You will never have an Irken bf

>You will never have an Irken bf.

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Anyone else upset over the tallest having thumbs now?

Imagine all the cool stuff you could do with an Irkeb bf.
All the planets and galaxies yall could explore together.

No, what the fuck?

The hell? I didn't even notice this but now I'm upset

Let the niggas have thumbs.
You want someone chopping YOUR thumbs off?
I didn't think so.

Literally this. I was so fucking jealous when Dib went on adventures with Zim into a tiny alien galaxy in the comics.

>tfw no qt irken gf
Why even live

I am, it triggers my autistic rage.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.

not really
it helps them look like actual irkens instead of talking heads in suits. don't underestimate the power of hands

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I always liked how they seemed ambiguously inhuman (un-irken?). Maybe they're really tall irkens, maybe they're just regular old irkens standing in the chest cavity of a tall robot suit. There are clues in their appearance that could make an argument for either case. Now that they have normal hands, that ambiguity is lost.

>You will never have a bf

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I am but I'm repressing it as the current Tallest hid their thumbs (because c'mon it's Red and Purple) and they just got sloppy/lazy over time

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I could fuck you, wheres your discord?

Okay, so who else besides this account

is retweeting some good new Invader Zim fan art?

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>That picture.

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It's a joke from the comics.

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Bros...crossdressing Zim...

Post some

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>Get Irken bf.
>He's an asshole so you dump him.
>He sends you to the slaughtering rat planet.

I'm a tall weirdo.

I like the one with the same voice as Pleakley.

I'm getting brb suicide flashbacks. Anyone else remember emo trap Zim?

Man, Red must like Purple a lot to put up with all his bullshit and stupidity, given that he's probably the most retarded Irken aside from Zim. It'd probably be quite easy to assassinate him.

I can't stop thinking of Kevin crossdressing in KitH whenever I hear his voice no matter what show he's in.

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>You will never travel around the galaxy eating snacks blowing up planets and committing mass genocide with your Irken bf.
Shit sucks man.

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Does anyone remember this?

There was a comic where there were
>aliens similar to Irkens
>main character was human
>main character's mom abandoned the family to have hot sweaty sex with her not-Irken boyfriend
>who also had a rivalry with the protagonist's dad
Okay to be fair the mom also was betrayed by the Earth authorities or something so she joined the Evil Alien Empire out of spite but the comic really leaned in to this big titty MILF fucking this alien guy who apparently was castrated because he was a worker drone or something so he only ever humped her and ate her out. He also sort of acted like a Zim / Tyrion hybrid.

The alien designs were really similar to the Irkens and even the world building was similar to Invader Zim (there were "control brains" but instead of controlling the alien society they were sent flying through space and the protagonist tries to find them).

Does anyone know this? The protagonist was a cute brown girl. It was an older comic and used a lot of tones similar to Rukimo Takahashi mangas but it was clearly Western.

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Not spazzing about it but did anyone else notice their middles went from slightly thinner than the rest of their bodies to fucking ramen noodles?
How is that shit supporting their upper bodies?

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It was a different time

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Disgusted Gaz is so cute!

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not really, maybe their suit is more advanced

Maybe they stopped eating donuts all the time. Or they've atrophied from being in their suits so long.

I would rather get a cute nerd bf that would help me save earth

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Dib is a cutie too, but he doesn't have a working spaceship

What kinda chicken you want, Yea Forums?

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>Planet Irk has really strong gravity, which is why most Irkens are tiny
>Being Tall is a genetic mutation that actually causes muscular and skeletal problems
>They can't keep themselves upright in Irk's gravity (or the gravity they have the ships set to for the comfort of the rest of the population) and they'd asphyxiate without their suits holding them up
>Over time their muscular atrophy increases due to disuse

>inb4 why would the Irkens want unfit mutants as leaders
Lots of species, including humans, have traits that are considered aesthetically pleasing, despite technically decreasing the fitness of the individual.
Also Irkens are stupid.
Also maybe the control brains like to keep the mutants in charge because having them rely on the suits to stay alive means they'll never rebel against the brains.

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This revival has awakened a burning need in me to read some really shitty melodramatic fanfiction. Please recommend the worst early-2000's edgy teen wangst you have. ZADR preferred, let's really get nostalgic.

Considering how far removed the art style is from the original series, thumbs are the least of my worries. But yes it is dumb.

I'd rather be the slave of an Irken GF.