What makes spider-man? Is it the spider powers?
What makes spider-man? Is it the spider powers?
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Is it the woman in his arms?
Is it his quest for glory?
It's the adversity. This guy's life is just one big torture. Bullied at school, fiance killed, poor, hated, but still he keeps on wearing the suit.
With great power comes great responsibility
So if he doesn't have great power he's not spider-man you're saying?
What if he finally snapped? Lashed back at the world? Decided that if the world was going to give him all this responsibility he would take all the power?
Pic unrelated its just a tasty design
In the context of that statement, power is defined as the capacity to do something that affects other people's lives.
So Web Shooter from the Opposite Marvel threads?
>Is it the spider powers?
I was going to say "Yes, that's pretty much the only thing every version of Spider-Man has in common", but even that they don't all have in common. So I guess it's the Spider motif on the costume.
Is Venom a spider-man?
I'm not going to say what that looks like. But it looks like something really, really dirty.
>What makes spider-man?
Empowerment by extradimensional totemic spider gods of destiny and maybe some other nebulous bullshit that isn't well explained.
>Is it the spider powers?
Nah. Spider-gwen was completely fucking depowered and she's still one.
Sure, I guess. Who gives a fuck when Supaida-Man is one.
Depends on the venom.
You know, with the sheer number of connections he has, his great intellect and the probability of getting stronk as shit by training the limit of his spider powers I have a feeling a Spider-Man that abandons his code after getting pushed to the brink might just rise to become Dr.Doom light power-wise. Hell, the sheer amount of villains with whom he teamed up with and wouldn't mind working under him is staggering for an american comic. You'd think this sheer level of friendship power is only attainable in manga.
Peter Parker. All other spider-people are characters who are trying to live up to his ideals.
>Spider-Man that abandons his code after getting pushed to the brink
Not abandons, twists.
With great responsibility comes great power
I see it working in a Spiderverse type deal where one of the Spiders (little older and more experienced maybe) convinces the others to open a portal back to his home dimension and hordes of spider bot and Wolf Spider type paramilitary pour in.
>Oh yeah they're with me.
To be honest there is not much spiderness in spiderman , as everyone has already explained he is defined by his morals and the hero dicotomy, his relation to spiders are a lesser side-flavor thing
How about Peter Parquagh?
The only spider-focused power he actually has is the webbing which he usually has to artificially create
>Every other spider-man is utterly confused seeing Doc Ock, Shocker, Carnage and Mysterio being buddy-buddy with an unmasked Peter Parker
>Spider-Man actually turned part of New York city into his turf, to the point he's slowly becoming a worry for Tony Stark.
What about wall crawling?
Why the fuck would Tony be relevant? Daredevil and other street levellers are the ones who care about shit like gang wars while Tony's busy being a galaxy-level asshole.
I feel because Peter now doesn't need to do a lot of heavy-lifting, leaving that to his goon. Now he'd have time to focus on science and well, Peter IS a genius and I feel with enough heads like Doc Ock, Shocker and Dr.Connors working for him I do not doubt he'd raise like crazy. Specially if he ends up fucking with the green goblin and cucking him out of his position as CEO.
Ah yes, when I think of a spider, I think of three things. Super Strength, Ability to climb walls, and of course as everyone knows spider's have the ability to sense danger. Truly a marvel of the animal world those spiders.
Anyone can be spiderman, that's what makes Spiderman today
Just make Fisk a good guy in that version, he's a more appropriate rival.
Probably Peter. There have been a ton of characters with spider powers over the years. Jessica Drew, Miles Morales, Anya Corazon, Julia Carpenter, Miguel O'Hara Eddie Brock if you wanna count him, Flash Thompson if you wanna count him too, whatever Silk's civilian identity was because I can't remember, Kaine, Ben Reilly, and I'm probably missing a few. And I'm willing to bet there'll be more in the coming years because Marvel can't fucking stop with this shit. But none of them really make the same impact Peter does, but in-universe and out. I'd imagine there's a reason for that.
That was always part of the appeal. People were apparently just too dumb to get it until they literally made a black kid Spider-Man.
Nah, the tony thing I meant as Ironman trying to tell Peter that he might need to reevaluate his current situation or some shit, while making sure he doesn't just go off the rails. I mean the spider-man I see isn't just an outright villain but more of an anti-hero,
That's technically him emitting a magic subatomic particle unique to spider totems that he can control with his mind that lets him manipulate electricity.
It has fuck all to do with spiders. It's closer to Doctor Strange or Hank Pym's powers than fucking spiders.
>sense danger
Its shitty precognition.
It's called seniority. Contrary to what happened with Flash or GL, when other Spider-people pop up Peter still stays around, so there's no real chance for any of the expys to take over. Even when a version of Pete dies it's not the main one.
I thought we were ignoring that gay shit
>I'd imagine there's a reason for that.
Because he's basically Cap but more principled and idealistic? Honestly Peter should use his web shield more often.
>totem shit
He can walk on walls because spiders can, the rest is just retarded fluff to justify to autists why it works through shoes.
Kek. Fuck no.
I mean, even after Miles took over in the Ultimate comics, a lot of people still preferred Peter.
If he's trying to eat a guy, no, If he's helping an old lady across the street, yes.
I mean you can take out the totem shit. It being a subatomic particle unique to spider people that lets them manipulate electricity was established separately. It still has fuck all to do with spiders.
It's never been established, but Miles's Venom Blast probably operates on the same principle.
Well yeah, partly because that's who they were more familiar with, partly because he's a better written character, and partly because he still had like 3 titles in 616 to sustain these people.
Basically for all the talk of "forced" and "shoved down our throat" you were never forced to choose a "diverse" Spider-Man over Peter.
>Spider-Man will never hatch a shitton of little spiderlings.
Yes. Otherwise he’d pick a different name.
Just move Miles to California or something. He'd be perfect there.
DESU I was hoping someone wanted to talk about City if Heroes.
Lord Recluse and Arachnos have on point theming and design.
I might storytime the tie in comics soon, the lore is pretty nice.
Pitch it to Sony so they can fuck it up
A year into Miles run superior happened, I read through Miles run then it was alright, nothing special but I gave it its due bringing ultimate peter back was a mistake and bringing Miles into 616 was a bigger mistake
Why did they even bring Ultimate Peter back anyway?
this is the ghouls idea of it. dan slotts bullshit. to make the suffering the point and something that happens to him as opposed to incidental to his calling that he chooses. completely misses the point
the point of spiderman is w great power comes great responsibility. that if you can do something you should, no matter the personal cost. the fuckery in petes life is a function of him putting his responsibility to the rest of the world before himself.
every time peter focuses on himself, he balls out of control bc hes a genius w superpowers. but then there are people who need him who suffer, so he takes the responsibility again and his personal life suffers due to a lack of time and priority. the greatness is that he knows this and bears the burden willingly, not that spiderman always suffers
Because bendis needed to show why Miles was better and he's not a good enough writer to write a good character so he had to sabotage peter to make that happen
he wont bc he knows he chooses to be a hero every day and accepts all that comes w it. thats was the point of the arc when he walked away and then came back.
hes spiderman not bc he has to be, but bc he cant sit by the side and let things happen when he could help. no matter what it does to his life, job, etc. hes a proper street level hero taken to the extreme
your friendly neighborhood spiderman looking out for his people no matter what
>Try for years to make Miles the TRUE Spider-Man
>Moved Miles to 616 in the hopes of having him replace Peter completely
>Fail to really gain traction
>Leaves Marvel and goes to DC to ruin Superman instead
It's still super depressing that the only major change to come from secret wars was Miles, literally nothing else stuck
>Is it the costume
So if someone wears a paper mask and does the same things, are they a spider-man?
>Is it the powers
If someone with no powers puts on the costume, and saves people, is it the same?
>Is it the morals
If a person saves people when they feel like but they aren't that burdened by it, its just a hobby for them to save people, but still wear the costume, are they the same?
Which aspect is most important.
Most of his shit is mechanical so no
But what if his desire to help was twisted. Sure he stopped that bank robber today, but eventually there are casualties - people he just couldn't save. It's not a unique plotline for him, but maybe Peter is ready to do good on a world scale and not just being the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman. And if he's friends with Stark then he's learned you gotta break eggs to make an ommlette. Morally ambigous Utilitarianism.
What the fuck are you talking about?
There are no spider powers. A lot of it is artificial.
Spider-man always gets back up, no matter how broken his body, his spirit, his mind, his life.
Somehow, he finds a way to get back up and he keeps going. Spider-man is ultimately not about being Peter Parker, but being someone with Peter Parker's tenacity in spite of everything crushing and suffocating you, and you stay the course, somehow finding a way to wade past it.
Spider-man doesn't always win, but he will always win the rematch because his real superpower is finding a way to outlast any misery or pain you can throw at him.
>A lot of it is artificial
The webshooters and the fluid, that's it.
he doesnt believe in breaking eggs to make an omelete bc to him the individual lives are too valuable. theyre people like his aunt, his friends etc.
he cant save everyone but thats what gwen taught him. you do your best and live w the guilt bc part of the responsibilty is dealing w inevitable failure. hes too attached to his aunt etc to take a single life for granted.
thats the contrast between him, reed, tony and the other geniuses. he doesnt remove himself to an ivory tower like reed and he wasnt born in one like tony.
the fact that hes a man of and amongst the people is his core attribute and the main difficulty in his life. he'd rather save them all than save himself or just save some. and he isnt removed enough to see them as numbers
(cont) it would take something very drastic to change this as he sees everyone as someones aunt, son, daughter etc.
but i could see him being the friendly neighborhood spiderman on a grander scale but in the shadows, taking out criminals and crises etc but not directly or indirectly ruling the world.
Are you sure you know who Spider-Man is?
Perhaps you're thinking of another character.
Moments like this
I don't like spider-man for his hardships and never got the idea behind this. In fact I think he has it too hard at times.
Sauce pls
fun fact this manga is technically official
the hardships are supposed to be incidental but writers who miss the point dont understand that theyre supposed to be the regular side struggles of being a street level super whos on call at all times but wants to hold a job and family down.
they make it some kind of cosmic curse instead but its supposed to be like
Lots of things can crawl on walls
What spider powers? Spiders dont have 'spider sense' and eat what they catch with webs shot out their butts, not their wrists. The only thing spidery about him is the costume.
Spiderman adversity means shit now that he has taint from selling his marriage and losing his company.
You don't even have to go that far. Make Spidey a well-intentioned extremist a la Red Son Superman or the Justice Lords who wants to enforce his version of justice on a mass scale.
>What makes spider-man?
That he was a piece of shit and that his Uncle Ben's death was his fault.
People harp on hard about Uncle Ben and there are other heroes whose stories are that they used to be criminals or did something wrong and are seeking redemption, but in the case of Spider-Man, his story was that he thought he was better than everyone around him and intellectually was right. So when he became physically superior and gained super powers and proceeded to get his Uncle Ben killed, more than just realizing what he had done wrong, he was forced to, to a degree that even Tony Stark didn't have to, realize how wrong he was about everything.
His entire journey to the modern Spider-Man is entirely the result of a long difficult path of learning how to become a better person, more than pretty much any other hero out there.
TLDR:Selflessness born of the most catastrophic consequences of selfishness.