Pick One

>Sword Of Omens
>Sword Of Power
>The Omnitrix
>Jack’s Katana
>Crimson Gem Of Cytorrak
>Captain America’s Shield
>Quasar’s Quantum Bands
>The Witchblade
>The Mask
>The Lasso Of Truth
>Reach Scarab
>Mother Box
>Green Lantern Power Ring And Battery
>Helmet Of Fate

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my first thought was "what if someone had all of them" and then I started to think how'd work if someone had the symbiomte + the scarab and then put on the mask and finally Nabu's Helmet. how do you think it would turn out?

Lasso of Truth. What's the catch?

Anyone who doesn't say sword of omens is a goddamn liar.

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It’s sort of weak sauce compared to to the other choices.

so OP moonknight

For power? Either the Omnitrix or theHelmet of Fate.


I’d go with the Crimson Gem myself. I just wanna wanna be able to wreck shit.

Also a fine choice.

I don't even have to think about it, give me the goddamn Omnitrix! Gimme it! Put the Omnitrix in the fucking basket!

If I take a symbiote does it eat my brain? Eh whatever I barely use the thing anyway.

If anyone pick anything that is not the Omnitrix
they are dumb. Thee Omnitrix let's you get all that and then some.

green lantern or the quantum bands. i like the emotional component of the lantern but maybe id take the bands so i dont have to deal w annoying smurfs that will 100% eventually betray me.

quantum bands it is

Remember you gotta be the right mindset for either of those things. If you’re not the right guy, the Quantum Bands will blow you up.

got it, got it. i was assuming the conditions would be met by my choice, but in that case ill just roll the dice. death or ultimate power is honestly an exciting game for me to play bc im enough of an egotist to think i might be the guy.

ill either be the guy or the guy who dies for his hubris before the real one comes along. worth it imo bc theres an answer attached. same w trying the lantern.

plus if it aint cosmic im not gonna be satisfied leaving so much on the table

my man. id like this but i dont have enough wanton destruction in me to be a good avatar. im in it for the power so if cyttorak was pushy about the wreckage id have a problem

just a regular person w a suspiciously shine lasso. you'd be killed for it pretty soon imo once people realized what it did. at the very least someone would steal it

Neither do I like to that level, but I’m assuming in this scenario, other people have the remaining weapons and wrecking their shit seems like something Cytorrak would like.

Would pick the scarab or symbiote if they likely didn't cause cancer. Would pick omnotrix but it has pretty hard limits. That leaves GL ring as most obvious choice. No real downside, and the only true limit is your own willpower.

quantum bands

If I had the willpower for it, I'd pick the ring.
In reality, I'm best suited for a symbiote.

Cap's shield or green lantern ring

Motherbox, only one you can be sure won't betray you at some point in the future.

can I get orion's astro harness instead of a motherbox?

Omintrix, but shit a motherbox would be damn tempting, no need to be all powerful, just to be able to go where ever you want at the drop of a hat

>child me
Sword of Power
Power ring and battery

I think that’s powered by his Astro Force

Symbionte for sure. Especially if I can become Bros with my inky ayy lmao buddy.

It also has information to like everything in the universe, plus Orion uses it to look normal.

Either the Omnitrix or the Scarab, plenty of utility, no need to prove or maintain a level of worthiness, and I'd actually have a chance at being able to wield them.

>t. Vilgax


Sword of Omens is fucking cool.
Shouting the incantation every time can get annoying though.

Question to other Omnitrix Anons
What would you do with it?
Which aliens would you use the most?
Would you use them for heroic, villainous or sexual purposes?

Omnitrix. A lot of the others require you to prove your worth or aren't after your best interest/deform you. Or they're weapons and I'd look like a lunatic with them, or they're something like a Motherbox and I'm probably too low IQ to make it worthwhile. Runner up is the ring and battery. The ring itself is inconspicuous but you don't shapeshift, you have to keep the battery somewhere, and I don't like rings. As far as one of the more down to Earth options, the lasso could be interesting.

Are there any other power fantasy items this list is missing? Assuming you could bond, Steel from Max Steel would be good.

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Cyttorak is the one that make you really immortal so... it's the best choice, imo.

I’d probably use the bruisers a lot and be a hero I guess.

Give me the Sentry serum lol. Other than that? Green Power Ring/the Mask.

Omnitrix, no question

I think the Mask does that too

Omnitrix. It's way too powerful and versatile to pass up, especially if I don't have to deal with Vilgax or any of Ben's other foes. Plus I might be able to learn more about it using either Grey Matter or Brainstorm.

>What would you do with it?
Build alien technology, travel around the world, make videos of myself, try to get rich, maybe attempt to be a hero if I can do it without the government trying to kill or experiment on me.

>Which aliens would you use the most?
XLR8, Upgrade, Grey Matter, and Big Chill.

>Would you use them for heroic, villainous or sexual purposes?

>Are there any other power fantasy items this list is missing?
The Talismans from Jackie Chan, shen-gon-wu from Xiaolin Showdown, Iron Man's armor, the Millennium Items from Yu-Gi-Oh, a lightsaber.

>The Talismans from Jackie Chan, shen-gon-wu from Xiaolin Showdown, Iron Man's armor, the Millennium Items from Yu-Gi-Oh, a lightsaber.
Don't think the last two count for Yea Forums, but those other three are fun. Armored Adventures made the suit seem cool, but it seems like an actual pain to keep protected or maintain. Too much stuff in Xiaolin Showdown for me to think of a good one. In Jackie Chan the talismans are good, especially Dog and Ram.


true that would be fun as hell

Assuming I can wield it, Mjolnir. If not, a symbiote. Those things are fucking cool.