>Hey... Quesada was it? Well, whoever it is, I want the entire line of Spider-Man comics CANCELLED by the end of the year
>But Sir, this is not like the Fantastic Four or the X-Men situation...
>Hey... Quesada was it? Well, whoever it is, I want the entire line of Spider-Man comics CANCELLED by the end of the year
>But Sir, this is not like the Fantastic Four or the X-Men situation...
imagine being this fanny flustered
TBF at least the FF cancelation was heavily built up and they did get a dope ass ending
Greed severed
lmao spiderfags on suicide watch
I'm not sure they'll cancel all of Spidey's comics since they make the most money for Marvel, but they'll severely limit the number of them coming out.
Remember when they said that Peter was going to be put back in high school in ASM for synergy?
Cancelling ASM would fucking kill Marvel Comics.
I'm happy the F4 are back in the comics and that they'll be in the MCU but the way they were treated because of the movie rights was absolute shit.
No, because they've been saying they should've kept him in high school since the fucking Lee/Romita era.
with Hickman? the X Men era is coming back and spidey can go fuck himself
Do some stunt that enrages Parker fans, like Spock did
Or replace him with Miles, Gwen and the clones again, just stop promoting the Peter Parker version of Spidey
I fell OMD2 incoming
>Venom is going to get fuck up again.
who will the host be this time mates?
>Edit him out of all our merc!
>sir he is most of ou-
Holy shit...I kinda want to see that happen....
Ike hates Feige for the Inhumans mess and the whole independent studio mess. The only reason he wanted to kill FOX properties was because he hates FOX more.
Spidey is safe
He hates anything he can't fully control
>Daredevil is the new Spider-Man now!
i would unironically agree with this. it would be nice to get a little break from it all after the end of spiderverse run.
>OMD is undone right before the cancellation
Worth it anyway. No one will fuck it up with bullshit stories.
Venom has been fucked since he got shot into space by Bendis
Cates a shit