This is horrfying what the fuck
Condorito jr
¿Te gusta el chocolate caliente, Yea Forums?
This is GoAnimate-levels cheap. Why do people keep doing this shit?
The amount of grave-rolling Pepón is doing right now would be enough to power a small electric plant
Why condorito of all things? Can’t they let the deceased rest in peace?
What wea they did to Pepe Cortisona, conchetumare!!!!!
Pinochet did nothing wrong
si, si, me encanta
still looks better than OK KO.
I think the obvious question is why Condorito Jr and not Cone and Yuyito?
>Chilean cartoonist René Ríos Boettiger (known popularly as "Pepo") was disappointed with how the character Pedro represented his country. In response, he developed the character Condorito
Regret your decision yet Chile
Brand recognition.
Pedro was objectively shit, though.
Great milkers.
>condoriplebs don't know that Yayita and the other women became more fanservice-sy when Pepo stopped drawing the comics.
Literally everyone knows lmao. Condorito comics have prominently featured big tittied women with big asses for over 20 years. It's very obvious and gratuitous fanservice.
Is she a future Yugioh main character or something?
i like the asian stereotype kid
I had to play the video at 1.25x so the animation wouldn't look so bad.
fucc those thighs
i made this type of jokes to all my classmates
they where landwhales
acabo de ver una viñeta de don ramon quemando con un liquido caliente al chavo?
> still looks better than ____
when are you going to grow up and get over this mindset
At least it wasn't Kaliman.
>that dialogue
the people who did this abomination even made another short ? or the reception from the public was so bad that they decided to cancel this project?
I’m guessing nobody has owned up to working on this.
Can you redpill me on kaliman?
I'm glad that, in these days, we still get comics like Condorito (even if it's not as funny anymore most of the time) where they can go full on the fanservice and not give a shit.
Considering how the art has decayed, I definitely don't want fanservice from nucondorito.
Condorito had not been canceled?
>still looks better than OK KO.
>posts tits and ass
Good tactic on making people not pay attention to the absolute bullshit you posted there.
saco de warriors
This was neither pretty to look at, nor original, nor funny and the voice acting was terrible
So what was the point in spending time and money on making this ?
basically this
I want to sniff that bird's clocoa.
Who knows user. Who knows.
That explains why animation in LatAm is fucking dead
It was never alive, user.
I want to kill myself.
nothing to iplop! about
What about villanos?
what about it
Looks like every other cheap. poorly written and produced children's cartoon out there these days..
lack of r34 is criminal
might as well get it over with. it's not gonna end anytime soon. i know most fads come and go, but this overstayed it's welcome and I don't think it will ever leave... well not now anyway.
This is so bad lmao
Yuyito best girl
>posts page from a comic made more than 10 years ago
>looks ok
>compares it to shit show made in current year
Weon sin neuronas
Kaliman was like the second most popular comic book Super Hero in Mexico, only Second to EL SANTO,
He battled the likes of El Loco Rojo (AKA Galactus) and DOOM and multiple Things? any who he was great and here is hoping they don't remember him and fuck it up like they are doing Condorito.
Remember when he fought doom?
The manga was better.
Who cares, it´s just shit that airs between commercials. It´s not a real show.