Have fun white knighting this one.
Hey King-Fags!
The fuck...
Calling it now: That's Clayface.
>I-It's Clayface, y-you'll see!
This isn't even the first time they've killed Alfred
What a hack
: "Things are just bad. Bad things happen. That's how it is." Like this and The Last Jedi and other faux profound media coasts on this mentality.
Why do people still keep bringing up some shitty Star Wars movie even when it's not relevant at all? Fucking Christ.
How is it not relevant? Media doesn't exist in a vacuum, you spaz?
Oh wow. A comic book death. Surely this will have long-lasting and permanent reprocussions.
Not everything circles back to your fucking Star Wars shit. Can you actually stay on topic for a minute?
There's no such thing as a King-fag. There's King himself and here's trolls.
Remember when Alfred lost his hand during Snyder's run? How long did that last?
haha fuck
why did they hire this guy
This, just fuck off with Star Wars and specifically TLJ, let it go already.
You are straight dumb dude, there are trends in media. In genre storytelling. It's the exact same company. Sorry but trauma as pathos, the inherent value of somehow losing, of it all just being shit, is a trend.
Not saying it's a masterpiece but it's good enough that it tried something different for everyone. Christ.
Having an ending as your second act is something different because it's retarded.
it's all so tedious
Seriously fucking let it go. I don't know how else to say it.
Bump for actual discussion on topic wtf
Oh no, a cape character died? What a terrible lost that can't possibly be undone.
You can than Tom King
Which Clayface?
How about you fuck off you mindless drone
Lazarous Pit, bitch
You know what? I'd be perfectly fine with this if it serves as Bruce character development instead of just shock value.
Of course it won't, but it's not like I'm reading this shit.
i thought white knighting was when a guy defended a girl
The disrespect of killing alfred means King hates Batman conceptually.
Or dads.
Whatever, Yea Forums will play armchair psychologist and come up with any kinds of fanfiction.