

Every time this show got brought up in the last 5 years here it got ridden into the dirt for being the lol randumb hot topic show and now that its back suddenly everyone here is pretending they always loved it

Attached: Invader-ZIM-1.jpg (600x700, 82K)

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Cyberchase was better

Gilbert Gottfried, Christopher Lloyd, what's not to like?

>lol randumb hot topic show
It was. But we grew up

people finally realized we need absurdist humor again

Is IS an lol randum hot topic show, but I still like it.

spongebob is the same vein as zim every episode was a story but spongebob still here

Yea Forums rarely if ever cared about the IZ fanbase and pretty much always said that the show was good no matter how shitty they were, I don't know what you're smoking
No, I'm not just pretending



>being the lol randumb hot topic show
But that's exactly what I love about it...

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Yeah no, people on Yea Forums have mentioned Zim fondly all the time, and the comics have tons of fans on here.

>he thinks I don't like lol randumb hot topic shows

>People still think ZIM is "lol randumb" humor

ZIM has a setup and punchline, it's just that it keeps building on its absurdity until you go from Point A to Point J.

GIR doesn't shout "tacos" because it's random for random's sake. He shouts it because he's an idiot robot who is obsessed with sloppy human culture. It's why he hangs out with pigs, why he rolls around in the mud, why he eats babies and rubs pizza all over his face.

I came to Yea Forums because of its release and wanted to see its reception. Usually a /vp/oreon.

Generally positive, but with some people whining it's too similar to the old show, and some people whining it's too different.

>GIR doesn't shout "tacos" because it's random for random's sake.
I have to disagree with you here. Just because it suits his character, that doesn't make it less of a non sequitur when he shouts about random foods for no determinable reason.

You're right, a lot of the humor was built upon situationally or visually through gags, but just as much of it was totally random

Attached: temp.gif (480x368, 1.1M)

To me, random means it happens out of nowhere, and while what GIR says seems like non-sequitur responses, his backstory creates a reason for why he says them.

I mean, Billy (Billy and Mandy) and Ed (Ed Edd n Eddy) are just as big of idiots, but nobody ever says those shows are "lolrandum" humor.

>his backstory creates a reason for why he says them.
A non-sequitur that suits a character is still a non-sequitur. Very rarely were Gir's jokes derived situationally. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, the unpredictability is part of what made it funny, but it was still pretty random. And yes, Ed was just as random, but much less frequently. Billy too, but even less so than that.

Now is zim a genius the same as if dennis the menace was a genius? he could do incredible things but use them very wrongly? I dont get if he was smart or just the computer making everything

The show was great.
Doesn't stop it from attracting the likes of Penguin of D00M ^-^

I don't even understand how you could begin to compare the two.

Zim seemed to be a fairly competent engineer, but he was an idiot in all other ways. And yes, he got a lot of help from his computer.

yeah but it always seemed like the manual labour stuff, like the mapping thing but then he says minimoose is his creation and I remember he built, now would he be smarter than his other irken brothers or just avg?

Zim is legitimately smart, but his hubris causes him to underestimate his opponents a lot and he frequently gets sabotaged by the likes of Gir being unable to follow simple orders.

>Gir being unable to follow simple orders.
because gir is actually and probably intentional by the tallest malfunctional
>but his hubris causes him to underestimate his opponents a lot
true but I don't get why he was such a troublemaker in the first place on his homeworld and gaz says he mostly, if not always sabotages himself, Ithink. I dont remember quite well

Probably avg, or below by Irken standards, but smart by human ones.

I think Zim's characterization at the start of the show is a bit inconsistent simply because his backstory of destroying Irk for no reason is a completely retarded thing for him to do and he's never that stupid again. The characterization was sacrificed for the surprise factor in the joke of why Zim was banished.

from what we seen of florpus, zim is probably a mad engineer/scientist and probably did something without checking what would be the consequences of it

>he's never that stupid again.
Strongly disagree. Remember Walk For Your Lives?

Yeah if we start judging things by their worst fans then burn literally every single comic and tv show to cinders and piss on the ashes.

>Every time this show got brought up in the last 5 years here it got ridden into the dirt for being the lol randumb hot topic show and now that its back suddenly everyone here is pretending they always loved it

I don't know, on Yea Forums it seemed like people generally agreed that it was a decent show even if the fanbase could be obnoxious.
I've always loved Zim

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We have always had zim threads, you are projecting my son.

I thought it was a logical progression of how it could be made today, and I had very low hopes for it originally since Jhonen said in an interview that he was anti-capitalist in his writing of IZ in general. I'm not a /pol/fag in anyway, but I don't like when things are needlessly political. This was fine and actually funny, Jhonen must like flinging consumers since this is the second IZ animation that has done this and overall at least the third time Jhonen did this due to MSI's Shut Me Up music video. Seriously, I was expecting orange man bad Gaz is a blatant lesbo type of stuff. But nah, it was great. I also didn't want it to be nostalgic either since this was a good opportunity to just have a longer plot for once other than the 11 minute occasional 22 minute episode. And I'm not normally one to watch Nick/CN/Disney XD toons but I've always liked IZ because of its mix of dark humor and stupid humor. And this had its moments for both, which is par for the course.
I am surprised that there are so many people that lewd the irkens though here. Maybe I shouldn't be since I'm from /vp/. Gaz's tendencies now kind of line up with what I find cute with women my own age, but that's as far as I would like to go with that.

pay attention to this ham

shouldn't being immersed in nachos hurt Zim?

Attached: Invader Zim - Enter the Florpus [1080p PROPER].mkv_snapshot_00.24.13_[2019.08.18_21.31.59].jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

As far as I know, meat and water should have been the only things that hurt him.

he seemed drunk at least

what should i draw zim doing

putting makeup on/curling his antennae

Joe Murray? Is that you?

>his grandparents didn't conceive his dad during sweaty shameful goth sex under a pile of GIR plushies at Hot Topic


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eating waffles

It was really inconsistent because continuity and canon didn't matter and it was shallow as shit. But I do remember Zim coming up with new tech shit pretty much by himself that other Irkens didn't. He was an engineer at first and his creations were effective they just randomly destroyed everything. I think he's good and maybe even savant-y at engineering in some episodes but legitimately retarded or maybe just insane in every other way.
Then again when he had to save the earth in Planet Jackers he was pretty competent and when he had to run that obstacle course he was ruthlessly effective. Who knows. It's not really important.
At once point Jhonen had a joke about aliens who were idiots but extremely technologically effective. Sometime it's because they stole their tech but some of it is the idea that humans can do amazing things but also be extremely dumb, the human species has done amazing tech stuff but also come close to wiping out a big chunch of the human species a few times. I remember Jhonen said once this was a society that only advanced tech wise and not in any other way making the tech worthless or just dangerous instead of a good thing. Imagine a bunch of incredible engineers who use their skills to make a giant black hole that sucks them up and also destroys the Earth, that's Zim.

ok I get it it now, hilarious


>last five years

2014-ish actually when the hate for it cooled off.

People used to shit all over it pre 2010 but then the horse show showed up and haters shit themselves retarted over it and grew acceptoing of anything else.

Nearly every modern cartoon should be embarrassed by the animation and energy of Enter the Florpus


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Membrane's not a very mexican name.

It's Zim! And he's back! And he's doing stretches! Nobody stretches like that unless they're warming up for evil!

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Membrane isn't a name at all.

>Did we win?
>Did we win?
>Did we win?
one last laugh before the movie ended, I was surprised gir didn't have to do a lot it honestly felt like zim was carrying this time with his infectious laugh, felt like he was carrying his weight this time

>because gir is actually and probably intentional by the tallest malfunctional
d-did you even watch the show?
The very first episode when Zim forces himself into operation impending doom 2 after all the other invaders get their sirs he literally says "gimme" and the tallest pick gir up out of a trash can and put random shit from their pocket in his head to be his brain.


It's like Yea Forums is not just one person, right?

It's a stagename the membabs inherited

its been years since ive rewatched zim which is why I said "probably" and looking from the video the fact they gave him garbage from their pockets for a brain is intentional

She's 12 you sick fuck

What did he mean by this?

Gaz is actually two years younger than Dib.

She's one year younger

I'd swaer she was 10 in the original show but, OK.

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I had to watch a couple episodes of the show while babysitting last week, I gotta say, Hacker's voice is way too raspy and senior to match his physical appearance

I miss the LOL RANDOM mall goth days
The overly politcal shit of today is just tiresome

Right, and DIb was 11. That would make them 12 and 11 now.

It was political then too, you're just older, mon ami.

Oh fuck I remember when the nick site had these cards

I feel like they made Gaz did a 180 on her whole personality. Not that its bad because it gave room to progress her character, but its kind of jarring. Maybe they spent a bit more time with her messing with Dib it would stay a bit more true.

I wouldn't say it was a 180. That would imply she was totally different, with no similarities. It was more like a softened version of the same character. She was still scary and forceful, just not as much.

Pretty much the only good parts in the special were Dibs dad. Every other character felt like they phoned it in. Gaz was out of character for the most of the special. Dib was mostly annoying, everything he did pretty much made things worse. Zim felt like the most passably bland performance since the girl who cried gnome. The dad clone got annoying fast. It was funny when it was just brought up as part of zim's plan, but it didn't work right because it couldn't make pudding the way he liked it. Though when he just became a focal point for the rest of the special it got annoying. Felt like more could have been done with the setting of an intergalactic prison than just a simple smash and grab. I don't git how them using the same means to get the earth to one point which caused a black hole, wouldn't cause another when they moved the earth back. I don't get why everyone is sucking this specials dick so hard for a meh pay off.

user I just hated the fans it spawned, the show itself was fine whenever GIR wasn't on screen.

Did you even read the comics?

Isn't it still running?

They did a thing where they recorded a few versions of lines for Gir, and then just played them all. Pretty polarizing but I liked it

Billy and Ed are supposed to be extremely dumb, while Gir is a robot that often shows technical expertise.

I still find it funny Chuck a rip off of GIR ends up being more enjoyable. He even gets to have his bad ass moment.

Attached: Chuck.png (400x390, 101K)

>He even gets to have his bad ass moment.
Clearly you don't understand Gir's appeal.

Its disgusting fandom pretty much dissipated so it's okay to like it again.

Not of a fan of his appeal and never really was. The moose was more of a character in the movie.

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If they're anything like this movie I'm glad I didn't

>Dib was mostly annoying, everything he did pretty much made things worse
Forget the comics, did you watch the original show?

Only problem I found where the va's had either aged a lot and couldn't get the voices right or they only did one take of each line. Sometimes gaz, dib and zim sounded the exact same as they used to, other times it sounded way off pitch.

Really? I thought their voices were astoundingly on point. Have examples of then they are off?

Not on hand, honestly it may be I remember it a certain way but if I went back and watched the original show and florpus back to back I'd probably not notice much of a difference.

Zim is a genius but he has no attention span, no common sense and has extremely skewed priorities.

Yes, Dib often didn't make things worse. Usually he was pretty on the ball, but lacked the ability to do anything to ever really stop zim.

for? most Yea Forums liked the show before the movie, you can even check fireden to see it

Gir works best when he's being nonsensical, but the characters around him build context for him.
"Gir likes that place. I think it's dirty."
"I ate a baby there!"
"He did!"
Zim confirming that Gir did, in fact, eat a baby, sells the joke better than if the claim had just been left as a non-sequitor.

Zim is high INT low WIS

God damn weve gotten so sensitive these days. Imagine how much people would bitch about politics if they saw that one zim episode with president man in these times.

GIR's backstory is that he's dumb, he was made with scrap parts in the garbage to shut Zim up.

This, it was a double edged sword. She was softened a fair bit but at the same time this gave her a bit more depth, so she could contribute more to the plot and Dib's personal story.
Even then, all her traits are still in tact, just not as extreme as before.

Gaz's voice sounded scratchier/deeper than before at times

I remember hating Invader Zim specifically because of the fanbase that you described. I feel like I never gave it a real chance.
