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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1148235197621657600&ref_url=

joker is cosplay-tier

Obesity epidemic got to Shang Tsung I guess. Looks like Yokozuna from 90s WWF now.

It's fake.That's a photoshop of Arnold, and Sindel's base look wouldn't be a revenant because Nightwolf's wasn't (a skin for sure though). Now the roster itself is real, just not these models or dates

>No Ash
well then no CASH from me WB

Then who the hell was the chainsaw? But then again, there's evidence of a Kombat Pack 2. There was leaked Ash dialog, as well as Fujin

He eats a LOT of souls



Finally I'll be able to bring my inner Poison Ivy out and kill that bastard. Based Boon

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Sindel is Mommy-tier OwO

Joker fucking sucks.
Wish they would stop forcing into every game.

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda pumped to see Arnie and Spawn. Terminator could have some really cool visual stuff going on with the battle damage system, slowly revealing the metal frame as he gets more damaged. And I'm always happy to see Spawn in a fighting game
>with Conan o'Brien hair
y tho

Attached: joker.png (698x389, 322K)

Who plays this garbage

After they actually moved the story forward in MKX I'm bummed they backtracked via time-travel fuckery to bring back younger versions of everyone. I'd have liked to see them move on story-wise. Plus, we still had MK1-4 in the new timeine (if 4 only happened in MKX's chapter 1 and heavily altered by the butterfly effect by that point).

How the hell are fatalities going to work on a T-800? Furthermore, what kind of bullshit release schedule is this? It's the worst game lifespan padding I've seen

Who the fuck asked for Joker to be in this game?
I'd rather have Michael Myers or Ghostface.

Why did modern artists stop styling Joker's hair in the shape of a jester's hat? Did they just collectively miss the point?

This is actually faster than the Smash Bros release schedule, consider yourself lucky.

I will get a job and move out of my moms house if they replace that joker design with heath ledger joker

Those suck too. But to answer your question, it's WB demanding Joker because his stupid shit sells. Silver lining? We get to kill him. On another note, where the fuck is Ash? He had dialogue and everything in the leaks along with these guys

Attached: Ash Evil Dead.jpg (973x1420, 578K)

Joker, portrayed by conan

They can de-age Shang Tsung but not Arnold?

Oh my God, I never noticed!

They won't, but pointing that out will fall of deaf ears and fanboy screeching.

He might have a de-aged skin but he looks like that for the latest movie.

At any rate he'll probably have a younger version skin anyway. You know come to think of it, if they just keep cranking out characters beyond this instead of making MK12 it would be okay. I still want Reptile, Ermac, Smoke, Sektor, and Cyrax

Attached: Reptile_Render.png (524x650, 412K)

Bruce came out twice and said he wasnt in it, so those were probably bait for the dataminers.

Its the actor from the movie

Attached: MK1Cary-Hiroyuki-Tagawa-580x334.jpg (580x334, 33K)

Muh heat legend

Who goes back and replays a game once a month for a whole year just because they added one new character?

>shitting on Michael
acceptable opinion
>shitting on based Ghostface
faggot detected, he's the only horror villain with personality

Attached: 1554861228787.gif (344x426, 714K)

I don't want ANY fucking horror icon in this. Guests are shit.

He could just be under an NDA
Or they could just be using a different VA. Ash was in Poker Night 2 and it wasn't Bruce Campbell.

Joker looks like Connor from that Detroit game.

Bit of insider info: I did some localization for the game. He was in the files.
Doesn't make sense they'd send it out for translation, dialogue, endings and all that, if he was just to troll dataminers.

Either he's coming later, or something happened and they had to scrap him.

I think there's a strong possibility of a KP2. Fujin was in there too, and they could probably expand upon Sektor and Cyrax since their base models and moves are already in the game as NPCs

>tfw the character who's got me the most exited is Arnold


Why were they able to simulate repeated murder in a PTSD support holodeck?

Attached: wj.jpg (480x480, 20K)

If there's no Ash, this shit ain't cash

warriors of Earthrealm, I need you to rape The Joker

Attached: GordonBTAS.jpg (640x480, 38K)

turns out it was not a very good PTSD support holodeck

It's almost as if AI therapy is a stupid idea. Especially when said AI was built by fucking Batman, the same guy who built Brother Eye, and has enough emotional baggage to fill a commercial airliner

As a fellow QA tester ive seen near completed material get scrapped before and still partitally left in out of laziness or too costly to remove, so i wouldnt be surprised if boon just said fuck it. could be right as well.

>Who goes back and replays a game once a month for a whole year just because they added one new character?
Remember back when new characters or levels were features you unlocked by being good at the game and beating different challenges or finding hidden items? As opposed to modern zoomer times now (where video games are all basically computer games and on the internet somehow apparently for technological reasons I don't understand since the last game I played was Star Fox 64) with the whole "we will sell you the game in twenty different pieces over the course of a year or two so you're literally paying us money for characters and levels" gimmick.

Attached: helperbear.jpg (885x960, 104K)

>not ash
leatherface again? lmao or is it actually

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costly to remove from the game, but not removing it from the text files sent to translate actually costs them money.

So I tend to believe it was a late removal, or it's still coming later.

>Video games are computer games
Found the boomer

This is my personal belief.

Isnt this the mortal kombat for prudefags?

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>not removing it from the text files sent to translate actually costs them money.
Does translation really cost anything significant for a video game company? Especially with how bad translations have been in the past I figured you could just Google Translate and be done with it, or pay some neighborhood Chinese kid 10 cents per word like the going rate for clickbait article writers.

>Batman built a therapy robot.
>A man who has never been to a single day of grief counseling
>Who's idea of helping at-risk kids is turning them into trained killing machines
>Half of his rogue's gallery are therapists.
>He has a plan to kill all his friends
>Once spent months running around in a psychotic break calling himself Zurr-en AHHH

Who allowed this

I don't understand the internet shit with modern games at all. It used to be the internet was for computers and games were just games, unless you had Sega Channel and then you kind of had something like an internet connection except it was through your cable TV or something.
Also nobody actually had Sega Channel.

depends on the translation agency they use.
That said, on the larger scope of a project, no, just one character's text wouldn't be a significant difference.

Also fuck you for the Google Translate thing. It's so bad, so so bad.

>Also fuck you for the Google Translate thing. It's so bad, so so bad.
Depends greatly on the languages you're talking about. The Proto-Indo-European languages all translate pretty decently nowadays. It's when you step outside to alien shit like Mandarin that you run into problems. I blame China more than I do Google. What kind of weirdos don't speak languages derived from Proto-Indo-European? Ridiculous.

Good point, if it was a late removal or switch to pack 2 i wonder if was a rights issue over which Ash since hes in Dead by Daylight.

Daily remimder that Ash did indeed make it into Dead by Daylight as a survivor. And holy fuck, Stranger Things, too. This game crosses over with everything.

Why not keep Injustice Joker design. Fucking MK11 joker looks like it's just some shmuck in a joker costume

That Joker is way to handsome. That's some cosplaying chad, which is an oxymoron.

>it's just some shmuck in a joker costume
Don't you know who that is?

Attached: jokahbaby.jpg (856x480, 23K)

What the fuck is your problem?

You know I keep seeing this guy for years, and I never dared to discover the source due to fear of immense cringe.

I hope you mean part one and not the shitty one from 2. Though honestly fuck Joker being in this period.

>Sindel's base look wouldn't be a revenant
You want to try again user?


Attached: sindel-mk11.jpg (640x359, 23K)

>no ash
>still no rain and it will be behind a paywall
>fucking joker
>sindel ruined by muslim kombat aesthetics and likely covered from head to toe
>spawn years late
No thanks

what's up with the beard? Old T-800 was face clean in Genesys
Its not so bad.

That Joker is too hot

I think it's supposed to be like the latest Terminator movie that's coming out.



>This terrible ledgerish Joker design
A really hate Nolan for popularization of scars instead of big crazy smile in other media.

Joker looks rapeable

He's making fun of the autismfest Yea Forums threw over MK's women not looking like the trannies from MK9 and Jax's dumb arcade ending.

Fuck i didn't knew Arnold was going to be in this one. Can't we just reelect him so he has something else to do with his free time?

Shut up Gordon


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>he says this in regards to a lack of titty

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Reminder NRS erased every single MKX comic and the new setting they were building up with MK11s ending

Fuck NRS

What happened?

Grant Kirkhope said Banjo wasn't going to be in Smash too. Look how that turned out.

so this is the power of Yea Forumsermin cross boarders huh.

God what were they thinking with 11s story

Not him but essentially Liu Kang and Raiden fused into Fire God Liu Kang and defeated Kronika, master of time. But as a result the timeline got reset AGAIN and now God Liu and his new god waifu Kitana now control the magic hourglass and are going to start shit over again


Go be a prudefag somewhere else, loser
Just proving my point more

Attached: AFB1A989-4B6D-41ED-83E2-74006C5A49F9.png (785x600, 1.21M)

Basically a couple years ago they rebooted MK and as a result were building the new setting up MK11 decided to end with another reboot.

Nothing ruins lore faster than A) time travel and B) multiverses.
Once you go down those narrative paths you're officially deciding nothing that happens to anyone in the story matters anymore.

Those comics make SonicFox a canon character, fuck them.

Where the fuck do you even go from here that isn't a retread? I'm supporting the "fuck MK12, just keep adding DLC to 11" idea more and more after thinking about it

Well that's the thing, they actually had a good thing going at one point clarifying that MK's fucked continuity is actually Kronika repeatedly resetting shit until the future she wants happens.

Does that mean that he has to act like a Yea Forumsermin?


Go be a little bitch faggot somewhere else and don't misuse that quote because someone disagreed.

Attached: hawkmanihy.png (383x375, 274K)

>Elric fangirl with poor aim

Attached: 1566332736341.png (217x277, 85K)

Kano fucking Joker porn when

I want to FUCK Sindel

When you retuuuuuuurn the slab

Attached: 3120988 - Damara_Megido Homestuck Meulin_Leijon groundcoffeemug.jpg (1434x1675, 177K)

I'd like to save her instead nameless wraith.^

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I need to see a human skin first.

They need to stop rebooting the timeline. This is literally the third time in the last three games that they did this.

But i didnt misuse it, its still totally accurate when referring to you, prudefag bitch

Attached: 1554592588375.gif (324x187, 316K)

MKX didn't reboot anything though? Or are you counting Kronika's shenanigans as a separate reboot?

and yet it somehow is still better than any of his looks in Injustice 2

God, NRS is absolute shit tier at design

Attached: YIKES.png (444x495, 210K)

How about you go to a fanfic site as step one? Who cares, corporations can't logically build anything.

I think he means the time skip which added new characters

Isn't Terminator just going to play like Jax?

I never even defended their designs, dumbass. Making fun of your overreaction has nothing to do with demanding people buy a product.

I never got the appeal of Homestuck tentacle dicks or tentacle porn in general. The dick coming to a point as opposed to a large, rounded head seems way less stimulating

Isn't it not the 50's?

Attached: 1566332345908.png (634x588, 249K)

Hoes mad

NRS showed once they deviated from the old lore they fucked up. Sindel killing everyone was not a bad idea but they handled it horribly

I'm just curious, why do people still use this as a reaction image, isn't this the dude that (possibly faked) crying at the rise of skywalker trailer?

I never understood green text if you weren't a McFarlane or magical dread being.

Attached: 1566272356947.png (1159x864, 1.24M)

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? It's bad enough we have 15 fucking threads about this bullshit without some attention whoring namefag coming here to shit this thread up. Go fuck yourself with a rake, and go back to that cesspool of a website we all know you're from you disgusting faggot

>no Sektor
>no Cyrax
>no Reptile
>no Ermac



Attached: maxresdefault (6).jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Nothing you've said in this thread makes any sense.

The revenants don’t matter anymore half of them are back as humans.

Double imbecile, nice goo GB oog ly eyes.^

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I hope mods nuke the namefag having a stroke

>Reptile, Ermac, Smoke, Sektor, and Cyrax
Never ever
me too:(

I know the Shaggy meme is beyond normalfag tier now, but I still kinda wish he made it in. Would have been at least a little entertaining.

That would explain the anonymity infestation.

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fuck off idiot

That's depressing, I was hoping this was the video I saw years ago with a guy who sounds exactly like BTAS Joker that isn't the VA.

Should Spawn be voiced again by Keith David or someone else?

Attached: keith-david.jpg (467x653, 61K)

They already confirmed Keith David is doing it again

Reptile would have been cool.

I still wish for Ash though...

If it was anyone else, there would be a fucking riot. Netherrealm hasn't entirely bought the farm yet.

Well, thats one good thing at least...

He'd fit better than Joker.

t. triggered NRS shill

Guest characters are shit all the people who want ash or anyone else can go fuck themselves wheres the mortal kombat in mortal kombat?

Ash is actually one of the rare good guest ideas you underaged fag

Remember when new characters were added when you bought the expansion pack?
Fuck off fag.

Where Reptile? Wheres Ermac? Wheres Stryker? Fuck off with your meme zoomer shit.


Literally no one outside of summerfags care about Stryker.

Why the fuck would you want a Pokemon character in fucking Mortal Kombat? Where the fuck do the themes even overlap?

There's too many gun characters as is.

First of all, I wanted them in the game too. Fuck Cetrion and Kollector, they suck. Second, NOBODY fucking likes Stryker. He's even more irrelevant thanks to Erron Black

Stryker uses batons,tasers, flashlights, and MK11s variation system could give him something new

>Fuck Cetrion and Kollector
Kollector is cool. What about Geras?

Kollector is okay. Every new MK needs a freaky, inhuman character. At least he's better than the midget riding the mute in MKX.

No, Stryker fucking sucks, and is borderline a joke. Besides I'm sick of this special forces shit.
Kollector is just kind of lame. He's an outworld jew with six arms. I don't find him very interesting, and would rather stick with Goro. Geras? Eh, take or leave. He's essentially MK magic Terminator

The only popular MKX characters were Erron and Takeda yet they shove Cassie and Jacqui into 11

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Take my money now!

Attached: Leonardo-Dicaprio-Cheers.jpg (600x400, 26K)

And yet here you are defending the game by attacking its critics.

cumbrains dont play video games

No, I only attacked you faggot. Get laid and fuck off.

I'm reminded of Samurai Shodown. DLC release was originally 4 characters every other month (Rimururu in August, Basara in October, Kazuki in December and Wan Fu in February). Then at Evo they bait and switched, threw in Shizumaru as a free DLC character and a revised DLC schedule with all of it out by the end of the year.

Also no guest characters but I'm guessing that'll be broke in S2 with a Soul Calibur character in exchange for YEAHmaru in SC6.

Also MK11 fucking sucks and is boring trash. SamSho Top 8 at Evo was hype as fuck even with everyone bitching about Genjuro.

Wrong Ash bozo.

Attached: 360x0.jpg (360x541, 22K)

Where's Ash?

>that'll be broke in S2 with a Soul Calibur character in exchange for YEAHmaru in SC6.

Mitsurugi makes the most sense.

Yeah, fuck them for that.

I want to FUCK the Joker


samurai showdown and MK have fucking tons of characters but nooooo here’s some gay ass art style breaking shit.

According to Nightwolf's intro with Raiden, he killed the missing ones including Nightwolf.

Another problem with MK11. Dark Raider was a threat for 5 minutes god if I didn’t like the gameplay.

It really gets annoying because it's roster space that could be taken up by either an older character or even a new one (like Leroy in T7 or Najd in KoF 14) to try and appeal to people who aren't going to buy the game. Well mostly not. MK is largely played by normalfags and people who still think it's 1996 so characters like Spawn and the Terminator are perfect for them.

But putting guest characters in something like SF or SamSho wouldn't work.

I like how they could try and redo the 3D era characters (even though most of them aren't any worse than the classic ones) but MK's fanbase is made up entirely of normies and 90s Kid nostalgiafags who won't accept anything showing up that was invented after UMK3 except for Kenshi because katanas are cool as shit bro.

he looks like that one fat kid in the mega64 cosplayers video

Cassie was still important to the plot though. Knowing NRS they'll charge us for Takeda in pack 2.

His finishing movie?

Why though?

Knowing NRS Kombat pack 2 will be full of meme guest shit

Wait, who killed who exactly? Revenant Nightwolf killed the time-traveled humans, Dark Raiden killed most of the revenants, or...? This is news to me.

Are they going to redo all the fatalities for Terminator since he shouldn't guts/blood/etc?


Attached: merely raiden.png (500x302, 236K)

He had blood though? Remember when he cut his hand to show the scientists?

Some of them are lost causes user. Or you get cases like Frost where they wasted the redesign and made her the most annoying character in the game.

so liu kang can rape him

They'll just change the color of blood to black.

Evil Raiden killed most of the evil revenants he killed evil Nightwolf . Human Nightwolf comes back due to time fuckery

The character interactions sometimes reveal story points. Like 11 hints that D'Vorah killed Ferra and Tor.

i'm more interested in Terminator and Spawn fatalities

There's really not a lot for him that's unique in a game like SamSho though. They admitted that the initial roster was kind of a sausage fest so if they use an SC character for S2 they'll probably go with Sophitia or something.

I don't generally like guest characters either but companies see a value in it I guess even though Negan didn't do much of anything for Tekken. At least Geese is a fighting game character and someone Harada wanted in the series so he's a little more acceptable.

Is Joker-memes the worst thing that ever happened to the internet?

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Okay, I'm seriously impressed with that lineup. UR SOUL IS MINE Shang, plus Terminator, and Spawn in one fighting game. If they released this in the 90s, everyone would've had spontaneous orgasms on the spot.

Terminator better get Sektor's function at least. It's just flamethrowers and Rockets.

Does MK11 have any comics?

>He had dialogue and everything in the leaks along with these guys

Surprise twist: it was actually dialog for Duke Nukem.

Joker looked better back in vs MCU

Eh, I don't really think any of them are. I guarantee you that with work someone like Hsu Hao could be made into a cool character but they don't want to do that because it's easier to just go "eh, the fans hate him and we're lazy throw another ninja and horror movie character in the game". Of course characters that Boon personally likes (i.e. Stryker, Quan Chi and Bo Rai Cho) are largely exempt from this.

user Duke Nukem wasn't relevant when Duke Nukem Forever finally came out

I wish...

They directly reference events from the MKX comics. What are you talking about?

Frost was only brought back because they wanted Cyber Sub-Zero again.

I hope they got a new voice
Hey Cyber Frost is arguably the best thing that happened to the character. Better than just Sub Zero with tits

Subzero tells him that Dark Raiden killed Revenant Nightwolf with the implication of killing Stryker and Smoke. Go to 9:01

>I hope they got a new voice
They're totally using Epcar again since he's already voicing Raiden.

Cyborgs in MK are retarded

I see why Gordon wants to see his butthole destroyed

fuck you, Cyrax is one of the better characters of MK

Most fatalities or Fatal Blows would not kill or injure a T-800 though.

Other character dialogues say that Nightwolf's revenant is alive.

Noob and D'Vorah to be exact.

MK is meant to be crazy. Fuck you for hating fun

Not like it matters. Nothing from DLC is canon.

Half of these shouldn't work because the only organic thing on T-800s is skin and a little blood just for show. What the fuck is Baraka going to do, eat his damn CPU?

He’s eaten the cyborgs

Maybe, Kobra, Darius, that Vampire, and the female Raiden lookalike would take some work though. A lot of them felt so derivative of the main cast or just lazily thrown together.

Her personality is grating as fuck and they could have done a lot better with her moveset.

he looks young as fuck

Stryker is fun so I want him

The cyborgs you can hand wave because they're still human inside those tin cans. Terminator? He's 98% fucking metal and wires! Christ most of these fatalities shouldn't even shut him down.

She's written so one-dimensional that I wouldn't be surprised if the writers don't even like her.

Actually MK11 showed us how the cyborgs are made. There is literally no skin inside all they do is take the Brain+Stem and plop it in a robot

Everybody in the game shits on her, so I wouldn't be surprised. Even horny ass Shang wants nothing to do with her.

But they also cut fully-intact bodies in half for no reason. Don't forget that important detail.

Are you serious wow that’s dumb

Not in every version. In a lot of continuities, it was just armor.

I just want Drahmin back, guys.

>Joker getting in before Spawn
BULL. FUCKING. SHIT. Yes, I know it's nitpicking, but come on. People have been begging for Spawn for years now. Who wanted Joker?

>Who wanted Joker?
WB execs.

When will MK characters appear in DC again

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I imagine Spawn's cape is a nightmare for their physics engine so he's going to take a much longer time to get right.

Also, bookending with him means his popularity will keep people engaged. Ending with someone like Joker or Nightwolf wouldn't have been as smart from a marketing standpoint.

Damn, this is actually big news plot-wise, since the revenants were always on the back-burner in the new timeline. Thank you, guys.


Attached: BTAS_Gordon.jpg (640x480, 46K)

user to GCPD,

Does anyone have a thread screencap with Gordon promising to rape anyone who rolls a 7, I think, and Joker AND Harley end up the posts with a 7?

>Joker in Mortal Kombat
I can only hope some madman uploads an all Fatalaties on the Joker video to Youtube. It would be the most cathartic thing eve after decades of comics of the Joker just getting away with everything

Attached: 1513820569206.jpg (346x349, 35K)

you want me to do it

I think its supposed to be Jerome Joker from Gotham

Do it bro all of Yea Forums would love it

Joker here looks like the twink from Gotham with extra makeup

Attached: clown.jpg (2048x1777, 442K)

Blame the Soul Food.

Mk11 has a battle damage system? I thought you just get bloodier?

He looks like a male model

Attached: 777756489.gif (500x375, 506K)

Why is Spawn releasing nearly a year after the game's release.

Attached: Hellspawn.jpg (1200x800, 122K)

Are you schizophrenic?

>only horror villain with personality

Not sure if troll or just retard.

As an user who never got into any Mortal Kombat games, is there a comic or novel or summary to read? Time travel stories are my guilty pleasure

>people now actually think of time travel as central to the plot of MK, not the actual plot, which is about settling an interdimensional war through a martial arts tournament
The reboot was such a fucking mistake

Absolutely based

I can't believe Joker is actually fucking in

Who the fuck is still playing MK11? It's so much worse than MKX or IJ2 that I just assumed everyone dropped it in the first month

Christ, and people thought SF5's throws were too good. What a joke.

I'm the joker baby

ah bloo bloo

Sure you are

Attached: old wayne.png (837x635, 386K)

My guess is he's the hardest to animate, if they plan on going the whole 9, with the cape & chains, and that his movie is the furthest away from release. The Terminator flick and Joker will be released sooner.

He better look amazing then. He was the only guy I wanted to really use aside from Ash.

He looks like that kid eating a can of beans grew up.

He probably is. Pic related is Kano's model

Attached: derek-pratt-by-blake-ballard-5-753x1130.jpg (753x1130, 119K)

They put the persona guy in so I don't see why Ash should he different

he looks cool as hell

Attached: spawn.png (1370x917, 608K)

Shut it, Todd


The trailer was so boring tho. I can't believe it took 5 months to release that

Don't forget the military handjob its become since X.

>settling an interdimensional war through a martial arts tournament
Can this meme stop. they haven't done a tournament since 2

WB killed another franchise. 7 MONTHS



Wrong on both counts:

>Joker is a qt



I kinda hope that Boon and co. just let MK11 ride out for a while and they go on to make a new game that isn't a fighting game. Boons always talking about wanting to get into a new project.

That doesn't excuse all the time travel, faggot.

Haven't the Injustice games continue to include Scorpion and stuff?

>it's a shaolin monks sequel
>starring cassie and blacqui

Attached: monkeyspaw.jpg (512x384, 27K)


Attached: flop.png (1227x657, 426K)


zoom zoom

He does like a good 20 lbs heavier in the OP

i made a thing.

Attached: joker rise up.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

Attached: 1474336238275.jpg (672x669, 181K)

The ad just came on YouTube and he looks better animated than in the OP's still.

what's the point of having guest characters that aren't pic related?

Attached: steven-kosanovich-rash.jpg (1920x1555, 453K)

That Joker literally looks like some fucking soiboi teenager you'd find doing a terrible Heath Ledger impression at a convention, holy fuck.

Who okayed that character model? He looks like the kind of person you'd find waiting in line for a midnight showing of the new Batman movie.

He looks like he literally JUST left his house for the first time in weeks to go to Free Comic Book Day.

I'm the Joker baybee

Don't use a video game to justify you not living your life as best you can

>not calling it Special Forces 2

It's like he's a Jehovah's witness going door to door asking people if they've risen up yet.

Getting into a good game, for one.

The fuck is this joker rape meme

Blacqui Niggs was low key the standout character of the story mode in 11 so I'm down with that. Cassie's green glow shit needs exploring anyway.

>Blacqui Niggs was low key the standout character of the story mode in 11

Maybe next time Noob won't just job to every single person he sees.

Attached: u9tu6kuw2vv21.png (2000x1432, 1.07M)

Newfag found

Sure, and maybe Reptile will get with Khameleon and repopulate his race

Attached: rainbow lenny.gif (500x351, 63K)

Too bad Jason isn't in this.
I always wanted to use his brutal fatalities on the faggot clown. I fucking hate Joker.

he looks like a reactionary youtuber that harasses people to debate him

>joker is a combination of nu-joker and 2008 joker

Jack Nicholson is a sad panda

Is there anything more pathetic than Capcom/FGC-fags?


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>everyone bitching about Joker
>I'm just excited for all the banter and references to past crossovers with MK

The shit he's going to say to Shao is going to be incredible, mark my words

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Just like cyrax and sektor

Read the thread

he made a tweet when shang tsungs trailer came out saying something along the lines of "wow what a cool game, definitely will need to check this out" since it had already been leaked before. They had a chainsaw and a terminator sounding theme at the end of that trailer for the 2 surprise guests. He's in the game, I swear to god though if NRS decided to push him to the 2nd wave of dlc just so we can get a port of one of the least played characters in Injustice 2 I'm gonna be pissed

Not NRS, WB. Joker and T-800 are scheduled according to movie releases. Though I can’t imagine paying another 20-40 bucks for Ash, Fujin, Sheeva, and whomever by that time

That seems to be the case unless Joker pulls out a chainsaw for one of his moves or Fatalities.

I laughed harder than I should

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KI is good, retard

He was talking about KI not MK

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Well I meant full blown crossover. Or a comic

ngl I would be his Harley any day

Because The Joker, Batman, Superman and WonderWoman are the only DC Heroes that exist and Joker is EXTREMELY popular and transcends shitty DC movies.

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I really fucking hope they just continue supporting mk11 with dlc nrs are the worst fucking devs when it comes to rosters they always cut characters for no reason

>Japan loves mk
>can’t buy because Japan censorship laws are a mess

Both Ash and Joker were leaked from the start, they just moved Ash to S2 and Joker to S1

I'm assuming that's going to happen in 2029 judging by the release schedule of the current pack.

Based. Literally buying the game for him. When he gets released that is.

No, I made a post calling the new Shang Tsung fat and likening him to a popular pro wrestler from the 90s who was known for his weight.
Pretty sure there isn't anything mentally ill about doing that. Are YOU schizophrenic?

>Remember when new characters were added when you bought the expansion pack?
No, I don't even know which games had that. Only expansion pack I'm familiar with is the one for DK64.