stuff is so ingrained you have regular men talking shit on unions or on regulations that protect water.

>Lefties will scream about anything that glorifies cops or the army.
A bit unrelated, but Discworld does that, kinda, and it;s very popular among lefties.

>I mean they can't not have it somewhere in the books, as long as it's light enough for the target audience (11+ kids?) to process.
You’re a moron if you think kids are the ones actually reading these TF books. It’s weird fangirls from Tumblr and 40+ year-old men who are putting down the cash to read these on-going books. Just like the IDW book based on that one horse show.

>red jacket
>tiger motif
>black hair
so this is what we're on, right, IDW?

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Wasn't this book release a few years ago, when it was still going on?

>What institutions in America represent standing up to injustice or inequality?
That's what I'm saying. Did you not read the part about " not a reflection of what America is"? By "ideal" I mean what it SHOULD be.

>not having cobra agents infiltrate the American government ala hydra

Well, if the main audience is that sort of group, what does that matter? They're old enough to process it. Kinda figured you'd be smart enough to get that. What's that got to do with my question, anyway?

>infiltrate the American government
You're thinking too small. Have Cobra have infiltrated all the world's super powers.

This isn’t bait,and I’m being completely honest and genuine: Why would anyone care about Joe when Pic Related exists and does the similar concept, but better for a modern age of fans and actually engages a fan base and is beloved all around the world and appeals to a wide-range of demeographs and is actually current.

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>Curses a lot
>Likes moe ecchi anime
>Actual kills people
There's no way he's anything like Travis.

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It means you can't say 'fag' on Youtube without losing your monetization, even when we're talking about the British meaning (cigarettes) that everybody uses. It means stealthily pushing American ideals on the rest of the world in the name of America knowing better behind a thin veil of 'progressiveness'. It means being anti-Imperial, but only if said Empire is a competing world power (looking at you here, FDR). It means being anti-royal, unless said royal family are part of an island nation you just nuked and want to use as a compliant government, or an American actress has married a royal, and it also means calling yourself a Republican despite sucking up to said royals in very cringeworthy, godawful ways.

Nobody said that you shouldn't get along with them, Donald, Obama, etc., but Jesus.

GI Joe has a long history of comics and cartoons, whereas Overwatch is simply a game that doesn't actually explore the story behind the characters beyond simple bios and the occasional advert from ActiBlizzard. Since they are a similar concept, they both have the same potential in terms of what kind of stories you can do, it's just that Joe isn't reaching that potential due to shitty writers. Overwatch can't reach it at all because it's not story-based.

>Iko Uwais
Wu Assassins is such hot garbage but so fucking fun.

Yes, but you can't write a story about the ideal American without seriously acknowledging what America IS. And you have to take a clinical look at the country for that. And I don't mean a stupid, ideological look. I mean a real look that asks who runs this shit, why, and what they get from their power or what goals they actually have.

Obviously the SJW writers think they're already doing this. The ideal American organization to them is ethically diverse and gay. But honestly, perhaps we can agree that take doesn't resonate if you aren't already a part of their fold, right? So what do yyou propose they write and in contrast to what? Against what?

GI Joe pre-dates some fad game by decades and already has it's own fanbase who care about the characters and lore. Nobody's going to give up on GI Joe for a game that doesn't even have Cobra or Snake Eyes.

G.I. Joe actually attempts to tell a story when it's trying to be serious instead of setting up tons of (((lore))) and doing nothing with it.

Britfags do this shit better.

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Apple pie chose us, you need to move on and get over it, limey.

Trump is a buffoon. Anyone with reasonable intelligence hates the oaf.
>Openly admits to sexually assaulting women
>Went bankrupt multiple times
>Says he'd openly accept information from foreign governments that help him win elections and that it's "not interfering"
He's simply not a person of any kind of worth. He's a rich kid that rode his parents money straight into the ground and got more investors that didn't realize he was a broke failure to cover his expenses for projects. Which was illegal btw.

I'm just saying the guy who said it can't be do e at all because the progressives hate everything is wrong. Frankly, what IDW is doing in spirit should work, but their execution has been too ham handed, much like every modern comic that tries to gave a message.

>black man

Well, go ahead and rev up the SJWs now, because this is begging to be called racist.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on GI Joe series? This read like a complete subversion, like they just want to reboot the whole fucking thing, because last I remember, they are a paramilitary organization, with slightly fantastical military stories. Since when did this run happened?

That was a reboot. And one that didn't stick because it was, like you said, a total subversion. And one that completely lacked self awareness considering the woke Joes were keeping prisoners illegally without trial and when Duke(not a Joe anymore) shows up with the US Navy to take the prisoners away for a fair trial, he's painted as the bad guy and wrong...

Just read Hama. No other GI Joe is good enough.

That was part of the Hasbro shared Univiverse that Hasbro wanted to create so they could make their own MCU, but they handed it off to IDW and IDW immediately fucked up each and every book, replace with Matt Trakker in Mask with a black guy, then calling fans racist for not liking the change, with a guy from Hasbro saying it was ok, because it was problematic that Mask was led by a blond haired, blue white guy, and GI Joe was also led by a blond white guy. So then in Joe, they replaced Duke with Scarlett and took him off the team, since he wasn't just white, but offensively white, because he had blond hair.

They then made a Visionaries comic which was written by a tranny, who race swapped the main character to be black and gave everyone woke hair cuts.

Eventually all the GI Joe websites were sick of it and boycotted the Joe book, refusing to advertise it, because the writer on the Joe book was a communist who openly mocked 9/11 and promoted communist books and ideas on his twitter and seemed to not like GI Joe.

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IDW shit the bed so hard and with such force that they killed Hasbro's shared universe idea

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>the tranny who made the woke Visionaries book that died immediately couldn't get anyone to visit his table at a comic-con

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A gay comic cover that IDW explicitly produced for the Hasbro shared universe version of Joe that was supposed to bring in kids and new fans alike

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Thanks user. Whole thing looks kinda bad. thank god the horse comic were mostly unaffected When did they start trying to make this Hasbro shared universe? I'm not Yea Forums so these things are new to me.

Around like 2017. They made a black Matt Tracker GI Joe figure as an exclusive figure in connection with this shared universe. The Mask book ended up dying, because the Mask fanbase is small enough to begin with, and then IDW spurned them calling them racist for not liking the race swap for a franchise that they kept alive over the years.

So, Mask died, Visionaries lasted an entire mini-series crossover book with Transformers and then died. Transformers was cancelled and given it's own new universe to start over with. And Joe websites openly rejected the Joe books, so they were cancelled after sales got like way under 1,000 orders for Joe and open calls for the firing of the writer. In that time they also killed the Jem book, which was technically part of the shared universe but the book was full on horse shit about body positivity and fat lesbians, instead of doing things like having a battle of the bands against Zarana and Cold Slither.

Every Hasbro book IDW touches seems to go to shit.

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He was really pushing gay Gung Ho in that book. Because he looks like a stereotype. I hate how progressive these fucks think they are.

>Hasbro shared Universe
I have literally never heard of something this autistic in my life. And the fact that it’s official is even worse. Those fucking live-action Transformers movies were the worst thing becuase it made Hasbro think that people actually ‘like’ their stuff and they want to turn into Disney. A shared universe of dead toys is nauseatingly retarded.

Based zoomer.

>A shared universe of dead toys is nauseatingly retarded.
Maybe if you're a pleb. Mask already had connections to GI Joe, with Trakker having his Joe figure and effectively being like the Tony Stark of the Joe universe, being like their weapons developer, known as Specialist Trakker. It was also retconned that Venom was an organization working for Cobra, so it all fit nicely, and Mask had been a competitor to Joe back in the 80's anyway.

Mask also worked with Transformers, because it was humans adapting Transformers tech for military purposes. In addition Joe and Transformers had crossed over numerous times since the 1980's and even had convention exclusive vehicles for the Joe toy line made up to look like Transformers.

The shared universe wasn't a crazy or unrealistic or even unappealing concept, they just happened to give the concept to IDW, and IDW was so terrible that Hasbro lost faith in comics as a medium, as well as losing faith in the shared universe, because the books were all terrible.

I always figured the Joes were recruited from within the military, not the general population. Like you already had to either be on an elite team or at least received special training and had an impressive record in order to join, since their whole gimmick was a "best of the best" of the armed forces.

They were for the most part. Grunt, though, was just a guy who wrote a really good essay.

Grunt was the best soldier in the entire US Army, what are you talking about?

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Based fansites

Blessed quads

this is what I don't fucking get. G.I. Joe has always been political. Just because people read them when they were dumbass kids doesn't mean that politics didn't exist in these stories.

Huh. I never really got that from the comic.

It's when it's stupid that it's a problem. I personally hate Trump but you can't just change his name to Drumph or draw his cartoon supporters carving his name in a house. That's intellectually dishonest.

You have to attack all that's actually wrong with the man, not what's wrong after you've changed some key definitions to win the argument by fiat.

There is actually a lot of political commentary and appearances in the OG Hama run, but ironically the far-left is about the only position that doesn't get anything positive attributed to it.

>That's intellectually dishonest.
No it's not. It might be insensitive in some idealized political landscape where everything is a perfect horseshoe, but that's the problem isn't that it's "dishonest", it's that it's too on the nose for a man who literally thinks of himself as "The Chosen One".

that's pretty hot tho

Are we really supposed to hate Doc Jr. now? She debuted during the Devil's Due run first in the Reloaded alt-continuity as a r63 version of OG Doc then was ported over to the main continuity at the very end of the Devil's Due series, and was changed to be OG Doc's niece.

>you have regular men talking shit on unions
Union members talk shit on unions.

Part of the issue is that MASK already had a black character they could use as the leader in Hondo, they could have simply swapped Matt into more of a background leadership role.

Also Jem is a little different in that the franchise was always a soap opera first and foremost and has a rather large gay fanbase since the 80s. Jem's problems were that they took too long to get to truly outrageous, they fumbled the Kimber/Stormer romance, and the complete dogshit art following the Dark Jem arc.

For the most part yes, though they do have some people recruited because of specialized skillsets outside the military, most notably is Jinx.

gladly we had chad Scioli comics

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isn't that the plot of the second live action movie

Remember that Roberts got told to do a shared universe issue and his issue was more or less just shitting on the whole idea and it wound up being the last issue of the whole thing.

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>So, Mask died, Visionaries lasted an entire mini-series crossover book with Transformers and then died
It's more like the entire 'Hasbroverse' experiment died before they could do anything more. But the Visionaries fanbase must be even smaller than the MASK one, and yet again they replaced the white male lead hero with a black guy, and also left out the lead villain, promoting the one female villain to a lead role, and giving her Tumblr hair.

Yes, all the shirtless characters had to be implied gay. Gung Ho and some of the Dreadnoks, He probably would have added Raptor and Mindbender eventually.

no snake bro in the line up, no duke, no flint. What kind of a fucked up bullshit of a G.I.Joe is this?

plus it is a bro story about hanging and doing stuff with your m8s. You don't really get stories like that anymore, and they were popular even in the 80s and 90s. Some of the best marvel and DC comics were about a dudes being dudes around other dudes.

because GI Joe actually tells a story and isn't just lore fluff for a video game

sounds kinda gay

trust me before the 2000s it was not. I know that both dudes and chicks had a lot more fun, when a large part of the fun they had was not with each other.

I'm fine with this because why the fuck do you need Quick Kick if Snake Eyes is better at his job than he is? Snake Eyes can be a better all rounder supercommando ninja, but he should lose in a direct hand to hand fight against the guy who is supposed to be the top hand to hand guy in the group, unless he pulls some kind of tricks out of his bag, like trying to force it into a ranged battle or sneaking contest or some shit.

>G.I. joe no longer Americans
>Cobra nationalistic organization
>G.I. Fights to enforce a one-world government
>Joe full of fat women
>IDW now doing a Riverdale Inspired G.I Joe Reboot
Why is IDW so disconnected with why Hasbro IPs like G.I Joe and Transformers are popular. This is not even bringing up how IDW hired a literal communist writer that shit on 9/11 victims on twitter to write G.I Joe.


They look like gay pride beetleborgs

Funny, the US military is lowering real life training standards right now to get women through Spec Ops courses for the sake of social justice and progressivism. Art imitates life.

>Can’t even correctly parody 80s accidental homoeroticism
I hate to think what will Netflix do to he-man.

I've met this fucking retard, friend of a friend. I wish his fucking career would fall apart and an immigrant would smash his fucking face with a cinderblock.

If true. Tell us more.

There’s some groups like the SRA that mastubate to the idea of storming an ICE detention center, but so far only a half asked lone guneman or twe.

Not much to say, he talks the same way he tweets. Can't take any level of criticism. Every time I see/hear about him he talks about calling it quits because of how "unfair" it is to be criticized.

No matter how annoying you imagine him to be, he's worse. Can't fucking stand him.

Because G.I. Joe might actually have something good come from it, unlike Overwatch.

>Cobra now runs the government and the Joes are a resistance organization
This is interesting.

looks more like comicon is dying as a whole than just "o no I'm alone" in that particular pic

Can they uh... share a spark?

I don't know any of the details, but I am all for the concept.
Nowadays the good guys are the ones fighting against systems that uphold inequalities, and media is starting to reflect that.
For Americans, that is the government, so it makes sense in a G.I. Joe medium.

Except it's completely backwards since they support the system that upholds inequalities. They are the government.

Who is "they?" The Joes? I thought they were a resistance group?

The people writing the current run user.

oh you were shitposting, carry on

What? That makes no sense.

Sure it doesn't fellow honkler :wink:

>looks at death camp for brown people
Sure thing, user.

Why are all social justice fags so consistently awful at character design?

They draw people they know and everyone they know is ugly.

fadeaway looks like mexican bobby hill lol

Not being physically fit enough seems like a credible reason not to be admitted to the soldiery.

i hate pathetic disgusting dobson cause....he's literally me. a short dick obese bald ugly fatso who would be better off dead.



>Wrong political affiliation
Pretty sure the US Military doesn't discriminate against people of certain political beliefs. As long as they don't disrespect the President, which would be insubordination, and aren't openly announcing their intentions to defect or act as a double agent, the military will take anyone.

As a fatty, I can't imagine ever wanting to show your fat ass belly to the world. And trust me, no one wants to see that shit

because youre a retard that only want the poltics you agree with.

If they made a G.I. Joe book about the team fighting off those nasty illegal aliens, people would be sperging out but calling it racist and problematic instead of political.

>Nowadays the good guys are the ones fighting against systems that uphold inequalities

Got your bike lock ready comrade?

Hell yeah, brother.
You keep pumping out the mass shooters, and I'll keep throwing milkshakes at 'em.

>He doesn't know about the leftist shooter

Yes, precisely. *The* leftist shooter.
As opposed to the horde of rightwing shooters.

And I suppose you are referring to the one that shot up a baseball game, because if you are referring to the recent one, that one does not appear to be politically motivated. But sure, let's say the score is at 2, right wing white supremacists still beat us by a mile.

>I get to say which shootings are politically motivated

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You mean like this winner?

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tough words from an obese faggot that always make sure the glass is empty before throwing.

>"no leftist shooters!"
>"hey senpai we have one."
>"ONE leftist shooter!"

Fuck you and fuck that garbage tanky logic.

t. Leftist.

Nice projecting, chud.
I go to the gym 5 times a week, and I'm always ready to throw down should a Nazi appear.

>>If we call everyone right wing white supremacists and ignore all the other assaults we did, we look like heroes

And this is why G.I. Joe continues to not sell. because they're pitching it to dopes like this where most normal people would be happy with fun adventures about soldiers fighting a bad guy organization

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I'm not trying to downplay leftist extremism at all.
But right wing mass shooters are a trend, left wing shooters are a statistical anomaly.

But user, the bad guy organization is now the U.S. government
>muh antifa bad article!
Yeah no shit, they're thugs. Are you expecting an argument?

Progressives run the entertainment industry now. Pretty much why I hardly bother with it anymore. Though once and a while a gem will get through.

>Nia Jax
>Only has a job because of nepotism
>Injures her co-workers due to her own ineptitude
>Her own knees buckle and shatter under her enormous weight
Very empowering. Nia is like living proof you can't make an action hero out of a fatass with no other redeeming qualities.

except nobody is calling right wing shooters heroes,
but there are dopes that think a gang of thugs going around assulting anyone they feel like are The Resistance when they're really just a bunch of jerkoffs bullying people.

I have no clue what you're saying here. Try English.

Trying to attack Trump for his name is intellectually dishonest because it's a shallow misuse of the notion that language has power. It achieves nothing other than informing people of your allegiance. Think of the term "mansplain" - same deal. For most of us the word we'd use is condescension, but when someone says "mansplain" instead, it tells you they're a hip, cool feminist. it's just factional wedge shit.

And as for Trump's "chosen one" thing, I brought it up earlier, at least indirectly when talking about the National Prayer Breakfast. Trump's people tell him he's chosen by God, and he's Presbyterian, which emphasis predestination and God's plan a lot.

You can bully him for saying it, but you don't understand. Trump only had the audacity to say it because people close to him BEEN saying it, probably ever since he was elected, and the man believes it.

Wow, what a line up.

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Would fuck Tiger and Frontier ngl

He died alone in his apartment, that's the only "justifier" you need to say for his belief in objectivism. Besides it works about as well as communism ever did

Your are wrong. There is my opinion on shared universe Hasbro:

Although I agree that Revolution was not great, Revolution was a good crossover, and it and First Strike were better than previous Transformers events (Chaos, Combiner Wars and Titans Return) and about the other comics that came out after Revolution: Revolutionaries and Rom were great, GI Joe and Micronauts were good and only Mask and Visionaries were bad . Besides Optimus Prime and TAAO have a good quality (OP has the same quality as exRID, so the crossovers did not affect anything and TAAO was considered better than the mini-series of Windblade), in fact all the comics are good to and the only one that may have gotten worse was LL and was the only one unaffected by the crossovers. And the comics from other franchises do not affect the comics of Transformers, you're not required to read them to understand the comics of Transformers, and Revolutionaries is practically a comic of Transformers because of the 4 main characters 3 are characters of Transformers ex-RID, and also have two Transformers (and the writer is Jon Barber). Even the GI Joe characters that appear in Optimus Prime are pretty much the same characters that were part of EDC, just changed the name of the organization and they have GI Joe stickers on some of the military vehicles. And about the crossovers only Revolution and First Strike you have to read to understand Barber's comics (although Revolution is not 100% mandatory but your comics contains some references to it) and they are good. The crossover with Rom is great and the with Visionaries is awful. And Unicron it was a comic of Transformers since the characters of other franchises only appeared as extras.

>Castro's regime
>better than literally anything else
Are you actually retarded?

It depresses me so much that a solid half of the political spectrum is physically incapable of referring to people they don't like as anything but cartoon villains. And, it being 2019, yes I do think the term Nazi has become a cartoon pejorative as well.

It's always Darth Vader, Voldemort or Hitler with these people.

Donald Trump is pretty much a cartoon character

Peoples inability to accept actual physical differences between the sexes at the cost of lives is fucking retarded.

Antifa has much more in common with the original comics continuity of Cobra than anything else.

Talk that talk nigga

I've started to think of Trump more as a "vulnerable" person. As in someone who's at risk of being exploited by those around him because he's not smart enough to make good choices on his own. His regular tantrums prevent competent people from sticking around, so all that's left are people who smooth-talk his ego to get things out of him.

>wrong color
