What's the weirdest thing you've seen at a comic convention ?

What's the weirdest thing you've seen at a comic convention ?

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I've been to a couple state cons, never actually saw anything that weird. Oh, but people would scalp tickets to the Con outside the buildings like it was the World Series.

I've never been to a convention in my life but used to periodically see costumed people riding the subway when I lived in New York.

My neighbor's dad and his white van with "CANDY OPEN INSIDE DOOR" written on it

Bendis and King will be at Baltimore Comic Con. You know what you must do

All we need is one user to be a hero

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you've never been to the Candy Open? I pity you

An actual science convention going on right next door. You wouldn't believe how much equipment there is based around the dissection of mice and rats.

what does comic book conventions smell like inside?

Probably bumping into the same complete stranger by happenstance two years in a row. The guy was from Alaska and the con was in Denver and both times we ran into each other

once saw two guys surrounded by a group of people, apparently they were having a "nerd fight" by rolling dice on the ground and whoever had the higher number won. I know its tame compared to the other shit people have seen but that thought has always been stuck in my mind for some reason

Got glompped when that was still a thing

I'm fascinated by this because I can't tell if it tripped or is flying

was it a furry or something?

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Fujoshit I think. It was a stranger do I can't say for sure

I went to a rave that was happening at the parking lot near the convention and saw a guy dressed up as an Japanese imperial soldier breakdancing

Going to Dragon Con later this month. What should I expect?

Some furry got sad when people were avoiding him and tried to kill himself jumping down stairs


Once walked past a bunch of teens in leather Kingdom Hearts coats smacking each other’s asses with Yaoi Paddles and making out. Are those still a thing?

A distinct lack of dragons

W-were they cute?

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Erica is cute. Why are you trying so hard to shit on her today?

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A severely retarded guy who was crippled from the neck down was struggling to ask a question to a female panelist and it was some variation of "why aren't the girls in this hotter?" and you could see all these women in the audience looking at each other seething yet petrified to boo at a disabled man.

Please tell me you have any form of footage of that.

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Unironically based

Did anybody else read this in Walt Jr's voice?
>W-W-W-Why aren't the g-girls h-h-hotter?

Gonna preface this by saying I'm not a furry. I got hugged by some random guy in a fursuit at ComicCon that thought I was a friend of his that he hadn't seen in a while. I was walking through a hallway, and a guy in a dog fursuit started waving his arms around and stuff when he saw me, and ran up to me with his arms open for a hug. When he hugged me at first I kinda didn't mind because he was really soft and fluff, but then I realized he might have sex in the fursuit so I pulled away, and when he started calling me by his friend's name and I corrected him and walked away.

I saw someone in a Mac Tonight mask. I know it isn't weird but it was something I remember vividly.

The based motherfucker.

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>not a furry
>furry hugs him
>doesn't mind because furry is warm and soft
Surprised you didn't just start blowing him right there you fuck.

No need to be mean man. It's not like I wanted to hug him anyways. It was still unasked for.

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Dana Snyder and Dino Stamatopoulos were putting on a panel series at a convention I went to over the summer. Because he's a nice guy, Dino decided to blow his appearance fee on fried chicken for the audience. Despite his 3 vodka-per-hour average pace, he was somehow sober enough to plan ahead and split the money between two days, and he told us that he had. The second night had a much larger crowd, since word had spread that fried chicken was being handed out less than 50 feet from the concession stand selling the same thing for $10. Due to some issues he had with a lack of dark meat, he went with a different caterer, and their rates were much worse.

With too many congoers and not enough chicken, Dana had the bright idea of forcing people to line up and beg for it. There's a handful of people that do tricks, some blatant flatterers, and a few people offering trades, so the line is moving pretty slowly. I'm spending most of the time staring at the back of a Pickle Rick cosplayer who is a few spots ahead of me in line. It's a big cheap mix of plastic and laundry hamper fabric; standard store-bought costume. When he gets up there, Dana and Dino look at him expectantly as he mumbles "I'm food so I deserve food" or something along those lines. They crack a cannibalism joke, hand him his chicken, and let him go. Unlike everyone else, who had the decency to sit around and eat their chicken while enjoying the panel, Pickle Rick walks straight out the door.

Dino is drunk enough to take this as a personal insult, so he jumps off the stage and chases down Pickle Rick. About a minute later, he's hauling Pickle Rick back into the conference room by the arm. In the middle of the room, he starts screaming "What's wrong with you? and throwing immaculate stage punches by grabbing the side of the costume as he pulls his fist back and then punching the air pocket.

Pickle Rick threw his chicken down and called the cops. Good panel.

I saw a guy at an anime convention dressed as the Penguin.

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A group of homestuck cosplayers making a human mountain by stacking on top of one another

Technically not a comic convention but I one year at anime fest there was a huge crowd gathering around two girls dressed like Light and L as the tongue kissed and rolled around on the floor.

Just fursuits.

There's always at least one furry at every comic convention I've been to.

And they're always black chicks.

>I never took you as one for cartoons, Penguin.
>These are not "cartoons", you plebian purveyor of policing. They are anime and they are an artform! WAWK WAWK.

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Lies! Slander !Sonic Fox is the only Black furry that exists!

Shirtless dudes. Like, an uncomfortable amount of shirtless dudes.

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It's not weird as much as surprising, but a friend of mine went to a convention as Naruto's sexy jutsu and was pretty much just wearing underwear and cotton balls. She had to get a special bracelet that said she was allowed to walk around like that.

>BATMAN! There's been a rash of "moe" thefts. We suspect it's the work of that fowl fiend, The Penguin!

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A urine-filled ballpit.

Nah, Steven Hawking.

Once went to one and there was this woman dressed in uber-goth gear, complete with a black lace train carried by a pair of goth dwarfs, black veil parasol, full head veil like straight out of a funeral. Kid asked her to stop for a pic, so she did. Kid put her arm around her waist while she raised up her veil. It was a bare skull under the veil. The kid went pale. Then the skull fell off the neck and the kid squealed and fainted. I saw a head poke out from what should've been the goth's chest area just a bit. Turned out the skelly-goth was a dwarf as well as a puppeteer. I wish I had vid of it but it was just too much awesome for me to get it together enough for that.

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Probably an underage girl wearing jeans and an unbuttoned shirt with her tits (in a bra) hanging out. She was also in an anime wig. Yeah whatever dude.

At the same con I met a professional silent bob cosplayer, pic related. This was all at a con like 3 weeks ago.

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At some point the convention has to step in and either tell them to knock it off or leave or put on some clothes

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Did you actually go to dashcon or are you meming

The absolute madman

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>Yea Forums regularly has T&A only cosplay threads that reach bump limit
>this is fine
>shirtless guys are mentioned
Your incel is showing.

>Nearest con is just a one-day affair
Probably won't be that many weirdos.

That sounds fucking radical

Nah I dont believe in nudity or overt displays of sexuality in public

T. Unironic prude

pee is stored in the balls

Went as Dutch to a comic con a few years back. Back when I was cut and swole
Rock cosplayer wanted to take pics
Said that he had a Revy cosplayer he wanted us to take a pics with and then smoke a bit of herb.
I thought bet, cool.
So we went back to his room to get her.
Revy wasn't there.
There was a bong and a small bit of weed though. "rock" said that he was going to get her from the bathroom.
Long story short the rock cosplayer stepped out of the bathroom naked, she had the most perfect tits I'd ever seen and she was shaved.


One vendor was actually selling comic books! I mean in the current year and everything.

Holy shit

It's okay, we have the occational cosplayer at furcons too

I went to a gay oriented convention and the entire place smelled nice for 3 days. And then I walk past two bros who stank so much, I immediately assumed they are completely straight but was touched at the same time

One con I went to, a local comic shop started selling old anime comics for $1. It was great.

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Some one was in George RR Martin cosplay tricking people that he was the real deal writing up the last of the books with the "ultimate meta conflict" or something like that.

Falling with style

>being so starved for affection you get hugged by a random furry and roll with it

It warms my heart to see people using their powers for good.

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the convention itself

Girls that do that deserve the unwanted attention they attract. Get groped by stinky sweaty nerds. No one gives a fuck.

Homestuck is cheating.

i feel like homestucks are always the strangest folks at any con

>get vanned
>literally vanned, the raghead bastards rammed me off the bridge

The only time I went to BotCon (Transformers convention), the day I went happened to be the day Peter Cullen was signing autographs. I was watching for a while (trying to judge if I wanted to stand in line myself) and I remember seeing this chick hand him some papers and leaned over to talk into his ear. He had a total game face on and was perfectly polite, but it was definitely something edgy going on there. Like get this bitch away from me vibe.

After the convention, I was reading in an LJ community thread people's reactions to the Con (I was very underwhelmed, personally), and there was someone bragging about giving Peter Cullen a copy of her Mikaela Banes/Optimus Prime erotic fanfic. It must have been the same chick.

Honestly, celebrities must deal with some way weirder shit every time they show up to any Con...but I still don't understand what the fuck this chick was thinking. Why would Peter Cullen want a copy of your goddamn porn?

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>Domo arigato, Commissioner. I'll get to the bottom of Penguin's latest...keikaku.
>Gosh Batman. I never knew you were so good at Japanese.
>Of course, Robin. Fan-subbing requires an astute knowledge of the language.
>Later, Robin. Right now we have to stop Penguin's obsessive otaku operation!

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a group of japanese ww2 infantry cosplayers lead by a black man, tall, rail thin, naked except for some shorts and holding a giant anime face banner chanted "2B, 2B, 2B" when they saw my wife (fiancee at the time). she was of course cosplaying 2b.
they started prostrating themselves in front of her and other whack shit and then, spurned on by his squadmates, one asked me permission if they could kiss her heels.
I said yes for teh lulz and the absolute madman did it.

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Not a comic-specific convention, but a general-nerd convention:
>be me
>cosplaying Ness
>last day of the con, hanging with the boys in the hotel lobby
>out of nowhere this Astrid (HTTYD) cosplayer shows up and starts screaming at me
>she whips out a tooth brush, toothpaste, and a cup of water
>actually starts begging me to brush her teeth for her
>wtf again
>friends are laughing their asses off
>end up brushing this girl's teeth in public
>people walking by stop and stare
It's been like six years and I still don't understand what happened, or why I complied.

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pics or it did not happen

I met a good friend of mine at a con.

found out later he used to do maid cosplay and he showed me the pics. Pretty much the way I found out I was at the very least bi curious.

a line in the guys bathroom of some dudes waiting to fuck some chick with most of the other stalls with people that were taking shits. twas awful

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i went to a con and a girl was dressed as Kairi from KH walking up the stairs and i saw her panties in full view

no the weirdest thing was back when Homestuck was still popular and the bathroom had tons of grey paint smeared on the stalls

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time warp dance broke out in the middle of the floor

was she fat

I don't know who that is, but the reason is politics I promise.

I hate this board.

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The extremely bendy and very cute girl in this sloth costume is a high point.

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Thanks for your incredibly valuable input

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she was pretty and thin

Nice one dude.

A motherfucker that didn't know Ed's a grill. I don't even...

Happens quite a bit at anime cons, the anime club at my college tried to do that all the time.

Probably a Goku dakimakura.

I don't normally buy things at cons, but the cute emotional support wolverine and honey badger got me to buy them.

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That's stupid and not related to the thread. Go blog to your emotional support plushie you wimp

Come on now. Yea Forums is the gayest board.

It was an accurate cosplay then:

user, that's Kevin Smith.

>wonder what that looks like
>click image
>ripped dickless raccoon man with a portal gun

well that was a surprise

Yep. It's even gayer than the LGBT board. These fucks always talking about wanting to fuck gay cartoon tigers and crying when you make a joke.

Who else FL Supercon here?


They aren’t seriously meant to be support plushies, you aspie. They are joke plushies. And they are pretty weird, which means they are relevant.

I think they're cute user

Gay shit going on in a bathroom

Badger, actually.

My little sister's friend split her tights in the hall and everybody started dabbing on her thonged butt.

Another time, a guy being led on a leash by his gf got thrown out for biting someone.

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>a guy being led on a leash by his gf

Was he on all fours?

No, just walking around in petplay shit.

Someone pooped on the floor in a hallway (This was not a furry convention, btw.)

Like, dressed up as a dog?

I hope I can go to Baltimore CC this year. Never been to one, and I hear Brian Azzarello and Adam Hughes will be there. Might get stuff signed

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I've never been to a convention, sounds faggy.

Is this a copypasta?
If not based Dino as usual.

Can you remember what show this was for?

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>My little sister's friend split her tights in the hall and everybody started dabbing on her thonged butt.

Got pics?

Spongebob it was a mermaid man and barnacle boy episode

No ya dunce im saying which show the retard kid panel was for

Maybe dont be a retard next time you post then.

She is 12 you prevert

>My little sister's friend split her tights in the hall and everybody started dabbing on her thonged butt.
What color was her thong? Did you touch her butt?

Wait, so the Rock cosplayer was a reverse trap?

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I still go to cons, mostly to sell at tables but I do like cosplaying and hanging with my buds there. I've got some weird stories told to me or seen first hand. I'll list a few:

>guy I know accidentally got invited to a gay orgy in one hotel room
>friend got his tooth knocked out by a prop lightsaber
>alot of stories of people who couldn't hold their liquor and the dumb shit they did
>time someone tried to schedule a furry orgy on some app and everyone was shitposting in it when word of it got out

Im using this now

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looks like the methed up love-child of cosmo and projared

>something like 61% of Yea Forums posters resemble this image.

I remember going to SDCC like nine years ago and walked by the signing booth for Rifftrax. Apparently at some point, somebody handed Mike Nelson and Co. a drawing of the hub room on the Satellite of Love with Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo, and (for whatever reason) Mike Nelson as a furry.

>accidentally got invited to a gay orgy
I need details.

Homestucks are kind easy mode for weird shit but once a mob of gray-skinned teenagers ranging from anywhere between 14 to 20 accompanied by a couple gray-skin adults asked my group of friends (some of whom were close to their 30s) if we wanted to leave the con with them and go play "spin the Faygo" in an alleyway in fucking Birmingham of all places with them. I never saw them again.

He was hanging out with another cosplayer after a photoshoot (I think it was for AC). Eventually he invited him up to his room for some drinks, not unheard of at a con between some new friends so he went along with it. They get to the room, guy opens it and inside there's already three guys banging on one of the beds in there. Guy asks friend if he wants to join.

Friend just turns and walks away without saying a word.

Looks normal to me!

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I wasn't there for it but I know of at least three drunken pool orgies that have happened in play-on con. Also there was an ad looking for anyone interested in an Undertale orgy at the last con I went to.

People seriously have orgies at these things?

I think that was a fetish, user

Yeah con orgies happen but they're always a need to know thing. Like if someone thinks you're hot enough they'll invite you to one.

user, that was Moon Man. What were you doing at a Klan rally?

Oh. So much for that then.

a big dude blindsiding a smaller dude in the dressing room with the intention of dragging his ass to the main stage to beat him up in front of the crowd.

Not comic-con, but there was this one guy who came to smash-themed con dressed as spider-man

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Get a fur suit nobody gives a shit about your face.

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Man, I try to find shit like this and I never can.

I don't like it

A hobo dressed as the crab from the little mermaid harassing a girl with cat ears and a collar who broke down crying and run away
Second place goes to those motherfuckers eating egg salad out of a Tupperware with a plastic fork, motherfucker I get con food is expensive but could you be a little more subtle about it?

Mostly just at furry/pony ones though, right?

>participating in an orgy that has a guy in a fursuit in it
user do you want HIV? Because that's how you get HIV

Just make a game of it and roll the dice user.

Have some confidence in yourself Boco you fucking faggot

are you sure it didn't get pushed down the stairs?

Some guy stealing merch.

Honestly con orgies always sound great, but when you actually think about it everything quickly goes south

They happen at anime ones too, never really heard of em at comic ones but I could be wrong. Furry ones it's more easy to find em while at anime ones it's more hidden and shit.

I'm not 100% on the furry thing as I've never been to a furry con. Been invited by a friend so I might take him up on the offer just to experience it.

Reminded me of this

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Whats confidence?

>cosplay contest
>girl dressed as some stupid anime caharcter has a bow
>bow actually works
>she finishes her act by shooting an arrow into the crowd
>arrow goes up
>arrow goes down
>all we can do is watch as the inevitable thing is going to happen
>arrow hits some poor fucking dude in the head
>girl gets disqualified
Also there where tons of girls dressed as Naruto characters who just walked on stage and made out in creative ways because the first ones to walk on stage did it and they wanted to outdo them

Convention's closed due to AIDs

Did he die?

Can the people who already caught aids stay anyway?

Alabama? I probably know one of those spergs.

That wasn't a "no"

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>2015 fanexpo
>Young stupid and just watched clerks for the first time 16
>Decide to check out this panel by the cast of Todd and the book of pure evil
>Jason mews is there have my copy clerks on dvd in a bag
>They take questions about the show I really don't care
>Just want Jay to sign my dvd
>Go wait in line for the signing
>Make it to Jay
>Dig through my bag
>Dvd is gone
>Freak the fuck out inside
>Decide last minute to have him sign a bus transfer ticket
>He does it
>Fast forward to the present
>Somewhere in my house there is a bus transfer ticket signed by Jay of Jay and silent Bob
>Laugh and cringe about it at the same time

There is usually alot more guys than girls so keep that in mind. I've only heard of a few that had a proper guy to girl ratio but usually it's like two or three girls and more guys.

I was dressed as Nick from L4D2 at a con and i saw a girl dressed as Ellis and I went up to her to say hi. When I turned around she grabbed my ass. Pretty sure it was a fujo and that was some sort of yaoi thing she thought was acceptable.

Boco I swear to fucking god
You get some confidence right god damn now or so help me

I'd buy that guy a hooker.

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>Everybody started dabbing on a twelve-year old's thonged butt

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Like I said, downhill fast.
A whole bunch of sweaty nerds all trying to get over some 6/10s. The smell must be fucking awful.

Sorry...my fault...

I'm going to Pax East in 2020. I always wanted to go to G-Fest though. Anybody on Yea Forums ever went to one? It looks cool but I don't hear much about it in terms of quality

Not too weird. This was in like 2014. Me and my friend were followed around by a bunch of sweaty fat guys with scraggly beards. One had a trenchcoat I think. They kept making generic level-one small talk about shows I don’t care about (mainly little girl shows for some reason??) until they brought up Teen Titans. My friend, being the scummy troll she is, was like “Yooo, I love that show!” and started singing the “Waffles” song from Teen Titans Go (and got me to join in too). One of them with a gross ass ponytail got pissed at her and began this autistic tirade about how everyone, especially Raven, was ruined in the show now and huffed off. We made a break for it when they others went to comfort him. This is why I love Teen Titans Go.

I met a dude selling porn and bought a print. Later found out he based the woman in the art on my sister.

Why the fuck would I ever go to a convention?

Did you ever find your dvd?

>the video of the dude peeing in it is forever lost

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That would be Yea Forums

No, Beetlejuice

I've been to pax east twice, it's pretty cool and you can score some pretty good swag.

G-fest is majorly on my list but hard to get people to go with me to it. In my friend group I'm one of the few who enjoy kaiju stuff. I think one of my friends is down for it next year.

I was planning to apply for a table at G-fest till someone with experience there told me that if you're not selling any merch with licensed characters on it (Godzilla, Ultraman, etc.) then don't bother. Crowd there isn't too interested in new IP comics or anything. I'll still go as an attendee one year just to experience it though.

Disgusting hedonism.

no, that would be /lgbt/

Why is a 12 year old in a thong what the fuck

What year was this
Con security usually confiscated anything that's remotely a weapon
I had a golf club and they took that

This guy was such a token incel it wasn't even funny, but he had people SEETHING

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Isn't that Adult Swim's con or did they just have influence over it for a few years?

Not all heroes wear capes, some where traches

I appreciate his troll game. Is there video of this?

Based Cripple Man

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Sweaty people in a huddled group touching toys and talking with Yea Forums terms "Based, unironically, cringe, plebbit"
I was just near the entrance and didn't go in. We spend time near a plaza with a water fountain instead.

>Be me (faggot)
>Dyke buddy and gf's friend sperged out and left ACEN early. They invite me to come and take her badge (I live nearby)
>Show up, we decide to head to 18+ Yuri panel before going dancing
>Show up, have pretty high expectations; a few years back I took a nip friend studying in the US for a year (I was assigned to show him around for nip practice,) went to a Hentai panel
run by a plump faghag and her fag friend who spent the whole time showing fucked up shit while making rape jokes, hilarious shit
>Anyhow sit down, about half dudes half chicks
>Unattractive tumblrchick starts off the panel by announcing that she "is bisexual, but no, I will not have a threesome with you guys"
>Starts showing Yuri while peppering in anti-male comments throughout. Everyone's looking uncomfortable
>I was pretty drunk so I forget the specifics, but I remember her saying something like "See, girls can fuck too. The last thing we need is some gross dick, fuck that shit, all girl-on-girl" to which a buff Andrew W.K. cosplayer sitting in front of us muttered "I mean, I wouldn't mind some dicks but whatever"
>Finally says something along the lines of "Yuri isn't for men" and starts talking about how we shouldn't watch it
>Now, I don't give a fuck about any of this, and have only watched hentai for the meme value, but this shit is supremely awkward
>Some dude in a pigeon mask stands up, having had enough, and asserts that this is bullshit, the primary consumers of yuri are men, and this panel wouldn't exist without us
>Me and the dykes nope the fuck out
>Literally everyone follows suit
>Went dancing till 4am and drunkenly fell asleep in loving lesbian arms

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>first year with a real job
>passing by local grand hotel
>see chicks with tails and Ash Ketchums
>ask some kid whats going on
>hotel is torn down later that year
I wish I had known guys but its still going on,just not in my immediate area. Should I go this year or just pretend it ended when the hotel was torn down?

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The same year I met this guy who was openly really thirsty for Ness and it was weird. He was dressed as some Naruto character. He added me on Skype and kept sending me creepy messages and saying he loved me, but would never refer to me by name. He'd only call me Ness. Cosplaying Ness attracts weirdos.

some ladies reported me for harassment
cause when i was taking photos of some other cosplayers they were walking in the background
all i got was just a stern warning about consent and if it happened again i would be kicked out
the people i was taking a photo of tried to defend my but they didn't care

Is this in Atlanta?

I feel like I've seen many thot patrol cosplayers in my time.

Acen 2018

couple pedos came to one...but thats not really weird,eh?

Holy shit you got a rare chance to see Mr. Enter outside of his house

Hands down, the strangest thing anyone can see at a comic con.

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Hawking knew.
That frequency drove women crazy.

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Oh shit, I was at this very panel. Good times.

What happened was, Dino went to the nearby Beasley's Honey & Chicken downtown. It's a more upscale chicken place, even though they specialize in chicken and waffles, so of course $250 only bought like two trays of chicken and a container of honey. The idea to turn the podcast into a competition for chicken was brilliant though.

So Pickle Rick was apparently legit offended by the fake punches and complained to the con officials, getting the cops involved. Some guy had cell phone footage of it, but it was from the front, so the angle made it look like he actually was punching him. But Dana knows the guy who runs the con and knew he'd know what really went down, so although Dino had to actually talk to the cops, everything was fine and Pickle Rick didn't press charges after Dino apologized. Dino spent the rest of the panel calling him a little faggot though lol.

>made out in creative ways

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It's insane what some people, women or men, get away with. Saw a Bowsette at a con recently that was seriously just wearing a teddy with the tail and crown attached. She was quite the PAWG too, over half her ass was out.

Fun fact, I literally met Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes hanging out on a smoke break at a convention.


I'm a gay chubby chaser, so I'd probably be fine.

Nasty fucking faggot.
Quit sticking shit in your ass.
I bitch slap guys like you whenever I get the chance.

What the fuck is with women thinking yuri is for them
This shits sole purpose is for virginal makes to jerk off to

I was at a random convention, and this guy was cosplaying Patrick Stump from the band fallout boy. He was walking up to everybody and saying “Hi, I’m Patrick stump.”
Now, my actually name is Patrick, so I respond with “Hi, I’m Patrick.”
This guy is or some reason utterly floored by this information and needs proof my name is Patrick. I gave him some for some reason. He took photos with me, and kept approaching me during the con.
Shit was fucking weird.

Phat Ass White Girl

Cosplaying as a woman i see

>What's the weirdest thing you've seen at a comic convention ?

a Fat woman having a heatstroke around SDCC

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Chris chan ?

A Group of loud femme faggots cosplaying as Naruto characters.

Hard to tell if it werent for the forehead protectors and wigs because they were only dressed in Hooker boots and short shorts from the neck down



>to which a buff Andrew W.K. cosplayer sitting in front of us muttered "I mean, I wouldn't mind some dicks but whatever"
Party HARD

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>tfw will never get to party hard with Buff Andrew W.Gay

Steampunk Joss Whedon.

What was the panel?

A pirate ship giving out shaving cream as a promotion for a video game.

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I was at that Raleigh show & talked to him as well...nice guy!

From these stories I have to assume you're at least a 4/10, so that'll happen with most characters. Dignity has stopped me from doing that to cosplayers in the past, but I've been tempted.

Siblings in cosplay of a romantic couple and they clam to know the show with out knowing they are a couple in show.

A guy cosplaying as Blade.

He was white.

The costume was film accurate.

shut the fuck up

Never heard of someone doing that at a con, but it's because of this scene.


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fuck off attention whore

absolute legend

If he looked that accurate and good that's usually enough to get a pass from my experience.

Yaoi paddles and free hug signs got banned years ago.

As far as blackface was concerned, he did a decent job.

>No dude, being as asshole to people in public us cool because I'm in-character!

t. incel

dude ebin

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Is there any reason to go to conventions aside from panels and the freakshow of other attendees? I went to one once just for a panel, but aside from that they just seem like indoor malls with admission fees.

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I can top that. Race-swapped Power Man and Iron Fist. Black Iron Fist and White Power Man.

i hate homestuck fans so goddamn much

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It was an anime con but i'll never forget turning around in a line and seeing a massive doughy white guy dressed as avdol from jojo, just completely matte brown, dark as stained wood. the costume looked like dogshit but salute to the realest dude I ever saw

I'm a /ck/ main and at food conventions you can get a lot of free snacks. Once a guy gave me a shitton of ice cream because he was packing up and didn't want to keep it.

Homer Simpson ass

Skipped leg decade.


At NYCC, I saw someone cosplay in a life-size Transformer outfit. I also saw an anatomically-correct velociraptor, like something from Henson's creature shop.

Oh God that is based

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You’re just jealous of him

yup that got a laugh out of me

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Excuse to hang out with your high school weirdo pals again.


Not really at a convention, but when I went to this sports bar the convention gave out tickets for, these two guys were dressed as wizards with beer can staffs giving people Mardi Gras beads. They gave me a set of beads.

>Yea Forums is the gayest board
Have you been to /gif/ lately it's pretty much nothing but gay racists fapping to traps/trans/gay, posting competing blacked/bleached BBC/BWC interacial threads and yelling about blacks the moment a man with a skin tone darker than printer paper is featured

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But birds\dinosaurs don't have penises, they hae cloacas. Well ducks do, but most other birds dont'.

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I wish I was part of Yea Forums back then; all I saw was a photo of it while it was happening and paid it no mind.

Were they dressed up as apes?

Stop by the SRG booth if you like wrestling.

Reminder that birds lost their ducks as evolution went on, so t-Rex dong was a real possibility

He looks like a little child in an oversized swat suit but at least his provo game is strong

please be real

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That's on an unrelated and unaffiliated site. This is 4channel.org, an advertiser-friendly imageboard.

Saw a fat homesuck cosplayer chick with a free hugs sign, I was an autistic teen so I said no multiple times
Watched a medieval larp combat event
Saw a depressed Italian man dressed up as Mario pose for pictures
Met a dude with a guy fawkes mask, I memed at him, and he thought it was funny so he wanted me to repeat the meme to his friends for laughs
But the real weird thing was
||my costume was literally a semi-untucked blue shirt, like Steve from minecraft, because the convention ticket was such short notice||

Didn't he grope someone?

>using discord spoiler tags instead of Yea Forums ones
I don't even have an excuse, I'm just gonna go to bed on that one

Whatever helps you sleep at night Hiro

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Not a comiccon but at metrocon like 3 years ago some guys had a 20 foot tall balloon sculpture of Discord from mlp.

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At the cons around here, I keep coming across this guy who does a PERFECT Shaggy cosplay. He's got the voice down, the hair, the beard, everything.
Last time I saw him he was dancing with a Miles Morales and a boombox to some hiphop.

there's clearly a bulge there, which should not surprise you

>That's my purse! I don't know you!

Friend was followed down the aisles and repeatedly sexually assaulted one time

Was he hot?

Talk about checkmate

My running plan for 2021's ECCC is to dress as Slenderman --as an excuse to hide my face-- and start associating with all the weird ingroups while undercover. Should provide for some interesting material.

It's not rape if there's consent.

Hey, honest question here. Is 30 told old to go to a convention and cosplay? I kinda always wanted to go and do it when I was younger, but various this and thats meant I never did.

This is the opposite of nerd conventions.

Fuck you boco you retarded ass monkey, you should have asked for pics

A guy walking in a t-shirt with a meme I made printed on it.
It's that anime Sister of Battle with "But that's HERESY" written below, so nothing too fancy or easy to find an author of

you have better got a great costume.

Seeing some blonde haired creep kissing young girls. Pretty disgusting. My wife's son and I were shocked.

Why are free hugs banned?

Ugly chicks? They're swarming them.

I am unusually old for Yea Forums, and I still do it when the mood strikes me. As long as you're cosplaying someone that looks like you it's fine.

Buying stuff not available elsewhere. Dunno about States, but in my country it can occasionally be cheaper too.

>White Power Man
Why does it amuse me so much.


t. fatguy who can't show off his body without feeling ashamed
or t. """""straight""""""" guy who gets """"uncomfortable""""" around other mens bodies

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But we have the internet now.

Isn't that one notoriously horny?

Youre too nice to be raped by furries

It is kinda weird how big her tiddies are

Cause she's a terrible artist but still gets work because she's a woman with pink hair

>I'm Bam Margera, and this is Send a Retard into a She-Ra Panel to Ask Where her Titties Went

What does that even mean

>but it's a black chick
I'm not typically attracted to either of those, what is this magic?

>Crowd there isn't too interested in new IP comics or anything
I guess that makes sense. From the pictures I've seen, their are literally hundreds upon hundreds of Godzilla and other Kaju stuff. I bet that shit is expensive too so people are gonna buy that rather then new monster or shit they never saw before

This desu.
Like groping isn't cool, but you're literally wearing nothing but your skivvies in public, folks are gonna stare, particularly at the goods.

>con story
>doesn't belong in con thread

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Yea Forums was up there but they are drowning in /pol/ these days. Any time someone does something Ronald Reagon wouldn't have endorsed they flip their shit.

>bringing /pol/ shit into an unrelated thread

Isn't there a picture of a tweet for you to be raging over?

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>I missed this for a family wedding in Georgia
I mean the Coke BBQ Spare Ribs were fucking bomb but still

ACEN is in Chicago.

At least the mods on Yea Forums still remove this shit.

Nah there are people of all ages at conventions these days. Still mostly a young crowd, but honestly you need the disposable income of an adult to get the most out of them.

Some artisans don't have websites or are hard to find. Particularly leather workers.
Also some stuff can be available before premiere or be con exclusive. I guess that may mostly apply to /tg/ stuff.

Any pics?

i dont know. i once saw batgirl fucking deadpool in front of children there.. and none cared about.

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Gonna guess some guys took advantage and added ass groping.

Any examples of reasons to go that isn't just buying shit?

Was Batgirl hot ?

Getting shitfaced with friends and drunkenly roam hotel halls and convention spaces, with the occational dancing and hugging of cosplayers is a strong argument user

what a fucking legend

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I don't have friends and I don't drink, so all of that is lost on me.

Then you double check that you have basic social skills, drink modestly, and find the nearest drunk group to approach in the bar and ask if you can sit down with them, if they're not extremely clique-y I'm sure your could share some con stories and break the ice

One con I went to, there was a shit ton of undertake cosplayers whose ring leader was some squeaky voiced faggot dressed as papyrus. About 2 or 3 hours in they all amassed in the center around their ring leader and just began fucking screeching about god knows what .

Another time I got to meet Casper van dien, he’s a pretty cool dude and his fiancé was super nice. I really love Starship troopers so it was pretty great I got a photo with him

>Then you double check that you have basic social skills,
I do not

>drink modestly

>approach in the bar

>I'm sure your could share some con stories and break the ice
I went to a con once over a decade ago, I've got no stories.

Then you get real /fit/ and find some outgoing hambeast to be your handler for the con

>A 2/10 thinking they are entitled to a 10/10 Stacy

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

I had sex with a fat guy in a furry costume repeatedly over the 4 day duration of ComicCon and for an extra week before his flight back in exchange for a copy of Amazing Spiderman #2.

Wait detail like full on fucking

That seems like a lot of work to enjoy something that I don't really have much interest in going to.

Goddamn it, I remember a time when Yea Forums loved bisexual/lesbian women to at least a sexual degree. The yaoi fangirls and repressed gay incels have finally taken over, after nearly an entire decade.

You've given me inspiration to work out user, from one black guy to another.

When did Chris Chan have long black curly hair? I call bullshit.

Meeting a creator?
Playing retro consoles or pinball machines?

Meeting Grant Morrison is definitely up there for my top Con Memories.

Dude's so great to chat with in real life, but his accent makes it a little hard to follow occasionally.

Are you a guy or a gril?
Either way that seems ridiculous.

I'm a guy, straight, but really desperate for comic book Grails to obtain cheaply and resell. Which led me to meeting that guy. I think he got off more on the fact that I'm straight.

Nerd Mardi Gras? Notoriously Horny? Nooooo

How much was your ass worth then user?

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Since he became a "Tomgirl", newfag.

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His ass could be valued anywhere between $5,000 to $200, depending on the condition of the comic.

Did you factor in the fact that it was 4 days?

I can see that girl holding in the vomit. Poor thing.

I guess human feces on the floor of a toilet stall.
I mean, the bowl is RIGHT THERE, you fucking animal.

At least it wasn't a Deathstroke.

I could go fuck Gianna Michaels a couple of hours for that. And he gave up is ass to a fut furry for 5k max

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I saw this twice when I worked at a restaurant. It's probably the most disgusting thing I've had to do

If it was a 9.0 grade comic, undervalued at $5000, then it would cost $1250 a day to fuck him in the ass.

Of course, that's being generous. The actual condition of the comic could be much worse.

The fuck is he upset about?

This is some grade A projection.

Comic cons main demo are 25 yo boomers

>One con I went to, there was a shit ton of undertake cosplayers
It took me a moment to realize you mean "Undertale" and not "Undertaker".

There was a solid 15 seconds I was imagining Papyrus getting pile drived and chokeslammed by a horde of sweaty goth beefcakes.

Attached: undertaker.jpg (596x708, 66K)

Randomly attended a panel where Liefeld was shilling his newest fridge drawing.

Nigga was hyper as shit running and jumping around the auditorium at the slightest stimuli

I wasn't aware that there was a limit to how many attractive fictional women are allowed to exist.

the entire con people have been asking him for pics. when ever they got ready to take a pic, chris would uncomfortably wrap his arm around them and get in real close. after the pictures he kept giving people sly kisses on the cheek. after he was kicked out he blamed the con and went for pizza

Are you Johnny Storm?

I actually skipped the part where user said it was 4 days plus a week, so 11 days total. So at best 500 bucks per day lol

>When did Chris Chan have long black curly hair?
Oh boy do you have some catching up to do

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At the time I didn't fully realise how weird the dude was, but I was 15 and he was in his 20s, so he definitely wanted some shota ass.
>dignity has stopped me from doing that to cosplayers in the past
We all appreciate it.
Oh my god. I was going to thank you for sending that for clarification, but now I honestly wish I'd never known.

Didn't really matter to me since it was technically free, but I don't think I could ever do something like that again though, unless it was Action Comics #1 9.2+ or something.

I got a second opinion on its original appraisal and got it taken from a 9.2-9.7 to a 9.8. I sold it to a collector I have a direct "contract" with for $15k.

>I was going to thank you for sending that for clarification, but now I honestly wish I'd never known.
You should have been around Yea Forums when that scene was first described in the light novel.

It's not every day you get to witness the birth of a fetish.

god i love this

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It's considered prostitution.

It wasn't free since you paid with your ass. Although he probably didn't last long since he was fat and I guess his sick was small because he was a furry.

I'm sorry to hear your friends were eaten by trolls, user

Chris-Chan getting kicked out of TooManyGames is heart-warming. A reminder that no matter how things change, Chris is the same fuck-up he always is.

A rock of stability in our chaotic world.

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>I have a direct "contract" with
Do you suck his dick too?

Hey, just as long as they don't ban what I really care about.

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A normal person.

It reminds me that there is always someone more pathetic than me.

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Just go as a Warhammer character, the more busted up you look the better

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>"Hey she seems kinda cute"
>Open pic

Like me!

Gives me the suspicion he faked it. But that's even more based

Probably Chris Chan having a break down while being kicked out of TooManyGames

Of course, the one person that you pray to god would hoverhand, does NOT hoverhand.
Pikagirl now knows there is no god.

I have no idea if I'm supposed to take this as a compliment

My nigga

My nigga.

Goddammit, how do you find these people?

How many people in this thread were even at Too Many Games

Too young for thottery wtf.

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Yeah no matter how bad any of us are, at least we aren't Boco.

Ah, now there's a meme I've not heard in a long time.

You going this year user? I'm on the fence about whether it's worth it.

I miss Viva La Bam.

Trailer park parents

Pet play shit is worse its like weird gimp masks that give you a snout

>go to Dragon Con in 2016
>had just gotten a gf at the time
>couldn't hook up with anyone had I wanted to
Just end me.

Was she cute?

>he actually has the balls to touch her instead of doing the hover hands shit
gotta hand it to him, he is the chad of the spergspectrum

is that a fucking baseball bat?

Middle-class, North American Middle-School teacher here (ages 10-13): This is reality today. Who the fuck do you think young girls' role models are, and have always been? Look at all the modern most-popular female celebrities, look at Miley Cyrus showing us what a "confident, free woman" looks and acts like, listen to Ariana Grande singing about the things that should really matter to a young woman, look at even Beyonce walking out in a tiny bikini with the 12-foot-high words "FEMINIST" flashing behind her, showing that "this is how you respect yourself as a woman."
Young boys have more agency because testosterone and society influence more risk-taking, independent behaviors. This means that boys and young men often don't take after specific role models or become the people they see around them; they become the people they want to see more of around them but don't see. Girls, however, very much will take after role models and become like those they see around them because estrogen causes a more socially-oriented mind, which favors safety over risk (might have something to do with having to carry babies and being physically weaker).
Fucking well-raised, healthy, intelligent 12-year old girls get laughed at by other well-raised, healthy, intelligent 12-year old girls for wearing "granny panties", or having "never had a boyfriend." It's disturbing.

Went to one in my hometown with some friends. Weirdest thing there wasn't really something I saw. I noticed that I was pretty much always surrounded by a bunch of teenagers and I was pretty much always the oldest guy in the room. This didn't really bother me until I did find people my age and older. These were the greasy nerds we all know and hate or they were 40 something years old carrying around a huge box of yu-gi-oh cards.
It's weird to me that this might just be my future.

Also saw some high school lesbians going at it pretty hard. I didn't want to look at first cause they were kids, but then I realized they were in public so what the hell.

I don't get it. Please help.

There was a girl dressed as King Julian from Madagascar who did a dance routine to I Like To Move It one time while doing a bad impression of his voice.

That and a bearded guy in his mid-20's dressed as Misty from Pokemon starting a conga line at Supanova one year. I even got video footage of that one.

My nigga

Hey cool, I like that meme.

>NYCC 2017
>go to the IDW Sonic panel
>some black dude goes up and starts asking why Archie didn't end with Sonic #300 and kept going on and on about "muh #300"
>Panelists tried to answer but he would just repeat
>it finally ends
>just want to die
Why are Sonic fans like this. I was in line to ask a question, but got out of line because I just didn't care.

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When I was young and dumb, I had a Nintendo DS, and used Pictochat (local chat) and I talked to people during a big panel. (Main event / the Masquerade or something, Anime Boston) People in the chat talked about meeting after the panel was over. We were making fun of the show the whole time, seemed fine.
When we met up, only one person showed up. I was met by an absolutely cursed-looking landwhale. She immediately cornered me in an incredibly awkward conversation about how much she wanted to fuck Piccolo and how she wrote self-insert fanfic about herself as herself with him and would not let me end the conversation. I almost literally had to run away.

>Magfest 2013
>go to Game Grumps panel
>cringey Q&A

Left after 15 minutes. But I will say Arin is a tall mofo.

I went to a room party at a con that was a kink orgy. Saw some weird stuff. Mostly out of shape people. A group of 15 people were watching a chick get fucked in a bathroom. A trans dude with a leather dog mask was having a three way with two chicks. A whale was getting fisted hard on a bed. And there was some dude teaching people how to tie folks up safely and effectively. Honestly, it was surreal as fuck. I didn't want to do anything so I just drank and tried talking to people. Got in a conversation with the f to m trans dude about the dog mask. I apparently made him uncomfortable and the host came over to talk to me about not disturbing the vibe of the party. Only I could get kicked out of a kink party for being weird.

This was at a music and video game festival.

I am impressed, horrified and concerned for how she dealt with a New York October's weather all at the same time.

In closed, cramped areas, it smells like old gym bags and slightly rotting food. People don't know how to wash or use deodorant.

Lmao, reminds me of two years ago at Supanova I saw a guy dressed as Donald Trump holding a shield with the art for Pink Floyd's The Wall on it.

>enemies can provoke your team mates

A disabled woman would get a bollocking if she asked that question like he did, unironically. Cut the crap.

>A disabled woman would get a bollocking if she asked that question like he did, unironically.
She'd probably be celebrated and get interviewed while everyone coddles her over the negative backlash. She might even make it to the cover of a magazine in the process, cause faggots like you eat that shit up.

>trans rights

god I wish it was an undertaker cosplayer, thatd be sweet. but at that con, there was a danny devito penguin cosplayer and he was fucking awesome

This seems like a security risk.

>I apparently made him uncomfortable and the host came over to talk to me about not disturbing the vibe of the party

>"Are you going to fuck my hole, daddy?" *whimpers*
>"Actually I was just wondering about the dog mask." *sips beer*
>"I'm just a little pet, and I need a master to train me! I live to please my mast-"
>"No, like, why do you wear it?"
>"Why do you wear the dog mask? Do you wear it every day?"
>"I... What are you... do you want to fuck me or what?"
>"Just asking. Like, why a dog and not something else?"
>"I don't... I... help! Safe word!"
By bringing basic social skills and a non-boner into a setting completely void of those two things, you were basically like an unsuspecting anti-mage walking in on an intense wizard battle.

>A group of 15 people were watching a chick get fucked in a bathroom.

wow that sounds like it was pretty suite

Someone got a blowjob from another guy in the men's room and it sounded like they wanted people to hear
Not sure if it's weird just very perverted

why the fuck would you try to strike any kind of conversation in that kind of place?

Furry here.

Those fursuits cost thousands of dollars to make, they're taken care of like one would take care of a beloved car, in most cases anyway.

Sex in a fursuit requires special holes, has a high chance of ruining the pristine acrylic fur people spent thousands on and is actually looked down on in the furry community for the most part. This is also one of the reasons why most fursuits don't wear clothes - a fursuit wearing shorts is usually a sign it HAS the holes that makes it a fucksuit or "murrsuit" or whatever.

tl;dr if the fursuit you're being hugged by isn't wearing shorts, you're fine.

>The only black GAY furry

This. Went to Katsucon in MD one year and holy shit...The smell of neckbeard neets could down a charging rhino.

Oh no, you guys, dinos pretty assuredly had dongs. Older varieties of large birds today still have giant bird dongs, it's only tiny birds that lack them now.

The real question in the paleontology community is whether their equipment is more ostrich-like or gator-like. Usually they specifically fight over whether it's a vertical slit or a more birdlike triangle.

The Jurassic Park/world films are helping to popularize the vertical slit camp, also that's more aesthetically pleasing on a dino anyway. With how the pelvic boot works and everything else in that area I dunno, I've seen both work in mockups, but the vertical looks better in porn so might as well go with that.

Man. Hope she shows up at a later con, seems like a person that has a lot of stories

This was actually before the convention started, with that many fags in one place it's honestly a good idea.

In the general population like 5% of people are gay. In the furry community it's something like 30% are gay and another 30% are bi.

With that much buttfucking having some HIV testing kits around is just being fucking responsible.

I saw a werewolf with a chinese menu in his hand

I can tell you from experience he is not the only one.

Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain?

I think I know the guy you're talking about.

Looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's?

Pretty sure I saw him too.

That's a simplification of birds.

The main birds with a penis-like structure are the Ratites (ostriches, emus, etc) and the Anatidae (swans, geese, ducks). Variation between them is so great (ratites are hung more like a crocodile with a relatively penis-like penis, anatidae tend to have those explosive corkscrew penises) that it's unlikely they shared an ancestor with a penis.

All birds have a cloaca (a vent which is used for the emission of waste and also stores their genitalia or conceals the entrance to it). A cloaca is a far more basal structure and shared by the lizards, amphibians etc as well as pretty much everything that lives in the sea. Most birds - the songbirds, chickens etc - have what's called a hemipene on the male, which is sort of like a penis but really just a lump when erect. Because these birds made by touching their cloacal vents (which is over in a second), the hemipene is a cost-effective use of materiel to ensure that particular bird's line of descent is successful.

The problem with assigning birds to the same category as dinosaurs isn't that lizards have dongs today (they don't necessarily have dongs today, but some of the largest ones do) but the same problems that any large animal has with penises - internal pressure. In the case of crocs, for example, the penis actually fills with lymph rather than blood, and mating takes place in the water where it's easier to maintain pressure. For a t-rex to have a penis, this would make them aquatic (no evidence) or semi aquatic (partial evidence, possibly liminal scavengers). Otherwise they simply couldn't pump enough anything to ever get a hardon. For a brontosaurus it's next to impossible.

The alternative is something like an elephant (not related to birds or dinos) with a prehensile penis which likely repurposes genes from the trunk's development. This is also likely why elephants lack a baculum for rigidity. For larger dinos a penis is simply out of the question.

Also, since all birds are descended from Maniraptors but not all dinosaurs were maniraptors, it's erroneous to assume that any of the design features of maniraptors were part of other lineages where no soft tissue survives to prove it.

So even if maniraptors generally had dongs, none of the other dinosaurs had to have had them. In fact, the general distribution of penises was likely to be similar to the modern situation of birds - it's just not always a useful structure to waste time growing.

Not related to a con specifically but one time a couple years back the Tomorrowland restaurant was packed and to get a seat my dad had to go ask a group of Homestuck trolls for their spare

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>Long story short the rock cosplayer stepped out of the bathroom naked, she had the most perfect tits I'd ever seen and she was shaved.
And then?

Yup there it is

this board is for jocks, nerd

takes one to know one, homo

You right my nig

>life-size Transformer outfit

How the fuck did they fit in the building?

Her penis was fully visible.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a power move.


1990 was 400 years ago

>Yea Forums dinosaur genitalia and murrsuits
once again proving that offtopic threads are the most civil ones on any board

I wasn’t there, but does anyone have the webm of that guy at the convention who is walking down the aisle and suddenly starts acting like an anime character.
Like, he does that weird “what” and “hmmm” pose that you see in cartoons but never in real life

All those stories I hear about con orgies are so surreal to me.
I'm not a con person at all, but from the few times I went to a convention (mostly as a teenager, twice as an adult thinking 'maybe it isn't as bad as I remember') I didn't at all get the impression an organized orgy is something that might happen with those participants.
Is it a 'big American convention' thing or an awful inner circle you have to be a part of?

I want you to know that I appreciate you user

This post made me laugh, not because it was particularly funny, it's more of the kind of laugh you share with old friends you haven't seen in a long time talking about things you've almost forgotten about.

latter. mostly the cosplay crews.

think of it like the high school theater kids. they're all fucking nerds but they're incredibly horny too so why won't the wheelchair girl give out handjobs like nilla wafers

My only real question is how does "anatomically-correct velociraptor" turn into a discussion about dino dongs.

Anatomically-correct could just mean it is proportioned correctly, which would be impossible for a human since velociraptors were the size of turkeys.
Now a utahraptor, that's human adult sized.

>at con hotel
>late night, going back up to my room
>elevator door opens
>fat girl on her knees blowing some dude
>stops, turns and asks "do you want one too?'
>decide to take the stairs
>enter stairwell
>some guy in a Superman costume sitting on the floor sobbing


Once I was in a restaurant when I overheard a woman say "I love sushi." Then I heard a guy reply "I love Japan, period." I figured it was over but a random person said "tea ceremony" and then "JAY ROCK." This was weird but I figured since I was next to the convention center it was a con or something.

And then out of no where from across the room this nightmare person screams GIRUGAMESH and I was living in a nightmare. Random fucking people started screaming "I like anime" and "I like MANGAAAA" and one guy starting screaming about gay men for whatever fucking reason. It got so bad the owners kicked everyone out and made them go back to the convention.

I've never been able to look at cons the same way since. And that restaurant shut down three months later.

She's a shit-tier artist, a rude cunt, and has no business making a living with the trash she produces.

>a guy being led on a leash by his gf got thrown out for biting someone
What the actual fuck dude

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Typically when someone is talking about anatomically correct on the internet, it's about genitals.

Yeah, no mental illness here

>screaming about gay men for whatever fucking reason
You don't know the correlation between these two things?

the horror....

Even worse, look at interviews with this monstrosity where he's covered in foundation makeup and you can see a five o'clock shadow through it. Nightmare fuel right there.

Hope this skank got nogged on the way home.

It's quite literally autism. Once they're fixated on something it's impossible to get them away from it.

Someone who isn't a virgin...

They weren't dressed as superheroes though, right?

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> at comic con NYC some years ago
> tall Blonde "dressed" as the Witch from left 4 dead(as in just a tank top and panties)comes in with a black dude dressed as Louis
>acts out the witch attacking players, straddling him on the floor
>Black dude has a big fucking kool aid smile on his face

I would have thrown her over my shoulder and proceeded right to the Bathroom with her

Got me arse paddled by a fat skank.
Not proud of it.


Details please...

Seconding this.

He said "y-you too" and ran away crying

it's porn site tag terminology to reefer to the genitalia and surrounding areas and specifically if they match what they would be in real life

pastel horse would have horsecock/horse pussy/anus, wolf and dogs would have knots ecc ecc

holy shit I'm so fucking mad why the FUCK is the x in the honey badger not the fucking wolverine you fucking furry

Come on dude, you've been here long enough to know that

saw a 7 foot tranny dressed as Zatanna

pantyhose and all

Fucking Japs.

and then along came jones

Most con orgies are pre-existing groups with a few people invited at the con. You'll also see some set up over Tinder or Grindr but those tend to be the really shitty ones you hear about since they can't really control the spread of information. They're also a great way to get herpes. Con hookups are far, far more prevalent.

>That user who achieved wincest because of all the 'brush your sister's teeth' threads

Too fat fir most suoer hero or villain cosplays, not fat enough to be Fred Dukes The Blob

That's some 4D(own's Syndrome) Chess right there

It's a shame because that's a really fucking nice dress

What is weird about bringing your own food? Weirder to wait an hour in line to pay $11 for a shitty hamburger.

>cosplay for a while
>want to do more comic cosplays especially group ones
>thought about setting up a Superior Foes of Spiderman thing (wanted to be either Overdrive or Shocker)
>all my cosplay friends are weebs who instantly shoot down any suggestion of comic cosplays
>cosplay friends are pretty hard to come across

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Yeah, he was wearing shorts

He wanted the D

A stocky Mexican guy dressed as a luchador with a butterfly mask handing out flyers outside the convention center for wrestling matches and tacos somewhere else

I feel so bad for the ness cosplayer who keeps running into people with weird fetishes who harass him

Was it missionary?

Negro you are My

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My dude maybe your social life is dead because instead of just flat out saying "Nah man, I'm not interested in cons" you kept answering the other user on the most passive-agressive ways possible. I'm not even sure if passive-agressive is the proper term I'm looking for here, but you just come out sounding like you think you're Adrian Veidt having to deal with the lower masses on your way from your marble tower to your mansion.

When in doubt, just be Eggman.

>the cut out of sonichu on the floor

I would if I could, user. I hope you find a cool group of people to go with

were the tacos good?

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everyone clapped

Not exactly weirdest, just convention spaghetti story - I went to a con in 2012 with my best friend who is admittedly really good looking (very tall, lean but muscular, most girls say he's a 9 or 10/10, where I'm probably like a 4/10 at best) and we were cosplaying homestuck characters. These two girls who were also cosplaying homestuck came up to us and one girl was like "hey I think you're really hot, can I have a hug?" to my friend and he was really great about it, not creepy, just gave her a quick hug and then high-fived her. In the meantime her friend, who seemed to be as socially awkward as me, looked at me and said "h-hey, can I have a hug too?" and I was like "I...uh, I mean, uh, yes?" and we just kinda, nervously hugged and back-patted each other and laughed about it.

This is the closest I've ever been to a girl in my entire life and I don't think I'll ever get another hug in my life.

Anyone who can act out stereotypes perfectly is an instant cool guy

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>Meet a girl while playing Smash Bros
>We start chatting about our game tastes
>really cute. Seemed a bit shy
>thinking about asking her to join me at the rave later
>Her: "I've been really stressed out with finals."
>Me: "What year are you in?"
>Her: "9th"

Got out of there soon as I could

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why am I laughing
I'm MORE pathetic than this
why does my brain think I'm some normal

>mfw when no one is looking i mime out DMC poses from things like attacks/style change
>mfw no face

That's some Sasori cool shit


You couldn't tell she was a fucking 9th grader? I'll give you seniors in high school being iffy but come on son.

>It was Anaheim, '05.
>Went to con with bro, as Sasuke and Naruto. I was Sasuke.
>Never even saw that anime, bro really wanted me to go there to probably score some chicks.
>I was 4/10 spaz so I doubt I could've attracted much attention beyond a glance.
>We walked around, doing poses, the works.
>All that time I felt like I was being stalked, like how a Deer would've felt when a mountain lion is near.
>Someone always out the corner of my eye.
>I doubt fatties are that sneaky, but there was an awful lot of them so I paid no mind.
>Then, out the blue, it happened.
>A firm smack on the arse, a real WHAP sound to it.
>The stinging lasted for about a good second as a turn around to see a perpetrator.
>A real chunky fujoshit with a paddle and a giggle on her face.
>An air of awkwardness hung low on me, just staring down at this assburger looking bitch.
>Before I'd give her her comeuppance, she ran off giggling all the while.
>Awful fast for a fatty.
>Bro didn't even notice, he was just checking some 7/10 chick out.
>I approached him and bought up how a planetoid just smacked my arse with a paddle
>"Oh that? That's nothin'. At least you got someone interested in you."
>Had to shrug it off, can't ruin a good afternoon whining about a paddling.
>Kept walking around, bro got numbers from a few girls. I got nothing.
>Could've sworn the skank was still stalking me.
>We eventually left.
>Funny how I became a chubby chaser a decade later since I would've plowed that fujo ass to kingdome come.

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>Went to comic con near my uni
>Found out there was an Eddsworld stall (post-Edd, I should add)
>Matt and Tom getting mobbed selling shirts and such
>Bought one with Edd shouting 'Broccoli!' from Matt
>Looked sort of uncomfortable while I was doing it
>Realised later he probably expected me to at least say hi and thought I might have not known who he was
Kind of amusing honestly

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>Went with a dude from church to a local con
>He's a couple years younger than me and still in HS no biggie, he's pretty cool
>is a furry
>Meets up with his weird fujoshi friends and this one crossdresser friend.
>Chilling near the sitting area
>Meet this semi-sociable neet dressed as that one depressed anime character in a beanie with the flask, I don't remember his name
>in a circle
>the works
>Main highschool fujoshi chick takes out a package of pocky
>Oh god no
>Everyone takes turns eating the pocky in pair, basically making out
>What is this horror that I see before me
>"Do you wanna try user"
>See neet guy making out with underage fujo girl
>Welp I think I've had enough con for the day

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those were the days

There is something special about cons from 10-15 years ago that just isn't the same nowadays. Also no matter how many of your boxes she checks, you never want to do anything but pump and dump a hardcore fujo.

>do you want one too?
Why did this make my dick go from 0 to 900 in less than a second?

>not understanding animal anatomy in 2019

The internet is right there, man.

She was in cosplay and wearing a ton of makeup


Nigger freshman girls are like 3 feet tall

But by definition it's the opposite of prostitution.

I saw them take a blind girl's tapping cane once at AX.

>dude from church
>in HS
>is a furry
>fujoshi friends
What the fuck