How would you do a Color Kid Comic? Hard mode: no yellow bullshit against the Green Lantern Corp

How would you do a Color Kid Comic? Hard mode: no yellow bullshit against the Green Lantern Corp.

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He can make things pure black, enough people effectively go blind. Then POW! Right in the kisser. They'll literally never see it coming.

He goes to a pride parade

Have him solve racism by making all humans the same color

That is the to-go scenario for many heroes with shit super power. Either that, or go full two gun mojo on everyone.

he could blind people, right? change the color of the various parts of their eyes

Turns your blood anything other than red and it's an insta-kill.

There was an old Thor comic (back when Thor was that doctor guy with the cane) where the villain's gimmick was to paint everything white and destroy people's sense of perspective.

Expand his powerset to light manipulation in general so he can become invisible and irradiate shit harder than the Enola Gay.

Color Kid fights future crime with color. That's the whole comic.

A b;ack and white themed bad guy is getting rid of color by absorbing wavelengths or who the fuck knows how but it's leaving people colorblind and causing all sort of fucked up stuff and chaos across space and time and the universe.

It's up to Color Kid and Rainbow Raider to stop him and restore all color. The whole team up ends up with Color Kid curing Rainbow Raider's colorblindness and both of them gaining respect for each other as well as forming a friendship.

I never have any trouble making my way through a white room. things are different shades of white based on how the light hits them

Black & White is the only way to go with this loser. Let the idiots who buy it color it themselves.

That may be the case with white, but a theoretical absolute black would absorb every and all light shone on it, making shades nonexistent.

What if his arch enemy is blind?

Color Kid decides color half of humanity red and the other half blue. The two sides go to war with each other within a few months, which completely eliminates wars over race and religion, because everyone cares a whole lot more about the red and blue thing.

>buy a white belt
>turn it back
>instantly a kung-fu master

Make it one big Macintosh advertisement and cash my billion dollar check.

See 13% of the Black population commit 50% of the crimes.

Change it to White.

Problem solved.

POW! Right in the kisser. They'll literally never see it coming.

>who is Daredevil

I mean, DD won't technically see it coming either.

Tonally, it'd be a riff on the old Vertigo comics, particularly Shade the Changing Man, but more humor oriented. Just Ulu going about his daily life, waiting for the Legion to call on him and getting sucked into high concept adventures anyway.

Also, I'd probably add a running joke about people thinking he's gay despite his protests to the contrary.

And de colors all the gay rainbow shit, removing pride from the face of this earth. I like your thinking kid!

Couldn't a person with those powers colour everything in the room perfectly to negative any effect of the lighting creating different shades?