What the fuck? George Bush Sr episode was funny. These are just fucking awful.
What the fuck? George Bush Sr episode was funny. These are just fucking awful
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Simpsons sucks. Fuck Trump humor should be easy yet they still mess it up.
Bush was a likeable dumbass.
Trump isn't likeable at all.
And that's why none of the jokes work. He's low hanging easy fruit.
Holy shit... Was that actually a thing that I just saw?
>He's low hanging easy fruit.
He's an orange that fell off the tree.
Bush was no longer president and the basic plot would be the same if they used any famous person become Homer's neighbour
the 4 horseman of the apocalypse
This doesn’t even resemble Simpsons in any form. Who gives a shit about these four cunts in a cartoon about a family? Who gives a shit about Trump? I wanna see Homer bonk himself on the head dammit! I don’t want a shitty musical number starring some of the most boring people in the country and a caricature. This isn’t Family Guy dammit. People used to call the show “Zombie Simpson’s” when it was in it’s 15th season or whatever, but this truly is the death of the Simpsons.
Damn, that wasn’t good at all. Sounded awful, extremely timely so someone from even a year from now won’t understand wtf some of the stuff they’re talking about is. Jokes were just “hey this happened” and didn’t attempt any humor past that. I don’t like him, but I also don’t think anyone has managed to make good trump jokes. He’s just too much of a joke already
Nothing says "empowered" like a Woman wearing a veil because her religion will behead her if she doesn't
Modern Simpsons is bad and Bush sr was a goofball while trump is merely grating
>american humor
I dont just like Trump. I love Trump because he makes leftcels like you seethe.
>Trump isn't likeable at all
He's legitimately the most entertaining president we've had in decades.
Too bad they already did a President Trump joke in Season 9.
That was harrowing.
Voting for whoever triggers liberals the most isn't a very sound strategy for the future user
Do...do they actually think this is powerful?
...okay, I only hovered over the tag, but holy fuck, just from the thumbnail alone, I KNOW it's pure cringe.
>Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Have sex incel.
Likable and entertaining are two different things though.
Is it that he himself is hilarious, or the absolute meltdown some people have over literally anything he tweets is hilarious?
But seriously, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
I don't understand this. Are all four of those women supposed to be illegal immigrants?
This is why The Simpsons deserves sneedposting.
I've heard of these before. They're called the Squad and they hate both Israel and America, and very stupid people like these particular women.
The problem is that Trump isn't funny when he's the butt of the joke, he's funny when he's a smug asshole that gets one over on people who should know better. Like Bugs Bunny.
Divorce any opinions you might have of him, but from a comedic structure point of view, that's his schtick, that's what works, that's what people are more likely to laugh about than him just being dumb. It's the combination of him being dumb and also winning over a condescending beurocracy.
The way the women are drawn make me believe they're special guests, so maybe they have something to do with broadway since the title is a play on "West Side Story"?
3 of them were born here, one of them is a legal immigrant.
>Zombiempsons is faaaaaaaaaaaaaar left as fuck
what else is new, this is the show that put Lihna Duhnam in another bait and switch ''will they finally get divorced for realsies guys'' episode.
Fox had no shame or ethics anymore, and it is a pyramid scheme now.
Then why doesn't Trump want them in the country? I thought his platform was against illegal immigrants.
Eh,Dubya was more entertaining, and he got shit done.Im still waiting for the 2000 mile great wall of the usa.
Fuck the future. I'll be a virgin who's hated for being born white, while degenerates thrive. every value I grew up with gets corrupted and every thing I love gets rewritten to be more "Politically Correct" because my people just aren't "correct" anymore. And why? because my ancestors were mean to niggers and fags? That's why I'm denied the fruits of my lineage? Why the world made for my people by my people is being taken from us? Why I'm not even allowed a family of my own while interracial couples skyrocket? I suffer because people in the past were oppressed? Fuck the future, fuck humanity. Sowing as much misery among my enemies before being able to witness the planet die is all I have left in this shitty world. I hope Trump burns it all down.
>The problem is that Trump isn't funny when he's the butt of the joke
I think it has more to do with the fact that although the dumb shit he says his hilarious in itself, the jokes about them are not.
It's like explaining the joke, "HAHA THAT IS SO DUMB BECAUSE", when the audience already knows its dumb.
It's practically anti-humor.
Cause he’s a dumb racist, specifically he thought that weren’t American cause they’re brown.
You can bet South Park won't be afraid to take the piss out of AOC.
God thats horrible.
Do libs actually find this humourous?
I don't want to watch this. Can someone tell me what happens?
>he's funny when he's a smug asshole that gets one over on people who should know better. Like Bugs Bunny.
Bugs actually outsmarts people though. Trump is a smug asshole no matter what, even if his own cabinet contradicts him.
>leftist humor
It depends.
>I thought his platform was against illegal immigrants.
You fucking dumbass.
Maybe you’re just a miserable failure cause of your own efforts?
Can you really blame anyone for thinking Tlaib is from another country? She acts so un-American.
Hahahaha this fucking loser thinks he deserves a chick cause he’s white! I wonder how fat and ugly he is?
I lean left, but I don't find this shit funny at all. Then again, I havent found anything funny with current Simpsons.
Trump has been misquoted as telling them to go back to their own countries. What he actually said was they should go back to their own countries if they hate America so much.
>She acts so un-American.
mainly it was aimed at ilhan becuase she was omar was a refugee who talks bad about america and tries to downplay 9/11 and sympathise with radical islam. the other 3 got lumped in with her because they are basically a clique
He doesn't. He wants them to fix the countries they came from and then come back.
>That's why I'm denied the fruits of my lineage?
I don't buy into the whole "collective guilt" thing of being white, but neither is it some unseeable crown you get to wear that entitles you to more than every other race
You don't need to be a liberal to hate zombie Simpsons.
The Bush episode was made out of an offhand comment he made at some speech on how the Simpsons were bad role models
This was done because ORANGE MAN BAD
She said something about how we probably shouldn’t have gone to war over 9/11, which is true but people don’t like the idea
>He wants them to fix the countries they came from and then come back.
They were voted into their offices to fix the US though.
>Being this delusional
Subtext clearly escapes you.
3 of them come from america and they're trying to fix it now, but he won't let them. Also he's too far in israels corner to let tlaib change palestine. So what's his real agenda?
Lmao, pussy
>even youtube comments hate this shit.
Does anyone here know anyone irl that still watchs modern simpsons. I stopped about 5 years ago which I think was long past due.
So it's just more dishonest fear-mongering and racism by the right, got it.
AOC doesn't even know basic math.
What did you expect?
>legal immigrant
Who committed fraud by marrying her brother for a green card lol.
Nobody likes the simpsons anymore, I mainly tune in for the Halloween episodes
>fix the countries they came from
>When they are literally United States citizens born and raised here
Nigga what?
What does that have to do with her being a natural born American, voted in by americans, to fix america like you said trump wants her to do? Seems like you're deflecting.
You mean Ivanka?
For people who actually like Trump or just started to watch him in 2016 this is exactly what makes him funny and memeable. A lot of people ITT hate Trump but are trying to keep it really aloof with their posts, but just don't understand his appeal.
His smugness as well as the fact that people seethe so hard for no reason other than hate is also another layer.
Not a huge fan anymore because of his policies but if I see a pic of him doing the smirk or a dumb North Korea Minecraft meme with him it makes me chuckle.
There's so many other presidents that completely fucked over the American people in way worse ways that can't be undone and people are pissed by some fucking billionaire grinning mook.
It's absurdist in a way.
Likeable isn't the same as entertaining.
Just look at Chris-chan or Bill Cosby.
The only people who actually believe the "AOC is dumb" meme are retarded right wingers who have never actually heard her speak.
Since no one is going to post the quote:
>Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.
How can she fix anything when she doesn't know how?
I didn't know people can read minds.
AOC is pretty fucking retarded. She's essentially Trump but a freshman congresswoman. Literally just wants to play social media.
I find it funny. Like i find funny when they portrait Clinton.
It’s hilarious how much power somalispot has, a Somali version of Yea Forums created that rumor dumbass.
There's video evidence of her saying retarded shit.
The more they do this shit the more powerful/pol/ becomes.
The worst part is how bad the animation and voice acting was
this reminds me I really dislike how all of the guest stars just started looking like themselves, but kind of yellow. I like when they had stars just as random 1 off characters that weren't the actual celebrity, mainly cause they actually looked like simpsons characters
Comedy is hard to come by when the sitting president regularly makes more outlandish news than an audience can typically handle in a comedic skit.
That's not to say this isn't funny, and it is, in some respects. But I'd rather take a break from most white house comedy until we get a more 'traditional' president sitting in that office.
Must be a lot of retarded right wingers because a lot of dems dont even like her. Frankly, after the whole amazon deal in NYC, people are kind of pissed at her.
She's a moron. She isnt worth falling on the sword for.
>All this projection
Trump is never going to see you defending him, you know.
Post it.
*because a lot of corporate shill dems don't like her
Yes it is.
Clearly she knows enough to get elected. I mean, trump barely commands understanding of the english language and has shown multiple times to not understand the majority of what he's talking about (especially in terms of tariffs). But you don't doubt his abilities based on the fact that he thinks bigly is proper English when most kindergartners can tell that difference, do you?
She probably does have ideas as most in office tend to, but Burgerland's government is so partisan nothing of any good can get done. From my perspective AOC is just the current boogeyman for the Republicans to turn into the enemy.
>All these people acting like Trump is somehow the only rich dude (Let alone politician) to skip out on paying taxes
He's shady. So is every other rich person. More news at 11.
I get it. Celebrities hate Trump. I get it. I've seen it constantly for two 3 years now and I'll see it for another four come next year, I'm sure.
Political comedy stopped being funny after I turned 18. It seems to be the case for most people around me except my dad for whatever reason.
Do you really believe someone who rubs elbows with people all over he world is a legit retard like that? It's all probably an act from the get go, and there are plenty of openly racist pee oh sees from all walks of life.
This dudes dad was rich, he's been around millionaires and billionaires and groomed for this shit. Are you that fucking naive and on Yea Forums?
Your right that AOC is like Trump, but it's because she knows how to play her base. Expect her to be president in the future.
Oh God I think *hurp* I think I'm going to be sick!
Because if they hate America so much, they should leave. It doesn't even mattet where they go. Just go somewhere that isn't America.
friendly reminder that "progressives" and "conservatives" are just different feathers on the wing of the ZOG
>h-he's just acting, guys!
>trump's gonna do something smart any day now, j-just wait!
No. He's always been a dumbass, and he always will be. Stop deluding yourself into believing otherwise.
Great political animaiton from Matt "Rub me feet or you get the meat" Groening
But a traditional president isn't funny.
>Bugs actually outsmarts people
>implying becoming the president of the United States is not outsmarting anyone especially his rival, Hillery Clinton
I disagree. He has his charming moments. Don't let it confuse you about who he is, just let it remind you that he's human like the rest of us.
God that’s such a fucking great analogy. Trump is the Chris-Chan of politics
>He has his charming moments.
>comparing Trump to Bugs Bunny
You can’t be any more retarded, can you?
And it doesn''t matter what they say or believe. They were legally born and raised here in the United States, and do not have to go anywhere just because you don't consider brown people to be American.
>Trump is never going to see you defending him, you know.
I'm not a Trumptard. AOC is just like Trump. Someone who just wants to get clicks on social media and parrot dumb talkshow talking points while not doing anything. It was actually pointed out as well by a dem congressperson a couple months back. She sicks her dumb frothing fans at targets for online protest and shit much like Trump does.
I doubt she goes anywhere farther than a House Rep. I'm from staten island but she isnt seen too favorably in NYC after the whole Amazon thing. Trump is a weird, once in a generation personality. I think he only rose because of his celebrity status, large media attraction, and Hillary's unfavorables. I expect him to lose to Biden.
not him but how about where an ICE director had to explain to her immigration law and standard operational procedures for law enforcment. You know the thing she had been lambasting for months and talking out of her ass about. Shortly after this she went and staged her sad face photo shoot in front of an empty parking lot and pretended it was a concentration camp.
She asks boilerplate questions that could have been googled and winds up looking like a deer in headlights during her own questions.
she got elected by primarying a formerly uncontested district. Even Nanci Pelosi said a glass of water with a "D" on it would have won her election in that district.
I always hate when there are female Muslim characters in cartoons because they are always drawn pretty hot and it adds to my hijab fetish which makes me feel guilty for the racial fetishization
>shitty people make shitty countries
>lmao but why dont you want these shitty people coming here??
I always find it weird when trumpfags say
>"yeah trump is a crooked celebrity but all celebrities are crooked so it's okay for him to be crooked because he's different"
It's like watching a battered housewife go on and on about how "Surely THIS TIME is the last time!" It's like, we get it. You got tricked into unironically supporting Israel and multimillionaires actively working against the country. But it's just not healthy to keep going along with it expecting him to magically have been good the whole time. You can't change the bad boy user.
>people make their house shitty
>people don't like their house anymore
>people want to go to other peoples house
>now they are gonna shit up someone else's house
Trump is unironically hilarious in an unfiltered Grampa sort of way. The guy could've had a great run as a standup comic.
>trying to make America great and acknowledging its faults means you hate the country
>Clickbait video with thumbnail that is intentionally made to rile up viewers
It's probably by some pseudo-intellectual right wing YouTuber as well. Post some actual footage of her speaking and explain to us how any of what she says is "stupid"
Then I guess the vast majority of the country are "retarded rightwingers".
Trump literally has no principles. AOC lives in a heavy D district.
>Married her cousin to get him in the States. Declares her hatred for jews and christians publicly.
>Proposes insane plans, admitted communist.
I don't know what the other two are supposed to be. Guven they are democrats likely pedos and corrupt racists.
>Forgetting the US's endless wars is the reason these countries are shitholes
>Intentionally ignoring the fact that these are legal US citizens
>Being this much of a shill for Trump
I just don't find it at all appropriate that the leader of the free world is getting into cap lock arguments on twitter like a 12 year old on facebok. but that's just me.
How can you read this guy's tweets and not love him?
>I'm deluding myself
are you sure? sounds like projection to me and I'm not a trumptard. I just think it's really really stupid to think someone put on the world stage regardless of how inexperienced they are, don't have teams of people telling them what to say, as well as countless advisors for him to bend his ear to. If you truly believe this user, your projection is massive and your reality is extremely distorted. This is why he is sinning because you people just act like everyone is for him when it's just observing what's happening. You have pol-tier levels of paranoia.
Her "New Green Deal" was one of the dumbest pieces of legislation ever proposed.
I dusagree with your opinion on both statements.
I dont like the wars but no, it's not the US's fault the middle east sucks dick.
>formerly uncontested
So it was contested, meaning the "voted in by Americans" still stands user. And you still haven't addressed what trumps true agenda is and why he's opposing the people he wants to see "Improve the country they came from" (3/4 america, and one an israel nono) :/ seems you're still trying desperately to deflect. Are you afraid of reality?
this one is just cspan footage
Spoken like someone who's never left his echo chamber.
Its a sad man that has to rely on "the fruits of his lineage". Go build something for yourself user, or work with your family. Don't go relying on dead dickheads from the past to provide so sort of living for you. Otherwise you're no better than reparations retards.
>But seriously, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
He doesn't need the nuclear codes. We've had more progress towards world peace with Trump than any other president.
Who outside of twitter likes AOC?
I'm not even a trumpfag. He's a zionist and isn't willing to legitimately crack down on immigration. But no current politician will actually just nut up and evens say that they're really in favor of issues that the average American gives a shit about.
But, singling him out, when Sanders, Warren, Booker, Biden and the rest of these filthy rich bastards are doing the same shit is very hypocritical. Nothing's gonna change. Not for the better, at any rate. I'm horribly pessimistic about this stuff.
(((They))) will own this land forever. Rest assured. No one will do anything.
No, he's a dumbass. World leaders know he's a dumbass. People who work with him know he's a dumbass. Literally everyone but his supporters know he's a dumbass. You''re anl idiot if you believe anything else.
She literally has the face of a crazy person, especially in the eyes.
You would know if you actually spoke to people outside of Yea Forums and Facebook echo chambers.
Actually it is.
>intentionally misleading thumbnail
No one is falling for your dishonesty, you know.
He's at least outsmarted you if you're being sincere.
>We've had more progress towards world peace with Trump than any other president.
Why is it that everytime I see another "orange man bad" skit, I'm compelled to vote for Trump?
Like, I know the guy is a total ass and probably terrible for this country, but liberals making memes/comics/cartoons that mock him are doing the opposite to me.
The "faults" they find are the delusion that we're some kind of white supremacist country, and are wrong for not having open borders.
They're not trying to fix anything.
even sesame street knows he's a crook and they took a shot him back in 88
You only have to look at her eyes to know she's insane.
I don't care. He got into a shit flinging contest with Kim Jong Un, and now we're closer to peace on the Korean peninsula than ever before.
>trump's gonna do something smart any day now, j-just wait!
He does something smart EVERY day.
Dems see Biden as the most electable by far. Parties typically always nominate the person who they think is the most electable (Republicans did they Trump was the most electable candidate all throughout the campaign btw). He'd beat Trump pretty handidly and return this country to some normalcy. Get attention away from crazies like Trump/AOC, etc.
Literally nobody I know who knows AOC thinks she is great. She's been polled already. She'll never be anything more than a House rep from a deep blue district that any dem could win without trying.
>The "faults" they find are the delusion that we're some kind of white supremacist country
America is just now choosing to classify white supremacy as terrorism.
>Forgetting the US's endless wars is the reason these countries are shitholes
But that's wrong, you retard.
>Intentionally ignoring the fact that these are legal US citizens
No one's ignoring that.
We're merely offering helpful advice that if you hate the country so much, you should go shit up a different one.
Yeah, a lot of these comedy bits are pushing their politics so hard they kill their own humor. They write these terribly pathetic sketches because this is what they legitimately want to happen.
>Poor people are just as intelligent as white people
Who gives a shit. It's not like white supremacism is lurking around every damn corner. It's got the same level of threat in US borders as islamic terrorism which at this point is very very small.
>I doubt she goes anywhere farther than a House Rep
>I'm from staten island but she isnt seen too favorably in NYC after the whole Amazon thing
>I expect him to lose to Biden.
Did you not learn ANYTHING from the 2016 election?
the bigger question is, knowing that Simpson has gotten shit as you call it, Zombie Simpsons, why do people still watch it? Wouldn't someone that didn't like the show not watch it? Besides a masochist that only lives to get angry at things he don't like of course.
Now you're just repeating yourself because you have no argument besides "b-but the scary brown progressive!". Your entire world view is based on hating people you've never even personally met or interacted with.
World leaders are a bunch of petulent children. Trump is the president they deserve to deal with, because he makes them act like the brats that they are.
Jesus Christ there's no hope left for you dude. Rhink critically foe 5 seconds I'm not even condoning his actions and you literally adressed nothing I said. Just that he a a dumbass. That's incredibly vague as what does that imply even.
>he's a dumbass
>doubling down
>he's racist
>even if it's his genuine personality doesn't address the fact that it's still curated for the big drama that is global politics
How fucking old are you?
>But that's wrong, you retard.
But that's right.
>No one's ignoring that.
But you are.
>We're merely offering helpful advice that if you hate the country so much, you should go shit up a different one.
That's not very American of you, user.
it wasn't contested when AoC ran or before, it is being contested this upcoming election because of her.
i don't like Trump, I don't even think he has an agenda outside of distracting the twitterati with a verbal hand grenade every now and again.
I was contesting the point that "AoC isn't dumb" when she is obviously so. She was a 28 year old bartender that couldn't get a real job with an economics degree, and then literally shows up to a casting call by the DSA looking for people to primary easy win democrat seats. Despite her degree pretty much everything she says about economics is brain dead. She didn't know how a tax break works, demonized Amazon, and then feigned ignorance when people pointed out that she directly played a part in them moving their HQ choice.
She fully backed the Green New Deal pamphlet, which was pants on head retarded, and she didn't even appear to be aware of its contents, despite it only being three pages long.
Shes dumb, really dumb. Lefties just won't admit congresspeople can be dumb unless its some old dude holding a snow ball and saying global warming isn't real. Her economic illiteracy (which again im going to stress she has a degree in) is as bad as any climate change denying old fart's opinion on the weather.
I have a fairly ideologically diverse group of friends, and nobody likes her. The best thing I've heard one of them say was along the lines of "well meaning, but naive."
She literally has the same insane eyes as the Hugh Mungus lady.
He is a literal retarded old man with dementia. You are just as delusional as he is if you believe anything else. Maybe it's you who smells like shit, user, not everyone else.
I watched the video. It was a whole nothingburger and Biden's numbers are still rising. He corrected himself immedietely. He's the only one smart enough to play for moderates and there are a lot of moderates in the parties. Besides, it obviously hasnt hit his numbers with black people. Who will they go to? Warren? lol
Trump won by the tip of his ballsack by a few 1000 votes in key states.
I also dont know what you are trying to correlate with AOC and 2016. AOC simply upset an incumbent in a primary and coasted to general election in a heavy blue district.
Actually because they actually were not born in America and much of their rhetoric and actions have been in the favor of their home countries, not America.
I'm done arguing with you until you have any kind of real argument besides "b-but she looks crazy bc I said so!"
>Literally can't refute a single point he made.
If Trumps a retard, then we need to come up with a new word to describe people has mentally deficient as you are.
The people that laugh at stuff like this are the same peiple that laugh extra hard when they hear a political joke being made just so everyone in the vacinity knows they got the reference.
It is the worst kind of laught.
>Actually because they actually were not born in America
And on what basis are you making those claims, because they're not white?
She looks crazy because she looks crazy. You're either blind or trolling.
He also said he was VP during the Parkland shooting and he couldn't even remember his campaign's URL. Dude's senile.
The simpsons being on still is kind of cringe. Does MG have any power over it now? Can he say he wants it to end and it'll end or is it not his call?
Keep eating shit, shit eater. Maybe Trump will put you on his cabinet if you keep defending him on an anonymous anime imageboard!
Biden probably has the best chance, but he's been severely underperforming in the Democrat debates.
He's also an old straight white male, so he won't have the "woke" vote, and I'm sure Trump isn't somehow above mocking him for being creepily touchey-feely with women and children.
Americans don't want standard politicians (i.e. Joe Biden) as president anymore. They want people like Trump, and AOC has it.
And maybe you'll get some self respect if you keep making an ass of yourself on an anonymous anime imageboard.
Very fucking minor shit. His numbers in the primary are still rising at the moment.
I think he did fine in the second debate considering he's also getting attacked the most. He just needs to tread water like that. There are a lot of Dems that dont care about woke shit.
I think people want to get away from that at the moment. Trump took advantage of the fact Jeb Bush was in the primary, attacked a wedge issue, and got to face Hillary. Despite that he still barely won. AOC isnt going anywhere. Her own caucus doesnt like her and I bet you 100% Republicans in congress breathe a sigh of relief when Trump is gone.
>It's not like white supremacism is lurking around every damn corner.
100% of extremist murders in 2018 were due to right-wing extremism.
>inb4 b-but islamic terrorism is right wing!
Nope, pretty much all of them were white terrorism.
I hate the song it's parodying so by default I also hate this.
>Not being able to tell who's president and what year it is
>minor shit
Guess concussion tests don't need to be done then.
I'm not saying that this guy doesn't have a shot. He'll for sure wind up on the Democrat ticket. But, he'll completely shit the bed if he and Trump get a televised debate.
This is a new level of bullshit. I've seen some high numbers, but at least they weren't so arrogant as to claim literally 100%. Proof or you're nothing but a two bit liar.
I eagerly await to see whatever you're gonna pull out of your ass to defend this one.
>100% of extremist murders
Which is what? Because the Parkland guy was just some crazy kid who wanted national attention. The only one in recent memory that was "right wing motivated" was El Paso. And on the same fucking day you have an Elizabeth Warren stan shoot up Ohio.
>Nope, pretty much all of them were white terrorism.
As in just a white guy doing the act.
I'm comparing white nationalist terror (El Paso was one) to Islamic terror (I guess Pulse was the last one) in which ideology is the main reason for the shooting. Both are minor as fuck today. Most mass shootings are by gang bangers or just crazy kids.
>As in just a white guy doing the act.
White guys who quoted Trump's rhetoric and who were Trump supporters.
The problem is... Trump is legitimately a sociopath.
Standing next to a baby orphaned in a shooting spree by a maniac that praised HIM, he'll smile and give a thumbs up.
He'll mock people with disabilities.
He'll get into a fight with a grieving war widow.
He'll insult gold star parents.
He'll do all that and more, and not because it's fun to troll, but because he genuinely cannot understand how to be a normal functioning human capable of empathy.
Plus he's dumb as fuck, doing grossly incompetent things and lying left and right every day.
The thing with having an idiot sociopath as President is that any joke you come up with for him will be topped by whatever he does in the real world the next day.
>anti-semitism is right wing when the pittsburgh shooter hated the fuck out of Trump
Anti-semitism is actually pretty bi-partisan desu.
Aaaand there it is!
>White guys who quoted Trump's rhetoric and who were Trump supporters.
El Paso. Who else? Certainly not Parkland or Pittsburgh.
She criticises Israel so much that she was actually barred from coming to the country in a political capacity, she on twitter told the detroit police to not use facial recognition "shit", despite extreme interest in middle east politics she refuses to say anything about palestine or hamas.
The big thing to remember is that she only represents the west half of detroit. She also does not give a rat's ass about all of detroit.
Wait, you define right-wing as liking Trump?
not him, but maybe you should read the articles before spamming links. the two articles you linked to are just citing the ADL as their only source. you didn't post three things, you posted one and thought it was three.
also the adl actively lies about this shit. they deliberately exclude shooters and violent activists that don't fit their narrative. they don't cover antifa at all for starters.
they have been subject to tons of lawsuits for misidentifying people as extremists.
It is US fault! The dumb aproach of Kissinger in the 70's pretty much caused the problems.
>tons of lawsuits
>one link from 1993
>another that doesn’t contain the word lawsuit
My sides.
The truth? Seems like the definition of right wing is just "whatever is bad but not done by a muslim". This is the first time I ever heard of the Parkland shooter being called "right wing".
I dont know what fucking right wing is apparently. Hating jews doesnt seem to be a wing issue. I mean, doesnt the british labour party have a ton of anti-semites? Seems kind of retarded to say "right wing terrorist" when only evidence is anti-semitism.
>Christchurch (Not uS but still)
>El Paso
Need I go on?
>This is the first time I ever heard of the Parkland shooter being called "right wing".
>I dont know what fucking right wing is apparently.
Quit playing dumb, no one is falling for it.
Maybe he was refering to detroit, LA, and New York.
El Paso is literally the only one that has those qualifications.
The MAGA "bomber" didnt kill anyone.
>I don’t know what right-wing is
Please don’t vote.
>The MAGA "bomber" didnt kill anyone.
He quoted Trump and specifically targeted his political opponents.
Nice argument, shithead.
Most of my news I read is wall street journal or CBS nightly. Never once heard Parkland referred to as "right wing" terror. Sounds like you guys are just nutters trying to gin up hysteria.
Do me a favor: Go outside and talk to someone.
>He quoted Trump and specifically targeted his political opponents.
Didnt murder anyone which is what this talk is about.
>Nice argument, shithead.
lol, Dayton had no inspiration from Trump, same with Christchurch. You're a dumbass.
I think that is your job. Apparentely you think white supremacists are everywhere. Leave your mom's basement.
>MAGA "bomber"
>the "bombs" had absolutely no kind of detonation mechanism
really makes you think
Her fellow democrats heard her speak and they also think she is retarded.
Actually her approval rating is 23%. She was elected because its a safe blue state and she had the draw of being a young hispanic bar chick. Then she opened her mouth...
He's entertaining in that he is always making callout tweets towards other people of power over small things
He makes people angry and shitpost about him online and embarrass themselves all the time, making themselves look like jackasses
But whether this makes him likable is up to the person
Do not respond. 'Right Wing Terrorism' is a retarded label that means whatever online people wants it to mean.
Every single one of them quoted Trump. Even if MAGABomber didn't kill anyone the intent was still there. Quit being obtuse, user, /pol/ doesn't visit Yea Forums so they aren't going to see you anyway.
That he was a dumbass?
>Actually her approval rating is 23%.
That's of Americans that know her though right? She's probably better in her district which is all that matters. Like I said, she wont go beyond being a house rep.
Fascists like you will literally try to redefine words and keep repeating a proven lie to progress your goals. It's straight out of Hitler's playbook on fascism. No one is going to fall for it.
underrated post
Glass of water felt it could do more outside of the political machine!
Not him but this thread is literally the first time that I have heard that Trump inspired the Christchurch and Dayton shooters and I read/watch normie shit news. I think you need a break friend. mods need to shut this thread down.
user, no one can be this retarded. Stop pretending. You're either arguing in bad faith or haven't left Yea Forums since 2016. No one is believing you.
>bush senior
I mean he wasn't terrible, but he wasn't especially remarkable
Trump's winning a landslide victory in 2020.
Have you left your house ever? How exactly did the Dayton shooter get inspired by Trump?
I looked up this article which is as negative on Trump as possible and I see them not connecting Dayton to Trump at all.
It even has the ADL shit where they define right wing terror as whatever.
Go back to 2ch you communist
Yeah because his successes over the last 3 years have really convinced swing voters to come around.
not him but does dayton not being inspired by trump really excuse the others?
I found this from the article.
>175 people worldwide were killed by white nationalists in the past 10 years.
Wow such a threat.
Is this Burns as Robin Williams in Toys? God, right in the feels.
That's the trailer. Here's the song my brain played when I saw Burns in the field.
By the way, modern Simpsons, when I see something from it, really bums me out. And I used to know one of the head writers from the 90s.
It's not funny because the 4 congresswomen are presented without flaws, and trump is just nothing but flaws.
Trump failed to deliver on many promises that people wanted.
Democrats are currently making promises that nobody wants.
And considering Trump successfully turned "the squad" into the new face of the Democratic Party, there goes all of your "swing voters".
It's funny how people like you are suddenly experts on decorum fitting your made up standards of what a president should be.
>the others?
The other one you mean, being El Paso? Cause other than that, most of these crazy white guy shootings are motivated by antisemitism or being a crazy fuck who wants attention (Parkland). Frankly, I think it's dumb to blame politicians for shootings and the like. All these guys are just looking for heads to roll. Trump or anyone else isnt calling for people to shoot up places.
This thread stopped being about the Simpsons. Everyone here and in the comments section thinks it sucks.
Drumpf was unironically sympathetic in this because of how aggressive the "Squad" was portrayed in contrast to his incompetence. Good job Simpsons.
Also that cover of America was fucking disgusting.
t. Someone who has publicly performed West Side Story
This is fucking pathetic, good lord.
He blamed Iran Contra on his altimerz!
"The Squad" isnt likable to the vast majority of Americans but they arent running for President nor will they ever be serious contenders for anything. Mod dems want nothing to do with them. Trump's dustup with them was retarded for this reason.
it's sad that as soon as someone has a problem with the president of the united states acting like a child, there's an army to defend him, this shit is disgusting even to my 68 year old dad, and he voted for the guy.
These people are so delusional did they even read their job description before running? You aren't a international player because you won a mere Representative spot, its not up to you to go to Israel to presumably start riots and become the fucking General of Palestine. You aren't allowed to call Israel an Enemy of America and fund HAMAS and give them stealth bombers lmao
The Christchurch shooter literally quoted Donald Trump and even said he was an inspiration. The MAGABomber only targeted people who Trump had suggested should be "dealt with". Trump has done nothing to actually condemn these terrorists except saying 'oh well yeah that sucks but BOTH SIDES *wink wink nudge nudge*".
You've made a fool of yourself, user. Everyone here thinks you're a dishonest retard who keeps jumping through hoops to defend a president who is literally senile. Give up. It's just sad at this point.
>You aren't allowed to call Israel an Enemy of America and fund HAMAS and give them stealth bombers lmao
I mean they can but it's dumb.
Since the media continues to bury it, threadly reminder that the Dayton shooter was a known far-lefty that shot up a country/cop bar.
And a reminder that the last person to shoot an elected official was a lefty who shot at Sen. Scalise.
Articulate "acting like a child" since you and everyone else on the left is a fucking moral and maturity arbiter apparently
>Yea Forumsmblr doesn't exi-
you are mentally to young to be using this site.
>The MAGABomber
Stop trying to make this guy a thing. I can make a more successful bomb with random shit found in a trash can.
The Christchurch shooter also specifically said he did the shooting to escalate tensions between the left and the right, dummy.
you ain't getting shit acting like that especially not throwing labels while projecting this victim complex, have fun i'm gonna go watch some cartoons.
Because the idiots keep talking about how America is genociding black/mexican/muslim women while a black, mexican, and muslim woman is each at one of the most powerful and richest positions in the country. They should go to their home countries and see how shit it is I think is his point.
yeah and Pewdiepie. Something tells me that guy would have killed with or without Trump.
It was actually genius, specifically because most people want nothing to do with them, but are niw the face of the democratic party, for no other reason than Trump making a few shitposts on Twitter, and our retarded MSM falling for it and flooding every single outlet trying to defend them.
Trump jokes are rarely good, but the people here that have their mouth firmly wrapped around the leader of the free world's cock are huge fucking faggots.
user, stop. You've spent the last hour defending a literal old man with signs of dementia. What do you think you're going to achieve by doing all this?
HAHA, they're more american than his wife! the simpsons hits another homerun with their cutting edge humor fellas!
>It was actually genius
Not really because they'll keep talking anyway whether he said that dumb shit or not.
The dust-up was intentional.
Drumpf's numbered soared afterwards.
He was playing to his base.
Reminder that there are literal Russian bots on social media who post in support of Trump all the fucking time.
His numbers did not rise, they are low 40s right now. Biden will beat him easy.
user, that was my second post in this thread.
This. What makes you think they weren't bullshitting to start strife? That Dayton shooter was tied to like six different extremist groups both right and left. He was a neo-nazi anti-muslim muslim terrorist antifa anarchist. Some people want to watch the world burn.
Here is what happens:
Biden wins presidency
Reps retains Senate
Sense of normalcy returns when they go back to doing bi partisan shit, and without Trump jokes to fuel late night, liberals start tuning out and late night comedy finally dies.
Ever notice how these same "watch the world burn" types always come from websites like /pol/ and other far-right echo chambers?
Bro that's obviously Obama
I don't think you've ever looked at tumblr, reddit's politics/chapohouse/marxism subreddits, revleft, or antifa
Not if people repeat 2016 and don't vote.
>Not really because they'll keep talking anyway whether he said that dumb shit or not.
And because everything they say is retarded, it's a genius move for him to try and shine the biggest spotlight on them as possible, whereas before they would go completely unnoticed, and definitely not be the new face of the democratic party.
And how many of them have committed mass shootings?
They will. I'm a republican and want that orange fuck face gone. I didnt vote for Hillary. Left my presidential ballot blank, should have though. (though my state went dem anyway).
>actually thinking "Death by a Thousand Gaffes" Biden stands a chance
Feel free to stay at the kids' table and let the adults discuss politics.
lot of trump cultists in this thread
Also unrelated, didnt a tranny shoot up a colorado school.
And didnt someone try to shoot up an ICE detention center?
Haha yeah fight the power maan.
Get fucked.
>ICE attacker
>Scalise shooter
Che, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Lenin, Trotsky, Il-Sung, Jong-Il, just to name a few.
Imagine blaming the president for all of your problems lmao
Cant see the article, but I assume the numbers are from the lag in which his approvals were high before the dumb comment and they released after and dont calibrate the recent events until a week or so later where they fell.
>Biden's gaffes
If you listen to him, you realize it's complete media dust up trying to create sensationalism. He wouldnt even need to debate Trump. he's so stupid, he makes it simple.
Why doesn't the United States just annex the entire planet if it's apparently responsible for everyone else's problems?
Okay, that's one.
>ICE attacker
That was motivated by the literal concentration camps we have at our border. So not really in the same vein as killing random pedestrians.
>Scalise shooter
Remind me.
>b-but communism-
I'm gonna stop you right there.
>the literal concentration camps we have at our border.
>USA gets greedy and starts wars to obtain resources from other countries
>Other countries become war torn and as a result its people come to the US for the promise of a better life
>literal concentration camps we have at our border.
Leave your mom's basement holy shit. Ok I'm done. Now I know it is you who doesnt go outside or intake actual news sources. Keep scrolling that AOC twitter feed! I'm out.
Being a woman of color doesn't instinctively make you better litigating which is all these pinheads insist on.
You're right. While we're at it, make Turkey take in every European and give us all their money because of their colonialism.
Get fucked, fascist. Keep jerking yourself off to that ethnostate that will never happen.
>concentration camps
They choose to sneak in illegally instead of going to the port of entry you child.
>False equivalency: The post
If you don't want refugees, do something to oppose the countless wars the US keeps getting into.
I hate having to prune Google's AMP shit from links.
Essentially, he gained points amongst Republicans for his comments. Vox ran deeper polls on his comments specifically which support the bump.
Ah yes, poor ol' Joe 30330 never sounds like a doddering retard on his own.
To his credit, he's had massive brain surgery. Drumpf doesn't have that excuse.
Like 5 in the past 70 years?
Where's the demand for Russia to let in a bunch of druggies from Africa for the shit they did there
Fuck off.
Nothing justifies treating them like animals in cages with no showers or doctors. But if these were white Christian kids in cages you'd be grabbing your guns faster than you can post.
Imagine announcing to the entire planet that if you sneak in the country that we will give you free health insurance
Russia and Turkey weren't built on the backs of immigrants, you dipshit. They don't have a fucking statue with a poem about welcoming immigrants.
They are held at facilities you dumb fuck. These people are under arrest. If a person breaks the law with a child we don't send the child to a fucking Ramada.
>Nothing justifies treating them like animals in cages with no showers or doctors.
Tell that to Obama, since it was under his presidency most of the photos you're weeping over were taken.
But user, we have INFINITE resources, didn't you know??? Literally everyone on Earth has a right to live here and have access to our social programs. Wages are only stagnant because of that mean ol' 1%!
How are they being treated like animals?
That poem was only added there in 1903 by Emma Lazarus. Can you guess what her background was?
even prisons have showers and medical staff jackass.
Haha yeah dude fuck having borders and laws and shit
Conservacucks are just too easy to trigger when you mention their prophets name
>under arrest
Yes, let's lock up those horrible children who broke the law by imply crossing the border with their parents.
Obama's policy was catch and release, not "put them in cages and refuse to give them basic medical attention and commodities because the cruelty is the point"
>No doctors
>No showers
>Overcrowded in cages like animals
>Immigrants only existed in America after 1903
Are you stupid?
Even fucking Canada doesn't do that.
Fucking Canada.
Did Matt Groening delete all of his simpsons episodes like he did the MJ one in light of his trip to the Epstein's island?
Show me proof there's no showers or medical staff. I'll wait.
You know what the procedure is for girls ten and younger when they arrive? To check if they're pregnant. Your orange bogeyman is right. These people are scumbags.
>Immigrants existed before 1903 so like, we've always just let in whoever
Do you have any idea how restricted immigration was before then, all the way up until 1965?
Women have vaginas
Men have penis
If a drunk driver is pulled over with a kid in the car what happeneds to the child, shit-for-brains?
Roastie is toastie she can't easily kill Tyrone's spawns anymore
The US and Britain were built on the backs of domestic workers and LEGAL immigrants.
A US citizen (Yes, they detained an actual citizen) lost over 20 pounds because he was being starved while detained. The people detained there have spoken about how they're being mistreated. Hell, this administration has argued time and time again against providing basic amenities like toothbrushes. All of this information is available with a quick Google search. Do some fucking research and quit asking to be spoonfed, you fucking baby.
>put them in cages and refuse to give them basic medical attention and commodities because the cruelty is the point
Don't want to be in a cage? Just don't go.
They're given to a legal guardian and not imprisoned indefinitely with the parent? Do you have any idea what due process is?
>old simpsons was better written
>new simpsons is written like shit
You might be onto something OP.
This episode will age extra poorly if it features those 4 in back.
>LEGAL immigrants
Ah yes, all those legal pilgrims and African slaves.
So you're not going to actually give me a source. Got it.
And this is why you don't argue with people under the age of twenty five
Tell that to the United States citizen they detained at the border and threw in a camp, despite him having his documentation on him.
Ok well until the relatives of the illegal child can be located back in whatever country their from he or she will be put in fucking holding. Why can't you wrap your head around that
Two of those women have literally given money to terrorist support groups
There's your fucking sources. I'll wait for you to say "but this doesn't count because..."
>I want to stop all immigration including legal immigration by scaring people with immoral, unethical and illegal actions.
>Your actions are immoral, unethical and illegal.
>Then just don't immigrate at all! You're FORCING me to be evil!
Nah boss that doesn't sound right at all.
Why can't you wrap your head around "putting people in cages and refusing to give them basic medical care is bad"?
A holding cell isn't a cage.
>>literal concentration camps
>Do illegal shit
>"What the fuck? What do you mean I'm a criminal? It's anudda holocaust!"
>Overcrowded in cages like animals
It's overcrowding because there's that many illegals trying to cross illegally, yet everyone swore the caravan wasn't a big deal.
That one man has literally sold his country out to a foreign superpower because he's in debt to them due to losing billions of dollars in a growth economy.
>Detain people on the basis of their ethnicity
>Put them in cages with no medical care or basic hygiene products
>Government refuses to acknowledge the atrocious conditions or the deaths taking place there
Eat shit.
Lmao if every muslim in that region would lay down their arms there would be world peace.
If Isreal would lay down their arms there would be a genocide. Think about that.
It's overcrowded because too many people there are LEGAL asylum seekers and outright American citizens. Don't you people keep saying Obama also had "concentration camps"? Yet somehow those camps didn't have an overcrowding problem. Because Obama didn't have an illegal and draconian zero tolerance policy that put people who don't belong there!
The reports of prosecutors who investigated the camps have shown that they are severely lacking
>Actually believing that caravan bullshit
Speak to anyone outside your echo chamber and tell me if they even know which caravan you're talking about.
>Detain people on the basis of their ethnicity
They're being detained because they're trying to illegally cross the boarder you silly billy
Basis of ethnicity? I'm pretty sure if a Chinese dude was trying to sneak in down at the border he'd be detained too dickhead
>because they're trying to illegally cross the boarder
Like that American citizen who returned to the US with all his documentation, yet ICE said "lol nope" and threw his ass in anyway?
Obama kept up a catch and release sort of policy rather than trying to expand any facilities. As for any wrongful detainment, the people can press charges and sue like any citizen in that situation.
Then how come we don't see any Chinese people at these camps? Or white people? or any ethnicity besides brown?
Thr doublethink is out of this world. The vast majority have zero legitimate claim to asylum, they know this, and are the ones directly responsible for the "overcrowding" of the same number of migrant facilities (plus more built since then) that have always been adequate before now.
Muslims use the border as well and some of them definitely are in those camps, though at a much lower % obviously.
Articulate "severely lacking" not enough pepperoni for their fucking pizza? A prison is a prison. If they don't want to go they can go through the legal port of entry.
Stop treating children like fucking passports
I guess "brown" people are more likely to try and enter the country illegally.
>The vast majority have zero legitimate claim to asylum
It is not illegal to ask for asylum, user. Literally anyone can do it. Even if they cross illegally it's no justification to treat them this way.
because they're smart enough not to try and jump the fucking border fence. im sorry your precious criminals dont get to live in the lap of luxury while they set in meme jail because dems dont actually want to make laws expelling them.
You losers love not citing your outlandish claims
What does that have to do with the fact that it's only brown people being put in these concentration camps?
Didn't even open or read the link this dumbfuck
>don't mind mocking trump because it should be our right as citizens to mock whoever is in power, let alone disagree with them
>think trump is a bit of a fruity cheeto to begin with
>absolutely despise most skits about him because they're always the same tired out, rehashed complaints barely even put into joke form
>I can't complain or else I'm "le evil incel right wing nazi jewish puppet drumpf supporter"
I don't believe it personally, but it's the only example I can think of politicians desperately trying to downplay or out right deny a problem because they don't even want this to be a talking point in a election as it contraindicates time they can use to attract black votes.
Because most of them are from South America
He's more like Daffy Duck
>Acts like a total retard
>wins anyways
Because I really doubt there's a whole lot of Chinese people trying to cross the US-Mexico border
These retards legitimately think that we can just let in whoever with no issues whatsoever. That being easier on border security won't incentivize an even greater wave of people to flood the border.
I don't necessarily blame people who want a better life doing whatever they can (even if the majority of 100% solely economic migrants) but I also don't blame us doing whatever we can to keep them out for the good of the country.
So you admit that they're targeting people of Mexican descent.
You might like this then.
If you want to solve the illegal immigration problem you need to arrest the people HIRING them.
We have more facilities where more people are actually entering from and literally walk in? There are ice facilities and jails all over the country. Why would we just send a person who took a plane and got caught in like boston to the mexican border?
so just don't go.
They're targeting people who use the border which are Central/South Americans most of the time, you disingenuous faggot.
Kids are sleeping on floors, and have no access to basic hygiene products like soap or toothpaste
People are being crammed into spaces designed for populations a third or lower of their size
They are denied access to any form of legal aid or recreational activity
None of what you just said is true
Who said I don't 1000% support that?
But faggot lefties want to neuter ICE as opposed to letting them conduct the fucking raids that need to happen?
Yeah, no fucking shit, when like 99% of everyone who you deal with is a brown dude than of course you're also going to detaining more brown dudes.
It's almost as if they're putting cages in those areas because those areas have a certain makeup of people...
There are plenty of white Central/South Americans. Like, blue eyes and blonde hair. How come the only people in these cages are all brown skinned?
The man literally ran on a campaign of "America sucks now but I can fix it"
But 3 of them were born here, so what country would they be going back to?
The vast majority have zero legitimate claim to asylum, and they know this.
It is a bad thing to do to waste time, and money, and space at detention facilities falsely claiming to be a refugee, when you know you are not one.
ICE is literally releasing them in hordes, ICE is ineffective asf. Our immigration problem has grown 100x worse under trump.
Uh huh. Muslim women and other coloured people in the thumbnail. So original
>Look at me, I can post images of people in cool tactical armor!
>I'm so tough, flexing on an imageboard!
And see . How come there's no white detainees?
Prove it isn't- these come from reports by prosecutors and doctors
>inb4 "FAKE NEWS"
Hilary Clinton's husband went to Epstein's Island 27 times but yeah sure it was her turn amiright fellas.
>When you lack an argument and have to deflect to hillary
oy vey thats an awful rightwing thing to say, what are you a nazi?
I think the reason why Trump jokes are weird and usually fail is because he's originally a celebrity, not a politician. It's only recently I have started forgetting that oh yeah, that guy was a reality show star once.
The names of these prosecuters and doctors, please? Just one.
If an Irish guy walked in from Mexico he would get detained at the US-Mexico border too.
He was misquoted. What he said was that they should go back to "where they came from". Now that COULD mean their shitty blue districts but obviously there's another interpretation.
That is a very odd part of the post for you to latch onto user, almost feels like you're just pretending you didn't read anything I said.
>How comes there's no white detainees
Ever consider it's because there's an extremely low number of whites trying to cross the border outside of official land crossings or airports?
Literally no one on the right ever brings up prosecuting the employers. Almost as if they just want an excuse to hurt brown people...
And Obama's catch and release bit him in the ass with all of the shootings that literally helped Trump's campaign.
He wouldn't be put in a cage, though.
Just keep believing what CNN tells you.
Trump has let in more illegals that obama has. If anything obama was better at managing it
What was your argument exactly? Be nicer to prisoners or just let every brown person in the country because we're racist monsters if we don't?
My point is if she won you'd give fuck all about the border. You wouldn't even call the holding cells cages. Christ your pretentious.
Here's an entire report, dipshit
It would be a cell of some kind
You sound dumb as fuck dude.
Kill yourself, fascist.
Yeah, and not a cage, overcrowded with other people. Because they only cage brown people.
The only President Trump parody in cartoon I like was the one in South Park where he was in a shitposting war with Kim Jong-un, it was very in character for Mr. Garrison. Otherwise I hate Trump Garrison even though the battered wife metaphor was an accurate presentation of his fanbase, like it or not.
I'm a godless commie and the Simpsons is my favorite show ever and this is the worst thing i've ever seen
>What was your argument exactly? Be nicer to prisoners or just let every brown person in the country because we're racist monsters if we don't?
False dichotomy, you have no real arguments, you just deflect deflect deflect. You don't have any interest in addressing the actual argument (that you can tackle illegal immigration without resorting to monstrous methods, like Obama managed to), so all you can do is try to turn the other side to something as cartoonishly hideous as yours. Not one politician with a significant voter base behind them calls for open borders yet that's all you talk about. You're a fraud, a shill, and a retard.
Everyone is an expert on deceny now too. Tell me, moral arbiter, what else do you want to give to the prisoners? Taco Tuesdays? Shit that's racist to you too isn't it?
Prosecute the people emplyoing the illegals, increase the amount of immigration judges. Boom immigration problem fixed. If she won there wouldnt be fucking cages in the first place. And go on and spout that bullshit that obama started them, because he didn't.
How about not shoving them in overcrowded cages
Is that so hard
But he did. Stop listening to Trevor Noah dude
despite the gaffs, he still has a level of likability dottend if the empty fastness of the 20 or so candidates.
Looks good in sunglasses too.
Don't put them in cages and give them access to basic medical care and hygiene products. If this is too much for you then you're too far gone into your cruelty.
Clearly we need bigger facilities, maybe more people to help process things faster.
Sure, you wanna give ICE the funding to construct dozens of new cells required to comfortably hold the absolute fucking congalines of folk trying to jump the border?
You're a fucking caricature. Are you even a real person?
[Laughs in 1 trillion military budget]
Are you arguing that gives a rousing speech = smart? She helped build and back the New Green Deal, which included such memorably practical requirements as tearing down and replacing every fucking building in America within 30 goddamn years.
I don't disagree. Obama managed the border better because the media gave him cover to do it because that was SOP (perhaps to avoid alienating white voters? no idea) but he still half-assed it to an extent. Now that the spotlight is on and the left has gone further left (and more Hispanic desu) there's much more resistance, and the Dems are just going for the grand prize at this point. The mismanagement and all the faggots advocating for open borders have only encouraged people to flock to it as well
I do believe there are people in ICE who want to get shit done but there's sanctuary city bullshit and corruption, especially in the Border Patrol itself.
Tell that to the three thousand that come here daily illegally. Why are you pussies pretending not to read the part about legal port of entry?
Agreed, and we need to take away medical care and access to hygiene products from paying citizens. They're clearly too privileged and we need to tax them for their evil white supremacy.
You're really onto something here.
and yet Obama made full use of the Espionage act to prosecute and spiy on reporters. despite the whole Trump's "lugenpresse" rhetoric
They are getting those things you child.
The purpose of these parodies isn't always to make you laugh. They're made to ridicule someone who has great power to take them down a few notches. It has been done for centuries and it happens especially lot to Vladimir Putin. You should happy you live in a country where this is allowed in the first place.
Oh really dumb fuck, please show me single shred of evidence of people ever being seperated under obama. One single time.
Because all of that is irrelevant to the fact that they're putting them in overcrowded cages like animals, with no access to doctors or basic things like toothbrushes or blankets.
You're a retard. Bye.
>Clearly she knows enough to get elected.
>mocks Trump for being a moron
No one has argued for open borders, anyone thinking they have s either a retard, or a dumb fuck believing some conspiracy theory they read on the internet.
>>implying becoming the president of the United States is not outsmarting anyone especially his rival, Hillery Clinton
imagine still bringing up Hillary 3 years later
Their parents have broken the law. It's a prison not a chuckie cheeses
I know I can't believe migrants are drinking out of toilets
>be rabidly far left
>appeal to the general public
Pick one.
So that makes it okay, in your eyes, to put the children in cages?
Sure, when illegals were detained under the Obama administration.
That was easy.
Kek what bullshit, you don't give a fuck about reporters the minute one says anything bad about trumps its auotmatically fakes news and they have an agenda against him.
>Far left
Hoo boy would Europe like to have a word with you.
>general public
>her base
not the same thing dude, and I'm not even the guy you were talking to
Obama has deported more people than trump has, despite trump having a bigger immigration problem. What a fucking joke you are.
>Reading comprehension
One example, user. One single example.. Surely that can't be so hard to post, now can it?
A cell in a holding facility isn't a cage.
It's funny how the left leaning ones itt are the only ones using the "animal" and "cage" rhetoric.
>he doesn't believe any politician or any political group is advocating for open borders
Nice job ignoring everything else in that post besides two words though.
By the time AOC is old enough to run, the Overton window will have shifted so she would be acceptable to the general public- this is what happened with Bernie.
When you stuff more people than a facility can handle it certainly is a cage.
It's not okay at all. Infact, we need to destroy the border and remove any form of legal immigration. #EveryoneIsLegalNow! But of course only border jumpers get access to medical care, insurance, free welfare from the government, and subsidies for college. If you came into this country legally, you get zero benefits. This is the price for EVIL WHITE PRIVILEGE
Simpsons is actually so un-hip that this can only damage AOC's likeability
>why don't conservatives want to advertise that they are putting people in cages
They're being stuffed into cages, overcrowded, with no beds or blankets. People are dying because of the overcrowding and spread of diseases. You are a dishonest piece of shit.
Sorry my answer wasn't good enough but I'm ninety percent sure parents weren't allowed to just chill in a holding facility with their kids like you. You have a juvenile, dungeon like view of holding facilities in your head and you should really grow up
>Have one of the largest militaries in the world in terms of personnel, only behind China and India which are absolutely horrendously poorly equipped
>Pretty much all of NATO and the UN calls on you anytime they need anything actually done because all their militaries are pretty much jokes when it actual comes down to combat
>"Hurrr, why da military budget so high?"
Trump yelling fake news is far more preferred than being spied on or prosecuted.
Ignoring everything else because its complete bullshit and your just another retard drinking the kool aid. Yeah thanks.
Can't wait
People are dying now? I'll wait for that one too
Personally, I do. See the refugee camp in Calais where children wander (sometimes orphaned) among the adults and get raped. It's like a little society of chaos.
Leave Drumphf alone! *Blooo*bloooo*bloooo*
The only time children were separated was when there was a safety issue, If you haven't noticed Obama didn't have a problem reuniting children with their family's like trump has.
>Tell me how she's un-American
>"Well she criticized Israel..."
Kek like trump hasn't prosecuted or spied on anyone ever.
You know what's hilarious? I'm actually enjoying this thread compared to Yea Forums's political threads which literally focus around classifying people as subhuman
>Have one of the largest militaries in the world in terms of personnel
Yet our budget is still larger than the next 3 countries combined.
>Pretty much all of NATO and the UN calls on you anytime they need anything actually done
Too bad Trump's idiocy has alienated us from every country besides Russia and North Korea.
>Forgetting about the billions in tax cuts Trump and the GOP keep giving all their rich buddies
Better facilities is chump change for the US government.
[Laughs in Mongolian]
[Laughs in Berlin]
Do you seriously think these children are separated from their parents forever or did Trevor Noah tell you that?
>You've spent the last hour defending a literal old man with signs of dementia.
Consider how much time you spend attacking him, and how you rationalize the use of that time. A lot of people aren't "defending Trump", but simply pointing out the truth that he's not responsible for every bad thing that happens.
many illegal immigrants get a temporary visa and overstay it. How will a wall stop that?
The Berlin wall was keeping people in you stupid fuck
Now you're not even arguing about those two words.
Not him but please give examples of malicious prosecutions/spying on journalists.
Wall helps but it's not a panacea.
Who the hell else will the wokes vote for? A third party candidate? Trump? Not putting up and falling into line means public crucifixion should Orange Man Bad win again.
>If you haven't noticed Obama didn't have a problem reuniting children with their family's like trump has.
>"Are you the father?"
>"No-I MEAN SI!"
>"alright, here's your kid, bromigo"
USA is the reason Central American gangs and ignorance proliferated.
ICE "lost" 1,500 migrant children
Well Epstein sold a bunch of them to his friends the Clintons, so...
And it didn't do its job, either. What's your point?
This is absolutely the correct answer:
>I think it has more to do with the fact that although the dumb shit he says his hilarious in itself, the jokes about them are not.
>It's like explaining the joke, "HAHA THAT IS SO DUMB BECAUSE", when the audience already knows its dumb.
So is this:
>Bugs actually outsmarts people though. Trump is a smug asshole no matter what, even if his own cabinet contradicts him.
Trump is absolutely not as smart as Bugs Bunny, and Bugs Bunny isn't even very smart, just low level streetwise. It's more that people as a group are really that incredibly stupid, and so Democracy can be far more mind-numbingly stupid and self-destructive than the dumbest individual.
Bugs Bunny also wasn't born incredibly rich with a huge staff of experts since he was a baby bunny to do everything for him, and he doesn't have dementia like today's Trump has.
But everything that Trump does and says is so dumb that as a lot of people here have said comedy is pointless. It's awful, it's a waste of time, it's not funny. Even the hilarious things about Trump the real person being such a fucking idiot are no longer funny, they're old. I hope we at least elect a new retard because Trump is just fucking old hat and annoying even as comedy now.
>People complaining about Trump being made fun of is Yea Forumsmblr now.
>what is Mexico's Southern Wall
>what is Hungarian's Border Barrier
>what is Israel's borders
>using a literal strawman for an argument
Ah the average trump supporter
It'll stop it at the fucking border. Three thousand people are coming here a day you fuckheads like you want to make sure they have comfy pillows.
Grow a backbone.
>Never worked
>Never worked
>Are you fucking shitting me right now user
You dumbasses think a wall will stop them. The only way to stop them is to stop the thing that incentives them, and that is the people EMPLOYING them
Holy shit you're too stupid to be insulted at this point
Nice get, my fellow Aryan
>Yet our budget is still larger than the next 3 countries combined
Did you miss the part about being horrendously poorly equipped? The INSAS rifle is such a piece of shit it's been known to blind some soldiers because a design quirk causes it to shoot hot oil directly into the operators eyes, which would be more of a nuisance than a fatal flaw if the Indian military could even afford to give it's troops ballistic goggles like pretty much every semi-competent military in the world today.
Get smarter insults and this won't be a problem.
Nice deflection but walls fucking work
We should do the same Israel does to Ethiopian immigrants when they make the women unable to get pregnant during the medical checkups. It might not stop them from coming but it prevents the chaos in future and it's an ethical way to control unwanted breeding.
Jews are always ahead of us.
He's going to win again and I'm glad it burns them up inside.
Name a single instance of a wall stopping people completely. They are a stop gap and only slow them down.
Do you have any concept of how much a trillion is? We could take a billion or two dollars to put into healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc and it wouldn't even make a dent. We can easily provide for every American if our government wasn't currently run by greedy fucks. That said, giving better facilities for immigrants is literally nothing compared to what we already spend on our military.
>Hungary's wall didn't work
>Attempted border entries have fallen since the barrier was constructed. During the month of September 2015 there was a total number of 138,396 migrant entries, and within the first two weeks of November the average daily number of intercepted migrants decreased to only 15, which is a daily reduction of more than 4,500.
No user, look up pics of Israel's walls.
>websites like /pol/
As do ladders, your move
Israel doesn't have thousands of people coming in everyday. The cost of such a thing would make our military budget look like a joke.
I'd say it's a good investment.
Israel walls were to stop them from getting attack, fun fact dumbass, it didn't work and they get shelled regularly or have holes dug under them. Walls don't work..
Dayton shooter
So it's not terrorism when you agree with it?
You wanna provide sources for that, dipshit? And as others point out, most illegal immigrants overstay their visas, so a wall would do jack all to actually deter illegal immigration. Go after the employers.
Israel is not a state we want to be emulating
Hey guys, how about we go after the businesses that employ illegal immigrants!
Wait, just hear me ou-
What? The biggest employers of illegals donate to the Democrats? Oh well, guess that's not happening.
An investment that will leave you and i both broke. Yeah great job dumbass. Now theres no money to pay for it afterwards and were back to square one.
Most immigration happens by plane, stupid. They overstay visas.
He never said it wasn't terrorism, just that it wasn't in the same vein as the others.
Lmao imagine thinking people born in other countries have a moral obligation to be here just because you're afraid of looking like a racist. Which according to the left is literally everything now.
>We could take a billion or two dollars to put into healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc...
You severely overestimate how much a billion dollars is in a country of 327 million.
Why not both?
A country with REAL border security would put up a wall, institute e-verify, do raids and mass deportations and start throwing employers in the clink.
A wall isn't perfect but it does work to some degree, and additionally is a nice symbol of our current attitudes.
It's really cringey how there jerking off the "squad"
Literally no argument,except to deflect and blame literally everyone else but yourself.
Trumps businesses literally hire illegals, what a fucking joke to make this about democrats when both parties gleefully take advantage of it for that sweet corporate money
boiling tar or just pushing the ladder off.
Well, that was terrible. Not just as Trump joke but also as a comedical cartoon and West Side Story parody, everything is so half-assed. Makes South Park's entire season 20 almost look like a masterpiece despite being awful as well.
Then let's make it 10 billion. Still wouldn't put a single dent in 1 trillion.
He clearly just stated his argument but okay.
So it's the same as not having them?
You're retarded.
>just ignores the Hungary argument after getting BTFO
You do not seem to understand the exact size of our border. The amount of manpower, and maintenance alone would be fucking staggering. That's not to even forget they can come by sea and air and skip the wall entirely.The only way to end this problem is to target the people who employ them.
He used to be funny but the joke got old.
does he want to buy Greenland
Not even the most fanatic of Trumpfags have been able to answer me about this. I need to fucking know. Will buying Greenland fix the recession?
I'm voting for him even harder now
>Trying to find logic in what a madman does
Hungary has countries bordering them that they can also go to you stupid fuck. US does not have that advantage.
You people do realize these people are offered asylum and citizenship at the numerous countries they pass along to actually GET to the boarder, right?
Because Central and South America aren't China.
Literally Wikipedia.
>lol most just overstay visas why even bother implementing a solution that would still work to some degree
It's almost like we should implement a system to track visas AND build a wall.
It's a good thing those options aren't mutually exclusive. :^)
>That's not to even forget they can come by sea
and then they end up dead like that one family that tried that
Nigga, lets put this shit into perspective.
In Canada, it cost two billion dollars to keep the long gun registry going, that's paperwork user, it cost two billion dollars to do fucking paperwork for less than two million people.
Try to apply that to actually trying to completely renovate an entire fucking medical or education system, shits gonna eat up hundreds of billions.
>Literally Wikipedia
>Too pussy to provide a source
The wall is literally never going to be built. Just another broken promise.
When you have thousands of people coming in, 1-2 drowning is fucking nothing.
>everyone south of the border is from Mexico
Now this is Americentric as fuck.
>Yeah, they just went through other countries instead of the walled off border
>LOL the wall totally didn't work at all
Based retard.
We aren't Canada, nigga. We're the richest country in the world. Yet Canada still provides a national healthcare service for its people AND has a much friendlier and more educated culture than the US. What does that say about us?
Yeah lets go back and look at fucking israel and see how thats working out, oh wait it isn't, because they dig under it you stupid fuck.
Trump has been a life long democrat until very recently, why do democrats like slave labor?
and then they come to America when the line is too long.
>make a West Side Story parody
>too lazy or uncreative to animate the actual dancing sequence of "America"
>suddenly switch to generic French Can Can that has nothing to do with the topic
Why? At least go with Mexican Hat Dance or something.
what does the head writer you used to know think of modern simpsons?
>another retard using strawman's
Please provide evidence that democrats hiring illegals more then republicans. Oh wait you can't cause your full of shit.
You mean Americans go to Canada because we're charging $300 for insulin that costs $30 in Canada. There's a reason people go to Canada and Mexico for medical tourism, because our system is shit.
>more deflection
>if the wall can be counteracted in any way, you might as well not have one LOL
Based brainlet.
American Far Left, dumbass. We know you idiots invented (and inexplicably keep flirting with) Communism.
what are you trying to make the democrats look like a buncha cunts?
what is this smile?
I once went to the hospital because I fucked up my thumb and was in the waiting room for 8 hours, there was a guy who came in only about ten minutes after me with a concussion or something that looked like he was gonna keel over and die any second, I still got in before he did.
Don't believe the memes about our healthcare, it's pretty fucking shit.
Her base isn't getting her into the White House. She needs broad appeal for that to happen.
Your entire argument has that walls have stopped illegals you dumbass. I proved you wrong. The amount of illegals coming to the US is significantly more then hungary has had. I pity the fool whos entire argument that has been disapproved.
And North Korea is closer to nukes then ever before
So a guy with a life-threatening condition went before you, and still neither of you had to pay a dime. Sounds like it works to me. Meanwhile a busted thumb would mean thousands in medical debt here in the US. You should be grateful that you don't have to sell your house just to pay for a life saving procedure.
>tl;dr retard who doesn't actually know what the word communism means
Not her cousin, her brother.
Mexicans are not mutants that can phase through solid objects, such as a wall.
Your argument is essentially "why bother with a wall, it doesn't work"
My argument is that walls do work, even if not 100%. With your attitude, why even have the fucking fencing we currently do?
Unlikely. Her ideas are about as realistic as trickle down economics, and the kind of authoritarian power needed to actual enact her reforms is historically an anathema to Americans in general.
No they dig under it, and the people coming here aren't mexicans, they are from other central american countries.
Because your suggestion is fucking stupid and won't stop it, while mine does. GO AFTER THE EMPLOYERS.
>So a guy with a life-threatening condition went before you
Way to misread my post to serve your own needs, I got in before him user, so he was just sitting there for 8 hours with his family constantly making sure he was awake.
That's like anti-humor but it's not even amazing anti-humor like Garfield is
I can't wait for Orken to come out.
Six More Vodka make a game about brutal colonisation that will offend EVERYONE in the USA.
The politically motivated shooters seemed to think they were doing the right thing too.
He's probably just throwing shit at the wall as usual. But having that much of the Atlantic under our direct maritime control would be nice I guess.
Even then, did you have to pay for any of your medical care at all? Did you have to deal with bullshit premiums every month and still paying out of pocket when an actual emergency happens, while still only getting subpar care? Have you ever had your family drown in medical debt because insurance companies put profit above caring about people?
You have no idea just how lucky you are to live in a country with a universal healthcare where the government's goal isn't to suck you dry for every penny you have. Quit complaiining when most people here literally cannot afford to go to the hospital because it would mean losing everything.
>AND has a much friendlier and more educated culture
Canadians are just more passive agressive. They are better educated, but are even more majority white and their largest minority group are Asians, so no wonder.
>handing out taxpayer subsidized medical supplies to foreigners
But why.
That's the lamest attempt at deflection I've seen in a while.
Holy fuck man I never thought I'd say this but I'd vote for an actual Amerian Fascist Party candidate who does not have raging Alzheimer's and a mind evaporating to goop in real time before our eyes while everyone around him is too much of a faggot to even help him out over Trump. Unironically, Putin is less terrifying. Kim is less terrifying. I didn't think so at first but Trump has TOTALLY FUCKING LOST IT. It's not even about any sort of politics anymore it's about not wanting the screaming naked hobo pissing on people on the corner nuking Texas and the Carolinas one morning because the voices told him to. Trump was sort of normal once but he's cuckoo for cocoa puffs now. Bring on the Fascists, the Anarcho-Capitialists, the Neocons, the Monarchists I say as long as they don't do something batshit insane in public every five minutes while we all pray WWIII doesn't happen.
>who cares if he might have died because he couldn't just walk into the ER and be seen immediately at least the visit was cheap
Would rather be in debt than dead or permanently brain damaged.
I don't care if they're keeping infants on torture racks, thr entire point is they shouldn't even be here in the first place.
It's become such a massive problem that sympathy has washed up a long time ago.
Do they make meds that treat TDS?
I live in the U.S. Had to wait for 15 hours in the ER for a fatal condition once. Two of my relatives died because they didn't have health insurance at the time or weird hospital coverage fuckery fucked them over because the system was full of flat-out scams and incompetence and no one ever did anything.
We're multi-millionaires.
This used to be just normal even for the very-but-not-uber-wealthy in the U.S.. We just didn't ever talk about it or think about it even unless whoops your number came up and it happened to you. It was part of life. Oh, in the U.S., if you have cancer and excellent health insurance, you still might have to wait a half a year to a year to see anyone, and by then it might be too late. This is because in some plcaes no one's "in network" and in rural areas there's just fuck all, no doctors will live in rural America. You're just fucked if you get sick in some cases. Whether or not is mostly luck.
This is the worst bait posted so far, to the point that I assume it's an intentional parody.
>be American
>get shot
>go to hospital
>"That'll be $999,999,999, plus tip"
>"I'll talk to my insurance provider"
>insurance agent shoots the doctor
>"Your deductible is $999,999,999
>...plus tip."
>notice that he's black
>call the police
>they send in a SWAT team to abort his life with AR-15s with the scary looking part that goes up
>BLM riot ensues in the surrounding city, looting every shoe and electronics store in a 100 mile radius
>mfw I don't have to pay for my healthcare
It's actually not. You don't have to believe me but they're true stories.
You don't really know how much a visit or procedure will cost beforehand. So if you have symptoms, even people with insurance tend to kind of ignore it rather than spend a ton of money for tests that amount to nothing.
Meanwhile not everyone in a hospital is "in network" which means your insurance will cover some of the people who work there but not everyone. Professionals running some of the tests, the anesthesiologist, etc. might run you thousands and thousands of dollars because they're not "in network" for your insurance.
In a rural hospital, there may just not be needed specialists at all, hence the 8-month wait for your oncologist.
It's true that if you're very rich and have 20/20 hindsight, you can quit your job and go live in NYC to get treated and/or blow $5000,000 on medical care. But even most well-off people have jobs and obligations, and also don't have the luxury to shop around for a reasonable price as you're dying from a heart attack. So you can get fucked, or develop the common American habit of just never seeing a doctor even if you're shitting blood because who wants to waste hundreds or thousands of dollars if it turns out to be nothing, even if you do have the money?
Most "rich" (as in a few million to a few tens of millions, not Bezos or Gates) people I know have the same habits of not going to the doctor even for really scary symptoms, which is part of how you become rich. Most of the time, it's a huge expense for nothing. Then a small percentage of the time, you die.
>mfw average joe worker
>except in Europe so my ass is covered by default
>You can bet South Park won't be afraid to take the piss out of AOC.
You can but it is like playing reverse Russian Roulette. I didn't see the Simpsons spend 2 season almost exclusively whining about the president.
his point about college degrees is so fucking retarded
Enjoyed this thread. Let's all agree that modern Simpsons is cringe.
Most of the news ASSUMED it was to send them back to their country, rather than their districts w/c made more sense
As a progressive SocDem, yes.
Yes, we all agree that Simpsons is cringe as fuck now.
Literally all false