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That was about as quick as Norte dame color me impressed
if only someone could keep X-Men out of the MCU
It's obviously a publicity stunt that only the dumbest motherfuckers on earth would fall for
So it's not surprising that it's all Yea Forums and Yea Forums can talk about
>Coping this hard
Lmao fuck the mouse, fuck marvel and fuck soi holland. Never coming close to ANY of the sony spidermans
Seethe harder, MCUck
This pic is hella old
>spider-man is being taken away while everyone else is having fun
A marketable character is being used by a different large and faceless corporation to make money, instead of being used by a larger faceless corporation who's been ceaselessly pumping out content and printing amounts of money unimaginable to the average man and will continue to do so with or without this property.
I get that some people like the Holland spider-man movies for some fucking reason but why make this seem so fucking personal and human, when it is absolutely not
This photo needs to be updated with dead Tony, dead Nat, one armed Hulk, Dead Loki, Old Steve and Fat Thor.
You need to dialate.
>This photo
I actually think its the X-Men that will cause fatigue, they will make the MCU bloated and unwieldy.
This really is a blow. Can they realistically recover?
>Read the story
>Disney offers 50/50 on all sales
>Sony keeps shutting them down
>Sony sees Far From Home did good, so they pull out thinking they can make good movies themselves
>Not realizing that they have not literally shot themselves in the foot and fucked over the franchise of Spiderman and Marvel for good.
Seriously the fuck Sony?
They're still mad because Marvel-senpai wouldn't acknowledge Venom.
Financially? Short term yes, long term noooooooo.
On disney's side
This will more than likely fuck over any future marvel movies. This will, in turn, fuck over profits and we'll probably see the end of the Capeshit Cinematic Universe trend. (at least got Infinity War over with!)
On sony's side
They really believe that they can make more movies that are as financially stable as Far From Home. Despite the fact that except for Into the Spdierverse (more of a very very happy accident) their track records on movies is SHIT ON FIRE STUCK INSIDE YOUR NOSE bad at worst, and "Meh, would rather see another movie or wait till it's in the Walmart Bargain Bin" at best.
Fucking hell, let's look at their movies from the last few years (that were not made my Disney as well)
>Angry Birds 2
>MIB: International
>Goosebumps 2
and a bunch of other films that recieved mixed/bad reviews and weren't that interesting.
Spidey is fucked.
>Disney offers them 50/50 on sales
The previous films were 0/100. Disney's effectively saying Sony has to let them have 50% of the profits with the pretense being Disney'd foot 50% of the bill, or Sony can't make another movie.
Or to put it another way.
Disney did this not Sony. Sony had a deal in which Disney got all the revenue of the first day and then 5%. Disney wanted more money (The 50/50 offer) But compared to the first deal this is like asking for everything. Sony offered more %, but Disney is waiting it out and walking away, using fan pressure to get Sony to break.
you're probably right. One of the big appeals of the MCU was that we could finally focus on other characters without the X-bloat. FF4 im exicted for, but do we really need another X-Men-centric universe?
>Get 2 Spider-Man movies from MCU
>They're about Iron Man
Disney fans are weirdly sentimental over this stuff
And it’s even more relevant today
Reminder the only reason Mysterio was even in the costume so much is because Jake "/ourguy/" Gyllenhaal specifically asked for it.
>you're probably right. One of the big appeals of the MCU was that we could finally focus on other characters without the X-bloat. FF4 im exicted for, but do we really need another X-Men-centric universe?
That's what is going to happen and they will most likely use the most popular X-Men and I can't help but feel Kevin Feige might still be mad at Ike so I expect to see an IvX where the Inhumans are 100% child eating scam bags while also being the Biggest Jobbers in the world and the X-Men are 100% angels that never did a single thing wrong.
Man fuck Disney
For real though I dont' even watch this shit but anything that hurts Disney even a little bit makes me happy. Watching the autistic REEEEEing from faggots on here and normalfags on social media is great too. Why the fuck do you idiots invest so much in this dumb shit? People are acting like Sony shot their dog right in front of them because a fucking cape character won't be in this series of brainless mediocrities so he can be used more in this other series of brainless mediocrities. It's absurd.
fuck soi, fuck MCUcks fuck holland, eat a cactus cuck
Disney's effectively turned people into cultists. There is no God but Mickey, can I get an "oh boy"?
why are you equating altering an ongoing deal with a deal ending and a separate deal having different terms?
If this collapses the cape film genre and drives away all the normalfags I'll be happy. Even if it killed the modern comic industry I'd consider it an acceptable loss.
>This will more than likely fuck over any future marvel movies.
Marvel will do fine honestly, they'll just have to adjust a ton. It's their own dumbass fault for making spider-man the new center of the mcu when they don't own the movie rights.
>fuck Holland
That's all the girls want
You also forgot:
>Holmes and Watson
>Slender Man
>The Emoji Movie
>Ghostbusters 2016
Though, to be fair, they also made some good (and even great) films like (even though most of them are co-productions with other companies or Sony Pictures Classics releases):
>Skyfall (co-production with MGM/Fox)
>Spectre (co-production with MGM/Fox)
>Blade Runner 2049 (co-production with Warner Bros.)
>The Red Turtle (co-production with Studio Ghibli, Wild Bunch, Walt Disney Japan and Toho; a Sony Pictures Classics release)
>Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (co-production with Square Enix)
>Call Me by Your Name (a Sony Pictures Classics release)
>Blue Jasmine (a Sony Pictures Classics release)
>Still Alice (a Sony Pictures Classics release)
>Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
>Arrival (co-production with Paramount Pictures)
Fandom is a blight on society.
What happened?
I literally don't know, for real.
I actually shed some tears of anger, fuck the movies were so good, sony just had to let feige do his job
Fuck i want to break something
>All this cope
Came here for tears and not disappointed.
Fuck you man-baby, Spider-man is coming home. Feige will have to find someone else to turn into Tony Jr.
>After the end of Far From Home things get real dark from Spidy...
>Aunt May is killed by the thugs with the avengers masks that appeared in first movie
>His relationship with Mj goes to hell
>Tom Holland suddenly encounters Sony's Spider-Mans and and inform him about the threat of the inheritors
>After defeating morlum and his family, Master Weaver gives Peter the opportunity to re-start in a new universe where Spider-man died recently and all his family and friends believed him missing.
Chotto matte kudasai
The most depressing part of this is Hulk doesn't even get to play his own game, he's constantly caught having to play by everyone's rules to his own detriment
>Spider-man is coming home
>when Marvel Comics made Spider-Man, and the MCU made Spidey big again after the shit TASM movies
All the reports are saying Sony walked away from negotiations.
Marvel comics created Spider-man, not Marvel Studios. And Spider-man has ALWAYS been big. TASM2 did not suddenly kill the brand, or Marvel wouldn't have agreed to the deal in the first place.
Yes you can, see hulk and the xmen. Calm down man-baby
Disney didnt care what sony was doing with spidey, it was disney’s mcu’s timeline not sony’s yet-another-shitty-remake that made the deal happen in the first place.
Hasn't had a movie.
Fox ran that to the ground
Spider-Man without MCU support cast is boring "oh let me explain this science teacher that goes eviiiiil" shit.
Disney wouldn't have put Spider-man in Civil War if they thought the brand was damaged at all you double retard.
Do zoomers not know about this movie
>Spider-Man could have been a thing earlier in the MCU, before they would have felt the need to make him Iron Boy
Not disney so it doesnt count
Iron Man 1 is no longer canon then
the worst part is, feige wanted the make the 50-50 deal but wanted access to other characters like venom, so he was willing to incorporate hardy
this whole thing reeks of arad and pascal thinking they can do it alone
But that was a good movie, lets pretend iron man 2 doesnt exist.
Sony be like
Most of these characters are either dead or about to be replaced though.
>Disney dindu nuffin
>just let them be a monopoly for my shitty cape movies
nice strawman
> muh monopoly on cape movies
do you even understand what a shared universe is
It's not about just capes but movies in general. Why would you want Disney to have more film IPs or IPs in general?
sorry bro, i totally agree with you. i thought they were asking how the mcu can survive without spidey not the other way around.
Except now its Disney's fault for wanting Sony's money. Disney never invented spider-man, they bought, same way sony bought the film rights. Company war bullshit.
How dare Sony not give up hundreds of millions of dollars because Disney told them to.
> thinks spidey had a good brand with sony and wasnt just being used as ip bait
that's adorable. when do you graduate jr high little boy?
>thinking spidey has a good brand with marvel and isn't just ip bait
Spider-Man is the number one hero world wide he's ip bait no matter who has the rights
i dont care about other ips in a marvel movie, dingus. marvel characters belong in a marvel movie. star wars characters belong in a star wars movie.
> inb4 'wut about referring hew hew hew'
Did he do one with X-Men?
>sony's money
The new terms Disney wanted were greedy, but Disney put forth 100% of the effort for these movies. In fact, they're the reason Far From Home was the most successful spidey movie to date
Sony's only doing this because, without that Spider-Money, the only thing making them money will be Playstation.
I'm in the camp of believing Disney may try to renegotiate this whole mess. Spider-Man is probably the most valuable thing they've got going on at the current moment, and the GotG3 debacle showed us they're willing to flex around for these billion dollar franchises
The contract ended with Far From Home. THis has been known for awhile. This is a totally new contract to try and keep things going.
It’s amazing how all the blame has been shifted onto Sony. MCU fans are brainless morons.
Iron man 2 and the incredible hulk were good, get some taste pleb
Because it's easier to blame the one studio that has done such great shitfests like Men In Black International than to blame the studio that made Endgame
>I wanna see my capeshit and star wars!! who cares how much power Disney has!!
Those are both shit movies. Don’t know what you’re getting at.
It's not surprising, regardless of who's in the right or in the wrong it's all a matter of deciding between the shitfest that is amazing spiderman 2 or watching Spidey fight alongside Iron-Man and captain America. Which do you think audiences want to see more?
Remember when people said Norman was going to be the next Thanos?
>Iron-Man and Captain America
Both dead. Spider-Man needs his own movies anyway.
Fixed that for you OP.
Are you sure you didn't just misread Namor
that wasn't my point, my point was we have the opportunity to see spider-man working with other iconic heroes just like he does in the comics
OK, lets blame the studio that fired James Gunn and ruined star wars and not the one that revitalized Jumanji and made the original spider-man film.
I think Sony has made a mistake both in monetary terms and in PR terms by just walking away from the negotiating table. Monetarily because nobody’s going to see the 4th incarnation of Spidey, nor are they going to see the Tom Holland Spidey awkwardly sliced away from the MCU after two movies. And they’ve put Disney in the position where they would have to basically crawl back to them with a nicer offer, and Disney may not be willing to do that. And in PR, because they were able to leave the negotiations with Spider-Man, it looks from the outside like they’re the ones willing to break up the characters mid-story. If Disney asked for too much, they should have just haggled on the price until they found something that worked, not play a game of chicken with an extremely popular character.
Sony didn't make Spider-Man 1, Raimi did. Sony fucked up Spider-Man 3.
someone real mad he lost an oscar to sony and spider-man
Yeah, let's pardon the studio that messed two times with their biggest capeshit character, one at the cost of their best director and the second producing the lowest grossing live action Spidey movie. You're a fucking genius.
How can one company be so Red pilled
I think they're just playing hardball; they feel comfortable with the success of Venom and Spiderverse, and they know Disney highly desires Spider-Man so they can simply sit around and wait for a desirable deal to come through
Sony made Spiderverse and its infinitely better than Shitgame.
Iron Man 2 is the only one that's important to the canon. It's the one that really kicked off the cinematic universe. Nothing important happens in 1 that isn't restated in 2. Nothing exclusive to 1 is ever mentioned again(Stane,Yinsen,etc.) in-universe. Now that Spider-Man 2(3) is no longer canon, the clip from IM1 they played isn't either. Iron Man 1 is the one that doesn't exist and isn't entirely canon just like Hulk. They are canon to each other but not to the grander MCU. Just little side stories with pieces of important plot points sprinkled throughout them.
Can spiderman and deadpool now have a movie together?
Yinsen is shown again, the development between Tony and Pepper is relevant to their entire arc in the MCU, Tony's own development sets up his decisions in IM2 and 3, plus SHIELD and Fury are both introduced in IM1
Are we still getting more Spiderman PS4 and a Spiderverse sequel?
If so I'm good.
speaking of James Gunn, this IS another James Gunn situation btw, it's Disney doing dumb shit and Feige trying to calmly get things done right, but in this case both Disney and Feige have too much to lose
i'm laughing because you dont know how sarcasm works.
yeah, i know someone irl with autism. i know i'm not supposed to laugh at people with disabilities. i'm an ass, i'm still laughing.
Since Sony has Spider-man the Spider-verse sequel is definitely still happening.
No he isnt
>The Raimi films (And X-men) helped start the Marvel movie trend in one way or another’s
>Pumped out Spiderverse without Marvel and was one of the best received Soider-Man movies
>Disney got him into the MCU and fans loved it
>They’ve been doing the heavy lifting live action wise after Amazing Spider-Man for him but wanting a bigger cut is wrong
>Didn’t have to start with a third origin story movie for him
>Both companies have contributed a lot to his popularity and fan reception of him in films
>But everyone just circle jerks for their company of choice
It’s like waifu wars, but with corporations so they care about you even less.
I thought Disney was bigger than Sony, they should've strongarmed them in forfeiting the rights
>I think they're just playing hardball
That’s the problem. They’re basically threatening that they’re willing to sever the story right now if they don’t get terms favorable to them, and it makes them look crueler out of the two, even if Disney is greedy. Everyone always knew Disney was greedy, but Sony keeps giving people new reasons to hate them.
>his will, in turn, fuck over profits and we'll probably see the end of the Capeshit Cinematic Universe trend.
yeah no. the other MCU movies that don't have Spider-man have been successful themselves, in particular Black Panther and Captain Marvel have made billions on their first movie while Homecoming didn't even reach 900 million.
Unless this has changed then he is
What I'm saying is that you don't need to watch IM1 at all to understand anything after it since it is all reintroduced in 2. It opens with him on TV revealing his identity to the world so that's out of the way.
Every character from the first one is reintroduced and prior knowledge is not necessary. All we learn pretty much nothing about Fury or SHIELD in the first one. What Fury and Tony discussed isn't fully revealed to us until they talk at the Donut Shop.
Tony and Pepper's development is negligible in the first one and gone way more in depth in 2. Tony's personal development and motivations are more things that are reintroduced and expanded upon throughout the film.
Every thing that you could possibly say IM1 is necessary for is in 2 and develops further. Iron Man is not canon or necessary viewing when looking at the MCU. There's also numerous other things that affirm this such as the drift away from realism and recastings. Even if they were incidental at the time, they can be recontextualized to support this.
>It’s not canon because the 2nd movie continues the threads established in the first one
Bless you, my retarded child
You had them out for 20 years, stop crying bitch
Keep living in denial, pig. Soon all of Phase 1 will be retconned and you will be crying in your closet.
bless you, my retarded child
Spider-man pretty much started the modern superhero movie trend and he's been the face of motherfucking marvel comics since he debuted.
Real talk, why does Yea Forums want Disney to become a monopoly?
It would make things a lot easier. I'm tired of other companies trying to start things on their own and then eventually get bought out or overshadowed by Disney. Just cut out the middleman and give everything to Disney so that it won't hurt so much when things get cancelled. Everyone agrees with me but they won't say so.
Incredibles 2 was a letdown. How could give us that turd after Ratatouille.
Seeeeeeeeeeeething... Holy shit, how does Sony manage to piss off the mouse this hard?
>“Let me just post a passive aggressive tweet to show how much I don’t care.”
Jeez, and I thought Brad Bird was cool.
>Monopoly of a character that they should own because they own Marvel
All the stuff about captain marvel tickets was bullshit, but the entire story reeks of mouse manipulation.
The mouse wants the spooder bad. By saying sony walked out sony looks bad, despite the new marvel deal being complete shit for sony.
>Character is completed pulped
>Only exists to go “Golly gee willikers Mr. Stark sure is the best go buy his toys!”
>All the side characters are far removed from literally everything about them
>Shove in Nick Fury because please watch all of our movies
>No punching or hard hitting so the fight scenes are weak as shit
>Quipping is replaced with “OMG that is so kewl!”
Fuck the MCU.
>tfw fags in this thread desperately backing one multinational corporation or the other
I mean, characters punch in real MCU movies. You’re blaming the MCU for stuff that only happens in the only MCU movie Sony has a hand in.
>people mad because sony didnt accept a shitty deal that will only benefit disney
I cant believe how brainwashed they are
Watch out everybody! We've got a badass neutral guy over here! He doesn't care one way or the other but he came her to bitch about people that do!
Tony's original arc-heart (the one Pepper turned into a little gift) was shown in Endgame.
>rent free
How do you know that's the original?
Fucking people are seething, they manage to make this site look perfectly sane.
Why does everything need to be under Disney?
Normalfags are such fucking cultists these days
We’re mad they walked away from the negotiating table. The reports we’ve gotten say they didn’t even answer with a counterproposal, they just left. It makes it sound like they believe if they don’t get exactly the deal they want, they believe they’ll be fine on their own.
Disney is being greedy with wanting 50% of Spider Man movies box office. And don't forget that Sony is the one that finances everything for the Spider Man movies, distribution, production, marketing, etc.
>And don't forget that Sony is the one that finances everything for the Spider Man movies, distribution, production, marketing, etc.
Disney’s offered deal was 50/50 financing as well.
Nope, Disney are the ones producing the Spider Man movies in the MCU, Sony just gets distribution and marketing done
I'm not taking sides but get things right
That was all you Yea Forumsfags saying that. Really twisted my panties, cause everyone knows that Doctor Doom should be Marvel's next overarching villain!!
Either way, this minor contract dispute will get resolved, but it was enough to let Marvel know that making a Spidey villain the new Thanos is and was a HORRIBLE idea.
Latest reporting is that Sony still wants to negotiate and even offered compromises. Disney is the one that wont budge on 50/50.
I can't understand how anyone can not think this is Disney's fault.
Sony gets the boxoffice
Disney gets the merchandise
Proposed now:
Sony gets 50% of boxoffice
Disney gets 50% of boxoffice and merchandise
What a shit deal. If they believe in equality, they should give 50% of merch, and you just know they'll immediately say no. Everything was fine and everyone was happy. Now that is ruined.
How is Disney being unfair though? They allowed Sony Interactive Entertainment to profit handsomely off Spider-Man via the PS4, and still allows Sony to profit from Marvel outside Spider-Man. Sony is making an Iron Man game, yet people still think Disney is being unfair with this deal.
That’s not correct. Disney provided a sweetheart deal to sony in exchange for spidey in civil war, infinity, and endgame. Sony had access to disney’s design staff and resources. Sony also kept 95% of sales after initial opening week plus digital sales and distrib. Do the math, i would like to say that it just covered cost but it didn’t. Disney barely got enough out of it to cover just Feige’s part. Disney and Sony knew that the original contract benefited Sony more and wasn’t long-term. Disney is looking to be equal partners. Sony is trying to pull leverage on the only IP they have.
No, the latest reporting says the dispute is over a producer credit.
You realize disney didn't give sony spiderman and iron man game rights for free right?
This video is the most coherent one I can find that explains everything.
Relax. Nobody's asking for DC to be under Disney. Nobody's asking for Spawn to be under Disney. Nobody's asking Hellboy to be under Disney. Etc.
It's justifiable for fans to want all comic book characters in one company together in one creative shared universe (aka to be just like the comics, Yea Forumsfag).
It's also different when a character has been in said universe for 5 films and then gets ripped out. If you can't see why fans would be upset by this, you're a fucking retard.
>dead Tony, dead Nat, one armed Hulk, Dead Loki, Old Steve and Fat Thor.
Fuck... seeing them all listed like that really reinforces how badly Endgame fucked up.
You're omitting disney is making billions off of sony's movies with the merch.
How very carefully worded to avoid mentioning that Sony was responsible for female ghostbusters and MIB International but making sure to point out a movie made 17 years ago.
Why? This is Disney's fault
Disney just sits there and collect royalties, while their partners do the works.
nobody is pro-Disney here
we just want all Marvel characters under one roof
warner bros has all DC characters under one roof and nobody bitches about that
It's Marvels only flop so they try and pretend it doesn't exist
I don't. I want other studios to make better movies than Disney, but I want every Marvel character under one company because when you don't have that you have the clusterfuck that was Fantastic Four movies, X-men movies and THRICE rebooted Spider-man movies.
There's also the fact Universal still owns the film rights, the actor was so difficult to work with that they fired him, etc etc etc... but yeah let's go with your bullshit reply.
Yeah let's go with the truth
Disney wouldn't allowed Mary Jane to say "balls" in the video game. What the fuck is their problem?
That you're a dumbass. Don't worry, it is known.
The absolute mindset of a Yea Forumsfag
Disney also finances 50% of production and marketing in the new deal tho, it isn't as one sided as you believe
>"But the monopoly?! The mouse's monopoly! What about muh monopoly!"
I fucking hate the crybabies bring this up everytime they post. They act like Marvel is the ONLY capeshit out there. They seriously believe, there is no capeshit worth having outside the Marvel universe.
Which is hilarious, cause most of them are so anti-Disney that they became DCfags and started calling every pro Marvel comment "latterbro". The absolute irony.
The damage control you're doing in every thread is adorable.
>and started calling every pro Marvel comment "latterbro"
Well that's a lie. People only say Ladderbro when he's there shitting on something DC. It isn't the other way around
Except the part where you forget to mention that it's on top of the theme parks, merch, and basically anything Sony creates that Marvel can turn into a wearable or playable.
Sony is released a new statement saying they basically blame Feige for being too busy with the newly acquired X-Men and F4
>Much of today’s news about Spider-Man has mischaracterized recent discussions about Kevin Feige’s involvement in the franchise,” says a Sony spokesperson. “We are disappointed, but respect Disney’s decision not to have him continue as a lead producer of our next live-action Spider-Man film.”
>“We hope this might change in the future, but understand that the many new responsibilities that Disney has given him – including all their newly added Marvel properties – do not allow time for him to work on IP they do not own,” says the statement. “Kevin is terrific and we are grateful for his help and guidance and appreciate the path he has helped put us on, which we will continue.”
Amy Pascall must've been mad that they haven't fucked in months
Isn't there Incredible Hulk footage shown in Iron Man 2?
sony SOLD the merch rights back to marvel when they were in super bad financial straits in the early 2010s
what is marvel supposed to do not make merch? lmao
Well, I've been called him 3 times and I'm not him. Which sucks cause I like DC but am ostracized for saying "Doom Patrol is kinda gay".
You guys think latterbro exists everywhere. On Yea Forums we call that living in someone's head: rent free.
>we are grateful for his help and guidance and appreciate the path he has helped put us on, which we will continue
Can I have a little hope that we'll finally get Iron Man excised from Spider Man's story and finally build up his own supporting cast?
Awww ;-; he juss wants to pway
Sony: makes Spiderman cartoons
Disney: does not make Spiderman cartoons
I don't see the problem
>do not allow time for him to work on IP they do not own
ha, that's some salt right there
worried there won't be more negotiations now
Yes, that completely shreds my little game theory to pieces. That couple second clip throws a HUGE wrench into everything. But, my actual opinion is that all that clip does is make Hulk more canon and necessary to watch than IM1. Neither are fully canon but it's ironic that the one they tried to bury has more relevance to the story than the one that they suck off constantly.
Everyone just accepts and applies my theory to Hulk without thinking.
>oh yeah the Hulk movie is obviously not canon
>it's completely different and people were recast
>Hulk is reintroduced and developed in Avengers
>you don't need to watch his movie
But if you say the same exact thing about Iron Man 1 & 2, everyone loses their minds even though it's the same fucking thing.
my favorite part
> eige loves Spider-Man, arguably the biggest superhero character in the Marvel canon. He would have continued if Disney and Sony could have reached new deal terms.
Sony is full of babbling shit, tried to play chicken and now stuck with flipping 100% of the bill for a juggernaut franchise they dont have the competancy to manage.
Sony could use some smash hits when they have this on the horizon
One of those kids is now dead. Of course they'd take Spidey away from there.
It's filled to the brim with Disneyshills
To Sony
I can actually see why leaving might be tempting knowing that. It's like, fuck if Feige is barely going to be helping make the movies, why should Disney get half the money from the movie? just because they're helping finance it?
>Sony throwing gasoline into the big fire pit by officially saying "It's Disney's fault"
Oh my god, this gets interesting by the minute holy shit, and the worst part is that it still backfiring on them
This is 100% another James Gunn situation
>Kevin is terrific and we are grateful for his help and guidance and appreciate the path he has helped put us on, which we will continue.
That's code for "Thanks for giving us a head start on this Spider-Man franchise Marvel, now we can make two more movies in the series and keep all the profits."
This, it doesn't really matter if the deal is alive or dead, just sit back and enjoy the flames of the internet drama
Fuck off to Twitter
2/3 of that list is confirmed to flop
Hope you've got your tracksuits and tennis shoes ready for the next comet you cultist freak.
They are literally trying to put the entire blame on Disney because they are the ones getting shit now, why the fuck would Feige say no to Spider Man after all the shit he tried to do to get that character into the MCU, he even tried to give Daredevil in exchange for Spidey
This is not over yet, but as of now the deal is still up in limbo, Disney will be the ones that'll have to break because Feige is most likely going to threat everyone again like he did during the Perlmutter situation
Again, Disney has become a cult. If they wanted to start Mickstianity they could do it.
Would be good for the world if Disney pulls a Jamestown
Note to all the people rooting for Sony for some godawful reason: The guy at Sony who ended the deal (Tom Rothman) is the same fuck from Fox who greenlit Fant4stic (the shitty one), and sewed Deadpool's mouth shut in X-Men Origins Wolverine. You're supporting THAT guy by proxy if you're supporting Sony for this.
I mean, if it really comes down to it, I think Sony would be better off just taking the deal: based on just their stock, they're roughly worth $7 billion USD. They just bought FOX for $71 billion. They bought Marvel for $4 billion, Lucas for $4 billion. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sony was bought just to get Spider-man and other properties. I'm sure Universal is thinking about giving the rights to Hulk back.
>MCU fans = Disney Fans
seriously, how did we reach this narrative?
>I'm sure Universal is thinking about giving the rights to Hulk back.
Not so sure about this. Everywhere there's been Marvel/Sony talks for years on end. But ever since the start of MCU, I haven't seen one peep about Marvel/Universal. Whatever deal they got going, both parties seem to love it. And let's face it, Marvel has no desire to make a solo Hulk film and neither does Universal for that matter.
This. I'm surprised some people still don't know what idiots the Sony folks are yet. The email hacks were in 2014. That should be long enough that the info diffused, but not so long people should forget.
I'm not on either side, I'm only on the side that I want to see HiTop get BTFO forever but I feel sorry for Sony now, they literally had to put out an official statement BLAMING Disney because this is probably their worst PR happening ever, worse than Ghostbusters 2016
And the funny thing is that the only ones who got way more to lose here are Disney
Most likely true, but I could see Disney wanting more from Universal outside of just Hulk. The Fast & Furious is one thing. I had no idea that Sony owned Funimation; could you imagine DBZ becoming a part of Disney's umbrella?
being anti-sony doesn't mean i'm pro-disney you dumb fucking faggot
feige is completely competent at his job compared to arad and pascal if you disagree you are a contrarian Yea Forums shitter
> And the funny thing is that the only ones who got way more to lose here are Disney
marvel turned a talking raccoon and tree into a billion dollar franchise, they have doctor strange 2, thor 4 and other franchises. how is it almost 2020 and fags are still betting against them. does losing spidey hurt marvel? of course, but it's a hit they can take because long-term they still have 98% of their characters back. sony has way more to lose because if they fuck up again (and judging on their track record it's all but a guarantee) they will crash their only IP back into the ground all over again
>now Disney is going after Beserk and DBZ
What's next? Vampire Hunter D? If they do that, I'll fuckin kill em!
Seriously tho, Disney is only trying to retain Spider Man creatively. It was expected and nothing for people to piss their pants over.
Fucking twitter is golden right now
Dis has to rewrite any future film to exclude Spidey with a throwaway line and just not talk about him.
Sony has to either majorly rewrite or scrap whatever they had planned next for Spidey and push back any movie when they sorely need their cash cow to come through for them.
Lmao you are such a yeasty faggot
Agreed. Sony's snarky press release is writing checks their ass can't cash.
One thing being overlooked here is fan backlash. Sony is going to come out looking like the villain. Even if they are not. And trust me, after seeing Star Wars fans turn on Star Wars... you do NOT want to lose the fans.
Not that user but it's already happening. Even here you can tell when people stop shitposting they aren't happy on it. When even Yea Forums is agape, you done fucked up.
I expect Sony to eventually relent to something resembling the status quo to them or only a little worse off.
I'm gonna sound crazy here, and it's crazy, but I think Sony wants to integrate SpiderMan... into... the Venomverse.
If they plug Tom Holland Spidey into a side character into Venom 2, it could actually realistically work. You don't have to address any of the MCU stuff if he's only on screen for 25-30 mins of the film.
I've seen the Sony leaks from years ago, they're crazy enough to think this.
Ton and Steve had to be retired in Endgame it was obviously building towards that
Hulk is obviously not gonna be a permanent change
Nat was depressingly bland and uninteresting
The only real bad one is Thor since waiti is a fucking hack that won’t change that at all.
>Sony and Disney's deal with Spider Man doesn't go well
>Disney asks for more money
>Sony isn't happy about this and leaks the info to the public
>it backfires and Sony is the villain
>Sony then puts out a statement blaming Disney and making up some bullshit about them not letting Feige continue as a producer
>it backfires again
Holy fuck, I'd love to see what's going on behind the scenes
You don't understand Spider-Man at all.
Do you not know how licensing works?
Not trolling, really wan the info on that, there, so
>>Sony isn't happy about this and leaks the info to the public
Source they did the leak?
>>Sony then puts out a statement blaming Disney and making up some bullshit about them not letting Feige continue as a producer
what BS exactly?
They're under one roof in the comics. Why do you need movies for that?
Fixed to reflect current MCU
Funimation only has the rights to distribute Dragon Ball in the US. Other companies have the rights for distribution in other countries. They don't own shit.
It's backfiring because Disney has millions of drones that will listen to them.
They obviously leaked the first news, it's specifically said that Disney wanted the 50/50 deal and it clearly showed Disney in the wrong, they expected this to create some buzz around the entire thing but at the end it was Sony who took the blame, then because of this they officially decided to release a statement saying they are disappointed in Disney, and said that Disney doesn't want Feige to produce Sony movies anymore, which is a lie if you know what Feige did to get Spider Man in the MCU in the first place
They released the statement to try and stir the blame towards Disney again but it failed and they are still going through a PR nightmare right now, while Disney is still quiet and probably enjoying the show
Evil corporate shit
Either way who ever gets Spiderman the IP is RUINED.
Stupid Greedy Disney
Stupid Incompetent Sony
that looks like a shit lineup desu. I doubt people would care who the fuck the eternals or shangchink is. Why did they have to be greedy tho? for real Disney are clowns and what's even funnier are the mindless sheep that keep defending Disney
I suspect he's just here for Spiderman related news and doesn't give a FUCK about your shitty little picture books, ya dumb bitch.
>"Newsflash! And put this on the front page! 'Yea Forumsfag Actually Thinks The Real World Cares About Comic Books'. Make sure you scrawl a picture of the fattest dumbest looking pimple faced virgin you've ever seen! It'll sell like hotcakes!"
Into the Spiderverse worked because it wasn't live action post-edit cgi so compared to what big two superhero movies have all been for the past decade or so it stood way out from them all and for an animated film it was really fucking good and all of the minute details put into the smallest shit warrants several rewatches.
Here's the thing though, do you really think the studio that shat out Pixels and Ghostbusters 2016 could actually recreate the same magic again? Oh no no no, they'll cut corners and make other retarded ass decisions like they always do, even if it isn't a Spiderverse 2 they're guaranteed to make a huge mess.
>Sony: I was pretending to be retarded
I think my biggest disappointment is that it'll probably kill any chance of Tom Holland appearing in Into the Spiderverse. It could have been nice.
>unironically defending Sony movies
I mean Iron Lad is bad but its not like Sony did a better job
you should be mad at disney, not sony.
sony walked away from a greedy and bad deal.
disney will come back with their tail between their legs eventually and negotiate something fair.
>was the most successful spidey movie to date
>Spidey awkwardly sliced away from the MCU
Iron Dad is dead and Happy really isn't the reason why people went to see Far From Home - and even if HE WAS THE REASON, he would be unlikely to want to continuing acting in a movie when he'd rather star in his own, non-big budget films, or direct indie or big budget films (for their paycheck and future funding of his indie films).
A good script and story without any IM references will do just as well as the average of the two Holland movies so far.
It’s acruaoly hilarious. They loop right around to supporting the very shit they hate. It’s worse than Yea Forums‘s consolewars
It’s illegal to buy Sony
Old and irrelevant.
And the alternative is rooting for Disney who murdered everything about Star Wars.
The fans built after 5 MCU films including 3 crossovers won't think so.
I like Yea Forums cause I like everything from 100 Bullets to Transformers, but to be honest, you guys rarely think outside of the box you live in socially.
You always want films exactly like the comics. If I could, seriously, choke you out until your eyes exploded and died just so you don't have to live this sad lonely life, I would.
You’re starting to get annoying
Because Holland is funnily a person and human. When my normie friends told me about this you know what they said? "Tom is getting fired." Because Holland is actually a super cool guy who basically everybody loves.
>Disney offers ridiculous one sided terms
>Sony says no
>This is Sony's fault
>didn't read Sony's public response
>doesn't know about the leaks exposing them years earlier
>is a sad little braindead "Anti-Mouser" which is as bad as a "Pro-Mouser"
*CLICK* "I'm keeping this for my cringe collection!"
Every bit of the leaked details about what disney offered sound absolutely ridiculous, so they aren't wrong.
>highest grossing Spider-Man films were Disney Spiderman
Kek. The people have spoken
Every Spider-Man cast member besides JJ and his villains are boring and expendable.
>"doesn't know about the leaks exposing them years earlier"
>antidisneyfag can't read
*CLICK* "this is going in my special Yea Forumsfag cringe folder"
Sony is probably about to fire their PR department, that response just aggravated the fire, they tried to shift the blame instead of saying "chill out", they are in full panic mode
This is insane, and I don't know who benefits from the MASSIVE angry response but clearly Sony doesn't, and I don't think neither does Disney, is the angry response a good thing or a bad thing for the deal?
Oh no, Spider-Man movies will have to be about something other than fellating Tony Stark.
However will we survive.
They'll work it out eventually. But yeah. Whatever high ground Sony may have had by staying quiet was eliminated by that shitty ass public statement.
Human Torch and Spidey >>>>>
Disney tried to strong-arm them. Sony said Screw You and flipped the table. Both of them are dumb but for very differnt reasons, and the way I see it it's more Disney's fault.
Blame that on your god, George Lucus, you can’t buy something that wasn’t put up on sale. Or do you forget that he ok’d this:
MCU bitches be mad
Y shouldnt they its their license how fucking dumb are you ever heard of money
Based but Incredibles 2 trash
50 /50 when they already own the merchandising rights you dont understand money do you
Why do Americans put so much efforts worshiping an intellectual property aimed at the 5-8 demography?
Because we are FREE to do it.
>lets pretend the best movie of the trilogy doesn’t exist
why is disney's proposed deal greedy?
they're asking for 50% of the profits, but they also said they they'd pay for 50% of the movie's cost
sony is absolutely delusional to think they can make a better movie with their track record of film-making and without the momentum of the MCU
Sony unironically did NOTHING wrong here
>they're asking for 50% of the profits, but they also said they they'd pay for 50% of the movie's cost
Because profit is much bigger than the production and if it's not you're bombing anyway. Come on user you could have figured this out. And Sony doesn't care if they can make a "better" movie just a profitable one and after Venom made bank they're right to back themselves
Why are we upset with sony when it's disney demanding 50% of the profits?
Disney bad because they're the bigger company. They don't deserve an even profit split because they are evil. It doesn't matter if they do all the work on the films and pay for everything, they just don't deserve because I don't like them. It's greed, I always unconditionally support the underdog even if they have a horrible track record and are complete assholes 100% of the time.
>Pay $100 million
>Take $500 million
Do you suck at math or something. Under those terms it's very realistic for Sony to make something just as profitable on their wrong.
Sony's one with the real leverage here because Marvel has nothing left for Phase 4 now.
Because of MCU apologists
I'm fine having an excuse to completely skip phase 4
>Pay $100 million
>Take $500 million
Do you suck at math or something. Under those terms it's very realistic for Sony to make something just as profitable on their own.
Sony's one with the real leverage here because Marvel has nothing left for Phase 4 now.
Spiderman, JJ, and his villains is enough for a film franchise.
Nobody cared about your typo, bro
If they make Morbius, Venom and Black Cat anti heroes then they've got all they need. Spider-man is probably the second best hero to build an entire universe around after Batman
Half the people in this thread are fags from Twitter. They will eat you alive over a typo and if you don't hate big corporations. They're actual fucking communists over on that site it is so disgusting.
>not hating big corporations
this entire situation is happening because two greedy corporations can't stop fighting over a fictional character
>They're under one roof in the comics.
>Reading degenerate-friendly comics in 2019
Eat shit mouse fag
Thank God they pulled Spidey before the MCU goes to shit.
I am aware of that. I know how to read. It's amazing that you're downplaying and exaggerating the situation at the same time. Nothing is really happening at all that affects anyone but these companies so none of us really have to be concerned unless we choose to.
At the same time, it doesn't make sense to actively join this discussion when you don't like either party involved and you think conflict is pointless. You're another Twitter commie that just wants everything structured to burn and for everyone to git dat fo free.
Nothing's free and Sony is full of dickheads. It's not just fighting over a silly comic book character. At this point it's one company holding intellectual property hostage from another and fucking up their business.
Sony being so stubborn, flippant, and delusional is now directly hurting Marvel Studios. Marvel has done nothing but try to be nice and fair but Sony just wants to act like a bunch of retards. All it will result in is Marvel losing something that was likely going to be a huge factor in their profit for the future and Sony will making more garbage flicks to pollute the world. Sony is in the wrong.
Sony are the ones who own the rights to Spider-Man. It's not being greedy to not want to give away something you own
>why aren't comics bashing gays!?! don't they know the libs need to be owned!?!?
>Give us half of your money
Sony has all the leverage here and they have the right to use it. Any future Avengers movies are DOA without Spider-Man since they lost Iron Man and Captain America too.
>have Mysterio fuck over Peter in the end
>frame him for the drone fiasco
>reveal Peter's identity
>reveal J Jonah Jameson, with his old actor reprising his role
>boot Peter out of the MCU
I guess we're not gonna have any form of conclusion for Holland Peter here.
Seems like I made the right decision to treat FFH as an epilogue to the MCU. I'll just pretend the after credit scene doesn't exist
This. Ignore the after credit scene and the story perfectly resolved itself
>implying you have to choose sides
I just enjoy this shitstorm. I do hope that it kills the capeshit popularity with normalfags.
Based Mysterio's plan working.
Sony's Spider-Man was always better than Disney's
>Implying the current state of comics is any enjoyable, except for a couple jewels here and there
That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?
So much for the one MCU movie I was hoping for.
>Spidey is once again getting retool'ed/rebooted before the 3rd movie
this fucking character is cursed
>implying comics are bad because MUH DEGENERATES
That's a nice shit opinion there, did /pol/ give it to you
Disney has enough money to settle this, most likely. But if they don't I hope Sony has enough sense to start Spidey's journey in media res. He has like the second or third most well known origin.
But the after credit scene would perfectly explain why Spider-man doesn't show up anymore?
Don't forget about Disney having to deal with Shueisha and Toei, the latter of which already has history with Disney thanks to Power Rangersl
Angry Birds 2 is the highest rated video game movie ever
Oh no, it's hurting poor marvel studios, how horrible!!!
How do you even breath with Mickeys cock so far down your useless throat
I mean on principle, I don't actually care about Spider-Man. But Sony needs to die.
Mouse/Disney/MCU getting a bit greedy
I hate the mouse with a passion, but judging from those email leaks back then, this is the most likely situation.
Because they are marvel and tied go iw, not really because of the character itself. I dont think they will be able to carry the universe until xmen or f4
>This will more than likely fuck over any future marvel movies
Disney were surviving just fine without Spiderman and while this might impact them don't see how it will fuck everything up.
Do we really *need" Spider-Man in the MCU going forward though? We've already seen him meet and mingle with all the other characters.What could you do that hasn't already been done? Have him play around with the FF and X-Men? Those movies are at least 3 years away.
As long as they keep Holland and the rest of the cast and keep making self-contained movies there's no problem.
reminder that the MCU were already prepared to have a cut for Civil War without Spider-man in case the deal didn't fall through, anyone who really thinks this will break them is delusional.
>Nobody's asking for DC to be under Disney
Why not, though? DC is a shitshow, and it would be far better off if it were purchased from WB.
Spidey was supposed to be a founding member of the avengers back in the early mcguire days. They wanted to bring him in to the MCU but talks with sony failed. They're trying to set him up to be the next leader of the Avengers now that IM and Cap are gone, Strange is uninterested, CM has fucked off (hopefully permanently, since they gave her a writeout option in FFH), Black Panther doesn't care, Hulk is crippled, Ant-man is not guaranteed to return at all, Thor has fucked off w/ the GotG, and FemThor hasn't been established. So that leaves you with Spidey, Hawkeye, Wanda, Falcon, War Machine, and Winter Soldier. You can safely say no one gives a major fuck about any of them.
This picture became relevant again.
i suppose, but I wouldn't mind seeing them get back to doing simple Spidey movies without all the gravitas. Every once in a while, including him in a big event is OK but Spider-Man is supposed to be the "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man". I think he works better as a small-time hero helping average folk, not necessarily saving the world or fighting aliens and other such stuff.
Imagine betting everything on a fluke financial success with a hugely popular character and a wokeness Oscar
He still has 2 more solo films of himself per current contract before he's written out of the MCU. So any future Avengers films are looking really fucking weak right now since the one hard hitter that'll draw people in is gone thanks to sony.
I wonder if they will even do more Avengers films. I guess they could always go in the direction of the 90s team that featured lesser known characters like Sersi, Black Knight, Crystal, and Hercules. Probably not since that roster lacks marquee value, but hey, I'd go see it.
>I actually shed some tears of anger,
What a faggot, lol.
Hugh Jackman claimed he was going to cameo in the first Spider-Man but couldn't because he, "couldn't find suit." (Which sounds like bullshit, btw, because wasn't he using the suit right then when they were filming X-Men 2?)
Anyways, X-Men 2000, Spider-Man 2002, Hulk 2003, Daredevil 2003, Fantastic Four 2005, etc, should have all crossed over and THAT should've been the MCU.
Consider getting a life.
Consider procreating
>Nobody's asking for DC to be under Disney. Nobody's asking for Spawn to be under Disney. Nobody's asking Hellboy to be under Disney. Etc.
You're the same kind of moron who's shocked every time a Disney movie makes a billion, aren't you?
Rich, coming from a guy crying that a corporation can't make manbaby movies starring a certain capeshit character.
I would be down for a Marvel VS. DC movie BUT do NOT put any Marvel character permanently in the DC movie universe and vice versa.
I'd love being able to have crossovers of characters from different universes, but they should primarily be in the universe they actually belong to.
He says on a board for cartoons and comics making a post no doubt motivated by a hate for one certain corporation for ruining his other manbaby franchise.
>Mysterio's plan was so good, it broke the fourth wall and fucked up Spidey's real world public existence
now that's what I call a keikaku
What's the point in keeping them separate? DC's characters would be far better off if they were rebooted into the Marvel Universe.
I mean, sure, they can have just one big superhero universe that has every character. That would be cool.
But don't be like, "Oh, look, Warner Bros. bought Sony Pictures, so now Spidey is in the DCEU!" Or something else stupid like that.
There wouldn't need to be a DCEU. The characters could just be reimagined and implemented into the existing MCU. Characters like Black Panther and Captain Marvel could serve as mentor figures to Batman and Superman.
that sounds bad.
Why? DC's properties haven't been doing well for ages. Having the Avengers guide their heroes could help breathe new life into them.
>And Sony doesn't care if they can make a "better" movie just a profitable one and after Venom made bank
So did the first Amazing Spiderman. I wonder where did everyone who watched the first one whe the sequel underperformed?
>Even using actors for company wars propaganda
HAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked, Shitsney
Based and torchpilled
someone could help lift up dc while still being independent
I'm happy no more Iron-Kid for me.
For the record, I don't even want Disney to own everything. I just hate Sony Pictures and Tom Rothman. I could care less about the mouse.
Fuck Sony
Holy fuck, imagine being this autistic!
>the movies were so good
Literally lmaoing @ ur life, cuck. I hope you're not serious, but regardless you made me reply.
>laughing my ass offing
Based X-men killing the MCU
>Disney was literally demanding Sony take less money from the one thing they actually get money from in the partnership
>Sony says fuck you, there's no benefit for me here and leaves
>Retards think this is Sony's fault
MCUucks need a bullet
ITT: Sony drones still blindly following Tom Rothman
The Satirical Spider-Man!
Fuck off Disney shill. This happened because the rat was greedy
I think you didn't understand it. Sony had Spiderman solo sales, Disney had MCU sales.
What Disney asked sony is them to give 50/50 of Spiderman solo movies, but MCU sales would still be Disney's and Disney only.
Fuck you and fuck your fake Spidey
Yeah, we need more movies like Origins Wolverine.