Dragon Prince

Sorry I'm late, but this guy was definitely sealed in a mirror for being a massive dark magic user who probably sucked the life forces out of entire nations or something, right?

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We assume from the poem is that he was the one that taught humans dark magic. So the elves banished him into the mirror.

"#WOKE" SJW pandering garbage

I like to think he the only elve who see potencial on the human race while everyone else elve , dragons, gods hate humans.
He wants to use humans as his personal army of warlocks

This. He sees the potential in them, but still I don't think he respects them as people. They are tools to be used. The only difference is, he knows how to sharpen his tools while the other elves just threw them out on the curb and hoped for the best.

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How does the story justify this again? Do they just say "all humans are evil, the elves were just defending themselves"?

The story doesn't really justify it, the elves are made out to be huge dicks, human just also happened to be doing shit that provokes them to act on how dickish they are.

Humans don't have naturally inherent magic (allegedly as we now know some can, as Callum has managed it), so they have to "steal" it from other magical creatures in order to cast spells, so-called dark magic. Humans are unique amongst all sapient races, if not all animal life, in not having inherent magic. Which is...odd, to say the least and we can only speculate as to why this is (and something Callum will probably find out about).

Now WHY stealing magic from a creature is evil when killing a creature is not is never explained, but I assume it has some sort of larger consequence as far as the victim's magical soul, like maybe it can't rejoin the universe or is eternally damned as a result. It also looks like dark magic corrupts the user a great deal, too, as from the SDCC panel, Sol Regen says "I smell death" upon encountering the dark mage, although he could have just been throwing shade. Not to mention Viren having to suck butterfly souls to stay active.

We don't know what the majority opinion of humans was before dark magic was introduced, but having it apparently improve their lives dramatically. The dark mage from the SDCC panel said humans "starved and struggled" before they had magic, implying that living with elves and dragons prior had not been a good deal for them. When the dark mage asks Sol Regen if he wants humans to go back to being "lesser beings", Sol Regen says "You ARE lesser beings". When the dark mage doesn't promise to give up magic completely, Sol Regen attacks a city of (hundreds of thousands of) innocents and they fight.

I think it's very possible Sol Regen took a different story of the fight back to the other dragons. I can't imagine they're all dicks, as that doesn't seem to be in the show creators' style. You'll note that they expelled humans from Xadia instead of killing them all outright, something Sol Regen surely would have wanted.

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Too based to exist in the main dimension.

That's kind of boring. I was hoping he was a literal jizz wiz who drained life forces out of people through their semen.

Reminder that Viren did nothing wrong

Something to note is that according to the new info, elves and dragons left humans alone, doing dark magic, for around 900 years. It was when humans started poaching the most powerful magical beings (which, so far, have been sapient from what we've seen) that things came to blows.

The whole "gtfo now" thing becomes a great deal more understandable when the elves and dragons saw humans starting to hunt and cannibalize beings like them for power. It'd be like finding out your neighbor is a secret people eater.

he kept knocking over buckets of water

I think it's very likely the elves simply worship the dragons (not as gods, but as beings greater than themselves). If the dragons insisted humans were evil, the elves had no reason to question it. If humans were living such poor lives before they had dark magic, it stands to reason the elves and humans barely mingled, which makes it very easy to divide and conquer.

I don't think it's as simple as the dragons being dicks, either. There are probably individuals who are dicks, e.g. Sol Regen, but there's no reason to think they're ALL just being assholes for the sake of the story progression.

Dark magic probably is actually evil. There's a reason Callum rejected it, and there's a reason it's been portrayed as visually insidious has it has been, going so far as to corrupt the caster. That doesn't mean the people who practice it are evil, though.

So why had humans been kept down before all this? Maybe it's because their lack of inherent primal magic means they can cast all kinds of magic (even without resorting to dark magic)? If early dragons saw this as dangerous and unnatural, they would leverage humans' short life spans in order to keep them in ignorance of their abilities.

I really doubt Callum was the first one to figure this all out, but it's possible. After all, elves apparently have no idea how they actually cast magic, so it makes sense that early humans would give up trying to learn how to do primal magic from them. Dark magic is something that can be easily taught and makes sense to the practitioner, and it may be that once early humans discovered it, they never tried anything else. But still...I doubt it. I think there is a conspiracy, and I don't think Aaravos is helping Viren out of the goodness of his heart, either.

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Are we sure they were actually using dark magic for 900 years openly? I thought it was just the founding of Elarion that was 1000 years prior to Exodus, not necessarily an open use of dark magic.

We know there was 900 years of dark magic being in human hands without there being any (at least, between humans and elves). How much they used it is technically debatable, but we know that humans quickly became more prosperous in his period, and their usage of dark magic must have gradually ramped up to the point where they were going after the really powerful creatures. I find it unlikely that they'd be able to use dark magic to completely change human society without it becoming apparent that they suddenly had magic. For the usage of dark magic to propel them up so much it'd have to be pretty widespread too.

Sol Regen appears to be the Viren of his side. A bitter asshole extremist who feels like he was never appreciated and got kicked the fuck out of being Dragon King.

>ywn secretly found a civilisation of Elfocaust survivors that despise the magic that spurned them
>ywn convince them to cast away the writhing, unpredictable serpent that is manic and pick up instead simple yet reliable tools forged of honest steel
>ywn see the greatest inventors create the first wonders of war such as firearms and cannons to repel bloodthirsty magic-users
>ywn watch as they progress along the various ages, eventually entering their industrial revolution that puts them ahead of elfkind in the tech game by centuries
>ywn watch as mechanised warfare makes its debut and the magics are for the first time pushed back by rows upon rows of trenches and artillery pieces
>ywn watch as the influx on new land both brings a wealth of land and resources for continued development and sparks an insatiable hunger for more
>ywn watch as increasingly advanced experiments take place deep in the bowels of human strongholds, every spark fresh technology, every vivisection a new bioweapon to poison them
>ywn watch as arrows and magical bolts are deflected by tank armour, as great winged beasts are chased down and felled by squadrons of fighter pilots
>ywn see them cower as your own people did and see their leaders beg humanity for the same mercy they denied it
>ywn ignore them
>ywn stand on the smouldering ruins of the last eleven stronghold and declare humans the rulers of this world and all others
>ywn feel the galaxy tremble as man then turns his gaze to the stars
I never even watched Dragon Prince.

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I really should read Warhammer

Season 3 when?

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When its good, its really good
When its bad its really dumb

Also fuck elves in general and this one in particular.

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Never. Apparently Netflix isn't happy with it.

Oh shit maybe I should have been watching it instead of shitposting here.

People seem to only talk about the big picture of the world and its politics here though, hows the "day to day" of the episodes hold up?
I watched only the first two so far.

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The episodes are fine-ish. The humor is arguably the worst part of it, because everyone is written like Sokka. However, that's not what has Netflix concerned. Season 3 apparently is using a new production method and it's turning out some pretty choppy results.

I didn't mind the choppiness in the first couple eps and I heard season 2 improved greatly animation wise
I wouldn't worry too much, Netflix' business model is to continue dumping money into projects for tax write offs.
The "Dancing on an Avalanche" method