Post your favorite pages and spreads Yea Forums
Post your favorite pages and spreads Yea Forums
I'd rather see Erica Henderson's bare tits
Why would you start this thread with such a horrifying image? One that isn't a page or spread, at that.
Just post a favorite page man.
the fuck
This page is great
Spoilered for those who haven't read SSSS and care about that kind of thing
You really want to start this thread again?
Lil Gotham is a fucking treasure
Never read a single issue. But this page sells me on the whole thing
I just love gary Frank's art. It screams classic comics but it's also somewhat realistic to me.
Ok i'm gonna need some salsa.
Imagine this face with a high pitched British accent. I'm talking the most unintelligible word-butchering, unending stream of diarrheaspeak. And she's just happy to see you, shaking your hand and going on and on about how excited she is to see you as she transitions into talking about how her day's been and then leads into her family issues. Of course you wouldn't know she did all that because your ears would be too busy bleeding for you to hear.
god FUCKING damn the Furies are so fucking cool
Read it you dumb fuck.
Too bad he takes forever.
Savage Avengers.
Someone post that spread from the most recent Fantastic Four where Thing knocks the Hulk the fuck out. So satisfying.
Sure, if i can get my hands on one
The absurdity of it kills me every time.
>"Beat *clap* YOU up!"
>"Do I look insane?"
It will never stop being hilarious how hard the political side that swears that "deadnaming" is a thing gets off on referring to the man by his old family name. It's not even like it was that uncommon of a practice back then.
That's right Superman, I fucked your mom!
Are you retarded? That literally only started because Donald Trump tried to bully Jon Stewart by suggesting he was ashamed of his Jewish last name.
That doesn't actually address his criticism. Either your principles must be applied universally or they are no principles.
that one is great
I tried to read this years ago but it was just all fucking talking.
stop sucking droomphg's cock
why Yea Forums seems into Marvel VS DC shit and no more on Garth Ennis or Neil Gaïman ?