>still no news of High Guardian Spice



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Owl House is coming out soon just wait.

Looks like fun!

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What was BTFO worse this or TCR?

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Hopefully never. The fucking trailer was absolute bullshit.

> "Oh look at us we're so "diverse"

> The actual staff is nothing but fat white basic bitches and one old man.

every time I see someone mention hgs I laugh at the retards who paid crunshitroll to make this

the fuck is tcr

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Thundercats roar

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I object to you calling that a trailer.
It as a promotional video.


>Literally no news on it since the announcement
Was it actually cancelled or what

I thought thundercats roar was just part of the calarts edits Yea Forums made a while ago. holy fuck

>he thought it was fake
Youre in for a ride pal

Nope. Ray announced he received some animations from Korea.

at least with high guardian spice, it has more stylish environments and not saturated to hell

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Source? It's been an entire year

Raye says they got the final animation(?) for the first episode back from their animation studio a few weeks ago, so I'm assuming production is chugging along.

It's on his twitter.

this garbage was canceled (or at least it's in development limbo), right? CN isn't stupid enough to air this, right?

Supposedly its still happening but everything's been mostly quiet for over a year now.

>Judging a production entirely by how many white people are on it
You really are tumblr, you know that?

What do you think it was that prompted Yea Forums to make all of those edits?

>Judging a production entirely by how many white people are on it
Is what the show advertiser did
>You really are tumblr, you know that?
Reading comprehension motherfucker.

>every time I see someone mention hgs I laugh at the retards who paid crunshitroll to make this
Yeah... same.

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CN can't compete with Disney's new shows if they dont

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2019 and I am forgotten.

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>that equal sign in the logo

Wasn't this literally a scam?

Either they trashed everything they did or this really was a scam. Not even a pilot episode? Just a bunch of random clips and people pretending they were recording an episode?

I didn't even get to know about this.

Don't bully him, he's busy watching pokemon and tweeting about it like all woke millenial tranny "softboys" do.

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Don't bully Raye, he (she?) is too pure and innocent for this autistic and violent world.

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Considering the fact that no show have ever had a worse backlash than Thundercats Roar did I'm not surprised, just about the only people defending it were folk who had a stake in the industry and were going into maximum damage control mode.
It was fucking beautiful.

>CN isn't stupid enough to air this, right?
CN was stupid enough to not only air that godawful PPG reboot but to also order 2 seasons of that shit right out of the gate.
Expect this shit to get silently dumped all at once into a graveyard slot.

Wow, sure was hard to see if the show was still being worked on.

How about next weeks thundercats thread can open with the co-creator's twitter where he says he's working on roar?

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Because of fan backlash looks like crunchy roll stopped production. They are burying it and almost refuse to talk about it. Even the people behind the show don't talk about it or even give updates. It's unknown if they even work at crunchy roll anymore. Since funimation still handles almost all dub work for crunchy roll they might not even be able to work on it. After all they were meant to be done back in spring.

Actually this. I feel bad for Raye. He just wants to make a show that he thinks people will enjoy and it got caught in one massive shitstorm.

up your arse

Yeah, there's pretty much no way to save yourself after publicly announcing that you used the money you were being paid by your customers to produce a side project, instead of fixing the multitude of problems your service had. Especially when the side project looks like shit.

Don't bother, people will defend it saying that it's their money and they can do whatever they want with it.

Also when said side project is just a rip off of other shit that's out. From all info I saw on the show it looked like a Rwby rip off with a calarts look. I can see crunchy not wanting to piss of them. Also they focus on the vrv app. Plus look at all of the people who worked on it and acted like it was their creation.

They acted like assholes and a few attacked people on social media becuase they didn't like peoples reaction to the show. Also what I really think happened is the main crunchy roll branch might not have known about it. So they could have axed it. Even the creator doesn't talk about it.

It's Close Enough

Remember they have millennials working on it who love taking all of the credit for a project they only have a small part. They had toxic SJW's work on it then get offended becuase people didn't like it.

You know this shows offical Twitter account hasn't updated since August of last year. According to the forum for this show on crunchy rolls site this show may have been shelved permanently. Thundercats roar also has been shelved permanently according to the same post.

It already came out though.

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That's not the same show. But looks like crunchy reused the look or they ripped it.

am i the only one who feels Raye's being used for some others in production? Like, all Raye wants to do is his cartoon, but a bunch of shitty girls are using Raye's idea for their own agenda...

Did they want to make a their own version of Little Witch Academia but with ugly characters instead? Because that's how it looks.

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>sexualized female characters meant to be eye-raped by patriarchal males
>everyone has wh*te skin
>non-inclusive cute faces
Agh, just, agh

Raye is a girl they said they are a trans male which means they were born female.

It dose feel like that and a rip off of Rwby.

Oh wow a post on a forum said that then it must be true.

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Raye got the least amount of shit and deservedly so, its the rest of the writers that don't inspire confidence.

I don't think anyone would care so vehemently about HGS if it weren't meant for Crunchyroll. Wrong audience.

>Check creator's twitter
>Talking about hopefully getting a season 2 last month
>2 months ago talked about mixing the theme song

How lazy are these threads when the person literally updates the show's progress on their twitter account?

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A forum that's on the official website. But who knows. Most likely because of the hate it got crunchy roll axed it so they wouldn't waste anymore money on it

Just as lazy as the people making the show. They have been making this thing since 2013. That's not making my feeling of it ripping off Rwby and little witch Acadmey. Makes you wonder how much of it is Raye's vision anymore. Because that video they made last year only had edge Lord SJW's acting like how it's the best thing ever and hjow much they put into making it. Let's face it even if it ever comes out it will be shit.

I can't tell if the black guy's mouth is the darker brown bit or the wiggly line above his chin.

God i wish this came out just to see how shit it was gonna be

Obligatory Leth Post

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The problem with HGS was just having terrible promotion very early on and producer Kate Leth being a misandrist shitbag despite the creator being a trans man. TCR is the result of a franchise being revived in the worst way after the last revival failed expectations despite its praise from fans.

>another fantasy/magic themed weeb trash
no, just no.

Very lazy. There's like, an entire leaked storyboard from the pilot, and Crunchyroll panel summary where every character is explained, and yet people act like the "trailer" is the only thing there is.

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former CR employee (storyboard on another original show)

HGS is doing pretty well. There was a screening for a couple finished episodes a few weeks ago and it was pretty good.

HGS and the other show are made by Ellation studios, and I'm pretty sure they're funded by...AT&T? I don't really know how it all works, but after the backlash from the promo video they're basically afraid to release anything else, which seems stupid because they actually have stuff to show. Last I heard they're stalling on airing HGS and on announcing the other show, but they're both still going. Marketing over there sucks.

It was great, honestly its what the cartoon industry deserves after shitting out garbage like soimer camp island almost exclusively now.

This is the other thing that pretty much pissed off the while anime community. That crunchy roll was make a show done in calarts style and puting it on a anime website. Now they are scared becuase they wanted to show off the diverse group making it. But all female isn't a diverse at all. They don't even know the meaning. Plus crunchy must have realised they put a dumbass in charge of being a producer. She was one of the reasons why they kept disabling comments on the YouTube videos because they couldn't handle any criticism.
From what info they keep putting out saying they are working on it since 2013. Just shows that they are posting fake dates making it look like how much they love this project. My guess is they are also having a hard time finding voice actors for it. Since funimation takes care of all english dubs on crunchy roll.

What's the name of this show?

is it just me or does the dorf make you think about Üter?

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It's called "Endro~!"

I doubt HGS would have that choppy of animation... maybe. probably not.

>since 2013

What's the name of that new "anime" that started out as a dudes deviantart images? I'd bet that's been a decade old.

Cannon busters?

looks like a shitty endro.

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Any info on the other show?

Holy shit, that’s kind of blatant with the blonde and pink haired ones.

why anyone would rip off the trash that is RWBY is beyond me

Yes, it's Cannon Busters. The comic came out in 2005. The anime was animated by Satelight.

It got memed and shitposted out of existence

Was there a thread made here with the leaked storyboards and panel?

The characters look ugly and nothing like anime, the hate was totally deserved

>literal sameface and same expressions
Imagine thinking this is good character design.
Let me guess, this show sold less than 1000 BDs.

Characters not looking like anime is a good thing. A lot of anime would be greatly improved if they tried to experiment with character designs more (like Flip Flappers did, for example).

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but.. they dont have the same expresion, and you can see some have more lazy eyes, and other have a little more "engergy" on them.
