What was the tipping point where politics became so intertwined with cartoons...

What was the tipping point where politics became so intertwined with cartoons? I can't just watch something without having some stupid political agenda crammed down my throat. I fucking hate it. I watch cartoons to escape my shitty irl existence but I can't even do that anymore because I'm constantly reminded of what's happening there.
I just want to go back to being a dumb kid watching stuff like Looney Tunes and Batman TAS. Where did it go so wrong?

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Is this real

Welcome to the late 2010s, where virtue signalling is more important than quality entertainment. Just avoid shows that do it until it passes over or we all die from the great culling.

it is


Politics and Cartoons aren't even a bad mix, look at Gargoyles. It handled themes of diversity, immigration under devastating circumstance, and hate/tolerance with grace. The problem is that now the cartoons are simply vessels to deliver the message, instead of the problem and story being woven together to make an actual point.

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Is it anymore degenerate than all those 80s/90s cartoons with divorced parents?

fuck off you pissbaby faggots the line was a joke. esther is a tight-wound overthinking kid that's conspicuously conscious about those things and it makes her awkward and friendless except for the other two
She's also supremely thirsty for dick and loves all of the things she talks about being "problematic"

Twelve Forever

What's the thing he's referring to here? Just curious.

This is why you don't watch modern cartoons or buy comics.
It's a dead cancerous medium and we should focus on old cartoons instead.

>I watch cartoons to escape my shitty irl existence
I can't imagine having such a horrible life. But you're an idiot, so you probably earned it. Cartoons have always been "political" and always will be. All art is. Well, all good art is. It's trying to tell you something about yourself and the world at large. Even the most fantastical and far out seeming stories are meant to reflect larger themes of the times and world in which they were made.

If you're seriously too dumb to understand that, then maybe you shouldn't be watching cartoons at all. Maybe you should just go outside and watch the clouds. It might be a better use of your time than getting triggered at children's cartoons on the internet. Because that's for incels. Are you an incel, OP?

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twelve forever

>Looney Tunes

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There's a difference between politics in cartoons and philosophy in cartoons

A stupid boardgame
That she loves

>Not political

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These people don't have philosophy, all they have is politics. It's not a surprise they would confuse the two.

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Oh. At first glance she looks like an effete boy but I should have seen that coming I guess.

>it's a politics have never existed in media until now fag
a sure fire way to show you've never looked into animation history in your life. crossboarder.

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She's pretty adorable, actually
And I say that granted that even in a fairly angular designed show, her chin could cut glass

I would love to see your retard thesis on how Batman TAS was political in any fucking way, besides kindergarten shit like "corruption and crime are bad".

Because a generation of dogmatic fuckwits has infested the American animation industry. Reciting their orthodox beliefs makes them very happy.

Are you actually so fucking stupid that you can't see the difference between recruitment cartoons saying simple shit everyone can agree on like HITLER BAD during A FUCKING WORLD WAR and propaganda brainwashing children into buying into freakish progressive theories of thought-crime in entertainment? Also, retard, were those propaganda cartoons continually produced during the intervening 70 years between the end of WWII and today?

If you'd actually watched the thing instead of just seeing a bait screencap and getting triggered, you'd know why this thread is retarded from the basic concept

A dating board game.

I like how retard boy perfectly proves OP's point while thinking he's successfully countering it. Politics in mainstream cartoons in the past were either nuanced and addressed with some taste (Gargoyles tackling guns or even Static Shock on racism) or were simple things that no one sane could possibly argue against (Looney Tunes and Disney saying Hitler is bad). There was none of this insane shit where one side clamps down on the entire medium and shits all over it with controversial dogma for almost an entire fucking decade straight.

>guns bad ban all guns
Wow, deep.

It was always there, but much more subtle. There used to be certain non-negotiables about culture in media. One was that it was good to be an American. Another was that in order to maximize potential viewership (and profits) media needed to appeal to the broadest demographic possible, that means working hard to avoid pissing off huge swathes of the potential consumer-base. I think the tipping point where we went from subtle to overt politics started in 2015 but was full bore by 2016. Clinton identifying an entire quarter of the American population as unworthy of her pursuit really resonated with a lot of people on the Left, with media producers sharing that view.

The gun episode of Gargoyles is about taking guns seriously and handling them responsibly, not banning them.

>(Gargoyles tackling guns or even Static Shock on racism)

Wait, those were real life political issues!? GRRR I'M SO MAD NOW

before bugs was even a bunny, before the anthro boom ever existed, cartoons have been a way to convey messages, and spread awareness, you being a snowflake bitch doesn't change that.

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what the fuck is that word even suppose to be?

What's worse is that those aren't cuckend event political issues, those are issues that america has never resolved and they're still lobbying on it because the people writing those cartoons are fucking hypocrites.

she fugly and her chin looks like a box cutter.
her saying her hetero-normative spiel while being thristy for cock gave her several notches in my shit girl list.