>not actually eggs and bacon at all
>it's a fucking cupcake
I really hate this show.

Attached: buttwitch-2.png (673x462, 313K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I still watched every episode though

>Embodiment of adulthood wants an adult meal
>Citizen of children's fantasy land gives candy instead

It's not that hard, user.

Butt witch is a tranny


It's like you've never seen a grown woman before.

>Adult meal
>Eggs and bacon
I've been eating a single banana and my own insecurities for breakfast it's been at least two years

Nice blogpost.

>embodiment of adulthood
>runs around like a dragon and slashes stuff
If anything she represents the nuance of emotion and hardship that adults understand to exist and add flavour to the world.

She was referring to when he said “wakey wakey eggs and bakey”

It’s not that deep


I can't tell if you're trolling or legitimately this autistic.


come on user, don't make such a big deal out of it

Has there ever been a cartoon character more voluptuous than the Buttwitch in recent history?

Attached: gngng.png (275x379, 122K)

Fair point hip-wise, but the breasts don't seem to come close

>brings her tossed salad and scrambled eggs
>she doesn't know what to do with them
>hears Big Deal calling them again
I really hate this show


The most based post on Yea Forums right now.

What is a boy to do.

You don’t get the joke then.
>Cupcakes have eggs in them
>You bake them
>Hence eggs and bakey
It’s like you retards never went to school.

Maybe an OK KO character? But it’ll be hard to think of a somebody if pear shaped women aren’t good enough for you.

i want to cum inside butt witch!

Attached: tumblr_pwipqtwwi51rggl92o1_r1_1280.jpg (1280x1022, 294K)

What do you consider recent history? How far back?

2010s maybe? The age that Adventure Time ushered and that's dead/dying right now

Sorry Butt Witch but the eggs and bakey is where you come in.

It's like you never talked to a woman before.

I thank the gods every day that pilot Buttwitch wasn't changed in the slightest. Thank ye gods.

Does anyone know how the hell she landed Berry for the pilot?

Well Berry is relatively big in England but not so much in the US. Creator probably knew a friend of Berry's and contacted him and he thought he could make some splash in America

I know his voice makes me splash. Out of my dick, that is.

They got not one but two actors from mighty boosh.
Love it.

That massive grin. I love that massive fucking grin.

Who would win in a fight, John Wick or The Butt Witch?


Nigga you can still eat eggs and bacon as an adult. I mostly stick to steelcut oats but every now and then some bacon and eggs with a stack of homemade French toast or pancakes is fucking heavenly. Especially on an off day.

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Post Adventure Time, not much springs to mind. If we go back to contemporary with Adventure Time, then Linda from Phineas and Ferb is up there.

Oh hi /fit/ user did you get your BW shirt yet?

Not yet user, they told me I haven't made it yet.

seattle's usps is making opening a po box multitudes more difficult than it should be, will order the shirt as soon as this shit gets sorted out. but for breakfast i usually shotgun a peanut butter banana smoothie i toss some protein powder into

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Butt Witch, this is Big Deal, can you hear me?

Just finished watching this show. Was not thrilled with any of the episodes that were not focused on, Buttwitch and or tackling the "growing up/things change" plot head on. The Endless lore was alright. But the comedy and everything else fell flat for me. Also its social views in its writing REALLY get in your face sometimes.

>not Ma'am
Impostor detected.

>star vs and ok ko fags thinking any character on their shows can come close to butt witch
We're talking about hot voluptuous women figures, not cartoon blobs trying to form a facsimile of a vase/pear shape.

stop eating carbs

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you're still a child, mentally. go to a psyschologist you dumdum.

Ending of the last thread was wack.

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Nigga I don't care what's an "adult meal" or not.
If I want eggs and bacon, then dammit, I'm getting my eggs an bacon.

Eat your eggs and bacon, it's a lot of protein and (mostly) good fat.

What do you pedos want from Season 2? I want more Butt Witch.

Attached: the weak should fear the strong.jpg (898x751, 89K)

More BW, BW musical number, Reggie suffering more long-lasting consequences for her actions and slowly becoming a better and more put-together person over time, ButtDeal

Confirmation that it's happening at all.

Attached: sad nigga hours.png (481x596, 221K)

then why fuuuuck are they SELLING THEM

Hm? I fell asleep at the last leg but I dont' recall anything that weird

more bona fide spaghetti spilling from Reggie around conelly

I don't see why it wouldn't get another season, they just gave 3 more seasons to Big Mouth which is LITERALLY animated kiddie porn.

I think he really means he hasn't made it yet. In /fit/ speak that means he's still too fat to buy the size he wants.

Two anons got really horny for each other and one posted tits.

Yeah, and cancelled Tuca and Bertie.

I'm still crying over that.

Vickerman allegedly did the bad touch which led to one of the companies behind production dissolving
They could find a way to make more, sure, the question is if they WILL

>it's another "Bacon is good" meme thread

Where do you think you are

>people like thIng
CHRIST. Just let niggas eat what the fuck they like

What does Endless seem more responsive to Reggie's desires than the other two guys?

She's the least mature and thus the best prey

Reggie's got more imagination and just rolls with Endless' weirdness.
And it probably knows that she -wants- to stay there forever once she moves out.

The power of turbo-autism


Holy shit, link?

It shows just how little self worth you see that you have to drag up dead memes for the strawmen you invent to feel superior to
you're better than this user, don't let self doubt drag you into bitterness, there can always be improvement
What better thread for you to come upon. Like dear Regina, you don't need to retreat into fantasy to find satisfaction. Be who you are, not who you think you have to NOT be in order to look cool

Does Buttwitch have Haki?

It's in the last thread.
The actual link to the tits is dead though. It only lasted 10 minutes before the page went kaput.

Pic is gone it was on a timed site but thread is archived here

And I didn't screencap because I am a supreme women respecter.

I like tits as much as the next guy but that felt too /soc/.

Le epic maymay my good sir :)

It was full /soc/ for a hot minute.

Shh, he has to defend bacon's honor.

shut the fuck up all of you
this is a spaghetti and butter flakes discussion thread only

What does Buttflakes taste like? Does Twelve Forever literally just slap slabs of butter on potato chips?

How did the lyrics of the jingle go? Salty and creamy and sweet?
Honestly pure butter flavored chips wouldn't be close to the grossest shit chip companies have tried for gimmick flavors

For the 00's it would be pretty gross.

We had shrek themed green ketchup and other abominations like that in those days

The jingle said they taste salty, creamy and sweet.
They're probably just buttered flavored chips.
Or maybe they're actually flakes of dried butter. Can you dry butter?

Also reminder Reggie literally ate a stick of butter straight from the fridge when she was little.

you know a cupcake has eggs and you can put bacon in it right?

Bacon that comes from naturally and humanely raised pigs is actually good tho

Steak and eggs and eggs and steak

That's what you should have for breakfast.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (480x360, 14K)

>shrek themed ketchup
Oh shit, I remember those.
What the fuck were we thinking?


I hate Reggie so much guys. She's like the worst cartoon protagonist in the last 10 years.
She's selfish, annoying, short-sighted, gross, immature,disobedient, awkward, noisy, should I go on?
Thank goodness for the Butt Witch because otherwise, I would have dropped the show long ago.

About the same as now, just more balls with their attempts to plaster products with pop culture images

That's the point.
It's to show how immature she is now and how that's causing serious problems for her, while also showing that her friends are growing up much faster than she is.

Nah, it's not that, or of ot os, that's way too much of a stretch, like if a character said "bring me yeast" when they wanted pizza. Technically the pizza has yeast in it, but that doesnt make it a joke

>eating breakfast
>making it

That's too much of a stretch for that to be the joke.

Sounds like you're not a pedophile or something.

Is Reggie scared of Herobrine?

She would be if Minecraft existed in that time period. I imagine there is some urban legend out there in Bethrune involving creepy pop culture figures that Reggie’s mom made up to scare her into not walking outside past dark.

Not Herobrine because he wasn't around then, but maybe some other spooky vidya urban legend.
How long ago was Ben Drowned a thing?

Reggie is flawed but it's what makes her Reggie. She's still growing as a person and is a precious child who needs a nose boop.

Tfw you'll never know the joy of driving Reggie to the store to get new Cajun Spice Butter Flakes. Her smile wider than the grand canyon, excitement and anticipation growing with each passed traffic light. You might not like her eating such an unhealthy snack all the time but you live how much joy your little ginger snap gets out of something so simple.

Reggie's not internet literate like Dustin, she wouldn't be hip to spooky memes and creepypastas
It would have to be one of those broader urban legends that you'd absorb just from it being part of the local culture. Something like alligators in the bethune sewers or the mothman

What boards does Dustin go on besides /x/?

>user ... user, wake up. T-There's a storm outside a-and it's so loud I can't sleep... I-I'm n-not scared but... C-Can I sleep with you tonight?

>tfw I own a king size bed with 6 pillows and a heavy blanket
Fuck yeah she can sleep with me


Can I sleep with you?

Everyone can, the thing holds like 6 people

Of course she can! I'll put my arm around her and kids her head. And then we can watch a funny movie till she falls asleep safe and sound.

I love the way ma'am says "Big Deal"

>With ice cream?

Butt Witch wouldn't talk like this

same. It was a stroke of dumb genius that they named him that.

the delivery of that line really made me laugh. their dynamic is hilarious

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Is this Reggie or Butt Witch?

>implying BW would be scared and ask to sleep with anyone

>1: Borbo
>4:Pretty Please
>8:Brown Roger
>9:Guy Pleasant
>Dubs: Doctor Champion
Ate they all autistic? Figures.

Awesome. Puppy cuddles.

Bananas are basically sugar sticks. They don't even feed them to monkeys anymore because they are so unhealthy.

>Carlos outing himself

it's actually getting stuck in my head now

If it’s Reggie, I’m gonna be rock hard the entire way


Here we go.

Back when you guys were 12, would you have asked Reggie to dance?

Its like you've never been a woman before.

It was confirmed that Big Deal is a rare example of voyeurist/peeping Tom who plays out as being "cute and innocent" towards Buttwitch. But he's not. I'm not saying that he's a bad character but just pointing that out.
Hell, I'm a voyeur myself. I actually installed video cameras in stalls of the ladies room, I enjoy peeping on girls in the locker room. Fuck, nothing will stop me. And if I know that women are living in fear because of me & most likely will become traumatized later on, it gets me even more excited.
Look out Buttwitch, I am coming for you. I will never give a lady the privacy she needs. NEVER NEVER NEVER.

When I was 12, absolutely. A little later into middle school though and I'd have chickened out hard.

She kind of stretches the "ea" in deal just a tiny bit. It's that british enunciation.

I do too

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Yes but I probably would have had a boner halfway through.

citation needed
also seek help


Nope, I had a girlfriend at the time of my own. (I peaked at like 13 :( )

I didn't go to the dance because drawing and vidya were more important to me.

I want to fuck Reggie's mom.

More things that us pedos like.
Just Reggie doing cute things is fine

what is wrong with your FAAAAACE

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How many years until someone manages to pick up the show and continue it, if at all?
I say 3-4 years.

what race is esther supposed to be?

No, I've always been a beta cuck

>And if I know that women are living in fear because of me & most likely will become traumatized later on, it gets me even more excited.

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Judging from a family photo in Locked Out she's just pure black.


wonder if we'll ever meet her parents or it'll be a gag that they're literally so preoccupied with other shit we never actually see them in person

She's a nice woman and I could give her the love she deserves.

You're in luck user because I've got six more stories in the works after the long one drops.


>user! user look! Some guy gave me 5 bucks just for showing him my feet! And then he gave me a pack of reese's for taking a picture!

I want to see Reggie's feet.
Also, have her have a crush or romantic interest in a boy.

She’s so innocent. I want to lewd her.

That's so innocent it hurts.

>Implying I would teach her all about avoiding such people if I was her friend
Keeping it all to myself

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>ywn reggie's voice actor crooning the butterflakes song to you while you close your eyes and imagine you're fucking the real deal
Well at least we have that.


I hope you enjoy getting your sides cut in half as she tries to snuggle you.

Reggie so would get targeted by pedophiles in real life.


>snu snu
more like deadspace.gif

Butt Witch if trips.

You don't even need to eat breakfast, but if you do, eat eggs and bacon. It's literally healthier for you than a banana.

The show already awakened the inner pedo in many otherwise unconverted anons, honestly.


Big Deal if 000

Well, how many pedophiles live in bumfuck Bethune anyways?

Highly doubt that. Reggie might be pretty cute for some or most but hardly does anything to awaken anybody to that. And the other main girl is black, so yeah.

If bananas are sugar sticks then Bacon is heart attack strips.

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Eh, it’s more her personality. She never wants to grow up, is socially isolated, it’s just appealing I guess.

That's a Chad chin

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Don't worry lads, I'll always protect our little Reggie.

How would YOU cheer Reggie up?

Cum on her face. Duh.

Now she's sobbing, sticky and sad. Good job.

She’s always sticky. But in all seriousness take her to that pizza place.

By building a couch fort with her, with all the bells and whistles. And then we'd make some chicken nuggets and have a feast!

Give her a good licky lick, that'll cheer her up.

She's 12. Just turn on the AC, put her anime mixtape on, and give her a pack of milk duds.

Could an artfag take a crack at Reggifying pic related?

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No! Not again!

God. When this place gets /trash/ed, you know that's when shit will really go down.

I think its moreso the fact she's pretty outgoing and playful.

>She's just sitting there looking at her pizza, quiletly sobbing, covered in cum and tears.

>The fort is done, but Reggie just crawls inside, lays down and says nothing.

>She's no longer sticky, but unfortunately, still sad.

>It looks like Reggie's not interesing in her mixtape and won't even touch her snack.

Cuddle session?

Although Miranda's first appearance is from like 2008, I'd like to think Wakfu counts since it has ran well into the 2010s. And if Wakfu doesn't count, you still have the Dofus series to pick women from.

Attached: Miranda_wakfu_01_img_princ.jpg (565x421, 34K)

I didn't mean lick your jizz of her face, numbnuts.

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>shoehorning tumblr buzzwords into a childrens show
Surely this is an edit. R-right?

It's not but you're still retarded
It's a joke, watch the show

Ester is shown to be a uptight, stick in the mud whose politically correct language just serves to distance herself from people. It's funny because its unnatural to think like that, let alone for a kid.


No. Buttwitch is literally the only reason I'd even consider bothering with it, and a waifu alone does not a show make.

Up until now, I thought that was the token black guy. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be a case of shitty character design and it was actually the token black girl.

>It looks like Reggie's not interesing in her mixtape and won't even touch her snack.
Try to sing the lyrics next to her and fail hilariously because you've never actually heard the song before. Intentionally fuck it up in a way she notices.

No user. Bad.

Attached: me at this fucking world.gif (232x218, 2.96M)

I chuck a flashbang grenade into anons and Reggie’s pillow fort.

drain the fat from your bacon before eating it bro

I hope her cock is huge.

adios then

You cheeky fucker.

Is that photo shopped?

Every day,every night, i still pray to god to bring this show back.

Why you gotta be mean to my Reggie user? She's so small and sweet,

>You platonically cuddle Reggie, but she still won't say anything or even look you in the eyes.

>Too late. All you can teaste is cum, salty tears and sweat.

>Reggie just gives you a surprisingly serious look and turns off her mixtape.

>The little sperg is hysterically crying and shouting while covering her ears and eyes, not knowing what's happening and why can't she see or hear anything.

>Guy Perfect's voice sounds so familiar to me
>driving me insane throughout his episode until I break and look it up
>Noel does him
>I'm now sad because i remember it's been too long since i watched some Boosh

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Alright smart guy, what do you do?

reggie has literally no trust of adults and apparently for good reason. She's obviously wary of anyone older than her.

Just because Yea Forums has a den of like 4 pedophiles spamming a thread doesn't mean that pedos are common in the real world you weirdo

"What's wrong kiddo? I thought you liked this Chinese stuff"

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Will the show ever come back.

All we can do for the moment is hope and spread the hype.

i think twelve forever will be better as a web series.

Nobody knows. Depends if Cartel decides to get some other studio to do it and/or do something about the people that were at Puny Entertainment.
Since it was on Netflix I have no idea how popular it was.

And? Society teaches boys that they have to find a girlfriend, and if they don’t, they’re “weird” or “not worth anything.” But no, these writers won’t mention that because it’d kill them to acknowledge that men struggle too

What happened to the white boy from the pilot? Did he get Netflix Original’d?

Shane got cut but he lives on two other characters, Ester and Todd, as they're him but split apart.

I miss shane

Maybe they'll reintroduce him in the next season.

>retard getting outraged and didn't even watch the show
We got another one, guys!

>Reggie looks at you and gives you a poor smile, then she goes to her room and locks the door.

That will be cool,but by the looks of it we might not ever see him or any of the other characters.

What would you do, bitch?

But user, after a few hours of being awake, I'll start feeling sick and feeling as if I am a cloud flowing in the wind (possibly low blood sugar). I have to eat breakfast. I usually just eat oatmeal with an apple.

Attached: 0vomit.png (680x680, 57K)

Casually slip a noose under the door.

Attached: alfred-hitchcock-on-the-set-of-alfred-hitchcock-presents-showing-off-a-noose.jpg (651x768, 96K)

>After slipping the noose under the door user casually walks away ingnoring the movement coming from Reggie's room. Later in the middle of the night you can hear some quiet squeals and gasps lasting a few minutes.
Congratulations user, Reggie's no longer sad!

People's general reaction to the Butt Witch

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-22-00-52-33-1.png (800x454, 458K)

Damn it user.


Amazing grace our sins

Alright lads, just wanted to give an update on the story. "Comfortable Forever" is done and in the editing stage. I just gotta go over it, spell check, add a few things here and there. You know the deal. Should hopefully be set to post it a bit later tonight.

Sweet. Can't wait to see it.

Cool dude


Attached: file.png (823x765, 183K)

Ho shiet

user are you kidding.


That's great, good job user!

Why do adults forget that eggs and bacon is really high in cholesterol

I mean, Butt Witch is pretty immature when you think about it.

I didn't forget, I just don't give a shit.

I believe it was asked before but is Judy and Reggie's dad divorced or simply estranged? Same goes for Todd's parents.

He's me.

Judy and Dylan are divorced. Todd's mother "left" them.

I lost 50 pounds eating nothing but eggs and meat

Was the first thing stated in the episode?

Forget it, user. While it has been established that eggs contain cholesterol, it has not yet been proven conclusively that they actually raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human blood stream

Bitch please, I don't even have a breakfast.

I believe it was, yeah. Also his name is Daryl, my bad on that.

Attached: Beastly reply.gif (320x240, 59K)

I don't get it.

If she's in her normal form and it's in direct combat, I think it would lend heavily to John. He's a highly skilled ex-assassin that killed hundreds of armed and experienced men in the span of a week or so. Butt Witch, though a minor shapeshifter with magical abilties, along with above-human strength, has continually failed to undermine some (albeit superpowered) children in the span of two months. Plus, Butt Witch is more of schemer than a fighter anyway.

Snu-Snu's more like getting your pelvis crushed by giant lady-ass.
This is "a cute girl accidentally slices you in two while trying to give you a hug".

if I were to simulate Reggie without her knowing, how would I approach it?

Since when was eggs and bacon not an adult meal.


Alright folks, I think it's finally done. This one was a lot of work for me. And I hope that it came out alright. Like most of the stories I have planned, it was based off a little comment I made a while back that seemed like something Reggie would do. Then I just kinda escalated it from there. I tried to structure this one more like an actual episode, and and on the surface it feels like it works to me. It deals with a social issue and our little Reggie learns a bit of a lesson at the end.

Either way I'm rambling. so for the few of you who are interested, here's "Comfortable Forever"

I hope you guys like it or at least get a little entertainment out of it. And for those who might have missed the first two, here's:
Movie Night Forever:
and Woman Forever:
(both slightly edited from last time for some spelling mistakes.)

Next up I'll be doing two more short scenes. Aloft Forever and Brother Forever. Anyway, let me know what y'all think!

Nice man.

Neat! Loved it.

Yeah, it's weird how they made her an overt agent of puberty at first, then completely dropped that idea and just made her a generic mean villain.

As I see it, Butt Witch isn't really a healthy idea of adulthood. Rather, she's Reggie fear of growing up made manifest.

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>Buttwitch is literally the only reason I'd even consider bothering with it, and a waifu alone does not a show make.

There's actually a compilation on Youtube that cuts the show down to only scenes with Buttwitch in them. Ironically, the show doesn't make any less sense that way.

Season 2 is going to have a bunch of of boys at Reggie 's school planting cameras inside the girls' locker rooms at school and this would mark Reggie getting traumatized & BW getting full on control on her.

It would be better if the box-turned shirt on her upper body remained a box desu

>scene from the show has 700k views
where tf is my season 2 announcement

How would that make Butt Witch control her?

>Buttwitch is literally the only reason I'd even consider bothering with it
This is for you, then.

Attached: Well, hello.png (1920x1090, 1.56M)

Lovely work, bro.

What if instead of dumping the Puberty Books in the volcano, Reggie instead buried it? Some anons made the connection that the only two real evil characters in the show, Butt Witch and that Price Taker monster came out of liquid. Would Butt Witch still be summoned if buried?

>that butch hartman-like side smile on the left
Do they ever do this in the show? Somehow it looks much better than the straight up crescent ear-to-ear yandere smile she usually has on.

This show made me realize that more villains really need theme music.

Possibly, though I think it has more to do with intent or the feelings behind the burial.
Like when Reggie buried her toys and the cardboard ship she had happy feelings towards them and they came back good.
She had negative feelings towards the puberty books and the label maker when they were thrown in their liquids so they came back as monsters.
Also, when Todd tried to make his brother Aaron a second time he felt anger when burying his objects and so the creature also came out as a monster, albeit a relatively harmless one.
So while she might've had a different form Butt Witch would most likely still have been summoned.
Or if not her -some- sort of puberty monster would've came out.

Yeah that was me actually. I think if she had, it'd would have been exactly like Todd said, they're have Petuaterry and the Body Squad running around the island instead.

Here's BW's full theme for anyone that's interested. Makes me wish they had done a long version of the ending song as well though.

You forgot this.

What do guys make of that Flower in Sad Matha? Did the realm itself made her?

Oh wow, totally my bad on that one. How'd I forget the link like that? Thanks for catching that.

Yeah that was a weird one. Neither buried nor drowned. The island just kinda took the music box from her. Also I feel it kinda clashes with what this user said, in that Reggie had happy memories of the music box, or at least thought she did. The sad was much more repressed in this case.

Thanks guys! I'm glad you liked it.

Guys, did you know that Matt Berry went on to play some character's singing voice in Hazbin Hotel?

Is there a Butt Witch bath scene?

I thought he was going to be the narrator.

Not. Yet.

There isn't even a narrator in Hazbin Hotel. The user saying this is a fucking hack who keeps making multiple fake Vivziepop tweets and trying to grab everyone's attention. And think about it, HH is an amateur YouTube freelancer animation project. How tf would they be able to get Matt Berry?

I think?
Reggie didn't intend to bury the music box or put it inside the flower, the flower just ate it on its own volition.
And while Reggie thought the memory was happy, she felt some buried sadness about her father, and the song itself was actually pretty sad, too.

Why would Endless do this? To help her?

Why the fuck doe Endless do anything?

Does BW ever get naked in the show?

For all know that suit of her is her body. Meaning, she could be always nakies.

considering how defined her ass and tits are, she may as well be naked
What are your thoughts on BW 's Romanian dub voice?

That red suit could very well be her skin considering how well it changes with her shapeshifting.
So she could always be naked.

It's fine, but nowhere near as suave or boner-inducing as Berry's voice.
Dude just set the bar too high.

A bit off topic but Berry would have been a good Dio Brando voice

Pretty sure Reggie would notice you trying to pin her like a bowling ball.

What do you mean?


I actually have a bit of a fringe theory that Endless is kinda like the infinity train. It uses it's insanity to try to get you to stay away and embrace your real life, lest you be swallowed by it, another tool it can use to help others.

Grow you hair out and dye it red for starters.


Of course. Yeah try wrestling or roughhousing.

Were they still on the same network you'd have every crackpot youtuber theorizing that the plain the Train rolls along is just another distant corner of the Endless
They're not even on the same network anymore and I'm starting to headcanon it, SHIT

Oops I meant stimulate.

Why does the Butt Witch have multiple abilities? So far any other character with powers have only demonstrated one.

shes barely human

Does anyone have clips of Japanese Butt Witch? (where she's voiced by Brook from One Piece)

What makes you say she's even human?

i dont know how to make clips but shes cute in japanese. Big Deal uses says "Master" instead of Ma'am.

Do you have a link?

i just changed my netflix to japanese bro

Well, too bad that I don't have Netflix.
Is she still voice by a man in Jap?

how different does japanese BW look from this version? or is it only a dub difference?

dont say jap its a slur, use jp; you even get to type one less letter

anyway I'm pretty sure she's voiced by a man in every language. It's kind of a mid-range masculine tone but she uses some cutesy turn of phrases

Do you guys think those green resentment worms are a kind of larva stage to whatever Butt Witch?


Have you tried the cinnamon butter flakes?

Not really. She’s just a creature of spite and anger and feeding on those feelings concentrated empowers her/others same way the pink shield fragments do

that damn egg council has gotten to you

I don't think they are. But another user pointed out in the last thread that they were all headed in the same direction, so it's possible there's something else lurking out there that could be worse than Butt Witch.

>still doesn't sound mean enough

Is Butt Witch bathing right now? Please, tell me she is. I will go peek at her right now. I already set the cameras.

In the Portuguese dub, Buttwitch shares the same VA with Rick from Rick and Morty (though the guy uses a more suave voice BW).

What an embarrassing post. Where do I even begin

What would be a suitable next villain? I suppose another one that embodies some other aspect of Reggie's immaturity. If Butt Witch is Regina's concerns over growing up, then perhaps one would be her fear of rejection.

For all we know, she may be even more unwashed then Reggie.

Big Deal doesn't know how to make it, but Buttwitch cares enough to preserve his feelings cuz deep down she's a softy.

At least appreciates him at some level.

I don't think that's possible.

Maybe it doesn't really apply to her. She may not even be organic.

That's a tough one. The end of the season makes it seem like BW is out of commission again, but if you remember, Collin, Dr. Champion, and the others reverted back to normal after just a few minutes, So I would assume BW will too, probably just as soon as Big Deal gets her home.

As for a villain, I really want there to be a real world antagonist. Someone like a bully that really digs at Reggie. Not just a passing comment like we saw a few times. I mean someone relentless. Someone that she can't just punch into orbit. I think it'd be a good way to explore some issues as well as give her a lot of chances to grow in her own special way, which is what we all really want.

People say there won't be a villain in the Bethune side of things due to how grounded it is, but assholes do exist. I believe it wouldn't be anyone explicitly a bully like in those PSAs. Maybe it's someone a lot like Reggie, but having took a dark path.

Sort of like a cautionary tale? I could get behind that. Someone who's too childish even for Reggie.

cholesterol isnt even bad for you

I mean, we sorta got it with Elmer, but I suppose this theoretical villain would shock even someone as thick headed as Reggie.

Man, I really hope Judy's boss come back to become a regular companion to the mom as Kathy is to her. It would be fun seeing J playing ego between the two.

buttwitch doesnt bathe she just sheds her exoskeleton

Fuck no. Her boss would make Judy's life quality slip even further. She already has two weird kids she can't relate to, and only Cathy to give moral support sometimes. She's got nothing else. I bet she keeps busy with work and the side job just to distract herself from the reality that is her life.

So another Elmer? I guess. As long as he or she beats up Reggie. I need to see that little autist CRY.

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I mean, it is a lot worse than I initially thought but it does sound interesting to see.

What has she ever done to you user?

But I don't want her to cry. She's so precious. I wanna take all the hurt or of her life.

I just wanna see her face bruised up and bleeding while she cries. It would be so cute. I love Reggie so much.

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Noooooo be nice to Reggie. She's too precious.

>replying to abusefag

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I can't believe my dumbass thread is still going because of pedophiles.

Hey. We contribute to discussion. Plus, I don't think we're numerous enough to really continue it anyway.

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I would just wanna kiss her better.

Only cartoon children. Real children are disgusting to look at.

Yeah. If there was one good thing Big Mouth did, it was making the kids not sexy.

I'm finally sitting down to watch this, and got to Endless Forever, an episode I've heard a lot of good things about because it's just the kids trying to find any form of logic to Endless and getting told to fuck off.
Do people really think Dr Champion is a real guy just because of this obviously fake driver's license?

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We could always migrate to /trash/.

Nah. Probably best ae stay in Yea Forums as long as we can.

It's obviously fake right down to the april fool's date, but Endless has the power to twist physical objects. It could've been real at some point.

While that example is most certainly just Endless fuckery, Champ is weird even relative to the other islanders. Given his insistent references to Kentucky and that weird part in the teacher episode, people think something is up with you.

>people think something is up with you.
W-what do you mean, user? I'm not hiding anything, haha...

thats all /12fg/ is comprised of.

yeah good, tell more lies to get fbi off our trail.


>I'm a true degenerate, I'm so bad!
Real edgy, Elmer. I mean user.

That signature is goddamn beautiful.

Personally I think he’s the result of a middle aged dude who had it with the real world. He was clearly a little off before coming to endless and now he’s basically batshit. And maybe part bug?

He's clearly a disgraced kamen rider.

I wish the fight didn't immediately turn one sided once Aang went into the Avatar state.

based proteinbro

Doesn’t hurt to try

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You know, the 12 on her costume sort of looks like a stenciled R, for "Reggie."

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>Matt Berry also voices the Bogs
Can I get a quick rundown on Butt Witch?

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P good, this reminded me I wanted to check out her voice in the other languages. They're all good since they kept the male voice actor but yeah, none can hold a candle to Matt Berry. The closest was the JP dub, that one's really high quality.

I giggled at "oshiri-majou".

What do you mean by rundown exactly?

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I thought the same thing.

Pakistan, bruh.

I never knew that they didn't have any plastic surgery, I always thought that they did to look the same... Man acromegaly is a hell of a drug.

yea but cupcakes tend to give you a tummy ache if thats the first thing you eat also lets just say she made her own breakfast like a grown up

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I don't know how far in the series you are now, but Endless was able to fuck with Esther's watch and make it laugh in a later episode, meaning it has the power to physically change real world objects.
So the license could've been real at one point and Endless changed it to keep Todd and Esther from getting any real answers.

Dude, Judy's terrified of her and wants to interact with her as little as she can.
Judy's stressed out as it is, now she' gonna be living in constant fear that one little wrong move will get her fired.

For breakfast.

Once it’s 13 will it be 13oobies after she sprouts a massive rack

>adult meal
>lol i eat a banana look at me im also depressed

Literally gay

Absolutely adorable.

You mean once the islanders got their Mega Evolutions?
Yeah after that BW didn't stand a chance.

Attached: powered up islanders.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

With champ I mean.


Man, I would really buy a figurine of Twelve or Butt Witch. Wonder why its not more common for western cartoons.

>Bullying Reggie!
>Writing mean things about Reggie on her dry-erase board with a permanent marker!
>Stealing Reggie's snacks from her backpack!
>Tripping Reggie up in the middle of a hallway so other kids can laugh at her!
>Pushing Reggie's books off her desk!
>Throwing gum at Reggie's hair and seeing her trying to remove it, making things worse!
>Laughing at Reggie's new haircut with other kids!
>Following Reggie who's hiding in the bathroom only to dump a bucket of water on her!
>Bullying Reggie!

You could send In a request to funko because that's about as good as we're gonna get. Netflix doesn't give a shit about this show, it's too weird.

Great, now she's gonna stay in Endless forever to avoid bullying.
You just doomed her into becoming an Elmer.

I wonder if we'll see a Helgia type character. I could see her or him laughing way too hard with the other kids, making even them feel uncomfortable.

>Implying that I wouldn't follow Reggie into Endless and bully here there with my newfound powers
>Implying that I wouldn't steal her key
>Implying that I wouldn't force her to blow me to get access to Endless, turning her into my desperate little cockslut
>Implying that I'm not getting off to corrupting her and ruining Endless for her


Just ignore anons like that. They're just jealous that Reggie's true destiny is fun and joy forever.

>Caring for Reggie!
>Helping Reggie with her homework and then praising her for how smart she is!
>Petting Reggie's head even if it's a bit sticky!
>Cooking Reggie's favourite dishes and seeing her cheeks full of it still smiling at you!
>Telling Reggie how important she is to you, while she hugs you blushing!
>Buying Reggie a new toy that she's been talking about, and seeing the exciment in her eyes as she opens it!
>Taking Reggie to the waterpark, because you know how much she loves going there!
>Buying Reggie a pizza on your way home, because you're too tired to cook and you know how much joy that simple meal can bring her!
>Kissing Reggie's forehead goodnight and just as you're about to close the door hearing her saying "I love you user"!
>Caring for Reggie!

>Netflix doesn't give a shit about this show

Attached: sad fat yoshi.png (2668x2500, 1.31M)


>putting a bandage on Reggie's scraped elbow when she falls
>taking her to the face painting booth at the carnival
>showing her how to make sugar cookies and then decorating them together
>watching her favorite movie with her until she falls asleep next to you

>Post about cartoons
>Get two troll replies
>Lazy blogpost
>Army of triggered incels
Guys please I don't deserve this many (you)s you are making me blush :')

How to announce you are gay: the post

I'll kiss you. Dumbass.

Pile in, everyone.

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>Cumming on Reggie’s face

Why is ester so fuckiing ugly god damnit

Hahaha this is so cute and funny

She has a chin sharper than Darla's knives.


>reggie retaliates by shooting up the school

I'm probably too old but if I had access to the endless then I'd just take my parents ashes and my childhood dog to there and bury them in hopes they'd come back. I have enough home movies to teach them who they are and I really don't care about Reggie and the gang as long as they don't fuck with my new family. Butt Witch might get axed because she's trying to destroy Endless and by extension my revived family.

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Is that a song?

Remember it's Butt Witch who complained that Endless has become too trivial. If there's any deepest lore or darkest twists, they'll come by way of her.

>trying to recreate your family in Endless
That's bound to go terribly wrong no matter how hard you try.

That’s kind of gay, dude.

I would go and become BW's thrall. In my head I would become her lover and help her take over Endless Island and eventually Endless as a whole. In reality I would probably just be Big Deal #2.

But it's ok because Big Deal and I get along really well.

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Yeah, that's really cute.
Makes me realize Reggie truly is for caring. While Esther is for fucking.

>trying to bring back the dead using magical place

Implying Big Deal wouldn't just be insanely jealous of you and secretly plot against you, trying to sabotage your plans, interacting himself between you and Ma'am, panicking every time he sees you two talking alone. Poor little guy.

Esther is for being nice too as well. I wanna give her my old college text books and nurture her intellect while preserving her youthful precociousness.

Maybe it would start out like that, since he admitted (albeit indirectly) to being insecure. I would try to become his friend. He responded really well to all the islanders treating him nice when he was disguised as Twelve, so I'd listen to his sweet sax solos and play boardgames with him and compliment his cooking in the hopes that he'll accept me as part of the trio at least. Like honestly, he just seems like a pleasant guy to be around.

I wear a blue jumpsuit (actually a one piece swimsuit, sporty like an athlete would wear though) to contrast BW, like a "red oni, blue oni" type deal. I have a flat sad ass but a nice rack so following the naming theme the kids use I'm known as "Boob Witch" to them. I don't know what powers I have because powers seem tied to personality somehow and I'm not self-aware enough to think about what sort of powers I'd "naturally" manifest in a fantasy setting. Just autistic enough to dream up a self insert and think of scenarios with them.

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That's sweet user. I wish your friendship with Big Deal all the best.

Question : how does it come that the work for Twelve Forever started in December 2017 and it came out in July with 15 episodes of content, meanwhile Hazbin Hotel started its progress in even earlier 2017 and it still hasn't come out yet (and keep in mind that when it will come out, if woukd be just a 30 minutes pilot)?

I mean I agree in principle but one still has to keep in mind that 12 had a professional studio working on it, so the comparison isn't the most applicable
It would be better to put HH up with another small time animator. Consider Astartes, which is made by a single guy but kicks the shit out of almost any other youtube animation. Each episode is only like two or three minutes but still the pipeline seems to be measured in months which for the quality ain't bad

Maybe Viv is bad at managing a team?
I don't really know anything about the production workings on HH.
I do know a lot of them tried to apply for an animator position as soon as Dana announced they needed and animator for Owl House.

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And one big difference between HH and 12 is that while 12 got barely any advertisement before coming out, HH is pretty much full of it.
Heck, not even the pilot is out yet and the production tema already released T-shirts, hoodies, pins and even fucking plushies of the characters.


you should draw it, then you'll have your own Endless

Capitalizing on merch already?

I would bring my skitarii with me, in the Hope's building a tech cult/army and conquering the endless.

>trying to conquer endless
Good luck with that.

The key word being trying, I would most certainly fail; but, it would be very fun. In the end, isn't that what matter?

i mean there are other islands, so i'm sure you could take over something, remember Endless world is massive,

>Reggie's true destiny is fun and joy forever
It's like you don't even watch the show.

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I mean she'd have fun and joy in Endless forever, it would just be at the cost of her sanity and humanity

Imagine BW forcing Reggie to consume worm or worm

a special KIND of horny...

I want to pat her head and boop in her snoot!

My life would have been pretty different with a Reggie around. Nobody liked me, nobody else had any spark of creativity.

In the process of trying to learn the voice better I'm realizing it's kinda trans-atlantic. Y'know, Ivy League speak.

we did see 'em
turns out there's a button on the boots that makes them dematerialize. I like to think she can't get 'em back until she leaves and returns, and she's just stuck that way.

I said her destiny, not her journey. There will be some tough times ahead for her, I'm sure. But I'll be there to pick her up when she falls and cheer her on.


N-naw user, it's not like that!

Tulip and Reggie would be good foils to each other.

I'm glad other people are repeating / agreeing with my theory
you also notice if you bury a bunch of different junk without any particular intent, it becomes exactly what it was, those things
but if you bury a bunch with the confused and pained intent of making a single person, they fuse.

eggscellent. totally in-character. you get points.

indirect stimulation of a girl, eh?
I've had good experience using my voice
what happens when they decide jp is a slur, you mong?


we pay our manufacturers too much to make it affordable
and by that I mean the execs take all the money and shit all over the products

actually that's a pretty good idea. pre-fund with merch. proves interest, and gives people what they want
i remember back in the day, power rangers toys for each year would come out before the show did

Nice to know that Dr. Champion is an organ donor, however the fuck that works.

Reggie would have solved the crystal puzzle in a second.


Jap please.

somebody dies, he brings the organ to the funeral. just carries it on his back.
then starts playing an endless loop of the intro to 'charge!' at higher and higher frequencies until it's inaudible

No, her destiny could will be either slipping away into non-reality until she's nothing but a babbling husk, or becoming an actual functioning member of society. This show could honestly go either way. Depends on how depressed Vickerman is I guess.

user please don't bring weird fart stuff in here

Tulip is just Esther except with an actual backbone and more proactive. Esther will get there someday, I have faith in her.

Don't say that, it's insensitive!

Doc's little bowtie is so cute. He should wear it again.

Doctor Champion is, above all, a doctor and knows how important freshly harvested organs can be.

Calligraphy is a dying art.

This makes it bad, because?

You really think so? My biggest problem lately has been second guessing the dialog. So it really means a lot to hear you say that.

Could just posh in general.

>I used to have nipples but they couldn't afford the rent
Doc Champ being based once again.

it's better than your previous ones. Of course I would have liked it to be a little longer and had some mutual nudity with the others, but this feels more like a believable 11-minute episode in an alternate universe where things aren't so fucked


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That's what he's doing

>not imagining 18 year old Reggie who still hasn't grown up mentally, begging to have her new body explored

Isn't that the problem?

>Reggie seeks for a fat bastard to deflower her

>Reggie is gonna grow up into this
Fuck yeah

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Imagine Reggie rubbing her milkers on you

Thanks! I had originally thought to do that, have Todd and Esther actually join her. But it felt too out of character, especially for Esther. As well as counter intuitive to the lesson of the story being that not everyone is comfortable with things and that's ok too.

I was expecting Todd to just silently doff his shirt and Esther just blush, and maybe take off her boots and be like "... I think that's enough.."
It's giving me King of the Hill flashbacks. That episode was wonderful. and the best part might have been Hank's private little sigh of relief when he found out what Bobby's been up to

>Reggie falls into depression and gets fat after getting rejected by Conelly

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>Fat ass
Also is there more screenshots of Judy, because there seems to only be these two

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Yeah I rewrote the last endless scene twice trying out different resolutions. In the end i think what I settled on feels best.

I also tried making the Todd/Esther scene longer, but the dialog was starting to feel forced, y' know? Definitely something to work on for the next one.

yeah you definitely didnt fuck any of it up.

I'm glad you think so. I do feel like the few visual gags got lost in the writing though. And I need to work on being descriptive without being too verbose.

>Bacon on a cupcake
I hate this meme so much but that really does sound like a reddit thing, actually more like those nasty Facebook recipes like the ketchup and mustard cake and that bean cake

bacon works okay in some sweet stuff like pancakes.
I dont even much like bacon but there's one (ONE) good brand of turkey bacon and it's amazing.


We did it guys, we defeated Pedophilia Forever.

>caused cathy to choke
>probably caused reggie's appendix to burst
Those butterflakes are gonna kill someone one of these days.

Esther is cute, leave my daughterfu alone you fuck.

I really want to cuddle Butt Witch but since she has a heart of stone & a short temper, she most likely would beat the living shit out of me if I attempted that.

>just started watching the other night
>cant get the theme song out of my head
Why the fuck is this shit so goddam catchy?

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I will never understand the fat fetish. If you like Reggie why would you want her to suffer?


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oh user, why are you asking us? I think you know it you know it

As a equal opportunity pedo I would fuck both Reggie AND Ester thank you very much.

Maybe it already did.

I think she needs cock every day. Don't worry user, ill take good care of her.

Bro, I will end you life, if you talk like that around her.

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you think Judy's boss molest her in work but she's too scared to say to her to stop it?

She's not even gay, she gets off on the power

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Which party?

Nah she's just a hardass that gives you the worst work during the night shift just for making little mistakes.

Yes, she often feels a hand slip into her underwear and grab a handful of that ass

It's fun, but it's not great personally.

What if i draw lewds of her?

Then I will beat my meat because of you.

I'm legit considering buying merch for this show in vain hopes that it shows someone cares, next paycheck I'll get a sweater and a little trinket.
Oh I'm also getting a new graphics tablet so I can drawfag again.

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Hah nice.

Nah, even better. She'll be like Judy in that birthday scene. That was the hottest Judy.

i never thought that i'd post this, but you really should
>have sex.

Sounds like somebody isn't down for a bag of butter.

Attached: very exploitable picture of reggie eating butter.jpg (809x550, 203K)

That's the side effect of Endless and its aura drawing you in, user.

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God I wish that was me.

>but not great
Perfect for Endless Island.

I wish they had posters or at least prints in the store. Some of the promo images are quite nice.

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so we'll just migrate to this one shall we?

I kinda wanna get a Brown Roger myself. Don't really need any of the other stuff.

Once this hits last page, sure.